"We’re all working hard to understand the very special SJW language of the regressive left. Apparently, this special language makes “jokes” out of racism against white people because privilege, and we just don’t get the funny. We aren’t sufficiently “woke” to see that we are a blight on the planet.
"The regressive left has encountered an entirely new beast now: a black female democrat racially slurring an Asian female democrat. The mind boggles. We can almost hear them scrambling to make sense of this in their bizarre SJW-land where intersectionality is the rule of the day and racism is the purview of those “fascist” white supremacists.
"What happens when The Narrative skews? When a powerful Democrat black woman calls upon voters not to vote for the Democrat “ching-chong” Asian woman? Democrat Bettie Cook Scott is referring to her powerful female Democrat opponent, state representative Stephanie Chang.
Rep. Bettie Cook Scott has issued an apology for her remarks.. . . . More than a dozen community groups have called on Rep. Bettie Cook Scott (D-Detroit) to apologize for a series of racial slurs sources say she used to describe her primary election opponent, Rep. Stephanie Chang (D-Detroit).Scott is alleged to have referred to Chang as “ching-chang” and “the ching-chong” to multiple voters outside polling precincts during last Tuesday’s election. She’s also said to have called one of Chang’s campaign volunteers an “immigrant,” saying “you don’t belong here” and “I want you out of my country.”
'Scott, in other words, has used “the language of white supremacy” to exclude and belittle Chang. But Scott’s black and a woman, a black woman who apparently holds racist, anti-immigrant, xenophobic, exclusionist views against Democrat Asian-American women.
"The things that Scott said about Chang are objectionable by any standard.
"The Detroit Metro-Times continues:
“These comments are offensive to all Asian-Americans,” Chang tells Metro Times. “It isn’t about me. It’s about an elected official disrespecting entire populations, whether they be Asian-American, immigrant, or residents of Sen. District 1 or [Cook’s] own current house district.” . . .