Rest assured, protest signs are being printed and plans for large-scale riots are underway. The Progressives are akin to spoiled children – if they don’t get their way, a temper-tantrum is inevitable. While I hope that I am wrong; I fear what is to come. A people who would advocate for the killing of unborn children will have few qualms about harming adults that think differently.
There Will Be Blood - American Thinker "Progressive activists have long fallen on the tactic of resorting to violence, destruction, and even bloodshed to get their points across. With the upcoming Supreme Court ruling on abortion, I feel assured they will once more pull this oft-used tool from their belt, and once again resort to carnage and mayhem. Already, they vandalized several Catholic churches last weekend, and firebombed a Right to Life group’s headquarters. A bullet was fired into the office of the Virginia Attorney General this week as well. Violence is already here. These were all pre-game activities as they warm up for what is to come.
"In reality however, members of the far Left have consistently resorted to violence and sanctioned attacks against civilians. Many of the Vietnam protests turned into riots. Domestic terrorists belonging to the Weather Underground bombed school buildings, the U.S. Capitol, and the Pentagon. The SLA robbed banks, set off bombs and murdered innocent people.
"In recent years, staff of the Trump Administration, such as Sarah Huckabee Sanders, faced confrontational harassment and were asked to leave businesses – actions fully supported by politicians such as Maxine Waters. Mad Maxine encouraged her followers to publicly accost Trump officials. Ten years earlier, such a statement by a politician would earn a well-deserved censure in the House. Now, it is accepted and even supported with nary an uproar. Let’s not forget that in June of 2017, a Bernie Sanders supporter shot and wounded Representative Steve Scalise during a baseball game. Encouraging acts of aggression gets you one thing – more aggression.
"The characterization of the riots of 2020 as “mostly peaceful protests” by the mainstream media and Democrat leadership simply reinforces their willingness to cross the line into outright violence to make their point. The media love the violence because violence equals ratings and clicks on the web. They will highlight the carnage that is to come and make sure we all see it on the nightly news. They will paint the domestic terrorists as patriots. They, like the Democrat leadership, see the violence as the justified ‘means to an end’ of their social agenda.". . .
The Roe Demonstrators: Where Did They Get That Idea? - American Thinker
Every kid on the playgrounds I grew up on knew that if you showed fear before bullies, they’d be stealing your lunch money next. Roberts' inexplicable kowtow on ObamaCare in my view only encouraged more of these bullying tactics today.
"What's the meaning of the phrase 'To kowtow to'? To accept the authority of another; to act in a subservient manner."