Friday, February 7, 2020

Democrat SOTU

Don Surber

"I know the governor of Michigan gave the Democrat response to President Donald John Trump's uplifting, rousing, and patriotic State of the Union address. But she is just their Bobby Jindal glossing over where the party stands. The true state of the Democrat Party is as American as the Iranian flag.
"They gave Iran 150 times what they gave Ukraine, and did not require Iran to fire anyone first.
"What do Democrats want for America?
"1. Open Borders. Democrat mayors across the United States order their police to ignore lawful orders to turn over to ICE illegal aliens who have committed violent crimes.
"Julián Castro was the first Democrat presidential candidate this time to call for ending deportations. He wrote, "Immigrants seeking refuge in our country aren’t a threat to national security. Migration shouldn’t be a criminal justice issue. It’s time to end this draconian policy and return to treating immigration as a civil — not a criminal — issue."
"The rest of the candidates followed his lead." . . .

3. Reparations. Elizabeth Warren said, "I believe it’s time to start the national, full-blown conversation about reparations."
 4. Trillions in new taxes. Bloomberg wants to go after "high earners," while Warren wants to confiscate 2% of the acquired wealth of billionaires.
5. Medicare for All. It is actually Medicaid for all as it would eliminate private insurance. Even liberals choke on this one. *
6. Yuppie Chow. The word Yuppie fell out of favor but forgiving $1.6 million million (or $1.6 trillion if you prefer) in student loans is welfare for mainly young urban professionals, most of whom are white. Colleges fleeced them, now they want to fleece taxpayers.
 7. Legalizing Crime. They have legalized pooping in the street, using hard drugs (needle exchanges) and shoplifting (stealing less than $960 is no big deal) in cities in California. New York state has ended requiring bail.
8. Eliminate the Electoral College. Unable to win the last election constitutionally, Democrats want to get around it by having states give up their electors to the candidate with the most votes. The problem with that the Constitution requires approval of each house of Congress and 38 states to eliminate the Electoral College. I do not see an honest judge approving this scheme.
9. Letting felons vote.
They call this restoring their rights.
How about we begin by restoring their rights to own a gun? 
. . . *The Eye-Popping Cost of Medicare for All  . . .  "Senator Elizabeth Warren’s refusal to answer repeated questions at last night’s debate about how she would fund Medicare for All underscores the challenge she faces finding a politically acceptable means to meet the idea’s huge price tag—a challenge that only intensified today with the release of an eye-popping new study." . . .

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