Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Christmas Carol from Paul (The apostle)

American Thinker "A case can be made that the greatest Christmas song ever written is one with no familiar music. The tune is no longer available to us. But the lyrics -- ah, those lyrics -- well, they're actually inspired. As the Apostle Paul was writing to young Pastor Timothy about everything from order in the church to the dangers of greed, he gave us an easily overlooked but enduring Christmas nugget.

Blog of Leonardo da Vinci


Atlas Shrugs2000  "Objective achieved: Jew-hate ads dropped after Atlas exposed their hypocrisy.
"But wait. It gets better. They have changed their ad policy. Isn't that special? They refused AFDI's pro-Israel ad. This is the heckler's veto. Truth is hate speech. This is actionable, legally actionable, IMAO. They were down with the Jew-haters until we responded with fierce truth. And then they say, never mind. "...

"Despite unprecedented efforts to avoid civilian casualties—including hundreds of thousands of leaflets, telephone calls and non-lethal, noise-making warning bombs—some civilians were killed, because Hamas deliberately hid behind civilians, using them as shields, when they fired rockets at Israeli civilians."
 And the left loves these people because...?


Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas, My Friend

Corporal James M. Schmidt, former U.S. Marine
I didn't want to leave him so quiet in the night,
this guardian of honor so willing to fight.
But half asleep he rolled over, and in a voice clean and pure,
said "Carry on, Santa, it's Christmas Day, all secure."
One look at my watch and I knew he was right,
Merry Christmas my friend, Semper Fi and goodnight.

King of Kings

O Holy Night  "What prompts these reflections? A friend emailed a link to this performance by Celtic Woman, singing
O Holy Night. I cannot hear that song without remembering those Mellette Grade School Christmas concerts. Although, of course, we didn't sound quite like this:"...

Mlive photo
Hat tip to Joy Roeder, Garibaldi, Oregon.

Counterpoint: Don’t Fret, Don’t Whine

William Kristol  "Reacting to this, Cassy Fiano, a conservative blogger whose Marine husband is serving in Afghanistan, asked last week: “At what point does concern [about the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell] turn into hysterics, and when does it become insulting to our honorable men and women in uniform?”
"Fiano’s advice to conservatives? Cool It. We join in her suggestion."

Russian media: The missile defense provision in the new START treaty is legally binding

Hot Air  "Moscow apparently has a different view of the preamble.
"ITAR-Tass, the main Russian government information agency, reported last week: “The treaty will have a legally binding provision on the link between strategic offensive and defensive weapons and will affirm the increasing importance of this link amid the reduction of strategic offensive weapons.”
"Several Republican-authored amendments to the treaty that sought to alter the preamble were voted down, based in part on assertions that the preamble had no legal standing."   Emphasis added.

We need nuclear modernization whether the treaty is ratified or not. "But the fact that the administration has revised its policy for the better is in itself no reason for any senator to endorse START. While senators may judge that the treaty deserves support on its merits, it is misguided to suggest that support is warranted as a quid pro quo for the administration’s belated decision to ramp up its investment in our nuclear defense complex. Neither Jon Kyl nor any other senator should cast a vote for START—or any other significant measure—because the president and his team have come to their senses on a matter as critical to our national security as the modernization of the weapons complex. The START treaty and beefed up funding for our nuclear enterprise are two separate issues that should remain distinct."
Spencer Abraham, chairman and CEO of the Abraham Group, was secretary of energy from 2001 to 2005.

Hope for Every Man

Mike Adams "Jesus did not come into the world to establish government programs that teach people there is nothing wrong with them and that they lack the ability to change. He came into this world to save sinners. But His offer is available only to those willing to acknowledge their sin and willing to change. And He gives us the power to change even when talk show hosts tell us we cannot.
"We live in a world that hates God – so much so that it nailed Him to a cross. But Hope was resurrected and is there for every man today. And that is our greatest source of comfort in a world that preaches hopelessness."
Mike Adams is a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and author of Feminists Say the Darndest Things: A Politically Incorrect Professor Confronts "Womyn" On Campus

First Media Reports of Nativity Story

The Peoples Cube  "How did the ancient mass media report the alleged birth of Christ? The People's Cube prepared the following compilation of quotes from the Roman and Judean sources, which should help our readers to form an unbiased opinion of what really happened in the days surrounding the so-called Christmas..."

111th Congress

Remembering the Providential Gift of America

Heritage   "As Americans, our aim must be a clear expression and forthright defense of the nation’s principles in the public square so that they become, once again, an expression of the American mind. Despite constant scorn by academic elites, political leaders and the popular media, most Americans still believe in the uniqueness of this country and respect the Founders’ noble ideas."....
"The joy of this wonderful season is about new beginnings and the eternal promise of redemption. We Americans have the immeasurable benefit, the providential gift, of having inherited a great country.
"We must never forget its confidence, optimism and promise, its endless capacity for renewal, are contained in our dedication to the enduring principles of liberty with which all men are endowed by their Creator.
"May you and yours have a merry and blessed Christmas."

Google Images

Thursday, December 23, 2010

How 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader' Got Lost at Sea

BreakPoint  "Early online reports revealed out that the adaptation was significantly altered, with a whole new plotline added to the story. For the millions of Christians who have read and loved the series, this was cause for trepidation and perhaps anger at seeing this cherished story fall into the hands of Hollywood meddlers."
'Dawn Treader' promotional image, promising a "Return to magic. Return to hope. Return to Narnia."

First Noel

Kerby Anderson "During this Christmas week, I have taken the time to discuss the theology of some of the Christmas hymns and carols that we sing. Today I would like to talk about The First Noel. It is an English song dating back to the sixteenth century."
Kerby Anderson hosts the Probe Ministries radio program, Point of View.