Saturday, December 31, 2011

Obama’s Childish Playacting

Commentary Magazine    "You might think that nearly three years of shooting air balls would cause Obama and his aides to stay away from comparisons to Jordan and James, as well as to FDR and Lincoln. (“I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president — with the possible exceptions of Johnson, FDR, and Lincoln,” Obama told “60 Minutes.” The use of the word “possible” is priceless.) But you would be wrong. The Obama cult of personality, with a touch of narcissistic personality disorder, goes on.

And you can count on one thing: If Obama is defeated in 2012, his narrative will be that we the American people were not worthy of the Great and Mighty Obama. Perhaps we can take some comfort that no people on Earth possibly could be."
Here is where I would insert one of my many Obama poses, but they are all on the computer that is being repaired.

A Student’s-Eye View of Center Stage Liberalism

Big Hollywood  "It would be ridiculous for a conservative to enter a production or university theater expecting it be a politically edifying experience on level with, say, a National Review cruise. The university has been a well-guarded outpost of the left since 1951 or 1964 or somewhere ‘round those parts; the theater, likewise, has generally cheered left-wing causes.
It is not ridiculous to expect that theater departments (especially at publicly-funded institutions) prioritize storytelling and, well, drama ahead of the strident promotion of pet political causes and the vilification of those causes’ detractors."


Your Obama Apologist of the Day: Don Cheadle   "Cheadle, best known for his work in films like “Hotel Rwanda,” “Iron Man 2″ and “Crash,” told Jet Magazine he wished Obama had been more “gangsta,” and less a “consensus seeker.” "

The Best and Worst of Hollywood Liberals
"I try really hard to look past the Hollywood idiots.  I mean, REALLY hard.  But at some point you just have to add them to the boycott list.  I’ll overlook stupidity, but at some point a line is crossed.  Here are a couple of examples:"

Friday, December 30, 2011


Iran Sanctions Bill Sits on Obama’s Desk Despite More Aggressive Posturing by Iran
"President Obama could be emboldening Iran even further by his dithering on signing this bill into law that would prevent foreign banks from doing any business with the Central Bank of Iran. The lack of a strong message from the U.S. now has the Iranian Navy doing military exercises in the Straight of Hormuz, which is the transportation route for as much as 1/3 of the oil supply coming out of the region." 

Iran raises anti-US threat level. Israel's C-of-S warns of potential for regional war
"US and NATO task forces in the Persian Gulf have been placed on alert after US intelligence warned that Iran's Revolutionary Guards are preparing Iranian marine commandos to sow mines in the strategic Strait of Hormuz."
What would Bill Ayres advise Obama to do?

From the Lebanon Daily Star: Dangerous game   " When Tehran’s leaders want to blast the U.S., it is certainly their right to do so, provided that the blasting in question involves words, and not military operations. But when the rhetoric moves into the realm of issuing concrete threats about taking such a step as closing Hormuz, Tehran’s leaders should remember that they are playing with fire, and should consider their steps with extreme care."

Iran starts building a nuclear weapon: US and Israel tighten cooperation

From Israel: Obama isn't good enough  "...Israel cannot afford to have a reluctant US president, like Barack Obama, who will not be there when the Jewish state needs unquestioned and immediate support. Only a president who truly appreciates the Israel-US alliance and values Israel as America’s most important Mideast ally will not use the upcoming danger as a bargaining chip to further weaken Israel."  Shoula Romano Horing

Iran-US brinkmanship over oil strait of Hormuz worsens has this.

As long as the government doesn't have us put to sleep

Can the 2nd Amendment Survive Four More Years of Obama? (Don’t Bet on It)

Big Government  "A politician is described as a “lame duck” once he or she has been defeated or announced their retirement, and is simply finishing out the remainder of their term in office. And even after Nov. elections are over and a large number of Senate and House members are voted out, the lame duck Senators and House members are usually just that – lame. But occasionally, they are fierce because the defeated office holder is bitter and has approximately two months to wreak havoc with his or her vote before leaving DC. When this happens, ideologues will use the time where they’re completely accountable to voters to score points for their side."
While I don’t pretend to know what working for more gun control “under the radar” means, I do know that there’s no limit to the damage that can be done by a man who hates guns, freedom, and the constitution as much as Obama does. (Especially if he knows he doesn’t have to answer to voters again.)

New e-mails: ATF officials discussed using Fast and Furious to … push gun control
Bill – can you see if these guns were all purchased from the same (licensed gun dealer) and at one time. We are looking at anecdotal cases to support a demand letter on long gun multiple sales. Thanks.”

On Jan. 4, 2011, as ATF prepared a press conference to announce arrests in Fast and Furious, Newell saw it as “(A)nother time to address Multiple Sale on Long Guns issue.” And a day after the press conference, Chait emailed Newell: “Bill–well done yesterday… (I)n light of our request for Demand letter 3, this case could be a strong supporting factor if we can determine how many multiple sales of long guns occurred during the course of this case.”

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ron Paul: Not Anti-Semitic, Just Anti-Israel

Taegan D. Goddard's Political Wire  "He is however, most certainly Anti-Israel, and Anti-Israeli in general. He wishes the Israeli state did not exist at all. He expressed this to me numerous times in our private conversations. His view is that Israel is more trouble than it is worth, specifically to the America taxpayer. He sides with the Palestinians, and supports their calls for the abolishment of the Jewish state, and the return of Israel, all of it, to the Arabs."

From Right Wing News: Statement from fmr. Ron Paul staffer on Newsletters, Anti-Semitism

Obama’s Iran Promises: Security or Votes?

Jonathan S. Tobin  "A month ago, Jeffrey Goldberg provoked a fair amount of scorn for proclaiming his belief that Barack Obama would “save Israel” from a nuclear Iran. But though Goldberg’s faith in the president’s willingness to use force to stop the Iranian nuclear program goes against everything we’ve learned about Obama in the last three years, Washington appears to be trying to sell the same bill of goods to the Israelis."

America's Global Leadership Is Ending  "So the paradox is that while US military power retains global reach (it is working on supersonic cruise missiles, and long-range drones) its stewardship as world leader, as a generator of the next big idea, is gradually ending. There may come a time when international institutions are rebuilt to fill this vacuum. But that time is not yet. Until then, a new world disorder would be nearer the mark."

Occupy-Linked Group Releases Survival Guide For Violent Revolution; Look out Rose Parade, They're Coming!

Big Government   ...."The 15 page document is available here via Scribd. The excerpt below is the foreword for the document. As website Zerohedge notes, one or two hacks of system critical financial institutions could easily produce widescale chaos, setting the stage for any number of significant events of this nature."
"Perhaps also of note, New York Times best selling author Michael Thomas was predicting violence on behalf of the Occupy movement in a December 26 opinion item at the Daily Beast, though there’s nothing to suggest the two developments are at all linked."

What's with those "Guy Fawkes" masks?
After appearing in internet forums, the mask was worn by participants in real-life protests and has become widespread internationally among groups protesting against politicians, banks and financial institutions, such as the "Occupy" protests.
"The mask portrays a white face with a subtle smile, a wide moustache upturned at both ends, and a thin vertical pointed beard. It is often accompanied by a black cape and a black conical hat."

ABC News: How Did Guy Fawkes Become a Symbol of Occupy Wall Street?

[Nov 5th] is Guy Fawkes Day. In Great Britain, Guy Fawkes Day — and its post-meridian counterpart, Bonfire Night — have been celebrated every Nov. 5 for centuries, since soon after Fawkes’ death in 1605.
"In the lead-up to today, a Guy Fawkes mask spawned by the 2006 movie “V for Vendetta”
has become the accessory of choice at Occupy Wall Street and similar protests around the world."
"So who was Guy Fawkes, and how did he become a symbol of protesters more than 400 years after his death?"

Occupy Pasadena Protesters Look to Ruin the Tournament of Roses New Years Day Parade
"There is a time and place for protests, the New Years Day Tournament of Roses Parade happens not to be one of them. I will say this, that if these fools mar this event in front of millions of onlookers, they will permanently seal their fate.
"How pathetic is it that cities have to pay more money by beefing up law enforcement to deal with these menaces? Pasadena police had to ramp up for Occupy the Rose Parade protesters. You know when police must ramp up for events, when there are terror concerns. You make the comparisons."  
At least OWS won't need porta-potties.  TW chooses neither to link to this protest site nor show their flyer, which you can see for yourself online. Consider this my personal protest against #OWS.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ann Coulter: Only One Candidate Is Right On The Two Most Important Issues

Ann Coulter   "In the upcoming presidential election, two issues are more important than any others: repealing Obamacare and halting illegal immigration. If we fail at either one, the country will be changed permanently."
"But capitulate on illegal immigration, and the entire country will have the electorate of California. There will be no turning back.
"Similarly, if Obamacare isn't repealed in the next few years, it never will be."
"That leaves us with Romney and Bachmann as the candidates with the strongest, most conservative positions on illegal immigration. As wonderful as Michele Bachmann is, 2012 isn't the year to be trying to make a congresswoman the first woman president."

Hamas Leader Haniyeh Agrees to Obama’s ’67 Border Plan – Says Goal Is Destruction of Israel

Gateway Pundit

"This month at a ceremony marking the 24th anniversary of the founding of Hamas, terror leader Ismail Haniyeh said that Hamas’ long-term “strategic” goal is the elimination of Israel… in stages."

Hamas leader: Goal is 'eliminating all of Israel'

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Obama Issues Statement Praising Fake Holiday Concocted By A Violent Felon And Black Supremacist That Liberals Love To Pretend Is Real…

"Just because Kwanzaa was made up by a racist black nationalist who was convicted of torturing two women who were part of his group “United Slaves,” because he thought they were hiding nonexistent “crystals” of poison meant to kill him, doesn’t mean it’s not a legitimate holiday, right? Or how about the fact that actual Africans have never heard of Kwanzaa? I could go on and on but I’m preaching to the choir."

Statement by the President and First Lady on Kwanzaa —

A look at the history of "Kwanzaa"
"Kwanzaa practitioners of 30 years ago were dashiki-wearing "cultural nationalists" who sported huge Afros or bald heads and latched onto things African with a spiritual hunger. In a humorously candid admission in 1978, Karenga said he created Kwanzaa with such Afro-centric people in mind.
" "People think it's African. But it's not. I wanted to give black people a holiday of their own. So I came up with Kwanzaa...."


White liberals and black radicals: a match made in...well...  "As Ann Coulter has pointed out in her inimitable, incisive way, the only people who pretend to take Kwanzaa seriously are white liberals."
...."Picture a young black couple coming home from Christmas shopping and opening the mail."
"Look, honey, Che and Courtney sent us a Kwanzaa card."
"What the heck is a Kwanzaa card?"
"I don't know. Maybe they've gotten into some kind of New Age thing. They're funny like that."
"Well, don't invite them to our Christmas party. They might feel out of place."


Victor Davis Hanson: Obama Derangement Syndrome?

Victor Davis Hanson  "So how does one distinguish natural political opposition from a psychotic state? In other words, when will we know that popular opposition to Obama’s worldview and a dislike at the way he seeks to divide the country degenerate into the paranoid venom that was unleashed against Bush?
"Here are some things to watch on the national scene to warn us:"
1) Assassination Talk

Watch it when opposition to Obama evokes thoughts of assassination and is not countenanced by the conservative community. In other words, be on guard for the conservative equivalents of a Gabriel Range’s Death of a President — a docudrama imagining a hit on Barack Obama. Especially important is to note any positive reaction to such hatred, like a first-place award from the Toronto Film Festival.

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