Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Welfare Reform Is the Latest Obama Rewrite

The Foundry  "In the past, state bureaucrats have attempted to define activities such as hula dancing, attending Weight Watchers, and bed rest as “work.” These dodges were blocked by the federal work standards. Now that the Obama Administration has abolished those standards, we can expect “work” in the TANF program to mean anything but work.

"The new welfare dictate issued by the Obama Administration clearly guts the law. The Administration tramples on the actual legislation passed by Congress and seeks to impose its own policy choices—a pattern that has become all too common in this Administration.
"The result is the end of welfare reform."

Will Obama and Democrats turn this nation into California and other points for Romney to consider:

Victor Davis Hanson: Beware the Ides of October  "What should we expect as the campaign heats up in the final four months?

Ed Driscoll: Would Obama’s Second Term Complete the Californication of America?
"Hope and change were in the air that cold winter day, and Seeger and Springsteen* figured it was time for America to hear the rarely performed stanza.
There was a big high wall there that tried to stop me,
A great big sign there said, “private property”;
But on the back side, it didn’t say nothin’;
That side was made for you and me.
"No wonder we’ve never heard that stanza. It changes Guthrie’s song from a celebration of America into a bitter indictment of a nation built on unjust private-property rights."
*"Yes, Bruce was a member of the Communist Party of the USA between 1978 and 1991. He resigned so as to further his music career but still pays on average 4.6 million dollars per year in donations to communist movements worldwide. He was temporarily known as "Comrade Bruce" in Albania in the late 1990's."

Romney's Hollywood hurdle: President Barack Obama's re-election campaign gets a boost tomorrow at select theaters nationwide
" "The Obama Effect," written and directed by veteran actor Charles S. Dutton, follows a man who drops everything in his life to support a certain single-term Senator from Illinois. Dutton plays an insurance salesman who survives a heart attack and decides to dedicate his days to supporting Obama's presidential campaign."
Coupled with the Hollywood pro-Obama hagiographies; DNC Chair Doubles Down on 'Felony' Charge Against Romney  "Moreover, these Bain attacks are only working to help Obama allies in the media from talking about the economy. Which does help Obama, but as far as the polls, the needle hasn't moved at all. To voters worried about finding or keeping a job, this is likely all white noise."

Dick Morris; Obama’s strategy emerges  "The Romney campaign must put ads on the screen that show the opposite of the Obama negative — the success stories of Bain and the ways in which Romney’s skill, intellect, dedication and hard work produced some jobs and saved others for average American workers."

Via the 
Hoover Institution;  George Shultz: Memo to Romney — Expand the Pie  " What about Mitt Romney? Is he running on the right themes? Will he have a mandate if he wins?" 

Want to take an active part in getting Obama out of office?

What knowledge can you contribute to the Republican National Committee - Research Department?

"RNC Research is focused on examining and analyzing President Obama’s record of failed economic policies and broken promises that are taking our country in the wrong direction. Comprised of dedicated researchers, the Department is focused solely on the facts and what they tell us about the Obama presidency."
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Small businesspersons, what have you encountered in the way of Obama regulations and other business obstacles?
The site asks mainly for your stories of encounters with economic issues, but I'd love to see the Republicans take on many issues including these:
How has Obama's EPA hamstrung you?
Medical practitioners, what new ordeals have been imposed on you under ObamaCare?
Tax consultants, what new problems do you now encounter because of this government?
What others have I failed to list here?

If you have an issue you would like to see addressed by Republicans in this campaign, tell them about it here.  Be sure to include your name and address so they can verify your report and not be attacking some urban legend.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tunnel Wall tribute to this President

Chris Matthews: 'Obama Is the Perfect Father, the Perfect Husband, the Perfect American'  "Isn't there anyone at MSNBC embarrassed by this? Or all they okay with one of their so-called "journalists" calling a sitting president in an election year "perfect?" "

Bookworm Room adds this to our Barack Obama tribute:
"Distilled to its essence:  Barack Obama is saying that only government makes things happen.   He fundamentally fails to understand that a healthy, stable society, one in which government does its one that enables the hard workers, the innovators, the — yes — the lucky ones to rise above the crowd.  When government tries to innovate for innovation’s sake ...we end up with TSA and Solyndra."  (Emphasis added.)

From the comments section at the above site:
If you’ve got a business become President — you didn’t build win that. Somebody else made that happen.
Somebody, to remain anonymous, released sealed divorce proceeding records
Somebody, at the LA Times, refuses to release tapes of you celebrating with a group of Palestinians who were openly hostile towards Israel.
Somebody coordinated a Journolist of main stream media reporters, pundits, etc., to combat negative coverageiu(sic) 

Obama and our government have hurt me, not helped me, every step of the way

By  in Fox News  
"I was President Obama’s college classmate at Columbia University, Class of '83. Almost every one of my classmates were openly socialist or Marxist, with many of these leftist radicals calling for an end to capitalism and “bringing down the system” by destroying the U.S. economy with entitlements, debt, and crisis.
"That’s why I have predicted in thousands of media interviews from the first days of Obama's presidency that Obama is a radical, with a deep-seated hatred of business owners, a desire to demonize us and destroy America’s faith in capitalism, and a plan to bring down the system by overwhelming our economy with debt and crisis -- just as we all learned and discussed at Columbia in our college days.

"Well, it’s no longer a theory. Obama has decided to come clean with his plans for a second term. In a matter of 48 hours he gave us two hints so big you couldn’t miss his intentions." Read more... 
Hat tip to Harley Standlee, Placerville, CA
Wayne Allyn Root is a capitalist evangelist and serial entrepreneur. He is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee. He now serves as chairman of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee. He is the best-selling author of "The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold & Tax Cuts." For more, visit his website:

Video: Bill Whittle on Obama’s Greatest “Successes”

Via Nice Deb; Bill Whittle’s run down of  Bam’s greatest hits is devastating, and barely scratches the surface, but as Whittle says in the YouTube, comments, “There is only so much room on the internet, Wiz.”

So, how do we explain THIS?  "This race is not moving at all in any direction at the moment.  The stasis helps the challenger in providing time to gather his financial strength.  The attacks on character don’t seem to be having any real impact at all on the polling, which means that the election will almost certainly be decided on policy and as a referendum on the incumbent — and that’s definitely bad news for Obama."

What the Government Really Does for My Business

American Thinker  "The greater debt is owed by the president and his leviathan government to the taxpayers and businesses who fund his endless golf outings, Michelle's expensive vacations, and the utopian statist nightmare he has foisted on us. 
"Instead of belittling the efforts of business people he should be gratefully thanking them."
Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

Calls to destroy Great Pyramids a hoax (but you can understand why it was believed)

The Moderate Voice

"UPDATE: The report we linked to and quote from below turns out to be from a website that fell victim to a hoax. And since we linked to the report about the report we did, too. First read our UPDATE HERE. Now read our original post which quotes the report:
"Some in Egypt are calling to destroy one of that country’s most enduring symbols — and tourist attractions:"...

This cartoon goes with the post that follows the Firefighter article

City Orders Firefighters to Remove US Flags From Trucks – They’re Offensive

TheGatewayPundit  Two complaints? TWO

Florida fire fighters say the city apparently got two complaints about American flags being flown from fire trucks.The flags were not a safety issue, and they were not tattered or torn. But when the complains came the flags were gone.A dozen demonstrators stood outside a Seminole fire station waving American flags Sunday. They say they were there because fire fighters were banned from flying old glory on their trucks.A spokeswoman for Seminole Fire Rescue said the city is trying to be sensitive about the proper display of the American flag.Someone allegedly complained to the city about a large American flag being flown from the back of a ladder truck.

'And what do you know?': Business leaders hit back at Obama after he says the wealthy AREN'T responsible for their own success/ Krauthammer comments on this

UK Daily Mail   "In a hard-hitting statement to Mail Online, the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) president Dan Danne said: 'What a disappointment to hear President Obama's revealing comments challenging the significance of America's entrepreneurs.

Mr Danne added: 'His unfortunate remarks over the weekend show an utter lack of understanding and appreciation for the people who take a huge personal risk and work endless hours to start a business and create jobs.' "
...."As President Obama comes under scrutiny for remarks that he made about entrepreneurs over the weekend, it's not surprising to many that the president has never served in a leadership level at any private sector job.
"The president has held a number of jobs since the late 1980s, including editor, writer and professor before getting into politics. 
"But questions have been raised about Obama's lack of business experience as the U.S. struggles with a high joblessness rate and a frail economy.
"It was a point that Obama's political foes were quick to exploit in their attacks on Monday."

NRO; Obama against the Self-Made Man  The president would socialize success.
"There are few phrases that President Obama likes less than “on your own.” He considers it a lie when people think they’ve made it on their own, and he thinks that the most damning thing that can be said about the Republican vision is that it will leave people on their own. For him, “we’re in this together,” and the inspiring institution embodying that togetherness is none other than the Internal Revenue Service." Rich Lowry

Krauthammer’s Epic Takedown of Obama’s Elizabeth Warren Impersonation
How can so many idiots continue to like this man?

Our Politics of Polarization

RealClearPolitics  "As his campaign threw out unsubstantiated charges that Mitt Romney might be guilty of a felony, and then mocked Romney's off-key singing of "America the Beautiful," President Obama took a moment to reflect on the sad state of America's political tone. "Washington feels as broken as it did four years ago," he explained. "And if you ask me what is the one thing that has frustrated me most over the last four years, it's not the hard work. It's not the enormity of the decisions. It's not the pace. It is that I haven't been able to change the atmosphere here in Washington to reflect the decency and common sense of ordinary people." "
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
...."These are not excesses; they are the essence of Obama's current political strategy. He is attempting to destroy Romney before Romney can define himself, while using a series of issues -- the mini-DREAM Act, voting rights and contraceptive controversies -- to excite his base. The approach is not politically irrational. But it is premised on the avoidance of issues such as unemployment and the deficit."
Felony Blain 590

; Facts just get in the way of the Bain meme
"The Obama team itself backpedaled a bit on Sunday regarding its accusation of illegality. It was, among all the accusations thrown at Romney, the most reprehensible."....
"But of course, Obama and his hacks don’t actually believe the charge to be true. There is nothing this president won’t say or do — unilaterally amend laws, scrap the most successful social reform in generations (welfare reform), threaten “devastating” cuts in national security or threaten to take the country over the fiscal cliff — to get reelected."