Thursday, March 6, 2014

CBC asks that Issa be stripped of gavel; more coverage on this to come in the Tunnel Wall

Smokescreen to hide the main story: Lois Lerner taking the 5th.


... "Issa has suggested that Cummings, the Oversight panel’s top Democrat and a CBC member, is the one who should be apologizing.
"The Oversight chairman told reporters that he had already told Cummings that there wouldn’t be opening statements, because Wednesday’s hearing was technically a continuation of Lerner’s earlier appearance.
"Issa also said that Cummings has gone to great lengths to impede the committee’s oversight efforts."
Conservatives are applauding Issa for shutting down a Democrat. Without evidence, the Right has convicted Lerner, the IRS, the White House, and President Obama of abuse of power.
  • Liberals are applauding Cummings for standing up to Issa. Without evidence, the Left exonerated everybody. The fact that liberal nonprofits also were targeted is relevant, but not conclusive.
"The Congressional Black Caucus oddly enough didn’t call Waxman a “disgrace” and demand Pelosi remove him as House Oversight Chairman."

MSNBC's Mr. Farrow and the Obama Syndrome

Liberalism breeds mediocrity; extreme liberalism breeds extreme and widespread mediocrity. TD
Victor Davis Hanson  "Young, charismatic, good-looking, hip, and glib are all superficial traits that supposedly cerebral liberal elites have a bad habit of believing trump experience, knowledge, humility, and what the Greeks called pathei mathos, learning through requisite pain. Once someone is acclaimed as a liberal prodigy by elites, stamped with the right Ivy League brand and aristocratic contacts that resonate through networking and cocktail parties along the Boston to D.C. corridor, all normal cross-examination seems to end.
"He is anointed a genius—and then usually Nemesis strikes, in the fashion that the once just-about-to-be-appointed New York senator Caroline Kennedy could not find a polling place or finish a sentence without a “you know” (142 times in an interview), or Barack Obama became Phaethon, his crashing chariot our presidency, and his collision scorching those below him. Harvard Law can teach one everything one needs to know except how to pronounce corpsmen, establish a deadline, red line, or step-over line, and why not to be post-election flexible with Vladimir Putin who really was America’s chief conventional worry all along.
"So too Mr. Farrow, who is suddenly supposed to be a seasoned celebrity pundit with good ratings. He may prove just that in time. But for now take away his degrees, his parentage, and his contacts, and he is a twentysomething earnest young fellow who knows almost nothing about the real world outside his social-economic-political embryo, and nothing about the world of TV. He would have profited enormously from a different sort of ten-year apprenticeship bouncing around local Midwest stations, earning the requisite beat experience—and safely distant from his mother’s insider friends.
"The irony is that all this used to be called “privilege” or perhaps, in this particular case, even “white privilege.”
MSNBC's Newest Host Mocks Soldier in Tasteless Tweet   "This latest gaffe comes after the highly publicized and embarrassing staff problems NBC and MSNBC recently faced with Melissa Harris-Perry, Alec Baldwin, and Martin Bashir. Baldwin and Bashir were forced to resign while Harris-Perry had to make a tearful apology to the family of Mitt Romney after guests on her show mocked their adopted black son."

Only Americans Fear Obama

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
William L. Gensert  "To paraphrase Lincoln, it is better to shut up and be thought weak than to open your mouth and prove it.  Someone should tell Barry.  Every time his mouth writes a check his butt won’t cash, he weakens America and makes the world a much more dangerous place for everyone.  Does anyone really think that if the Chinese attack Japan over the Senkaku Islands, Obama, even though treaty-bound, will come to their aid?  If the Iranians declare they have a nuclear weapon, will Obama do one damn thing?"   Emphasis mine, TD
"Other countries see this and understand.  There is no point in not arming to the hilt.  You can see it now in Southeast Asia where there is a mini-arms race in the face of Chinese aggression." 
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Condi Rice Sums Up the Democrat Party in 75 Words

Kerry and the left vs. Sarah Palin and the right on Russia: can we do the last two elections over again?

Below: What a difference a month makes.
 Photo: What a difference a month makes.
Argus Hamilton quote as is this next one:

"The New Republic admitted Tuesday that Sarah Palin was right when she predicted six years ago that Obama's foreign policy would result in Putin invading Ukraine. She has been hounded by reporters all week. They all want to know who she likes in the Kentucky Derby."

"It was actually comedian Tina Fey, who was impersonating Ms. Palin on Saturday Night Live, who uttered the line that is now widely attributed to the former Alaska governor.
"The basis for this line comes from a September 2008 interview with ABC News's Charles Gibson, who asked Palin what insights she had from her state being so close to Russia. She responded: "They're our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.' "   Emphasis mine, TD. This info will not matter to news organizations with the letters NBC in their name.
Good news – Russia, China expanding their militaries   "Predictably, official commentary here stresses that China is a peace-loving nation with no aggressive intentions. But Beijing has also signaled its ambitions to be the power that holds the ring in the western Pacific, and those ambitions have been spelled out, arguably clearer than ever before, in a direct challenge to US military preeminence."  The Iron Curtain- Democrat Axis.