Friday, October 23, 2009

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Poll: US belief in global warming is cooling

AJC, h/t to Neal Boortz The press seems upset by this. Americans increasingly skeptical of global warming alarmism By Michael Barone "To what do I attribute this decline in belief in global warming? ....that the election of Obama and a Congress with larger Democratic majorities has raised the real-world possibility of legislation that could inflict serious damage on our economy in order to avert a danger predicted by global warming alarmists’ computer models for the far distant future."

MSNBC Anchors Lash Out at Cheney; Wonder If He’s of a ‘Rational, Healthy Mind'

Newsbusters "MSNBC certainly does nothing to negate its image as reflexive defenders of everything the President does. Shuster and Hall seemed to take great offense at Cheney’s offense of speaking out. "

The Price of Prop 8

Heritage "Publicly available sources, including evidence submitted in a federal lawsuit in California, show that expressions of support for Prop 8 have generated a range of hostilities and harms that includes harassment, intimidation, vandalism, racial scapegoating, blacklisting, loss of employment, economic hardships, angry protests, violence, at least one death threat, and gross expressions of anti-religious bigotry."

Olbermann Bashed Bush Administration for Criticizing NBC in 2008

Newsbusters "So, when the Bush adminstration pushed back on NBC, the person responsible was listed as one of the worst people in the world. And when Sen. McCain pushed back on NBC, Olbermann called him a whiner and told him to grow up. " Yet, when the Obama administration goes after Fox, Olbermann sees it as good news."

Obama's Thuggery

Powerline "Maybe Obama thought everyone in Washington would be his great friend. Having encountered un-Chicago-like dissent and disagreement, he has responded with classic Chicago brass knuckles. We'll see how far this kind of thuggery gets him." Related: Obama's 'Chicago-style politics:' Boehner

Sequel: "Attention Righteous Atlas Activists: Israeli Doctors Will Be Allowed to Attend Susan G Komen Cancer Research Conference in Egypt"

Atlas Shrugs "Let me thank each Atlas reader who wrote (and cc'ed me), called, and withdrew his or her donation to the Susan G Komen Foundation for sanctioning Jew hatred. I salute your greatness. Sufficient pressure was applied and the decision has been reversed. I was just advised by Doctors Against Racism."

The Obama administration -- no class, bad character

Powerline "But the rank, opportunistic dishonesty described by Cheney demonstrates an affirmatively bad character. And an administration craven enough to engage in it is a dangerous, potentially thuggish administration -- the kind that probably would think nothing of developing and acting upon an enemies list, for example. One wonders what the limits of this administration's bad character are. So far it's not clear that any exist. "

Obama Whined About FOX News to Leftie Reporters at Private Meeting

Gateway Pundit "Speaking privately at the White House on Monday with a group of columnists and commentators, including Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann of MSNBC and Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich and Bob Herbert of The New York Times, President Obama himself gave vent to sentiments about the network, according to people briefed on the conversation…"

White House attacks worry moderate Democrats

Politico "POLITICO reported earlier this week on an all-fronts push by the White House to cut the legs out from under its toughest critics, whether it’s the Chamber, radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck and the rest of the Fox News operation."

Matthews: Religious right in US most like … the Taliban

Hot Air "That must be from all of the times the Religious Right throws acid in women’s faces, or bars girls from attending schools, or beat barbers in the streets for trimming beards. Right? Because when the Religious Right set up their dictatorship in America, they were just like the Taliban, according to Chris Matthews."

Gore Vidal: Obama 'Too Intelligent' for America; Vidal Adds He Wanted to 'Murder' Bush

Culture Media " “We have the worst educated population of any first-world country,” Vidal said. “And I hope you’re listening and I hope you know that your lack of education is the joke of the world. This is not a very nice joke.”"