Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Obama ruling by decree

Thomas Lifson  "Remember when the Constitution applied, and a president wanting to implement a new program would have to persuade Congress to pass a law and appropriate money? President Obama, facing a GOP House, has chosen to use executive orders and is getting away with it. And he is openly proclaiming his intent to do more of it."

Neal Boortz: Dear Ruler apparently can no longer wait for Congress to act,.. "Oh well .. you get the idea. I guess the bottom line is that We Can’t Wait to correct the massive error we made four years ago. We introduced a virus into the bloodstream of governance … and the voters are cure."
Thomas Sowell:Random Thoughts  "Have you ever heard anyone as incoherent as the people staging protests across the country? Taxpayers ought to be protesting against having their money spent to educate people who end up unable to say anything beyond repeating political catch phrases."....
"Most of us may lament the fact that so many more people are today dependent on food stamps and other government subsidies. But dependency usually translates into votes for whoever is handing out the benefits, so an economic disaster can be a political bonanza, as it was for Franklin D. Roosevelt. Don't count Obama out in 2012."


Hat tip to Ron Gazda, Richardson, TX

JIHAD: holy struggle or holy war?

CampusChristians  "I do not know if other Muslim countries are condemning the actions of these Islamic nations that so easily violate human rights. I do not know if Muslims outside of those countries are even aware of the problems going on within their theologically diverse ranks of other nations. But, when a Holy Book like the Qur’an advocates Holy War, when the very sayings and deeds of their beloved Prophet Muhammad advocate Jihad, and when we see some Islamic nations killing non Muslims -- because they are not Muslims, how can we not be worried about what they would do if they had control of the world....as is their goal."

Romney Unable to Capitalize on Obama's Weakness

Taegan D. Goddard's Political Wire  "Despite Obama's obvious vulnerabilities, Romney has been unable to make himself a more attractive candidate.
"Key findings: "Romney is stuck at 45% on the vote -- virtually unchanged all year. He is not popular, and his personal ratings are not improving. His mean thermometer rating is at just 43.1 degrees, the lowest since we began tracking. As the only Republican who seems to have any staying power, for now, voters are left with this choice. As a result, more people are volunteering they will vote for a third party candidate for President.""
Now that is a scary thought!

Goddard also has this: Obama Losing His Base

Steve Wynn Blasts Obama/Reid/Pelosi Economy: “The Speeches Are Great – the Actions Are Horrifying”

NiceDeb  Casino Exec, Steven Wynn blasted the Obama administration and his congressional toadies in an interview with Neil Cavuto, yesterday. He recounted a stunning conversation he had had in early 2010 with the NV Dem Rep, Shelley Berkley regarding ObamaCare. When he begged her to reconsider voting for the heinous bill, she had told him, “Steve I know it’s terrible. My husband’s a doctor. He hates it too. But if I don’t vote for it, she will punish me.”

Is Obama Losing Iraq?

Powerline  "After eight years, enough is enough. If the Iraqis are capable of governing themselves and joining the modern world, they will do so. If not, they won’t. But if they fail, it won’t be the fault of the Obama administration or the USA." John Hinderaker

I couldn't disagree more with this position. The issue is no longer helping the Iraqis build a nation; it is protecting American security by holding back Iran which is licking its chops over the thought of that nation being a Persian Gulf superpower.
I believe Obama does not care if Iran is the winner in all this and Iraq falls under their hegemony; he will blame it all on President Bush with the support of Democrats in Congress and a compliant media.
The next president is the one who will inherit a mess like you won't believe to clean up. TD 

Art work at right by Rich Terrell and Norman Somebody.
"You can expect the theme for Obama’s reelection being one that shows his leadership, tough decision making, and proven results in bringing our enemies to justice. The other debacles such as Gitmo, his world apology tours, handing over Central Europe to a Putin-controlled Russia, pushing Israeli relations to extremes, and his unwillingness to confront Iran will go unmentioned."

Heritage: The Decline and Fall of Obama’s Foreign Policy Czars  "As another Foreign Policy commentator put it, “the president’s decision to appoint so many czars was a classic rookie mistake that has not really worked out very well for anyone.”"


Atlas Shrugs "This Occupy (bowel) movement is the very opposite of the Tea party. Occupy seeks to destroy, Tea seeks to rebuild. Occupy mooches and loots, Tea produces. Occupy hates, Tea loves. Occupy wants to destroy capitalism and instead have us live as slaves under socialsim. Tea seeks to restore capitalism, individual rights and personal responsibility.
"Obama hearts Occupy. Muslim Brotherhood hearts Occupy. The American Nazi party hearts Occupy
"Thuggery, vandalism, lack of concern for sanitation, and various other crimes was over the top for Oakland officials -- including an attack on a nearby bank. Here is the Tuesday Morning time line as over 100 police in riot gear took down "OCCUPY OAKLAND" between 4am and 6am this morning:"....


Is Occupy Oakland as Bad as They Say?  "Remember Lovelle Mixon, the serial rapist, child molester and murderer who single-handedly committed one of the worst mass killings of police officers in American history? Yeah, that guy. Well, the anti-police sentiment at Occupy Oakland is so intense that they regard Lovelle Mixon as a hero!! Whatever other crimes he may have committed, if he offed some pigs, then all is forgiven. F--k the Po-lice! Power to the people!"  Many photos including this one:

Alan Caruba: The Value of a Single Israeli Soldier

Warning Signs  " Had the Israelis merely released one or a few prisoners their return would evoke suspicion, but with more than a thousand such prisoners it will prove impossible for Hamas to know which among them are double agents.
"No people survive more than three thousand years against the greatest of odds and a multitude of enemies without learning a few lessons along the way. Hamas will pay the price in the weeks, months, and years ahead."


Monday, October 24, 2011

Citizen Media Show The True Nature Of Occupy Chicago

Big Journalism  "Like the rest of the large cities in the US, Chicago is currently suffering from small pockets of Occupy protesters and their ever-present signs. Like with every other big city these signs are often misspelled, sometimes profane, commonly anti-capitalist, occasionally anti-Semitic, almost always anti-American, not to mention merely ignorant of the facts. But one thing that is the same in every protest, at least in the media reportage of same, is that the worst of the signs go unseen by the general American news consumer.
"Chicago blogger John Ruberry took his trusty camera downtown to the Windy City and captured some pretty representative signs the like of which were similar signs seen at Tea Party events would have made the nightly news programs for their outrageous messages."

The attack on Judge Bork- the end of any trace of civility in political discourse

Judge Robert Bork
The Bork Nomination, 24 Years On  "Perhaps the most disgusting of all those disgusting performances was committed by one of America’s most disgusting families, the Kennedys. The day Robert Bork was nominated, Senator Ted Kennedy rose in the Senate and said this:
Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit down at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censored at the whim of government, and the doors of the Federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is often the only protector of the individual rights that are the heart of democracy.
The NY Times article cited in the above: The Ugliness Started With Bork  "The anger between Democrats and Republicans, the unwillingness to work together, the profound mistrust — the line from Bork to today’s ugly politics is a straight one."

Carry On Borking, Say Libs "You can see that in the contrast between the Tea Party and the Occupy movement. Tea Party activists know they have always to be on their best behavior, because at any moment they could be accused of sexism, racism or incivility. The Occupy folks are much less guarded; they are free to hate anyone they choose, from Jews to bankers. The whole point of community organizing is to organize hate.
"This country needs a satiric movie, "Carry On Borking," to make fun of all the liberal haters. It could feature all the liberal stereotypes: the community organizer, the eco-terrorist, the ACORN rent-a-mob, the pro-choice termagant, maybe even the crony capitalist. "

How safe is America under the Democrats?

From the party whose record on this goes as far back as supporting slavery in the War Between the States and giving up the fight to end secession on to today's anti-American surrender of everything.
The Democrats knew a decade of relative heroism in the 1940's up to the moment they gave away Eastern Europe to Stalin, but they are not that party anymore. Back then they were hoodwinked by the Reds; now they are in bed with them. TD

Heritage: Obama’s Iraq Failure "To hear President Barack Obama describe the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, you’d think it was a long-anticipated political victory, the fruition of a promise he made when campaigning for the White House. But his announcement last week that American troops in Iraq will return by the end of the year is a result of a serious Obama Administration failure that will undermine U.S. security interests in the Middle East."

Barry Rubin: Obama’s Foreign Policy: Manchurian Candidate or Keystone Kop?  "...I am often asked whether I believe this situation is caused by a deliberate, conscious effort to destroy U.S. interests, subvert Israel’s existence, and promote anti-American Islamists on the part of the president and his closest colleagues.
"No, I answer, it is the result of ignorance, incompetence, and a ridiculous ideological approach that has nothing to do with reality. But, I add, it certainly says something that the policy is so bad that it makes people think that deliberate treason is a credible."
...."But as George Orwell — who understood these things — once said, some ideas are so stupid that only an intellectual will believe them."With all due respect to Mr. Obama, of course.

Politics Trumps Security in Obama’s Bungled Troop Negotiations with Iraq  "Last month, 42 conservative foreign policy experts wrote an open letter to President Obama expressing strong concern over the course of the negotiations. Given the ignominious collapse of the negotiations, there are sure to be more letters and scathing commentaries as the debate over Iraq heats up in the run-up to the presidential elections."

Key general: Iraq pullout plan a ‘disaster’   "“They have virtually no capability for external defense to protect their borders from bad actors in the region,” he said.
"“They don’t have the intelligence. They certainly don’t have the hardware — tanks, mechanized infantry vehicles. Let’s posit an attack from Iran. They have neither the air support nor the ability to stand and fight at their border. The Iranian army has capacity this Iraqi army does not yet have.” "

This Tony Branco cartoon is being repeated here:

John W. Lillpop: What Foreign Policy Successes?  "To test the objectivity of the mainstream media when it comes to Barack Obama and his Libyan “success,” one should answer this question: What if George W. Bush had taken similar steps in another part of the world while in office?
"The howls for W.’s blood would still be reverberating through the halls of Congress and in the news rooms of CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC!"

Victor Davis Hanson: Rage On—and on and on…

Victor Davis Hanson  "On a wider political level, there is a growing realization that today’s brand of liberalism is really a form of slow societal suicide. We see red states recovering from recession; blue states are still broke. Greece is a mess; so is the entire anti-democratic, statist, and redistributive EU. Keynesian economics is about as dead as global warming/climate change/climate chaos in the age of Climategate, Al Gore, Inc., and a planet cooling over the last decade.
"The old idea of open borders is also over. The notion is discredited that teaching new arrivals multiculturalism and ethnic chauvinism, providing them massive subsidies, and ignoring federal statutes was both more humane and more efficacious than the old melting pot of our youth. Solyndra was the epitaph of the lie of “millions of green jobs.” Obama will never utter that now bankrupt phrase again. “Green” means millions of dollars in printed federal money for each job produced, but even far more millions to crony capitalists who hid their malfeasance with hope and change sloganeering."

Lets hope Mr. Hanson is not being overly optimistic, but I do hope he is right. How many leftists have you heard from who seem even a bit embarrassed by this great liberal movement called the Obama-run government?
This regime has been a parody of all things "progressive". TD