Friday, February 7, 2020

We Gotta Talk About That Superbowl Halftime Show


. . . "It’s a constant struggle really – to understand if feminism is all about showing as much sexiness as possible with as little clothing as possible OR if it’s about not being objectified.  I can’t keep up.  I mean, obviously Shakira and JLo wanted everyone to see their bodies writhing around and have as many ass and crotch shots as possible.  So….are they empowered by that?  Are they ok with the fact that they were leered at by millions of people who were likely paying far more attention to their bodies than their music?  Or are they gonna be mad that people were thinking about them sexually when they were performing instead of appreciating their songwriting and singing?" . . .

1 comment:

bart simpsonson said...

Music? What music? Are you certain there was music? I didn't see it.

I don't think they care whether the music was heard or appreciated. They are attentionwhores.

I saw (or heard) NONE of it. Because the anti-American NFL failed to handle the anti-American kneeler crowd correctly, as their employers. I watch NONE of the NFL. Or the NBA for that matter. Just sayin'.........