Thursday, May 3, 2012

New Veterans Ad Shreds Obama For Taking Credit For Bin Laden Killing…

Many thanks for this to Weasel Zippers

Cut from the same mold is this video tribute at Blackfive. Go to the link because I can't figure how to imbed it. TD

Meanwhile from earlier is this:  Longtime Admirer Brian Williams Rewarded With Obama-Promoting 'Exclusive'  "It’s no surprise that Obama turned to Brian Williams to help trumpet his message, as the face of NBC News has fawned over Barack Obama since the start of the 2008 presidential campaign. A review finds the NBC anchor has typically loaded up his interviews of Obama with politically-convenient softballs and few tough questions:"
"Going into the last six months of the crucial 2012 general election, the Democratic President will have the luxury of being interviewed by journalists who openly admire him and may have even wept at his inauguration. So much for fairness."

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Taxmageddon cometh

Ripped this off from Lars LarsonCatch his website or join him on Facebook

While I'm in his site, I just think I'll hijack this one as well:

70 years ago: the Battle of the Coral Sea

Navy History  "On 3 May a small Japanese naval force carried out a landing at Tulagi, on the northern side of the Coral Sea, where they quickly established a seaplane base to provide reconnaissance deeper into Allied waters. Leaving Lexington behind and detaching Neosho to join her, Rear Admiral Fletcher took Yorktown off to interfere with the landings. On the morning of the 4th, his planes hit the invasion force. Though results were modest, to some extent due to humid air fogging the dive bombers' sights, the destroyer Kikuzuki was fatally damaged and a few other ships and seaplanes were sunk"

The Battle of the Coral Sea: Summary
Battle of the Coral Sea "What followed was the first true carrier vs. carrier battle, where neither task force actually came within sight of each other, and the issue was decided entirely by aircraft.

"The results of the affair was probably a tactical victory for the Japanese, as they managed to sink the heavy carrier Lexington, heavily damage the Yorktown, and sink a destroyer and an oiler. For their part, the Americans managed to achieve their first substantial warship kill against the Japanese Navy by sinking the light carrier Shoho. They also severely damaged the Shokaku. From a strategic perspective, though, the Americans scored an important, multi-dimensional victory."....More

Obama’s Crucifixion of “Big Oil”

Heritage Foundry  "If it ever was a secret, it’s not a secret any longer: The Obama Administration is on a vindictive campaign to injure America’s oil and gas industry. The proof materialized last week when video of an Environmental Protection Agency official revealed the White House’s vicious attitude toward the very industries that supply the American people a reliable, affordable energy source. Yesterday, that official fell on his sword and resigned to spare the president any further embarrassment from the truth he disclosed."
...."When President Obama lashes out at “Big Oil,” guess who’s going to pay the price? You. First, raising taxes on any company means that the costs will be passed on to consumers. If you’re tired of paying high gas prices, you would pay even more if the president levies new costs on the industry that is supplying your fuel."

Everything you need to know about Occupy in one photo

Michelle Malkin  "It’s May Day. I’m occupying my job, how about you?

"The Occupiers are out wreaking havocbreaking windowscursing at cops, and telling everyone else not to work. 
"In other words: Just another day at the office. I mean encampment. Or streets. Or parents’ basement. Or whatever.
"Twitter follower and cartoonist John Richards sent me this pic he drew that tells you everything you need to know (and I’ve been reporting) about the Occupy tools and their backers:"

Neal Boortz: Occutard protest  "And since the OccuTards are just so easy to make fun of, take a look at some of these brilliant signs they came up with yesterday.  These kids are now nothing but useful idiot captives of the socialist, progressive and union movements."

Occupy Wall Street May Day 'Relaunch' a Monumental Fizzle
"San Francisco was also the scene of mindless violence  as a couple of dozen black clad anarchists trashed about 30 businesses in the Mission district. The violence mystified the small business owners:"...

UPDATE! WINNING! Story Results In Occupy Arrest  Breitbart story and video follows this one.

Early Wednesday morning Breitbart News posted a video of an Occupy protester in LA smashing a drum into the head of a female LAPD officer. At the time the video had fewer than 25 views. Within hours the video began to spread around the web on blogs and social media sites. Just over 24 hours later it has been viewed more than 200,000 times.Yesterday afternoon, KTLA reported that a suspect in the attack had been detained and was being questioned. This morning, the LAPD announced the arrest of Brian Mendoza age 23. Sources say Mendoza is “6 feet tall and weighs 280 pounds.” By contrast, the officer he attacked is said to be 5’1″ and just over 100 pounds. The incident:
What a cheap shot.

#Occupyfail: The Totalitarian Temptation ..." He picked up a piece of paper and read aloud: “Here’s what she said [conservatives] think:
. . . climate change is a Trojan horse designed to abolish capitalism and replace it with some kind of eco-socialism. As conference speaker Larry Bell succinctly puts it in his new book Climate of Corruption, climate change “has little to do with the state of the environment and much to do with shackling capitalism and transforming the American way of life in the interests of global wealth redistribution.”
 "The assembled Occupiers laughed nervously, and some nodded. “Yes!” smiled the speaker. "“The Right gets it. They spread misinformation about the science, as they know that it means the end of how we’ve been living. And they’ll do anything to keep the system as it is.” "

Victor Davis Hanson: Sitting Out Obama

National Review Online  "We recently saw lots of sit-down strikes and demonstrations — the various efforts in Wisconsin, the Occupy movements, and student efforts to oppose tuition hikes. None of them mattered much or changed anything. There is a sit-down strike, however, that has paralyzed the country and has been largely ignored by the media."

...."The Mexican economy is growing more rapidly than is ours. Why did not massive annual $1 trillion–plus deficits spark a recovery, as government claimed an ever larger percentage of GDP, and new public-works projects were heralded by the administration?
Much of the answer is found in the collective psyche of those Americans who traditionally hire, purchase, or invest capital. An economy is simply the aggregate of millions of private agendas, of people sensing and reacting to a commonly perceived landscape. Yet since January 2009, that landscape has been bleak and foreboding."

The path to bin Laden’s death didn’t start with Obama

The Washington Post  "As we mark the anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death, President Obama deserves creditfor making the right choice on taking out Public Enemy No. 1.

"But his administration never would have had the opportunity to do the right thing had it not been for some extraordinary work during the George W. Bush administration. Much of that work has been denigrated by Obama as unproductive and contrary to American principles."
....The truth is that getting bin Laden was the top counterterrorism objective for U.S. intelligence since well before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. This administration built on work pain­stakingly pursued for many years before Obama was elected — and without this work, Obama administration officials never would have been in a position to authorize the strike on Abbottabad, Pakistan, that resulted in bin Laden’s overdue death."
Jose A. Rodriguez Jr. is a 31-year veteran of the CIA and the author of “Hard Measures: How Aggressive CIA Actions After 9/11 Saved American Lives.”  And as such he is perhaps one of those that the Obama Administration had early on marked for criminal prosecution because of their efforts.
From Nov, 2011: 'If This Had Completely Gone South, He Was in a Position to Disavow'
President Obama’s role, too, was largely inflated.
He was out playing golf only 20 minutes before the raid began.
“If this had completely gone south, he was in a position to disavow,” Pfarrer claimed.
"Just imagine how quickly he'd have thrown these guys under the bus. Instead he goes around using bin Laden's death as a campaign tool."

UPDATED: Obama's campaign trip to Afghanistan

Obama's Midnight Ramble to Kabul  "Perhaps the most notable aspect of President Obama's sneak visit to Afghanistan was its transparency. Every aspect of the trip indicates it was a campaign function, building the Obama brand.
"The timing was blatant.  The anniversary of Osama kill for starters. But the entire Kabul visit was held at crazy hours of the early morning. Transparently, it was timed for a prime time speech to the nation with a suitably patriotic military backdrop and setting. Cheers from the assembled troops. No spontaneous interaction with the troops, of course. Too risky."
Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay
UK Mail: Obama's midnight dash to Kabul shows that he dare not visit the place in daylight  "Mr Obama tried to make a virtue out of absurdity, referring to a “new light” breaking on the horizon for Afghanistan, even as he gestured to the “pre-dawn darkness” in which he was speaking, but even Mr Obama oratorical skills couldn’t disguise the  tail-between-the-legs ‘optics’ of the event. It was terrible."

Narcissist-In-Chief Gives A Shout-Out To Himself During Speech To Troops In Afghanistan… Nobody loves Barack Obama more than Barack Obama."

Boortz: Prezbo campaigns in Afghanistan  "Our only hope is that American voters are smart enough to see through this charade.  But I have a sinking feeling that they may not.  After all, they did put this guy into office in the first place.  The signs were all there that he was a Marxist; you just had to work to put together the pieces.  Clearly this is where the ObamaMedia failed.  They failed to vet Obama the first time around and now they will clamor to defend him because his failure also reflects on them."

Obama hedges bets with 'crass' speech at Bagram Air Base  " “In 2008, he campaigned on Afghanistan being the war we should focus on,” Inhofe said. “However, under his leadership, support for the war in Afghanistan is at an all time low because he has refused to articulate the value and importance of the work our troops are doing there.  Unfortunately, this President has allowed Washington and campaign politics to dictate his strategy in Afghanistan rather than the conditions on the ground.  We saw this when he failed to provide the troops the commanders needed during the surge, and again when he brought troops home during the height of fighting season.” " Blackfive has more.

Lillpop: Obama Spikes “bin Laden” Football AGAIN! Navy Seals Not Amused!
"Let the record show that the brave American heroes who did the heavy lifting in the OBL killing HAVE explained it all."
"The SEALS' message: Knock it off, Mr. President!"

(Emphasis in the original).

Mother Jones defends Obama  "This actually is a telling expose of just how far in the tank O's apologista corps in the media branch of his campaign are. Not only is dissent from the articulated message of martial glory and battlefield accomplishment verboten, but it is classified as a lie by these self-appointed commissars in the the Ministry of Truth."

Obama says Forward!

Neal Boortz: Forward, eh?  ...."But later in the day people began to realize that this “Forward” slogan seemed familiar.  Then it hit .. ah ha! .. I know where this is from.  Brutal Chinese murderer Mao Zedong once engaged in his Great Leap Forward.  It is described as a period of “forced collectivization and industrialization,”which happened to result in the death of 45 million people.  Also, Spring Forward was apparently a slogan used by Communist dictator Vladimir Lenin.
"Way to go Team Obama!  But then again, maybe the Mao reference doesn’t faze them.  After all, Obama’s former chief communications director Anita Dunn once proclaimed that Mao was one of her “favorite philosophers.” 
"Also, take a look at the importance the word “forward” carries for socialists, as well as left-wing newspapers."

OBL's Death a Victory for the Adults

American Thinker  "Now by adults, I mean folks mature enough to understand that the world is a mean place ruled by the aggressive use of power and that the only way to stop evil from ruling is for the good guys to use more power and to use it more aggressively.  
"And by children, I mean the overgrown juveniles who refuse to understand this reality as it is and who like to think the Muslim world adored us until Bush-Cheney and Rumsfeld came to power.  Long before election day of 2012, this will become evident. 
"Because when you drill down, the death of bin Laden has nothing to do with the core beliefs of this President or the entire liberal movement."
...."Everything liberals believe about the same was defeated.  They are trying to take credit for a win in a war they never acknowledged with tactics they openly hate.  With a childish liberal in the White House, that may not be evident to much of the country at the moment.  But I predict it will be.  Facts are facts.  The adults won.  The kids were along for the ride kicking and screaming.  Americans' curiosity with how this all went down will bring this to light." C. Edmund Wright

Obama's 'gutsy' call not so gutsy   "So now, after spending the entire W. Bush presidency using military tragedies to score political points, it's quite natural for liberals such as Obama to project this type of behavior onto their political opponents." 
Rich Terrell update

The curious resignation of Richard Grenell

Have some conservatives danced to a Democrat tune? This seems like a leftist dream come true.  This all seems so very regrettable and, if true some anti-gay conservatives have given Obama a big gift on a silver platter that could affect more than just the presidential election.

Jennifer Rubin"Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives"
"In the National Review, Matthew J. Franck wrote late last week: “Suppose Barack Obama comes out — as Grenell wishes he would — in favor of same-sex marriage in his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. How fast and how publicly will Richard Grenell decamp from Romney to Obama?” "
"The argument that Grenell could essentially not be openly gay and serve on a GOP presidential campaign was belied by the fact that Grenell has been a loyal Republican for many years, working for esteemed foreign policy figures including former Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton."
.... "Right Turn has learned from multiple sources that the senior officials from the Romney campaign and respected Republicans not on the campaign contacted Ric Grenell over the weekend in an attempt to persuade him not to leave the campaign. Those were unsuccessful. During the two weeks after Grenell’s hiring was announced the Romney campaign did not put Grenell out to comment on national security matters and did not use him on a press foreign policy conference call. Despite the controversy in new media and in conservative circles, there was no public statement of support for Grenell by the campaign and no supportive social conservatives were enlisted to calm the waters."...

Byron York: The curious resignation of Richard Grenell    " In all, several Romney aides encouraged Grenell to come to Boston and start work.  Whatever the criticisms from social conservatives, officials say, they wanted Grenell on the job."
...."The answer isn't clear, but the circumstances of Grenell's early departure from Team Romney and his own strongly-expressed opinions suggest that gay politics, perhaps not just the opinions of social conservatives, might have played some role in the whole affair.  But if Romney's aides are to be believed, it wasn't on their end."

Powerline: WHAT’S THE STORY WITH RICHARD GRENELL? "At this point, we don’t know the full story. But what we do know seems to reflect poorly on the Romney campaign. If Grenell wasn’t someone the campaign could stand behind, it shouldn’t have selected him. Once it selected him, unless significant new information came to light... the campaign should have stood strongly behind him. And if the campaign did stand strongly behind him but Grenell quit anyway, then Grenell was a poor choice all along."

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Andrew Klavan; Exclusive: Obama Insider Reveals Secret Strategy to Beat Romney

Mister Lister...perhaps
Klavan on the Culture  "KOC:  I’m going to be very blunt here. I don’t understand how the president can run on his record. In July of 2008, Mr. Obama called George W. Bush “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic” for adding 4 trillion dollars to the national debt over 8 years. But in less than 4 years, Mr. Obama has added 5 trillion dollars to our debt and has proposed no reforms except a bogus tax on rich people which would accomplish virtually nothing. At the same time he keeps trying to buy off voters by offering things like student loan subsidies and other unfunded entitlements that would actually add to the debt.  How do you propose to address this issue?

"LISTER: Well, the debt is a very serious problem, but by the same token, I think you have to agree that Mitt Romney drove for twelve hours with his dog in a crate on top of his car.