Monday, January 18, 2010

Brown vs. Coakley: Trends in Massachusetts

Coakley in free fall? Young voters for Scott Brown? "It shows Brown ahead 52%-43% and, amazingly, leading among voters under 30 by a 61%-30% margin. By way of contrast, the 2008 exit poll showed 18-29s in Massachusetts voting for Barack Obama over John McCain by a 78%-20% margin."------- Scott Brown leads in bellwether towns "Republican Scott Brown leading Democrat Martha Coakley in three Massachusetts cities picked as bellwethers on the basis of their performance in the 2006 Senate race, in which Edward Kennedy easily won a sixth term. "

Obama’s EEOC Nominee: Society Should ‘Not Tolerate Private Beliefs’ That ‘Adversely Affect’ Homosexuals

CNS News "Feldblum does recognize that elements of the homosexual agenda may infringe on Americans’ religious liberties. However, Feldblum argues that society should “come down on the side” of homosexual equality at the expense of religious liberty. Because the conflict between the two is “irreconcilable,” religious liberty -- which she also calls "belief liberty" -- must be placed second to the “identity liberty” of homosexuals." Barry knows how to pick 'em. Thanks, Bruce Springsteen.

Reversing Obama’s Worst Decision Yet?

Jennifer Rubin "...The kicker: “If Holder’s plans are thwarted, though, one top administration official, who also didn’t want to be named talking about delicate issues, notes there is a Plan B — reviving the case against the alleged 9/11 conspirators before a military tribunal, just as the Bush administration tried to do.” This would be a stunning turnaround, an admission of Holder’s irresponsibility and of the Justice Department’s loony leftism."

Choose your poll here

RealClearPolitics Nine polls favor Brown; seven favor Coakley; Daily Kos shows a tie.


Nealz Nuze "Obama is a master at spouting the very rhetoric that appeals to people of minimal intelligence. Oh stop your screaming. You may not like it, but that's the case. After the 2008 election we were treated to numerous interviews with Obama voters .. .and to a man they embarrassed themselves with their abject stupidity and ignorance. I'll never forget the Obama voters - chosen by Obama campaign workers - who were interviewed at one northeast polling place on election day." More:...

Meet the Real Jack Bauers

Marc A. Thiessen, NRO "In Courting Disaster, the real CIA interrogators explain why their methods bear no resemblance to what you see on Fox’s 24."

“Let Me Be Perfectly Not Clear” and “Make Lots of Mistakes About It”

Victor Davis Hanson h/t to Pajamas Media "...the people have roared that they don’t want the remedies of statist health care, mega-deficits, higher taxes, more government, green boondoggles, apologetics abroad, blanket amnesty, and more lunatic appointments like Van Jones and Anita Dunn. But what is taking Obama down below 50% approval is mostly a public awareness that they elected a deeply cynical man, who either cannot or will not speak the truth or keep his promises (note the Nixonian resonance in “perfectly clear about…”)."

Holder’s Haste Makes Waste of Intel/ Abdulmutallab indictment is a bill of lost intelligence opportunities.

Andrew C. McCarthy "[Abdulmullatab] been training with al-Qaeda for weeks in Yemen, now one of the hottest hubs of terror plotting. He was undoubtedly in a position to identify who had recruited him, who had dispatched him on his mission, and who had trained him in fashioning and detonating chemical explosives. He was in a position to tell us what al-Qaeda knows, that Janet Napolitano apparently doesn’t, about our porous airline-security system. He was, moreover, almost certainly in a position to pinpoint paramilitary training facilities, to tell us about other al-Qaeda trainees being taught to do what he was trying to do, and to fill many gaps in our knowledge of the terror network’s hierarchy, routines, and governmental connections in Yemen."

Can It Happen? Hope and change in Massachusetts.

William Kristol "A Republican tracking poll shows—amazingly—a slight uptick for Scott Brown over the weekend. He leads—amazingly—outside the margin of error in virtually every turnout model. The “rape” charge seems to be backfiring among independent women. While there is some increase in partisan Democratic intensity, Democratic intensity still trails—amazingly—that of independents, who continue to break overwhelmingly for Brown. The internals of the poll all look okay. Can it happen? Yes, it can."

New site dedicated to reform on college campii

Campus "Oftentimes conservative students think they are alone on their campuses. But they are not. Join your campus to find other campus reformers who share your principles -- and your concerns about your school. Find out the projects they are engaged in and how you can become involved."

Obama Mocks Brown: "Anyone Can Own a Truck"...Brown Responds: "Not in This Economy, Jackass"...

Weasel Zippers " “Mr. President, unfortunately in this economy, not everybody can buy a truck,” Brown said in a statement. “My goal is to change that by cutting spending, lowering taxes and letting people keep more of their own money.” "

A Message to ACORN and SEIU On the Eve of MA Special Election

Nice Deb "...• One national and several Massachusetts news organizations told us they would be investigating both of your organization’s activities on election day; • Nearly 3000 people have told us they’d be bringing video cameras to polling places just to video you and yours “having election day fun.” (You wouldn’t [believe] where people told us they’d be hiding cameras!) "