Thursday, October 22, 2009

Karl Rove: Obama Goes Wobbly on Afghanistan

WSJ "It's vital that the president build this coalition because without decisive American leadership, international support for confronting terrorism will soon dissipate. The unraveling of Afghanistan and nuclear-armed Pakistan might not be far behind."

Big Voting Rights Drama in Small Town

Pajamas Media "Given the absurdity of the reason [Acting Assistant Attorney Loretta ] King gave to deny Kinston clearance for the electoral change, one would hope that the town would mount a constitutional challenge. Apparently, it is the only entity under the Act with standing to do so, but it appears the town will not. King, therefore, will have her way for the moment, though one wonders how much longer Attorney General Holder can afford to keep her in this position. She has a penchant for making moves that are not capable of rational explanation except as examples of hyperpartisanship, which diminishes respect for the law and the Justice Department."

Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance

CNS News "He added that Congress has “broad authority” to force Americans to purchase other things as well, so long as it was trying to promote “the general welfare.”" Related enough for me: Medical Malpractice Reform Needed in Health Care Bill, Senator and Doctors Say: "If Democrats were serious about getting rid of junk lawsuits, I’m sure they could have found room in the 1,500-page Baucus bill … Unfortunately, they did not.”

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Text of Dick Cheney's National Security Speech at AEI

Fox News "Former Vice President Dick Cheney delivered a speech at the American Enterprise Institute addressing the critical issues of national security and providing a blueprint for keeping American safe in the future."

Liberals never learn

Lloyd Brown, AT "qWhen you are on an ideological jihad to reshape a nation, facts nor logic, nor past experience, can be allowed to intrude."

US Org. Hosts Cancer Meet, Israelis not Welcome

Israel National News "Israeli doctors were invited to the event as well, and several had planned to attend. However, on Sunday night, the doctors received brief notices telling them that they were no longer invited to the conference, by order of Egyptian Health Minister Hatem el-Gabali."

Cheney: Obama's Afghan War Strategy 'Bears Striking Resemblance' to Bush's

Fox News " "It's time for President Obama to make good on his promise," he said. "The White House must stop dithering while America's armed forces are in danger." "Make no mistake, signals of indecision out of Washington hurt our allies and embolden our adversaries," he added. "Waffling, while our troops on the ground face an emboldened enemy, endangers them and hurts our cause.""

Nine Months Into Obama's Presidency, Hillary Clinton Still Citing ‘Inherited’ Problems

CNS News "From the time he entered the White House, President Obama frequently has spoken about having “inherited” an economic mess, and he has been criticized for it. But the expression arguably has been used even more often by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Nine months later, it is a theme she returns to regularly at home and abroad."

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Krauthammer Rips 'Repulsive Audacity' of White House for Fox News Attacks

Newsbusters "Look, it's one thing for the government, the administration to attack opponents, institutions, media," Krauthammer said. "It is another to go out to try and delegitimize them and destroy them."

Voting Present Is Not an Option

Victor Davis Hanson , NRO "...Given the above, and given that George Bush made a far more difficult choice that saved Iraq, it is hard to figure out why Obama can not make a simple decision to send troops requested by commanders on the ground."

MoveOn demands that Democrats stay off Fox News

Michelle Malkin "A reader just sent this fresh missive from the Fox News Deranged-foot soldiers at MoveOn:"... "The petition says: “Democrats should support President Obama’s effort to call out FOX. Please stay off FOX for as long as he does. Democrats often appear on FOX in hopes of reaching out to conservative viewers. But FOX cuts off their mic, distorts what they say, or runs biased headlines at the bottom of the screen.4 In the end, Democrats always lose on FOX."