Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ezra Klein's Confusion Over "Rationing"

Reason "But through the usual lack leftwing lack of imagination and a truly touching and naive faith in the efficacy of top/down government "solutions," Klein ends up advocating for government rationing and for imposing a government monopoly on health care, instead of for more competition and choice."

Lockerbie bomber 'set free for oil'

UK Timesonline "Gordon Brown’s government made the decision after discussions between Libya and BP over a multi-million-pound oil exploration deal had hit difficulties. These were resolved soon afterwards."

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Five Major Faults with the Health Care Bills

Heritage "The following five provisions are the cornerstone of the House and Senate bills and unavoidably result in legislation taking health care reform in the wrong direction."

The Soviet era memo showing Ted Kennedy working against American interests

Rick Moran, AT " major media outlet ever pursued the story which is significant in and of itself. Obviously, they were afraid of what they might find if they dug too deeply. ....It is also significant that not one major media obituary on Kennedy even mentioned it. Protecting the reputation - even after death - of a liberal icon appears to have trumped honest journalism once again."

Holder's Decision To Probe CIA Hints At a New Dynamic

Washington Post "Holder notified the White House that he was reluctantly leaning toward naming a prosecutor to review whether laws had been broken during interrogations -- the very thing Obama had said he wanted to avoid. And the word Holder got back, according to people familiar with the conversations, was that the decision was up to him. "

Eric Allie cartoon

America’s Influence Declining in Middle East

Pajamas Media "The new administration in Washington has projected weakness, resulting in many pro-Western Arab leaders moving away from the U.S. and towards the perceived “strongman” Iran and its satellites."...."American influence in the Middle East is in decline, and it threatens the global order."

Judging Ted Kennedy

Pajamas Media "But isn’t Kennedy then also responsible for the dark underbelly of the welfare state? The unintended consequences of his “compassion” led to a riot of disasters including the creation of a permanent underclass, the breakup of the black family, the disgrace that is public housing — this too, and more, is Ted Kennedy’s legacy of caring." ( The article is more balanced than this pull-out quote I chose would indicate. Ed.)

Will there be a “Wellstone effect” in Kennedy remembrances?

Hot Air "Concocting a “do it for Teddy” campaign assumes that most people admired him, which may be an arguable proposition even now."

BUSSED IN UNION GOON BOOED OUT of Rep. Tim Bishop's Town Hall Meeting (Video)

Gateway Pundit "Like they tried to do here in St. Louis, union members, many from outside the district, were snuck into the hall in an effort to stack the deck with a friendly audience.There are reports that as many as three busloads were brought in."

The Beck Boycott's unintended consequences

TV By-the-numbers "Though a little scandal might alienate advertisers, it’s pure ratings gold. Last night Glenn Beck had over 3 million viewers at 5pm, second only to O’Reilly for the night. But, Beck had more 25-54 viewers than O’Reilly (888K to 876K)."

Rep. Watson: Che and Fidel were right to 'kick out the wealthy'

American Thinker "Never underestimate the stone cold stupidity of a liberal."