Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Morning Bell: The State of Our Union

Heritage "If you devote all your attention to letting our private sector create jobs at home and achieving victory overseas, we will enthusiastically support your efforts, and the State of the Union in 2011 will be far better."

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Jane Jamison, AT "The occasion is made more sobering by the knowledge that today, Jews around the world are as much in danger as they were 60 years ago, if not more so. The FBI says Jews are more likely to be the victims of religious hate crimes in the United States than any other group."

George did it

Tony Gallardo, AT "There is evidence piling up that George W. Bush is working surreptitiously to undermine the Obama presidency. We know this because we have a perfectly reliable and unimpeachable source; Barack Obama himself. He whines, over and over again, that "....we inherited", "...from the last eight years", "...the previous administration", etc, etc." Words to listen for in the State of the Union speech, by the way.

Obama to meet with House Republicans

WaPo "The House GOP invited Obama this year to speak at its annual retreat, which will be held in Baltimore from Thursday to Saturday. Coming only two days after Obama's State of the Union address, the session could herald better relations between the two sides in 2010 -- or lift their tensions to an even higher level. "

Does the Middle East Need More Christians?

Pajamas Media "But if the people in the Middle East were saying, “We’re blowing you up for Jesus,” we actually know pretty well where to point to in the Bible to show them that’s wrong."

Pamela Geller, American Thinker: Forty Years of Feminism Now Bearing Fruit

Pam Geller, Atlas Shrugs "Virtue, self worth, and man's moral value are DOA in the age of the cultural domination of the left. What an awful stench this decaying corpse gives off, lying in a smoldering, fetid pile of ash."

Obama On Brink Of Crackup

Fred Barnes, Weekly Standard "One of the important tests of a president, especially a relatively new one like Obama, is how he deals with a serious setback. Does he respond rationally and realistically? In Obama’s case, the answer is no."...."This was the language of a rattled president in search of enemies to scapegoat. Obama didn’t mention that all but one of the major banks have paid back the bailout money with interest. There’s a word for this kind of rhetoric: Unpresidential."

ABC, CBS, NBC Skip Pro-Life March; NPR Airs Abortionist Calling Pro-Lifers Terrorists

Newsbusters- "NPR's Martin demonstrated balance in her booking but not in her questioning. Carhart's late-term "work" is uniquely controversial, and his rhetoric is harsh. But Martin sounded more like a fan-club president than a skeptical questioner."

Krauthammer Responds To Obama's 'Great One-Term President':

Breitbart TV "Krauthammer: Obama Forgot Option Three – ‘Mediocre One-Term President’ "

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee urges quick offensive for 2010

Politico "Showing that they’ve learned the lesson of Massachusetts, Menendez and his staff will distribute a memo Tuesday advising Democratic campaign managers to frame their opponents early — and to drive a wedge between moderate voters and tea-party-style conservatives." Please, TEA Partiers-NO THIRD PARTY! And: Blueprint for the Democratic counter-attack "This story in Politico about how the Democrats are going to go after Republicans is fascinating. It shows how far removed from ordinary people Democrats are and what voters think is important:"

The Worst Failure Isn’t Health Care

Jennifer Rubin "...Well the mullahs got time to consolidate their grip on the throats of the Iranian people while gaining some international legitimacy. The Iranian protesters got their funding cut and saw the United States go practically mute when it might have mattered the most. The U.S. seems only to have frittered away its moral standing in the world. What we got was another year in which Iran moved closer to membership in the international nuclear-arms club."

Shot heard ’round the world

Dick Morris "If Scott Brown wins the Senate seat vacated by Ted Kennedy, it means that any Republican can win at any time in any place. Such are the fortunes to which the Democratic Party has fallen under the ministrations of President Barack Obama."...."You can’t beat somebody with nobody. And the Republican Party has a candidate shortage."