Saturday, November 28, 2009

NY Times Reveals More Classified Information, Largely Ignores ClimateGate

JammieWearingFool "During the Bush Administration, it was Pulitzer material to expose anti-terrorism methods and operations including:* The Terrorist Surveillance Program* How we tracked terrorist financing* Exposing secret terrorist holding facilities in allied countries* Exaggerated accounts of terrorist interrogationBut when it comes to the hundreds of emails exposing the “scientists”..."

Amid ObamaCare debate, Americans increasingly satisfied with U.S. health care

Beltway Confidential "The poll finds that 49 percent now rate American health care "excellent" or "good." That may not seem significant on its own, but consider that the number is up from 35 percent in May and from 29 percent in May 2008. It also comes on the heels of another Rasmussen Poll that showed only 38 percent now support the Democrats' proposed reforms."

H.R. 4127: Try terrorists in a military tribunal! "Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX) has introduced a bill, H.R. 4127: To amend title 10, United States Code, to provide that alien unprivileged enemy belligerents may only be tried by military commissions if tried for alleged conduct for which a term of incarceration or the death penalty may be sought. Right now, there are 41 co-sponsors for the bill, ALL Republican. Not one single Democrat..." Emphasis added.

Objective Journalism: Michael Gerson Defends a Profession That No Longer Exists

Big Government "What profession could he possibly be talking about? Certainly not the same profession who set out to destroy Clarence Thomas, circled the wagons to save President Clinton, summoned all their resources to lose the war in Iraq, told us more about the background of an unemployed plumber than our current President, dragged Sarah Palin’s family through the mud, and on this very day refuse to investigate three of the biggest stories of the year (if not the decade): ACORN, CzarGate and ClimateGate."

The Five Obama Fails

American Thinker "Nearly one year later we have an economy heading in the wrong direction, unemployment rising, a deficit that will double, banks failing, a war command which is virtually ignored, 911 terrorists given all the rights at a civil trial and an Administration hell bent on destroying rather than "reforming" the world's best health system. Not a bad day for an experienced community organizer."

Another conversation with Scott Fenstermaker (Lawyer for two Gitmo "detainees")

Hot Air "I think you’re arguing over semantics. Almost 3,000 people died, most of them on national television. They didn’t commit suicide or die of natural causes. They died at the hands of others, which makes them homicides. Who’s responsible is a question for a jury, but not the fact that they were murdered, nor do we need a jury to tell us that the nation has an interest in pursuing justice in the case."

He Can't Take Another Bow;

Peggy Noonan , WSJ  ""...a critical mass of influential people who once held big hopes for his presidency began to wonder whether they had misjudged the man." They once held "an unromantically high opinion of Obama," and were key to his rise, but now they are concluding that the president isn't "the person of integrity and even classiness they had thought.""

The Global Warming 'Thermometer'

h/t to Weasel Zippers

Mad Magazine Attacks Palin as a ‘Delusional’ ‘Blunder Woman’

Newsbusters "It doesn't matter whether it's Spider-Man giving the fist bump to President Obama or New Jersey kids singing Dear Leader's praises, the left likes to indoctrinate the young. The latest example is Mad Magazine trying to make former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin look foolish and "dangerously delusional." "

Young Scientist 'Disheartened' by Climategate

Newsbusters "That would lead students entering scientific pursuits to logically fear that: The quality of their work, and ultimately their career progress, will be judged not on rigor or merit, but on how well that work fits pre-existing templates. If their work is at first supported but then called into doubt, they will be pressured to tamper with or conceal underlying research data to refute and rebuff doubters instead of engaging their arguments. They may end up in constant, daily, stressful battle with colleagues whose primary interest is in advancing political or ideological agenda.

Figures. Obama’s Personal Physician Friend Was a Marxist, Too

Gateway Pundit "The push to socialize US Heathcare came, not from from the “people”, but from small clique of Marxists, led by a man with close persional ties to president Barack Obama."...."Quentin Young is one of America’s most committed socialists, beginning with his time in the Young Communist League in late 1930s Chicago."

White House Science Czar Involved in Climategate

Newsmax "You haven’t heard it from America’s mainstream media yet – even Fox News hasn’t covered it – but the director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Dr. John P. Holdren, is a key player in the Climategate e-mails flap, which is shaping up as the biggest scandal in the history of modern science."