Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Majority of Americans Say US Is on the Wrong Track Under Obama

Gateway Pundit "For the first time this year a majority of Americans now believe that the US is on the wrong track.52% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track. Only 36% believe it is on the right track.Politics Daily reported, via Free Republic..."


By Neal Boortz "Well ... considering the type of people we have running the show, aren't you looking forward to all that government moving into your personal life? And remember ---- it's the corporations, not government, that are evil."

Krauthammer: Obama attacks on Bush “disgusting”

Hot Air "I want to point out one thing about what Obama had said when he talked about “the long years of drift.” There is something truly disgusting about the way he cannot refrain from attacking Bush when he’s being defensive about himself. I mean, it’s beyond disgraceful here."

Silence of the Lambs

By Robin of Berkeley "Part of the extreme fringe of progressivism? Progressivism is an extreme fringe. Liberals want a kinder, gentler version of the American Dream. Leftists want to slash and burn it. Leftists are liberals on steroids. This is why many progressives will sacrifice their children to unsafe schools even if their kid gets a black eye. And why they'll support policies to let their granny die. This is why they allow the streets of Berkeley and San Francisco to become a filthy netherworld where law abiding citizens are preyed upon, including themselves."

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Morning Bell: A Whole New Health Care Ball Game

Heritage "You have to read all the way to page A-25 in today’s New York Times to learn about it, but the Senate took its first floor vote on Obamacare yesterday and the White House lost. Big."

Photo from Patriot Post

What if Bush had done it?

Hot Air "In other words, the press has a story line that they have to defend. If Obama gets exposed as a flop, and worse as a typical Chicago pol, then it makes their failure to properly vet Obama during the primaries that much more clear. In a sense, they created Obama, and his collapse would be their collapse as well."

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Zinni: Don't Delay Decision on Afghan War

CBS "He warned that the battle over an Afghan strategy is not just about militants, but also about neighboring India and Pakistan. "We have two nations out there with nuclear weapons, one of which had the Taliban 65 miles from their capital. We have the Taliban and others trying to provoke some sort of conflict between these two nations. We also have a Taliban that is stretching their influence into Central Asia.""

Dismantling America / Will the country wake up before it’s too late?

By Thomas Sowell "Nothing so epitomizes President Obama’s own contempt for American values and traditions as trying to ram two bills through Congress in his first year — each bill more than a thousand pages long — too fast for either of them to be read, much less discussed. That he succeeded only the first time says that some people are starting to wake up. Whether enough people will wake up in time to keep America from being dismantled, piece by piece, is another question — and the biggest question for this generation."

Obamacare’s False Dawn

By Rich Lowry, NRO "Eventually, Democrats will have to settle on a final bill and won’t be able to sweep its weaknesses under the rug of the next drafting process. Whatever its final form, it will raise taxes, cut Medicare, and — in all likelihood — increase insurance premiums. If the past few months of polling are any guide, it will be under 50 percent approval. Its benefits, such as they are, won’t kick in until 2013, while the taxes will start immediately."

Pelosi wants to 'rename' the public option

By Rick Moran in AT "What is it about liberals that they think they have to fool people into supporting them?Run as a nice, safe moderate only to become screaming leftists once in office. It really shows they have no confidence that the substance of their ideas can stand scrutiny much less win out in a fair fight with the right."