Monday, August 17, 2015

The Tragic and Complete Collapse of Racial Relations

 Polls show that racial relations have gotten much worse under Barack Obama. Why has that happened?

Victor Davis HansonPhoto via:   "Why do polls show that racial relations have gotten much worse under Barack Obama, who won the White House with over 95% of the black — and 45% of the white — vote?

"A recent New York Times/CBS News poll  just revealed that about 60% of Americans feel race relations are not good. Some 40% think that they will become even worse. Yet when Obama was elected, 66% of those polled felt race relations were generally OK. All racial groups, according to recent polling, believe that Obama’s handling of racial relations has made things worse since 2009. Another recent Pew poll confirms these tensions, and suggests whites are now about as pessimistic as blacks.

What has happened to racial relations?
"Crime. A small cohort of urban African-American males under fifty — no more than 3-4% of the general population — is responsible for about 50% of many of the violent crimes committed. Blacks are 5-8 times more likely to commit rather suffer an interracial crime, which makes up less than 10% of most violent crime. Both the analysis and solution have become taboo subjects. Writing the above is a near thought crime" . . . Full article

Carly Is a Winner

 Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
 American Thinker  "The strong performance of Carly Fiorina in the second-tier Republican debate and the evolving 2016 presidential race makes her perhaps the strongest and best Republican candidate yet.  Conservatives should care not just about strong candidates, but about true conservative candidates who will not wilt.  Carly fits that need, too.  There is not a single issue in which Carly is not on the right side. 

"She ran as a conservative Republican in a California, a state leftist Democrats dominate, which has not elected a conservative Republican since Reagan’s second term as governor.  This puts Carly Fiorina (and Scott Walker) in a special class.  Indeed, if Carly had beaten Boxer in 2010, she might well be the Republican presidential nominee today. 

"Conservatives like Huckabee, Perry, Jindal, and Cruz have run and won as conservative Republicans, but they have won their elections in Republican-run conservative states that routinely go Republican in presidential elections.  While these probably are true conservatives, none is a conservative who has had to persuade non-conservatives to vote for him." . . .Read more

 ‘I Have Such Great Admiration and Empathy for Hillary Clinton’: Carly in 2008 
. . . "But GOP primary voters might be interested to know that back in 2008, Fiorina effusively praised Hillary Clinton and told Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus at the time that if she weren’t supporting McCain, she would be backing Clinton." . . .BuzzFeed:

American Silliness 8/17/15

The Great Unlearning: Bill Whittle explains how America became so stupid.  " In the newest edition of Afterburner, Bill Whittle examines the dumbing-down of American society with an eye to the causes, effects and possible solutions." . . .Video

The war on “White Feminism”   "Just when you thought modern feminists couldn’t get more ridiculous…"
. . .  Modern feminism is no longer about justice or equality. For not only does modern feminism seek to punish men for simply being men, but it serves as little more than a purveyor of victimhood for the insecure and undisciplined in the most immature and selfish sense."

Glenn Beck Suggests Trump Supporters Too Dumb to Know Better

 White America dons the shroud of guilt    . . . "Where is today’s equivalent of Martin Luther King? Tragically, he doesn’t exist. And if he did, nobody would listen to him. He’d be booed off the stage as an Uncle Tom." . . .

8565798_GUniversity of Alabama Sorority Deletes Recruiting Video For Having Too Many White Girls In It… . "The woman who wrote the article criticizing the ‘flouncing’ and the ‘bouncing’ called herself ‘The Fashionista’ and ran a fashion website with concentration on nice looking women, make up and clothes."

Black Students Accuse College Of Racism For Hanging No-Tolerance Sign Against “Sagging Pants”… 

" Not just socializing, I should note, but socializing in public, an implicit reminder to the DOJ and intelligence community that Hillary Clinton’s prospects are important to him and his party." . . .

Hillary buckles down

Hillary Polls Drop
Hillary Clinton was eclipsed in the New Hampshire by Bernie Sanders Friday. Eight years ago her campaign resulted in the first black president and this time it could result in the first Jewish president. Hispanics are rubbing their rosary beads praying that Hillary will give it one more shot in eight years.   Comedian Argus Hamilton

Sunday, August 16, 2015

What's the Difference?

Trump was for de Blasio before he was against him


 Another flip for the flopper

RedState   "Right now socialist New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is conducting a one man Jihad against Donald Trump, but the fact is, before Trump decided to run for President, Trump was a big fan.
Yes, even when it was known that de Blasio was a committed socialist, with a long record of being on the extreme left, Trump was a fan. “I think pretty strongly that he’ll end up being a good mayor”, Trump said. “Maybe a very good mayor and I don’t think he’s going to want to kill the golden goose.”

"His positive words, spoken before the election when a Republican was on the ballot, went on. “I think he’s a smart guy that knows what’s going on really big league and I think he is not going to want to destroy New York. I think he is going to want to make New York great.”
Nobody who’s anything close to a conservative had this opinion of Bill de Blasio. The only question was would he be as bad as David Dinkins, or would he somehow be worse? Rush Limbaugh called de Blasio out right away.

"“Man, but this de Blasio guy. This guy, there’s no disguise. This guy’s not wearing camouflage. He’s not trying to make anybody think that isn’t what he is. It’s victory for liberals. I mean, this guy is just up front, no hiding, no camouflage, no mask. He’s a Sandinista. He’s communist.”

"They say Donald Trump fights. But on what side?"

CLINTON CRIME FAMILY COMICS: Hillary’s 5 Funniest Email Lies

Doug Ross  "Another instant classic by our long-suffering summer intern @BiffSpackle, based upon an editorial by The New York Post:"

" On Fox News the other day, blogger and counterterror analyst John Schindler explained the ramifications of Clinton's actions.
"And if Vegas had a line on it, my guess is that longtime aides Huma Abedin and/or Cheryl Mills illegally removed the classification markings from the emails destined for Hillary, so she could always claim she didn't know they contained TOP SECRET information. And each such action is a felony, too."  Hat tip: BadBlue News.

"Never let it be said that Bill and Hillary aren’t liars on an Olympic scale:"

 Bill and Hillary Clinton the big lie

Tennessee woman says she was fired, banned from mall for criticism of Islam

"On Saturday, Heidi Grubbs told in an exclusive interview that she was fired from her job at a Belk outlet in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Making matters worse, she was banned from the mall where she worked for a full year. She was fired and banned for her outspoken criticism of Islam, she said. Part of the problem was a sign critical of Islam she had in her car window.
Woman says she was fired and banned from Chattanooga's Northgate Mall for strong criticism of Islam.

"Grubbs did not deny that she made overly strong comments regarding Islam while at work, but, she said, the comments were part of a private conversation with a friend. Nevertheless, store management apparently did not approve and terminated her.

" 'Heidi, You have seriously violated our policy which clearly prohibits harassments (sic) of our associates and customers for their religious affiliations and their national origin by displaying your signs on our parking lot and sending your disparaging texts to our associates," said the termination notice Grubbs provided to Examiner. "What you have done is highly offensive and intolerable. For that reason you are being terminated immediately.' " . . .

Saturday, August 15, 2015

OBAMA’S POST-RACIAL AMERICA: Mentor of His Minister Shrieks "White People Deserve to Die" in Latest Sermon


Doug Ross  " Likely only a very few political junkies (i.e., losers) like myself remember the close personal relationship between Barack Obama's longtime minister, Jeremiah Wright, and the virulent racist Louis Farrakhan. Obama marinated in the hateful, anti-white, anti-semitic rhetoric of Wright for 20 years, which were mere echoes of statements by Nation of Islam chief Farrakhan.

"It turns out that Farrakhan has been on one of his verbal jihads of late, this time calling for an ethnic cleansing of white people.

After two weeks of news reports that Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan had called for an army of 10,000 volunteers to kill white people if the government doesn’t give the black community “justice,” Farrakhan is reshaping his message – but only slightly.
. . .
 ... “I wouldn’t bring our young women and young men into some place to be slaughtered. But that’s what the white man hopes for. That’s why he makes mischief with my words. ‘Farrakhan wanna get an army to kill people,’ because, you see, white people deserve to die. And they know so and they think it’s us coming to do it. No, no, no.”

Farrakhan later said in the video that a God will send a UFO, “a chariot” or “wheel in the sky,” to rescue his followers and carry out justice if a race war began
"In other words, Louie has backed away from a call for direct racial cleansing by his army of Islamic warriors and instead wants some aliens to do it." . . .

The Clinton machine sputters and coughs but still covers the ground


Understanding just how serious Hillary’s server problem really is    "Will Hillary Clinton survive this e-mail scandal criminally and politically? It is tough for me to see how, given the revelation that she had retained on her private server e-mails containing classified information. This is all dripping out slowly – the worst possible thing for Hillary. Her trustworthiness rating in the polls is already Nixonian and it will only continue to drop as more information – or more stonewalling – comes to light.

"And rightfully so. Every single word Hillary has said about her email system has turned out to be likely false, demonstrably false, or ridiculous spin:" . . .

The UK Telegraph is ecstatic over her in Iowa  . . . "Instead she delivered the sort of rip-roaring speech that is needed, if she is to allay her slow slide in the polls, and will have her campaign aides sleeping more soundly in their beds." . . .

How Bad Is Hillary as a Candidate? This Bad   "It’s not news that Power Line is unanimous that Hillary is a terrible candidate. How bad is she? Watch her try to tell an oblique joke about her email scandal. She nods her head slowly in a know-it-all way that reminds you of every middle school vice principal you hated. And her sense of comic timing couldn’t be any worse if she was trying to kill a joke:" . . .(Video at the link)

Are Bernie Sanders’ big crowds any match for the Clinton Machine?
 "People power versus Hillary’s money and operatives"

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Some amazing posts from the Federalist Papers: 19 Amazing, Detailed Images of the Coolest WWII Uniforms

The Federalist Papers   See all the others and the identification of each piece displayed.

 82nd Airborne, Sicily, 1943

Waffen SS Sturmmann (Corporal), Normandy 1944

35 Beautiful, Sad but Touching Colorized Photos of WWII That You’ve Never Seen

The Federalist Papers   Here are just two of them:
