Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The arrogance of advice-givers

By Ethel C. Fenig "...That these less than brilliant insights ignore basic facts about the situation and would, if followed, result in the death of many Israelis and ultimately, the destruction of Israel, is totally irrelevant to these empty airheads living far from the scene. "

Jimmy Carter says you're a racist

By Rick Moran "We must demand that President Obama make it absolutely clear that the patriots who marched on 9/12 as well as others who oppose him, do so not because of his race but because we strenuously disagree with the direction he is taking the country. And he must condemn all of his supporters who so casually, and so viciously attack their opponents so unfairly and with so little cause."

Are Your Mutual Funds Terror-Free?

Terror-free calculator I can't attest to the integrity of this site, but find it interesting.

What's Going on in Pyongyang? / North Korea responds to sticks, not carrots

By Gordon G. Chang "Kim Dae-jung once observed that the North Koreans "keep making the same mistakes over and over again." The United States is guilty of repeating old errors as well. That is perhaps the major reason why a destitute North Korea so often gets the better of the world's most powerful state."

Fables for Adults

By Thomas Sowell "...But if every deviation from the ideal is a reason to be panicked and stampeded into putting dangerous arbitrary powers into the hands of government, then go directly to totalitarianism, do not pass "Go", do not collect $200."

Taking It To The Streets

IBD "Media Bias: When Americans have to turn to the foreign press for truthful reports of the size of popular protests in Washington, it's time to wonder: Are we dominated by "state-run media"?"


By Neal Boortz "Last year, before the election, some of us predicted that if (or when) Barack Obama became president that this would happen. We said that every time his policies met with opposition the left would start screaming racism. So what happened when we said that this would happen? Well ... you guessed it. We were called racists..."


By Neal Boortz "Don't you folks fret none about the people who live in Johnson's district. Remember .. Cynthia McKinney. They're used to being represented in Congress by race pimps and fools. They've perfected the practice of going to congressmen in neighboring districts for constituent services while their congressman parades around all day in clown makeup."


Boortz "If you don't live in Atlanta you would really have no way of knowing that we view Carter as a highly visible crazy uncle who wanders around muttering to himself most of the time. We're glad you got to share in our pain on this one." Carter and MSNBC: they deserve each other. More here: "Just when you thought Jimmy Carter could not disgrace the office he once held any further..."

House guidelines for Presidential put-downs

Politico "Especially useful: The section on how to properly insult the executive branch in the in the chamber."

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Health-Care Reform and the Constitution

WSJ By ANDREW P. NAPOLITANO "...I asked South Carolina Congressman James Clyburn...where in the Constitution it authorizes the federal government to regulate the delivery of health care. He replied: "There's nothing in the Constitution that says that the federal government has anything to do with most of the stuff we do." Then he shot back: "How about [you] show me where in the Constitution it prohibits the federal government from doing this?"

My, How the Tables Have Turned on Charlie Gibson

American Thinker "...After nervous laughter, [Charles Gibson] confessed that he had not even heard of the scandals, adding “Um. So, you’ve got me at a loss.” Then to prove just how out-of-touch he is Gibson made this snide remark: “Or maybe this is just one you leave to the cables.” One of the hosts immediately reminded Gibson of the massive taxpayer funding that is pumped into the ACORN racket and Gibson stumbled again."