Friday, June 1, 2012

Axelrod’s Anti-Romney Message Gets Drowned Out

NY Times  " “Most of the events I go to, or many of the events I go to, there are large groups of, if you will, Obama supporters there heckling me,” Mr. Romney said. “If they’re going to be heckling us, why we’re not going to sit back and play by very different rules. If the president is going to have his people coming to my rallies, and heckling, why, we’ll show them that, you know, we conservatives have the same kind of capacity he does.” "

Via Instapundit: When Romney Fights Back, Politico Declares the Day ‘Nasty’.
"The only reason the corrupt Politico is declaring today "nasty" is because Their Precious One lost the Chicago street fight he is never supposed to lose. As you can read here andhere, Romney is proving this is no longer 2008 and that worries the media as much as it does the Obama campaign."

 Mitt Promises Tit-for-Tat – Will Send His Supporters to Obama Rallies …Then He Does

Last week Barack Obama sent his campaign supporters down to a Romney event in Philadelphia to protest.

"In response to this, Mitt Romney promised reporters today, “If the president wants to send his supporters to my rally, we’ll show him that we have the same capacity as he does.” "And Mitt delivered. 
"Romney supporters met Obama senior strategist David Axelrod at his anti-Romney event in Massachusetts."