Monday, November 7, 2022

All poll watchers, we depend on you for an honest election

Politico Suggests Election Fraud Could Cost Democrats the Election  "As the lull before the storm continues prior to election day, the takes continue to get dumber. Republicans have begun a new round of dooming based on what can only be called a late vibe shift (i.e. not backed by real data), but Democrats aren’t exactly exhibiting confidence either.

"Enter Politico, which decided it’d be a great idea to drop an article about election fraud on the eve of voters going to the polls. Guess which party they think is going to try to “steal” the election this time and then try not to break your ribs from laughing so hard.". . .

Issues & Insights: Biden Makes It Official: Grand Theft Election II is On  

  Step One: Dredge up the Meticulously Concocted “Big Lie” Narrative. 

 Step Two: Condition the Public for a Repeat of 2020 Tactics. 

Indiana Poll Worker Caught Pushing Voters to Support Democratic Candidates. Let us pray no Republicans - the party of Lincoln - are doing this

Dem poll worker ejected for pre-selecting 'straight Dem ticket' on voting machine, calling Rs 'racist'    

The first incident took place early Thursday evening as a group of education activists stood outside the Carmel polling place and advocated for pro-parent school board candidates. Sheller says the worker spoke with a pair of black voters who entered the polling station and urged them not to vote for the pro-parent candidates, arguing that the activists outside were "racist." 

Twitter Permanently Bans Kathy Griffin After She Impersonated Elon Musk: ‘She F’d Around And Found Out’   . . ."Griffin’s account had been temporarily restricted after she impersonated Musk by changing her profile photo to his photo and changing her user name to “Elon Musk,” even though her handle remained as “@kathygriffin.' ”

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