Friday, March 12, 2010

Obama Spiked ACORN Investigation: Judicial Watch Releases FBI Documents

BigGovernment "Given President Obama’s close connections to ACORN, including his campaign’s hiring of the ACORN’s Project Vote organization, it seems questionable at best that Attorney General Holder has failed to seriously investigate these and other alleged ACORN criminal activities."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Overnight Thread: Thank ‘God’ — Ninth Circuit Court Rules Pledge of Allegiance, Motto Still Legal

BigJournalism " “The Pledge is constitutional,” Judge Carlos Bea wrote for the majority in the 2-1 ruling. “The Pledge of Allegiance serves to unite our vast nation through the proud recitation of some of the ideals upon which our Republic was founded.”" Two to one? Who nominated that one vote?

In Praise of the Rotation of Power

Charles Krauthammer "True, the rotation of power inevitably results in stops and starts and policy zigzags. Yet for all its inefficiency, in the end it creates a near-miraculous social stability by setting down layers of legitimacy every time the opposition adopts some of its predecessor’s reforms — while at the same time allowing challenges to fundamental assumptions before they become fossilized.So, in the middle of the current food fight, as the plates and the tarts and the sharper cutlery fly, step back for a moment. Hail the untidiness. Hail democracy. Hail the rotation of power. Yes, even when Democrats gain office."

Federal regulators launch probe of big agriculture "Some Obama administration officials have made clear their unease with the increasing control a handful of corporations have over the nation's food supply, and this week in Iowa they could show whether they are serious about changing the system." Hat tip to NoisyRoom.

Captured Al-Qaeda operative was once a Democrat worker

Weasel Zippers "Campaign finance records show Mobley received $75 as an election day worker for Gov. Jon Corzine's campaign in 2005." The Democrat Party and America's enemies fit hand and glove. But I mean that in a nice way.

Endgame: House to begin final push for ObamaCare on Monday

Hot Air "Why move ahead when the votes aren’t there? Pelosi hopes that launching the process will create enough momentum to flip Democrats her way. The clock is ticking. The speaker has two weeks before Congress breaks for Easter Recess. And the recess could kill off health care reform, since many of the wavering Democrats will get an earful from their constituents when they return home. Republicans expect Democrats to lose votes over the break."

The Constitutional Case Against Progressives

BigGovernment "Herein lays the danger of the progressive statist utopia. It envisions a permanent government entity, exemplified in the bureaucracy. People may come and go, but the government will always remain. And our rights are beholden to that permanent entity. Americans recognize that government is only an extension of the individuals that comprise it, and thus ethereal. Bureaucracies are invasive upon the rights of the people. And unless the people are vigilant in protecting their rights, all governments will attempt to seize them."

It Has Begun… House Dems Hold Vote to Cut-&-Run from Afghanistan

Gateway Pundit "The House Dems voted yesterday to quit Afghanistan and leave it to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. 60 democrats voted for the resolution sponsored by Rep. Dennis Kusinich (D-OH). The legislation was defeated 356 to 65."

Heads Up Talk Radio: The President’s Foot Soldiers Have Your Number

BigGovernment "So, the campaign now is geared toward achieving the same result: flood different talk radio shows with left-wing activists and ObamaCare apologists. The OFA’s website has a talk radio du jour with a call-in number and “discussion points” – talking points for the latest version of the Democrats’ plan." Read their marching orders here.

Which story to believe?

Democrats, White House close in on health bill ,or-------------- Senate Health Care Bill Dead on Arrival, Pro-Life House Democrats Say. Then there's this: THE TRUTH ABOUT THE SENATE BILL by Neal Boortz.

NYC judge: Govt must stop blocking money to ACORN

AP "In a written ruling Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Nina Gershon made permanent her conclusion last year that the cutoff of funding was unconstitutional. She ordered all federal agencies to put the word out about it." Judge appointed by Clinton.

Useful Idiots Are Coming! Useful Idiots Are Coming!

BigJournalism "The strip we’re doing is called “Useful Idiots.” A term coined by the Soviets as the pet name they had for Western Lefties who believed any lie they were fed. It will feature a cast of familiar characters you may have seen on TV while changing channels. For the sake of storytelling we’ve put them all at the same network which we call BSN." ObamaNation