Monday, March 14, 2011

On Libya and Budget, Obama Votes ‘Present’

Michael Barone "Voting “present” may be a responsible move for a legislator genuinely undecided about which way to go. But an executive voting “present” is choosing a course with consequences, whether he likes it or not."

From The Jordan Times: Obama should move faster  "Has the American president been probably twiddling his thumbs while the Arab world has been gloriously experiencing an unprecedented revolution against these autocrats, often the favourite lackeys of key Western leaders, because of the oil wealth in the region, estimated as 60 per cent of the world’s output."

Obama’s Social Security Hoax "The relative ease of the fix is what makes the Obama administration’s Social Security strategy so shocking. The new line from the White House is: no need to fix it because there is no problem. As Office of Management and Budget (OMB) director Jack Lew wrote in USA Today just a few weeks ago, the trust fund is solvent until 2037. Therefore, Social Security is now off the table in debt-reduction talks.
"This claim is a breathtaking fraud."  Emphasis added.

The Fruits of ‘Concern’  "Qaddafi and his disgusting sons will have got the better of the United States while their victims will be cursing it. Can Obama really be happy to have helped bring about such an outcome? Is that to be his presidential legacy?"

American Thinker on Obama's performance as President of the US

Embarrassed To Be American  "There is something quite shameful about watching our President attending a dress-up dinner, trolling for laughs, as one of America's allies struggles for life. I'm embarrassed for America, and I send my personal apologies to the Japanese people for the insensitivity of our President.
"As the turmoil in Libya continues to escalate, threatening severe geopolitical consequences, it is France (France?) that has filled the global leadership void by proposing a no-fly zone over Libya. What is the President of the free world doing? During his Saturday afternoon radio address to the nation, Obama was busy lecturing Americans about the role of women. And writing an op-ed about the virtues of gun control."

The Soft Evil of Barack Obama  "Such is the nature of soft evil. In international affairs, in abortion, in healthcare, in millions of new regulations and taxes, in a thousand ways and relationships the lines between unalienable rights and illegitimate policy are blurred. Soft evil whispers "power" and Obama smiles.
"Take a look around this country. Outside the Beltway, we are all Jews now."

 Obama Calling Tea Party Racist Reveals A Far More Disturbing Reality  "Obama's inauguration brought tears to the eyes of millions of Americans. Blacks are only 12% of our nation's population, which means it took many million white votes to put Obama in the Oval Office. Thus, most of the American tears of joy were white.
"President Obama is fully aware of this truth.
"Obama willfully dividing Americans by exploiting his race for political gain is a despicable betrayal of the whites who elected him. But even more disturbing, it reveals the true character of the man running our country. America deserves much, much better." Lloyd Marcus

Barack Obama: A Management Appraisal "Lacking both the relevant education and experience, were he applying for an executive position in any company, he would in all likelihood be quickly rejected. His refusal to divulge school records and grades would also work against him. If the business to which he applied was involved in any form of sensitive or defense work, his past associations with radicals would result in the denial of any security clearance.
"From a business standpoint, his lack of performance and organizational skills would demand that any ethical consultant approach the Board of Directors with a very strong recommendation that Mr. Obama be fired. Perhaps in 2012, he will be."

Obama gets Carter's Disease in Libya  "Obama is a grandstanding blow-hard, and the world understands that by now. Telling Hosni Mubarak to leave the presidency of Egypt after 30 years of a very successful alliance that stabilized the Middle East was unnecessary, dangerous, and humiliating to a man who deserved better from the United States. But Obama did more. He has just rationalized and excused the very likely event of a radical Islamist takeover of Egypt. He thereby added foolhardiness to his usual empty boasting. That makes his ego tripping dangerous.
"This is the same Obama who accepted Mubarak's invitation two years ago to deliver his we-love-Muslims speech from Cairo's Al Azhar University. He first made nice with Mubarak, and then stabbed him in the back, while puffing up his Zeppelin-size ego."

Rich Terrell on Keith Ellison

Mohammed Salman Hamdani: A Hero All Along  "If the climate was what Keith Ellison insinuated — all sorts of nasty rumors circulating about Hamdani just because he was Muslim, etc. — those dogs should have barked.
"And I didn’t hear them barking. And others didn’t either, and followed my conclusion that Ellison’s speech was pretty phony."
Article and mega-snarky art via Rich Terrell of

Satellite Photos of Japan, Before and After the Quake and Tsunami

NY Times  Move the slider to compare satellite images, taken by GeoEye, from before and after the disaster.
Spectacular photography. Hat tip to Clark Best, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Let's Make Obama King

Powerline  "Last night Col. Ralph Peters was on Bill O'Reilly's show, talking about Libya. Peters thinks we should act on behalf of the rebels there, but he expressed skepticism that President Obama will ever do anything. "Obama loves the idea of being President," Peters said, "but he can't make a decision.""

Obama’s incredible lack of leadership  "The reason Obama can’t make a decision is he can’t reason like a leader must.  He has no experience.  And he doesn’t understand the decision making process as practiced by a leader.  He’s never really had to make leadership decisions. So he simply tries to avoid making them.  One way he does it is to ignore the problem.  Another way he does this is to appoint commissions and panels concerning problems the country faces in order to defer the problem (and decision).  He also like to defer to the “international community” on foreign policy or the Democratic leadership in the legislature on domestic things.  Again, the avoidance of decision making."

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Palestinians Hand Out Candy After Murder of 5 Israelis in Their Sleep

  Gateway Pundit  "A Palestinian terrorist stabbed five family members to death in the settlement of Itamar early Saturday morning; three children, including baby girl, among victims. Later that day Palestinians handed out candy to celebrate the mass murder."
"YNet News reported:"...

ABOMINABLE MURDER IN ITAMAR  "5 family members were murdered in Itamar, Israel, stabbed to death by a terrorist who managed to get through an electrified fence. Do I need to continue with that part? What I can say is that, as the article tells, Fatah's al-Aqsa Brigade has claimed responsibility."

What Kind Of Person stabs a three-month old infant to death? "Children have been killed in war before, unfortunately.  But the thought of the person or people who stood over her, and what was going through their minds as they cut her, is just unimaginable."
In Gaza, they celebrated the Itamar terror attack

"To expect a meeting of the minds with those who take delight in the death of Jews is an obscenity.
"Words fail me.... that picture illustrates more than all the words in the world why peace with the Palestinians will not be attained in our lifetime."  From the comments in this post.

Japanese Government Confirms Meltdown

STRATFOR  "..."the explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi No. 1 nuclear plant could only have been caused by a meltdown of the reactor core, Japanese daily Nikkei reported.

Caliphate, Jihad, Sharia: Now What?

Raymond Ibrahim  "A jihad-waging, sharia-enforcing caliphate represents a permanent, existential enemy — not a temporal foe that can be bought or pacified through diplomacy or concessions. Such a caliphate is precisely what Islamists around the world are feverishly seeking to establish. Without active, preemptive measures, it is only a matter of time before they succeed."

Krauthammer Asks Totenberg: 'Why Does NPR Have to Live on the Tit of the State?'

Newsbusters "Well, all I would say, I mean I don’t want to rehash all the grounds, it obviously is a liberal organization. Obviously what you're getting is a taste of what people say to each other internally. Everybody knows that. But I have no objection to liberal news organizations. I read the New York Times. The difference between NPR growing, Fox growing, is that Fox is not holding out a tin cup for taxpayer money. I want NPR to thrive, but not on my dime."

Bosch Fawstin: Why We Fight

Libya: O's urgent inaction/ what was the point of that press conference?

John Podhoretz  "The White House is worried: The Libyan crisis and the general instability in the Middle East have led to spiraling gas prices. The president wanted to show the American people he knows it's a problem.
"So he staged a press conference yesterday, and he basically said he's going to do . . . nothing."

Life Without America "Libya is turning out to be an interesting test case about how the world can get by without we damned Americans taking the lead and mucking things up."

Obama Bets on Gadhafi  from Le Figaro, France.  "That the Americans have not even interfered with communication across the Libyan territory — something that would have been a nonviolent way to aid the rebel forces — is telling of the White House’s intentions."

Wisconsin Protesters Surround Bus With Republican Senators, Bang on Windows and Doors

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion  "After the vote passing the budget repair bill, Republican Senators were led from the Capitol through a tunnel, and then onto a bus, where protesters surrounded them and chased the bus, as reported by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel."