Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Iran’s Chief Nuclear Negotiator: Lift All Sanctions First, No Concessions


PJ Tatler

"Iran’s senior nuclear negotiator has stressed yet again that there is no deal with the P5+1 unless all sanctions on the Islamic Republic are lifted first.
"In fact, there are “no concessions” on Iran’s part forthcoming, he said.
"Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araqchi said early this month that Tehran’s “principle position is that all sanctions are lifted at once.”
"Last week, 260 lawmakers in the 290-seat Islamic Consultative Assembly wrote a letter demanding that all sanctions be removed as a prerequisite for signing a nuclear deal.
“ 'As a guarantee for implementation, in case of any violation of obligations by the opposite side, the agreement will be declared null and void and enrichment will be resumed at any required level,” the lawmakers wrote." . . .
 Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Show Us Where Israel Touched You, Mr. President

Erick Erickson    "I chuckled the other day on twitter when I saw Kevin Eder tweet, “Mr President, please show me on the doll where Israel touched you.” The President’s antagonism toward Israel, shared by many on the left, borders on the irrational. A nation surrounded by many larger nations all hell bent on its annihilation, Israel’s fight for existence is not like ours.

"In minutes, the nation of Israel could be vaporized by nutjob — like the nutjob who tells his people America is the Great Satan and Israel must be destroyed. That’d be the Ayatollah. But Barack Obama, who has condemned Benjamin Netanyahu’s campaign rhetoric, says the “death to America” rhetoric in Iran is just for domestic political consumption.
"At this point, we may really have to present a doll to President Obama and has him to show us where Israel touched him. What we will find is that Israel touched him in his ego." . . .

Obama’s treatment of Israel in one tweet

Saw it coming from a mile away.

The featured image was sent in response to my tweet:

TV report: Obama left PM ‘with impression US will abandon Israel at UN’

"President Barack Obama’s supposed congratulatory call to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, two days after the Likud leader triumphed in Israel’s elections, was actually a bitter 30-minute conversation, Israel’s two main TV news stations reported Friday night.

"Quoting unnamed Israeli sources, they said the president made clear he didn’t believe Netanyahu was genuinely supportive of a two-state solution to the Palestinian conflict, and that he indicated that the US would no longer automatically support Israel at the United Nations." . . .

Libel Is Obama's Latest Weapon In His War On Israel

 Congress’s Spies in Tel Aviv    "The Wall Street Journal reports: “Israel Spied on Iran Nuclear Talks With U.S.” Sounds like a blockbuster, but this is one of those less-there-than-meets-the-eye stories. It begins:" . . .

Investors Business Daily

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
" Diplomacy: Now the White House dubiously charges that Israel spied on the U.S. This president, with Nixonian obsession, is so bent on wrecking relations with our top Mideast ally that we're close to a de facto state of war.

"Behold what's buried in Tuesday's Wall Street Journal — a claim of Israeli spying, which was obviously planted by one or more nameless administration officials seeking to make the Israelis' newly re-elected leader look like a U.S. enemy:" . . .Read More At Investor's Business Daily:

How intense is spying on Israel? This intense.
obama2 . . . "With news that Israel spied on the Iran nuke negotiations, there is high dudgeon in some quarters.
"Extending the administration’s Bibi-bashing news cycle apparently was the intent of the U.S. officials who leaked the information to The Wall Street Journal.
"While Israel denies spying on U.S. officials, as opposed to targeting the Iranians with whom U.S. officials had communications, the incident is being exploited.
"But there needs to be a reality check.
"Friendly governments spy on friendly government. That’s how friends make sure who are their real friends.
"The way the U.S. allegedly found out Israel was spying on the nuke negotiations was because the U.S. was spying on Israel."

Obama and 'the little guy'

Little Guy NRD 600 

Navy bans chaplain from ministering to family of dead sailor

Todd Starnes


. . . "It’s become clear to me that Navy leadership cannot be trusted to protect religious liberty within the ranks. It’s time for our elected officials to intervene, before Chaplain Modder’s commander brings more embarrassment and shame to the Armed Forces."

Monday, March 23, 2015

Today's Ted Cruz speech

Ann Althouse regrets her comparison of Cruz's speech to John Lennon
. . . AND: I'm watching. And right at the beginning — at 1:38 — he says "Imagine a little girl, growing up in Wilmington, Delaware." Whoa! You had me at little girl, growing up in Wilmington, Delaware... I was a little girl, growing up in Wilmington, Delaware!ADDED: Let the record show, that at 4:58, I cried.AND: I'm sorry I led off with the joke on "Imagine." This is a truly powerful speech. Just brilliant.ALSO: Here's the full transcript. " . . .
 "I see that Think Progress has an article titled "Ted Cruz Just Laid Out The Most Anti-Woman Agenda Yet." I've listened to the whole speech and I can't imagine what it refers to. I've read the article at the link, and I really don't know. Seems to be that Cruz supports policies that, in the opinion of Think Progress, would not serve the interests of women."

The entire speech:

The fear [in 2008], as it is now with Cruz, is that throwing a man with such limited experience into the Oval Office would be a disaster.
. . . "If you want proof there is such a risk, they say look no further than than Barack Obama. One time community organizer and generally inexperienced dude, who has taken this country in generally awful directions in just about every way you can imagine.  But is that the result of inexperience?" .  . .  Yahoo News calls Cruz a rookie, however:
Prior to his election to the Senate, Cruz's career was centered on practicing law at the highest level. A graduate of Harvard Law School and clerk for Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist, Cruz led a Houston-based firm's Supreme Court practice, taught such litigation at the University of Texas and was charged with representing the state before the high court as its solicitor general. He also served in the George W. Bush administration, at both the Federal Trade Commission and as an associate deputy attorney general at the Justice Department.

Rep. Peter King Threatens to Jump Off a Bridge if Cruz Gets GOP Nomination
. . . “We need intelligent debate in the country. Ted Cruz may be an intelligent person, but he doesn’t carry out an intelligent debate,” King said. “He oversimplifies, he exaggerates and he basically led the Republican Party over the cliff in the fall of 2013. He has shown no qualifications, no legislation being passed, doesn’t provide leadership and he has no real experience. So, to me, he is just a guy with a big mouth and no results.” . . .

This coloring book features Ted Cruz fighting a giant snake named Obamacare
Ted Cruz coloring book
"Publisher Really Big Coloring Book released the Ted Cruz-themed coloring book Cruz to the Future in late 2013 — the publisher says it was the top-selling children's coloring book on Amazon for "about 20 weeks" — and an 8-page supplement, "Ted Saves America," in fall 2014. The image above, of Cruz celebrating his arrival in the White House by doing an Exorcist tribute, is from  the supplement. So is this image that we can only hope Cruz will replicate next, in which he saves America from giant mutant snakes." 

Is Obama Anti-Semitic?


Alan Caruba: Is Obama Anti-Semitic?
. . . "Obama lives in some parallel universe apart from the lessons of history and the realities of what is actually occurring. On May 18, 2009, not long after Netanyahu had been in office and was visiting the White House, Obama was demanding that he endorse Palestinian statehood and freeze the settlements on the West Bank.

"Considering that the Palestinians had refused statehood from the day the United Nations endorsed Israel’s independence that has been a fool’s mission no matter who was President or Prime Minister.

"As for Obama’s demands about settlements, who is Obama to tell the Israelis in 2009 where and if they can build the housing needed for its growing population? And yet Netanyahu, seeking to accommodate Obama, endorsed Palestinian statehood shortly thereafter and then announced a ten-month freeze on settlement development.

"What did Netanyahu get in return? Nothing." . . . 

Pump the Brakes on Fracking Regulations

NRO Editors  "In yet another Obama-administration Friday-afternoon news dump, the Bureau of Land Management announced that it is issuing broad and cumbrous new regulations on certain techniques of drilling for natural gas and oil — hydraulic fracturing, a.k.a. “fracking” — on land under its control. 

"The rules will mandate disclosure of fracking fluids, insert Washington into the well-design process, and add a new layer of regulation to wastewater-disposal procedures. 

"The BLM announcement originally had been scheduled for the latter half of 2012 but something (we can’t imagine what) caused the BLM to back off and then back off again at the end of 2014. The Obama administration, now facing the largest Republican majority in Congress since Teapot Dome was in the headlines, apparently calculates that it has not much to lose." . . .  More here

Accompanying this NRO column:
Washington's Redundant Fracking Regulations  "Today the Department of Interior announced new fracking regulations for federal and Indian lands, issuing the first nationwide federal regulations of the booming industry. 

"The regulations include rules about wastewater disposal, standards for well construction, and requirements for disclosure of the chemicals used in fracking fluid. But for years, states have competently overseen fracking. DOI’s redundant rules accomplish little, though they do give the federal government a new opportunity for overreach and meddling."  . . .

Fracking, Clean and Green  "Contrary to rumors, it’s environmentally friendly. 

"The only thing deeper than a natural-gas well is the ignorance of the anti-fracking crowd." . .

Why Won’t Liberals Talk about the Most Important Kind of ‘Privilege’ in America?


"It’s marriage. 

"Much has been written about privilege in academic settings over the past few decades. There’s the privilege of wealth, and the advantages wealth confers if a baby is lucky enough to be born into it. Much too has been written about the advantages of being born into this world as a Caucasian — known in academia as “white privilege.” 

"But not enough has been written about the most important advantage a baby can have in America: the advantage of being born with a mother and father who happen to be married. Call it “the marriage privilege” — the advantages are startling."  Read more

Gone for good: Clinton emailed aides on their personal accounts, too  . . . "What is “striking,” according to the four officials who characterized the 300 emails submitted to the House Benghazi committee, is that Clinton aides Cheryl Mills, Philippe Reines, Huma Abedin, and Sullivan often conducted public business over exclusively private channels."

The Arrogance of Hillary Clinton  "The story of Hillary Clinton’s email server is already getting lost in spin and talking points. It’s easy to forget the fundamental fact at the center of the issue. Hilary Clinton violated the law.

Bill Whittle gets right to the heart of it in the new edition of Firewall and frankly calls it criminal."

How's that Starbucks Race conversation going? UPDATED

Starbucks Brews Race Controversy

"It’s not often that a business with an unmistakable aura of holier-than-thou self-righteousness is willing to up the ante on its own obnoxiousness. But last week Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz plowed ahead with a political campaign that consists of printing the words “Race Together” on the chain’s coffee cups, and giving coffee-serving baristas the option of engaging in a discussion about race with their customers. USA Today will buttress this initiative with a series of inserts containing info on race relations, from a variety of perspectives. The inserts will also be available at Starbucks coffee shops." . . .
No doubt Gwen Ifill, co-anchor of “PBS NewsHour,” voiced what is undoubtedly the most widespread emotional reason for the animosity. “Honest to God, if you start to engage me in a race conversation before I’ve had my morning coffee, it will not end well,” she tweeted.

Starbucks on #RaceTogether: nevermind  "In the end, this turned out to be in ill considered experiment which essentially blew up in a rich, progressive person’s face. When you go to Starbucks tomorrow to get your morning coffee (assuming you can stomach their product) you will no longer be required to engage in a discussion on racial unrest."

Some conversation starters:  We can discuss this, Then there is this, and this, and don't forget this classic.

UPDATE: And this just in:  Black Teen Allegedly Guns Down Unarmed White Man Begging ‘Don’t Shoot’…Liberal Outrage?

. . .
. . . "According to the NBC station in the City of Brotherly Love, it was an apparent black-on-white crime. The suspects are three African-American teens. The victim was a 51-year-old husband and father who was walking his dog along a quiet street. And before he was gunned down in an apparent robbery, police say this man did, in fact, beg for his life, crying, “Please don’t shoot me, please don’t shoot me.”

"So far, there have been no reported protests over the senseless death of James Patrick Stuhlman. No marches against black-on-white crime. No outraged Sharpton or Jackson. No Justice Department probe into a possible hate crime. Stuhlman died on the street with his dog at his side.

"By clicking on the video above, you can watch the WCAU-TV news report on the murder of the man who, police say, was targeted because he appeared old and his dog looked weak." 
Read more
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez