Monday, August 9, 2010

Wikileaks doc leaker had a rough early life: NY Times

Rick Moran "This is something that the New York Times has perfected over the years; turning a perp into a victim.
Nothing really subtle about it. Instead of journalism, we get soap opera. Instead of analysis, we get an emotion-laden jag designed to elicit feelings of sympathy for someone who doesn't deserve it."

Muslims Speak Out Against the Ground Zero Mosque

Eileen F. Toplansky  "While Raza and Fatah "understand [Bloomberg's] and other liberals goodwill, they maintain that the "stand is based on ignorance and guilt, and [liberals] will never in their lives have to face the tyranny of Islamism that targets, kills and maims Muslims worldwide, and is using liberalism itself to destroy liberal secular democratic societies from within.""

It only took them 9 years to shut down Hamburg mosque where 9/11 plotter Atta worshiped  "The authorities in Hamburg said Monday that they had shut down the mosque there where several of the hijackers involved in the Sept. 11 attacks had met because it remained a source of radicalization nearly a decade later."

Ground Zero Mosque Imam: ‘They Feel the Need to Conflagrate’ "When asked whether the U.S. bears “ultimate responsibility” for “any reactions,” Rauf responds, “I wouldn’t say ultimate. It’s the one who leads in the dance.”"

Krauthammer on Michelle O: A vacation to Spain Is a “Bad Idea for a First Lady Who Literally Tells Us to Eat Our Spinach” (Video) And updated.

Gateway Pundit "As Mr. Obama asks, “How much money do you need, anyway?- After a certain point how much is too much?” To answer him: “A hell of a lot, if you want to gorge yourself on regular meals of fresh lobster and caviar!” " From the comments section.

Democrats: Voters are dumb

Washington Times "No matter what the spin, claiming government bureaucrats will make health care more efficient is as absurd as saying FedEx would be better if it were run by the Post Office."

Across Texas, 60,000 babies of noncitizens get U.S. birthright "The 14th Amendment was adopted in 1868 as a way to block state laws that prevented former slaves from becoming citizens. It also effectively overruled the Dred Scott decision of 1857 in which the U.S. Supreme Court declared that slaves were mere property and could not become citizens.
"The amendment offered a broad definition of citizenship in one simple sentence: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States." "

Ten Myths About the Bush Tax Cuts

Heritage  "Nearly all of the conventional wisdom about the Bush tax cuts is wrong. In reality: The tax cuts have not substantially reduced current tax revenues, which were in fact not far from the 2000 pre-tax cut baseline and over the 2003 pre-tax cut baseline in 2006; The increased child tax credit, 10 percent tax bracket, and fix of the alternative minimum tax (AMT) reduced tax revenues much more than most of the "tax cuts for the rich";
"Economic growth rates have more than doubled since the 2003 tax cuts; and
"The tax cuts shifted even more of the income tax burden toward the rich.
"Setting optimal tax policy requires governing with facts rather than popular mythology, which is why it is important to set the record straight by debunking 10 myths about the Bush tax cuts."...h/t to Neal Boortz

Blaming Bush Doesn’t Create Jobs

Heritage "Notice how Speaker Pelosi is only concerned about the economy’s effect on government and unionized workers: teachers, police officers, firefighters and nurses. If you happen to work for the government, Speaker Pelosi is prepared to move heaven and earth to make sure your pay isn’t cut. But if you work for the private sector, Speaker Pelosi has nothing to offer you but higher taxes."
Mike Ramirez, World Magazine

Arizona Must Be Wondering: 'Why Have Laws?'

Newsbusters "America was discovered and founded by immigrants. All our ancestors came here from some other country. Immigration has sustained and strengthened America for over two hundred years, but legal, controlled immigration not wholesale invasion by anybody who wants to walk across the border.
"There is a major catastrophe on our horizon and the people who are supposed to do something about it absolutely refuse. They're long on talk but horribly short on action.
"So, as usual, it falls to we the people." Charlie Daniels

The Hidden Hand of Media Bias, Courtesy of the New York Times

Big Journalism "Reporters may think they’re being objective and balanced when they first report and then write a story, but those of us who know the racket can spot a rigged stuss game every time. It’s not just a matter of what you put in and what you leave out, whom you talk to and whom you don’t bother to ask for comment.
"It’s also the way the story is structured, and the little semiotic signals the writer (and/or editor) send to the reader that say this is what is important. This is whom you should believe."``