Monday, September 26, 2016

The racism of the anti-racists

"So unjust were those systems that a measure of over-reaction was inevitable. If a dose of political correctness is the price we pay for the end of Jim Crow and the overthrow of South Africa's race laws, I'd say it's worth paying."
Dan Hannan

Our obsession with racism is less a response to external events than a state of mind, a determination to divide the world into victims and exploiters. Of course, there will always be victims: innocent men shot by cops, say. (AP Photo)

"Here's a shocking story. A student, active in white racial politics, gets cross because he sees a black student filming him. He knocks the smartphone out of the black student's hand and then posts on Facebook: "I wish I'd actually not been a good law abiding citizen & whupped the black sass out of the bastard".
"The same student had earlier boasted of reducing a waitress to "black tears" after refusing to tip her. Yet, curiously, he has a following in the media and even in politics.. . . 
"Actually, I just played a little trick on you. I swapped the colors. The student in question is Ntokozo Qwabe, whom I wrote about in this column a while back as the chap who wanted to tear down a statue of Cecil Rhodes in Oxford." . . .
. . . "Oddly, the people most obsessed with making everything racial often call themselves anti-racists. This is because anti-racism has become the highest card in the leftist deck." . . .

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