Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The run-up to the Battle of Gettysburg, 150 years ago JEB Stuart departs from Lee

 Relive The Battle of Gettysburg: Bloodiest Conflict of Civil War  ~Total Gettysburg is committed to bringing the Battle of Gettysburg to you with rich narrative, stunning photos and detailed maps that bring the battle to life. Our goal is to educate about the battle that decided the fate of a country and inspire you to action to protect these sacred Civil War battlefields. The American Civil War has much to teach us and Total Gettysburg will get you started. ~

Welcome to the first of many videos to be produced for the Total Gettysburg Video Series. Each will cover a 4-5 hour time-period of the battle until the 3-day Battle of Gettysburg has been covered.

   " It seemed like such a logical plan at the time: as the Army of Northern Virginia was moving north on the summer’s great invasion, they knew where they were going. It did not seem that important to have the crack cavalry of Gen. J.E. B. Stuart available to scout ahead; if cavalry were needed, there were other units with the various corps that could do the job. Stuart therefore was given permission to detach his force for another “ride-around” intended to loop entirely around the Army of the Potomac, harassing, alarming and confusing them along the way, while picking up any supplies they came across. It would prove to be a terrible mistake, because the Army of the Potomac was on the move as well."
Roads North: Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania day by day
General JEB Stuart  ...."Following the Confederate loss at Gettysburg, JEB Stuart effectively screened the retreat of the army across the Potomac River and back to Virginia. Stuart would thereafter be mired in controversy regarding his actions leading up to Gettysburg and used as a scapegoat responsible for the Confederate defeat. Stuart would play heavily in many engagements after Gettysburg until his untimely death nearly a year later at the Battle of Yellow Tavern."

JEB Stuart’s Ride Around The Union Army: 1863
"In the aftermath of General Lee’s return to Virginia from Gettysburg much controversy raged over Stuart’s role, in the public’s perception that the campaign had been a failure. Stuart was criticized for taking his column of troopers east and passing the Potomac to the right of Hooker who was then moving his army northward toward Frederick."

Think NSA Spying Is Bad? Here Comes ObamaCare Hub

IBD  "The Health and Human Services Department earlier this year exposed just how vast the government's data collection efforts will be on millions of Americans as a result of ObamaCare.
"Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., asked HHS to provide "a complete list of agencies that will interact with the Federal Data Services Hub." The Hub is a central feature of ObamaCare, since it will be used by the new insurance exchanges to determine eligibility for benefits, exemptions from the federal mandate, and how much to grant in federal insurance subsidies." 
Read More

Anonymous DHS Employee Reveals Frightening Extent of Obama Administration's Targeting of Conservatives

Intellectual Conservative  “This is bigger than you can imagine, bigger than anyone can imagine. This administration is collecting names of sources,
whistle blowers and their families, names of media sources and everybody they talk to and have talked to, and they already have a huge list...If you are a website owner with a brisk readership and a conservative bent, you’re on that list. It’s a political dissident list, not an enemy threat list."
Read the full article here.

Is all this the "revenge" Obama had in mind? Why would we not think all this is the upshot of what he was speaking of here?

Obama's Enormous Climate Lies

Alan Caruba  Putting aside Obama’s intention to further reduce our nuclear arsenal as articulated in his June 19 speech in Berlin, he has solidified his position as the World’s Greatest Liar with his statements about climate change, aka global warming, which he called “the global threat of our time.”

Let us stipulate that the global threat of our time is the rise of Islamic fanaticism in its pursuit of a worldwide caliphate.

Obama unveils climate change plan that goes around Congress  "President Obama is launching fresh battles over climate change with plans to curb emissions using executive powers that sidestep Congress — including controversial rules to cut carbon pollution from existing power plants."  Video

Did You Know the Following Facts About Global Warming?

Monday, June 24, 2013

President Obama as leader of a world power


Jennifer Rubin; ‘Pretty please’ foreign policy   "Unfortunately, the president who fancies himself as the guy who ends wars and doesn’t start them has no idea that, without military success and the threat of military force, your influence wanes and our adversaries come to regard us, well, as a joke.
"We didn’t win the Cold War at the negotiating table. We won by continually challenging Communist aggression and maintaining a strong military that eventually helped bankrupt the Soviet Union."
Obama and Clinton were preceded by better men than they.

Obama's Emptiest Benghazi Talking Point  "On Oct. 26, 2012, Obama said his "biggest priority" was bringing the "folks" in Libya responsible for murdering four Americans to "justice." Tick, tock, tick, tock."

The Islamic Schoolyard-Bully and Obama's America   "Not especially large or strong, the schoolyard bully—generally a prickly, nasty fellow—picks on two groups: 1) those who are obviously weaker than him and 2) those who, while larger or stronger than him, willingly give in to him—willingly appease."

Edward Snowden Took the Job at Booz Allen Just to Collect (and Then Release) US Government Secrets

The Volokh Conspiracy   "The South China Morning Post reports:
Edward Snowden secured a job with a US government contractor for one reason alone – to obtain evidence of Washington’s cyberspying networks, the South China Morning Post can reveal.
For the first time, Snowden has admitted he sought a position at Booz Allen Hamilton so he could collect proof about the US National Security Agency’s secret surveillance programmes ahead of planned leaks to the media.
“My position with Booz Allen Hamilton granted me access to lists of machines all over the world the NSA hacked,” he told the Post on June 12. “That is why I accepted that position about three months ago.”
 "Asked if he specifically went to Booz Allen Hamilton to gather evidence of surveillance, he replied: “Correct on Booz.” "
Emphasis added. TD

How to Prevent the Next Edward Snowden 

Alan Caruba; Will White Guilt Convict George Zimmerman?

Warning Signs

...."Much as I wish it were not so, I think George Zimmerman is going to get a fast ticket to jail for having defended himself against Trayvon Martin. On February 26, 2012, when the local police inspected the scene and examined the injuries George sustained, they declined to arrest him. Not only did Zimmerman’s injuries cry out “self-defense”, but Florida has a “Stand Your Ground” law.
"Never one to let an opportunity pass to get attention, the Rev. Al Sharpton showed up the day of Zimmerman’s arrest, April 11, to say, “Forty-five days ago, Trayvon Martin was murdered.” The Rev. Jesse Jackson also chimed in, referring to Martin as “murdered and martyred.”  Oh, let’s not rush to judgment here! Let’s not create any race-based anger and discord before the facts are presented in a court of law."....

Obama administration bungles Snowden, leaves great power diplomacy in shambles

 Thomas Lifson  "It would be comic if the national security of the United States were not in peril. The Obama crew, which smugly promised us "smart diplomacy," has totally bungled relations with China and Russia, America's two major potential global rivals, in its handling of the Edward Snowden affair. As Sarah Palin might ask: How's that "smart diplomacy" workin' out for ya'?"

Where's Edward Snowden?  "This may be an ominous development, or it may be a bit of misdirection from Snowden and his handlers. Ominous because you wouldn't put it past Putin to take Snowden into custody and try to exchange him for someone we have in our jails that the Russians may want. Or perhaps Putin might want to see if he could wring any intelligence out of the young man before he leaves the country."

Nobody respects Obama  "Second, no one is afraid of the US and that is very bad for the world's only superpower."

Kristol: GOP Senators Should Block Immigration Monday, Let Us and Them Read the Bill

The Weekly Standard "The boss this morning talked about the immigration bill on Fox News Sunday's "Panel Plus":"

An Embarrassing Truth  "Embarrassing. Nauseating. Truly and breath-takingly ignorant. That would be the current fawning capitulation of the Republican Party regarding immigration. What is it about these "professional" politicans in the GOP that forces them to be constantly in a reactionary-defensive mode regarding Progressives?"

The complete intellectual degradation of the abortion debate

Bookworm Room  "I’ve commented before on the factual dishonesty of the abortion debate.  Abortion proponents pretend that we’re living in the 1950s, when out-of-wedlock pregnancy was a stigma, not a commonplace.  I guess it’s unsurprising that the intellectual debate would be equally dishonest.  One could say that the good thing about mass murderer Kermit Gosnell is that his “post-birth” abortions have brought to light the intellectual paucity of the Democrat party when it comes to abortion.  The Supreme Court has insisted on a balancing act, and the Democrats have responded by putting their thumb firmly on the abortion side of the scale."

Obama’s stupid crack about parochial education

Bookworm Room   "Much is being made of Obama’s speech in Ireland, in which he managed to insult parochial education.  Catholics seem most disturbed, perhaps because (a) most parochial schools in America are Catholic and (b) Obama has been at war with the Catholic church by trying to make churches pay for abortifacients and birth control, which is a big First Amendment no-no.
"Reading what Obama said, there’s no doubt that, once you work your way through his sloppy formulation, it’s right up there with the best of Obama’s offensive statements:"...
Here the author twists the knife to make sure lower-information readers get his, um, point:
Obama is why I’m sour about the Ivy League schools.  They take in bright people (and I do think that Obama is innately bright) and turns out ignoramuses, who have no real knowledge, just a warped ideological framework to which they try to attach, however, poorly, what situation greets them at any given moment.  Obama’s not the only example of this problem; he’s just the most embarrassingly prominent.
Considering the above, this should not disturb the President: Christendom’s Greatest Cathedral to Become a Mosque
"Why does the fate of an old building matter?
"Because Hagia Sophia  — Greek for “Holy Wisdom” — was for some thousand years Christianity’s greatest cathedral. Built in 537 A.D. in Constantinople, the heart of the Christian empire, it was also a stalwart symbol of defiance against an ever encroaching Islam from the east."
Hanson's main point in this:
"Meanwhile, here are neighboring Turkey’s Muslims openly praising the same jihadi warlords who brutally conquered a portion of Europe centuries ago, converting thousands of churches into mosques, even as they openly prepare to finish the job — which may not even require force, as Europe actively sells its own soul."

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Chelsea Clinton Laments: My Grandmother Did Not Have Access to Planned Parenthood

Bloviating Zeppelin   "This will be a short post. "Because evidently Chelsea Clinton laments her own birth."
Did she really think this statement through?

BZ comments in this post:

“What kind of a mind set does it take to lament your own existence?” It takes a mind set that worships Leftism and emotions.