Monday, June 3, 2013

Updated: Thanks for this, you low-information voters

'72 Avenger
William Kristol: A Low Dishonest Administration  "It is depressing. We the people reelected Barack Obama. We’re stuck with him for three and a half more years. That’s three and a half more years of dissembling about his administration’s scandals, blocking the repeal of Obamacare, and pursuing a foreign policy of weakness and retreat. That’s not just depressing. It’s dangerous."

The Decline of the Obama Presidency/ "The easiest way to end a war is to lose it".

red Barnes in the Wall Street Journal.
"Congressional Republicans neither trust nor fear the president. And Democrats on Capitol Hill, to whom Mr. Obama has never been close, have grown leery of him. In the Senate, Democrats complain privately about his interference with the biggest domestic policy matter of 2013, immigration reform. His effect, the senators believe, can only be to weaken the fragile bipartisan coalition for reform and make passage of major legislation more perilous.

"The Obama breakdown was not caused by the trio of scandals—IRS, Justice Department, Benghazi—now confronting the president. The decline preceded them. It's the result of what Mr. Obama did in his first term, during the campaign and in the two months following his re-election. But the scandals have worsened his plight and made recovery next to impossible.".... 
"There's not a single member of either party [in Congress] who fears paying a political price for not falling in line with the President, making it even more difficult to get members to cast difficult votes."
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
Victor Davis Hanson; Our Make No Mistake About It/ Let Me Be Perfectly Clear President  "To get things done, first-person pronouns breed to show both concern and control where there is often neither: I just appointed my new team that reports to me about my concerns that I share with advisors of mine. In the world of rhetoric, the more “I,” “me,” “my,” and “mine” appear in the abstract, the more we suspect that the over-referenced speaker has been usually absent in the concrete. There is no “us” or “we” or “our” in Washington these days — although lots of “they” and “them,” the existential enemies of “I” and “me.”"
"The War on Terror cannot go on forever, and so it will not. Who won and who lost, we do not yet know, but apparently someone must have. Obama “ended two wars,” but how and under what conditions we are not told. (The easiest way to end a war is to lose it, as George Orwell once said: Ask France about May 1940. )" Apparently this president is our own Jubilation T. Cornpone.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

We do nothing as Muslims eradicate the last vestiges of Christians and Jews from nation after nation

Infidel Bloggers Alliance
Muslims set fire to a Copt Christian church in Cairo. 
"We are witnesses to murder, and our governments are accomplices. The relentless destruction of the last remnants of the Middle East’s Judeo-Christian civilization is well under way. And we are silent.
"Captives of political correctness, our governments cater to radical immigrant tantrums as our leaders contort the truth to deny the existence of Islamist terrorism. Meanwhile, our Middle Eastern “allies” and foes alike eradicate thousands of years of Jewish and Christian heritage. Our diplomats treat the persecution as a minor embarrassment, best ignored.".... Full Article

Did Chris Matthews' Epiphany Send A Chill Up Obama's Leg?

Forbes...." “Establishment Democrats, never big fans of this president to begin with, are starting to speak out. And reporters are tripping over themselves to condemn lies, bullying and shadiness in the Obama administration.”

"Allen and VanderHei observe that“Obama’s aloof mien and holier-than-thou rhetoric have left him with little reservoir of good will, even among Democrats…This White House’s instinctive petulance, arrogance and defensiveness have all worked to insulate Obama at a time when he most needs a support system.”

"Dana Milbank wrote a Washington Post piece titled Obama, the uninterested president which opened saying: “President Passerby needs to become a participant in his presidency. Last Monday came the breathtaking news of a full-frontal assault on the First Amendment by his administration; word that the Justice Department had gone on a fishing expedition through months of phone records of Associated Press reporters.” "

Why You Should Care That The U.S. Government Has Targeted Catherine Engelbrecht And Her Organizations

Forbes ...."Second, the time and cost burdens imposed by responses to excessive and inappropriate IRS questions should be regarded as inexcusable. Add to this the resulting penalties upon fund-raising activities necessary to support charter functions caused by intentional and ongoing registration delays.
"Third, it is totally unacceptable to witness individuals and organizations that are exercising legal rights and patriotic responsibilities investigated by our government for doing so. It is chilling to learn that agents of the all-powerful IRS are assaulting citizens and organizations on the basis of political administrative agendas."

A Lesbian Couple Walks into a Muslim Bakery...

 American Thinker  "One might ask whether this lesbian couple have gone to the halal market to order meat for their wedding party and inquire about getting that wedding cake with two bride figures on top.

"Still, the question exists for other gays across the U.S., angry at this Christian-owned bakery practicing its First Amendment rights: why haven't other gays and lesbians wanting a wedding cake walked into Muslim-owned bakeries and attempted to place an order?  Why are all the big, brave activists who find it easy to send the Kleins in Oregon insulting and menacing e-mails all of a sudden "champions of religious freedom and diversity" when it comes to Muslim-owned bakeries across the country?  The obvious answer is that such a request would lead to an argument, if not a physical confrontation." Read more:  

MSNBC Rewrites History: Chris Matthews Calls GOP The Party Of Jefferson Davis

American Glob  "No wonder MSNBC’s ratings are in the toilet. They lie.
Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee recently switched from independent to Democrat, delighting leftists everywhere.
He claims the moderates have been driven from the GOP. Have you noticed that absolutely no one in politics or media ever talks about the lack of moderates in the Democratic Party?
"For more background on that, read William Jacobson.
"Video via Andrew Johnson of National Review.

At National Review Online: Matthews: GOP the Party of Jefferson Davis "Davis was a Democratic senator from Mississippi before becoming the president of the Confederate States of America."

News Analysis from China: Unanswered questions surround White House scandals

Xinhua   "Some critics charged the White House with attempting to avoid embarrassment in the lead-up to the 2012 presidential elections in a bid to continue its narrative that terrorism was on the wane after U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden in 2011.
"Critics are calling for the administration to release the name of the individual who told Rice to provide the talking points.
"Republican Strategist Ford O'Connell told Xinhua that the IRS scandal is the most damaging to the White House of all the controversies, as many Americans are distrustful of the powerful agency that has the power to tax, levy financial penalties and prosecute individuals for allegedly breaking tax laws."

Benghazi Terrorists: 'Dr. Morsi Sent Us'

Middle East Forum  "The terrorist attack in Benghazi is far more disturbing than previously thought. Although it has not been reported in the U.S. media, the possibility exists that the Egyptian government may have played an operational role in the attack. YouTube videos of the terrorist strike raise a serious problem that only an Arabic speaker would detect: some of the terrorists are speaking in the Egyptian dialect of the Arabic language.
Indeed, one of the videos shot with a cell phone of one of the attackers emerged around the time four Americans were killed. It shows a mob Mahadesh, mahadesh yermi, Dr. Morsi ba'atna" — which translates to: "Don't shoot, don't shoot, Dr. Morsi sent us."
approaching the American compound under siege, clearly telling the terrorists in the dialect of Upper Egypt: "
"The words "Mahadesh yermi" for "don't shoot" are characteristically spoken in Egyptian Arabic, while Libyans from Benghazi would say, "Matermey" for "don't shoot."
""Dr. Morsi" refers, of course, to president Mohamed Morsi of Egypt. The name Morsi is Egyptian and does not exist in any other Arabic speaking country."...
Cynthia Farahat

Just Stop Being Offended.

Logicology  " Now, this may seem impossible to some of you... and I understand that it might be difficult, but I assure you, it is both possible and necessary if you no longer wish to have your mental and emotional well-being constantly compromised by other people whose words and actions are beyond your control.

"What's more, I've found over the years that some people are not just offended by things intended to be offensive, but instead, seem to be looking for reasons to take offense to anything and everything that anybody does.

"For example... Just today, one of my favorite Facebook friends posted a Salon article about the supposed homophobia present in Disney movies: "Why are there no gay Disney characters?"

"And sure... There aren't any gay Disney "princesses", and no sweeping same-sex love-affairs in their whole universe really. Perhaps that's a tragedy... But I actually have far too many other (and I think actually much more substantive) criticisms of most of the messages contained in Disney movies to spend a ton of time on why there aren't any overtly gay characters...." Read more.... 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

A frightful look into the mind of a Democrat

Found on Facebook
"To Understand(sp) the mind of this woman be sure to read the whole 'letter to the editor', including her definition of a natural born citizen! From the Carteret County News-Times (Editor's note: The following Letter to the Editor, published in the Jan. 23 edition, has gone viral on the Web after a reader linked it to a Fox News Facebook page. It had received more than 4,000 comments and been shared more than 12,000 times by Tuesday morning. We have now discovered something with less intelligence than a moon rock. I am now dumber for having read it. When you're done, Share it. Cause no one deserves to suffer thru this libidiocy alone."
This thinking has third-world banana republic written all over it.

Like sheep led to the slaughter