Monday, June 21, 2010

More Doctors Are Refusing Medicare Patients Because of Low Government Payments

Gateway Pundit "The AARP, the nation’s largest consumer group representing seniors, is taking notice. Some U.S. areas already face a shortage of primary care physicians. Policy director John Rother says the trend away from Medicare threatens to make it worse. States are starting to see a flight from Medicare…"

Obama’s Windmill Solution to Gulf Crisis

Human Events "Andrew Malcolm hit the nail on the head in the Los Angeles Times with this summary of Obama’s message: “There’s a pipe spewing a gazillion gobs of oil into the gulf, so let’s build more windmills.”  Brian Darling
Please refer to this post  from the June 19th Tunnel Wall.

I know you’re busy fighting a war, General Petraeus, but what are you doing to ‘green’ our bases in Afghanistan?

Washington Examiner Who votes for these people?

Dems ready for big push on global warming

Washington Examiner "Democrats will need at least one Republican to come up with the 60 votes necessary to pass an energy and climate change bill. Obama last week invited Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., to the White House to talk energy policy. Brown said he told Obama he does not support any kind of national energy tax or cap and trade bill."

Presbyterian Church in the US might side with Islam against Israel

NewsThatMatters "By Aaron in Jerusalem: Below is a link to a story about an upcoming meeting of the Presbyterian Church USA, where they will be voting on endorsement for a document condemning Israel for a wide variety of crimes and misdemeanors."  Speaking nonsense to power.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Socialism and Christianity

Point of View  "I am not exactly sure why, but lately I have been getting calls from listeners arguing that Christians should embrace socialism. These calls come on different radio programs (sometimes when I am the host and other times when I am a guest). I don't know if this is part of an organized campaign or just an alignment of the stars. In any case, the comments deserve an answer."  Kerby Anderson

Happy Father's Day

 Norman Rockwell illustration from Big Government

It spews at an ever-increasing rate. Nothing that people try even slows it down, let alone stop it. It threatens ruination to the entire nation. The Gulf spill? Certainly that’s true in the short term, but two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Ramirez thinks more long term in his latest editorial cartoon for Investors Business Daily.

Mort Zuckerman: World Sees Obama as Incompetent and Amateur

US "America right now appears to be unreliable to traditional friends, compliant to rivals, and weak to enemies. One renowned Asian leader stated recently at a private dinner in the United States, "We in Asia are convinced that Obama is not strong enough to confront his opponents, but we fear that he is not strong enough to support his friends." "
 Obama as a man and a president aside, the lesson I take is that this country should not be in the hands of the left, no matter who the elected official is. Liberals only lead a nation to weakness and mediocrity.

Europe: Next Stop Auschwitz, This Time Taxis, not Trains

Atlas Shrugs "The continent rid itself of its Jews and imported m[i]llions of Muslims. How's that working out for you? This is a taxi in Amsterdam." Check the photos in this site.

America, the weak horse by choice

Powerline "The Afghan government isn't taking this approach because it feels well disposed towards Pakistan, much less towards the blood-thirsty Haqqani. It is doing so because it realizes that, with President Obama having made clear that the U.S. lacks the will to stay in the fight, Pakistan and the Afghan insurgents are the strong horse and U.S. is the weak one."

My Evening with Bill Ayers, Cindy Sheehan, and Some Creepy Communist Lady

Pajamas Media  "There were no calls for Israel’s elimination, or for the U.S. military to disband, or for George W. Bush to be executed for war crimes. Ayers never conceded that he and the president were more than just neighbors, or that he still has contact with the White House. But after listening to the illogical dribble — hollow platitudes about social justice and amorphous references to “the movement” — it became clear that these admissions were unnecessary."