Thursday, December 31, 2015


Ann Coulter  "On Christmas Day -- three weeks after the son of a Pakistani immigrant and his Pakistani immigrant bride murdered 14 people in San Bernardino, California -- The New York Times told the heartwarming story of "Kamal," a Syrian refugee who resettled into Houston, Texas, earlier this year and immediately started shopping at Walmart. 

"The Times considers it tacky when actual Americans go to Walmart, but Muslim immigrants seem to live there, buying nothing but American flags and Christmas trees. 

"Thus, we're told Kamal has an outdoor Christmas tree from Walmart, and we find him carrying two trays of cupcakes from Kroger's for his children's elementary school holiday party. 

"Kamal -- like the Times -- was "angered" by Texans' reluctance to accept more Syrian refugees. He says of Americans: "Why did you bring me here and why then you let the people hate us?" 

"We brought you here, Kamal, because the Democrats need voters and the rich need cheap servants. " . . .

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Code Pink Tries to Arrest 91-Year-Old Kissinger for 'War Crimes,' Get Smacked Down by 94-Year-Old George Shultz

PJ Media

"A Senate hearing opened this morning with Code Pink protesters trying to arrest former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger for "war crimes."
"The protesters, bearing signs reading "Kissinger War Criminal" and "Cambodia," rushed up behind the 91-year-old diplomat at the witness table of the Senate Armed Services Committee, which was holding a hearing on global challenges and the U.S. national security strategy.
"Also testifying were 94-year-old former Secretary of State George P. Shultz and 77-year-old former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.
Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) said he would call recess until Capitol Police removed Code Pink from the room.
" 'I've been a member of this committee for many years, and I have never seen anything as disgraceful and outrageous and despicable as the last demonstration that just took place," McCain said, which led to shout-backs from the protesters.
" 'You know, you're going to have to shut up, or I'm going to have you arrested. If we can't get the Capital Hill Police in here immediately... Get out of here, you low-life scum," McCain added.
" 'So Henry, I hope you will -- Dr. Kissinger, I hope on behalf of all of the members of this committee on both sides of the aisle -- in fact, from all of my colleagues, I'd like to apologize for allowing such disgraceful behavior towards a man who served his country with the greatest distinction. I apologize profusely.' "

Our Weasel Of The Week Nominees!!

Nice Deb
"It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!   Here are this weeks’ nominees…."
Dim-O-Crat NY Assemblyman Chuck Lavine!
"Assemblyman Charles Lavine – who sponsored the “Anything But Trump Act,” has some ideas who they should rename the park after. Lavine, of Long Island, suggests the state rename the park for Peter Salem, a Muslim Revolutionary War soldier from Massachusetts who fought in battles in New York state. Other suggestions include folk singer and activist Pete Seeger. Seeger, of course, was a communist. I mean, literally… he’s connected to the Communist Party USA. There is also absolutely no proof that Peter Salem was a Muslim. . . . "
"The mind-numbingly long piece fails at its mission. The Grey Lady’s absurd obsession over an infinitesimally small minority group only evokes scorn, ridicule and derision." Washington Post’s Disgusting Cartoonist, Ann Telnaes   "JoshuaPundit : For a new bottom in political  Weaselness well below the norm, even in an election season. Simply an indecent person."

Hillary the 'Organ Grinder' Grinds Up the Big Apple

Take, for instance, Chelsea, like Hillary, pretending to see a long lost friend in every gathering.  Not only that, but before impersonating Mom's fake smile, and pointing excitedly to a person in the crowd who doesn't exist, Chelsea always claps along to the song that Hillary struts around in time to. 
Jeannie DeAngelis  

 . . . "Trying desperately not to call attention to herself, Hillary, while holding onto the baby stroller like a walker, promenaded about, wearing a brightly colored Kashmir Company embroidered jacket she bought in Afghanistan in 2003.  The colors on the jacket were so intricate that it actually stirred up images of the carpet fibers found on Clinton friend and associate Vince Foster's corpse when his body was found dumped in Fort Marcy Park.

"Referred to in the press as a "festive walk," in addition to perusing a bookstore and eating ice cream, the ex-president and his presidential-hopeful wife, the former carpetbagger senator from the State of New York, smiled and waved to admirers.

"Unlike 8 million sitting ducks who inhabit a city notorious for strict gun laws, the woman who called gun rights advocates "terrorists" was safely surrounded on all sides by heavily armed security on hand to protect the organ grinder and her quartet of monkeys from being shot at again by Bosnian snipers." . . .

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Clinton faces backlash over Kwanzaa tweets

Washington Examiner  "A number of African-American social media users pushed back against Hillary Clinton's attempt to reach black voters with aKwanzaa Twitter avatar.
" 'Wishing everyone the best this Kwanzaa. To all celebrating — Bill and I send you our warmest wishes. -H," Clinton tweeted on Saturday night, after changing her Twitter logo to a red, black and green image of her campaign's "H" logo, which was made to look like a kinara, the candle holder used in Kwanzaa celebrations." . . .

No one trusts the word of the U.S. anymore. . .

. . . "not after disappearing red lines and promises about what Obama could get from a nuclear deal with Iran -- almost all of which failed to make it into the final agreement.
"That trust will take a long time to rebuild -- if it ever can be."  
Obama may soon be gone - from office - but the American voters who elected him are still with us. TD
Michael Ramirez Cartoon
Lame duck on world tour: Obama to fly abroad at least six times to 'secure' his legacy  " ''Travel early on in a presidency has the value of investing in the relationship, when the president could be around for anther three or seven years,' Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haass told Politico. 'Traveling at the end of the presidency is very different. They're no longer looking toward the future.' " . . .

Obama's deterrence factor  . . . "President Obama lost the power of deterrence through a variety of unfortunate pronouncements and policies. False deadlines to Iran, false red lines to Syria, and false step-over lines to Russia have all rendered the currency of U.S. admonitions worthless. If Obama were now to lay down a red line for ISIS should it come close to entering Baghdad, would anyone take that threat seriously?" . . .

Former DIA Chief Flynn Says Obama's Terrorism Strategy 'Is Not Working'   . . . "While Obama has claimed “we’re on track” with fighting ISIS, Flynn says here, “we’re not on track.”
“ 'His strategy is not working,” as he decries senior government officials who out of fear or self-interest, refuse to tell the president the facts.

"Asked to connect the dots on releasing GITMO prisoners, Bowe Bergdahl and others, Flynn says, “Obama has made incredibly poor decisions that have made us less safe.' ”

Democrat government: America's Can't-Do State: California's Man-Made Drought Continues

This is not the Democrat Party of FDR and Harry Truman.

Investors Business Daily

The Carlsbad, Calif., desalination plant, America's largest, took 18 years to complete but just three years to build.

. . . "But California has become a can't-do state.

"The Carlsbad desalination plant was proposed in 1998 and took almost 18 years to build. But only three of those years were actually spent building. The rest were wasted on politics and the usual Golden State regulatory and bureaucratic tangle. One of the plant's investors told a California writer that the duplicative state approval process alone delayed the project by at least a decade and added about 10% to total costs.

" 'It took longer to get approvals for this one desalination plant than it did to design, approve and complete most of the 60-year-old State Water Project — California's enormous system of dams, aqueducts and pumping stations that brings northern California water to the more arid Southland," writes Steven Greenhut, a San Diego Union-Tribune columnist and a contributor to

"The delays — primarily engineered by environmentalists — were so lengthy and difficult to overcome that the future of desalination plants in California, beginning its fourth year of drought, is grim." . . .

Drive the length of the Oregon coast on 101 and you will see many beautiful bridges, nearly all built under the administration of Democrat President Roosevelt. This is no longer the Democrat party of Will Rogers and my ancestors. TD

Trump is right: Bill Clinton’s sordid sexual history is fair game

Donald Trump 2008: Clinton Sex Scandal ‘Totally Unimportant’
True enough, but Hillary is taking her stand as being the protector of women, the voice of abused women who she says are not being heard.
Sort of like if Mr. Trump claimed he was being the advocate of faithfulness and commitment in marriage.  TD

"Well, Bill Clinton has a penchant for something. He had a successful presidency — with an ugly blot. “Sexism” isn’t the precise word for his predatory behavior toward women or his inexcusable relationship with a 22-year-old intern. Yet in the larger scheme of things, Bill Clinton’s conduct toward women is far worse than any of the offensive things that Trump has said." . . .
WaPo   . . . "“I think he has to answer for what he says, and I assume that others will make the larger point about his language,” Clinton told t he Des Moines Register. “It’s not the first time he’s demonstrated a penchant for sexism.”

"True, but Clinton’s attempt at outsourced outrage has the air of a basketball player flopping on the floor for the benefit of the ref. Nothing would make the Clinton campaign happier than some good old-fashioned male chauvinist piggery directed her way — all the better to rile up female voters who seem surprisingly nonchalant about the prospect of electing the first female president."

"We’ve seen this playbook before. During her first Senate race in 2000, when Clinton’s Republican opponent, Rick Lazio, invaded her personal space in a debate. During the 2008 presidential campaign, when Clinton surrogates complained that male opponents were “piling on” the then-front-runner, and the campaign posted a video on its website called “The Politics of Pile On.' ”

D.C. NPR Family Another Victim of Black Violence and Denial


"If Lori Kaplan depended only on her employers at NPR for news, she was probably surprised at the black mob violence that almost killed her white husband."
Colin Flaherty  . . . "Kaplan is the Senior Director of Audience Research at NPR in downtown Washington, D.C. That is where she regularly meets her husband at the end of his evening commute on the Metro Red Line.

"That is what she was recently doing when she received a text message from him: An “idiot gang” was acting belligerently in his train car, so he was going to move.

"That was the last she heard from him until he got off the train: bloody, beaten, and dazed. With a broken jaw and missing teeth.

"The Washington Post writer who covers commuting -- not crime -- picked up the story: " . . .

. . . "The attackers of Kaplan’s husband were black -- as are virtually all of the violent predators on the Washington Metro. A fact the Post and NPR keep trying to ignore and wish away, even as they devote more and more space to Black Lives Matter and the omnipresence of white racism.

"The reporter was upholding a longstanding tradition at the Post -- which at NPR is an ironclad rule -- not to report on the epidemic of black on white crime and black mob violence in Washington or anywhere else.

"Or only to dismiss it as some kind of right wing talking point, if somehow race does sneak into the coverage.

"At NPR they take this exclusion to the extreme: Virtually every story on race -- and there are many -- is told from the perspective of relentless black victimization at the hands of perpetual white racism." . . .

If African Americans are taking to the streets, what does that say about half a century of liberal race politics?
. . . "Get a clue, liberals. We are in the current mess because of you. Let me count the ways." . . .

Monday, December 28, 2015

Donald, Hillary, and Bill's women

Trump vs Clinton

Aaron Klein . . . "Clinton has sought to portray her campaign as one that is fighting for women’s rights.  On several occasions, she has tweeted about sex assault survivors’ right to be believed, and awkwardly starred in a campaign ad in which she insisted that one must always side with women who accuse men of sexual assault – a strange position given that her husband was repeatedly accused of precisely that crime.“ 'You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed. We’re with you,” Clinton said in the video, which she addressed to “every survivor of sexual assault.”
"Since Hillary first announced her candidacy in April, my weekend talk radio program has become a support center of sorts in which Bill’s female accusers tell their newly relevant stories; a safe-space for these women to sound off about the way they were allegedly treated by both Bill and Hillary. The theme that emerges is of an out-of-control, entitled husband, and a wife who was actively involved in covering up his behavior, many times by allegedly targeting the female victims themselves." . . .
Juanita BroaddrickRape Accuser Juanita Broaddrick to ‘Evil’ Hillary: ‘Shame on you!’ Broaddrick responded: “Aaron, the only thing that I would like to say is I hope that someday these two people, these people that I feel like are so evil, will be brought to justice. … You know, if I can help in that, I will. But these are not good people for America,” she said of Bill and Hillary.
Kathleen WilleyKathleen Willey: Hillary ‘wrote the book on terrorizing women’  . . . "Willey refuses to watch as Hillary’s campaign accuses Republican candidates like Trump of waging a so-called war on women.  In August, Willey announced the launch of a new anti-Hillary website called A Scandal a Day.  A section of the site asks women who may have been sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton to come forward."
gennifer flowersGennifer Flowers: “A joke that she would run on women’s issues”. . . "I accept my responsibility. … But she’s never accepted her responsibility at being an enabler. She’s been an enabler that has encouraged him to go out and do whatever he does with women." ”

"Donald Trump To Hillary Clinton: ‘Be Careful’ When Playing ‘War On Women Card’"  . . . "Trump’s political director, Michael Glassner, seemed to confirm that the Trump campaign will write off the “schlonged” controversy as Clinton playing “politically correct” gender politics, going so far as to reference former President Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinski, according to CBS." . . .

The mainstream media is having a lot of fun reporting that Hillary is this year’s Gallup “Most Admired Woman” for a “record 20th time.”

WaPo: In his escalating attacks on Hillary Clinton this month, Donald Trump has made one thing clear: He's not afraid to go, well, anywhere.  . . . "And we all have to fight fairly, and we have to fight, you know, for the good of the country, for the good of the people, for the good of everybody. But we have to fight fairly, and she's playing the woman's card, and it's like: 'Give me a break.'"

Star Wars: The Liberal Menace

The meltdown of Syria. The rise of ISIS. The worst refugee crisis of our time. Homegrown terror in the United States.

Herding Tigers

 . . . "And when in London he said, “With my election and the early decisions that we’ve made…you’re starting to see some restoration of America’s standing in the world,” he was touting his departure from Bush-era policy.What Bush wrought he would undo. And he has undone much." . . .
Abe Greenwald  . . . "It is no longer in dispute that the president has been overtaken by events. While he alternately scolds and reassures, ISIS fights on, gaining power and claiming lives.
"But Obama has not been blindsided; he has chosen policies that have emboldened ISIS and has rejected other options at every turn. In fact, his words in Turkey were patently false. Obama doesn’t need an introduction to those who would have done things differently; he knows them well. They include two of his secretaries of defense, his former under secretary of defense, his former secretary of state, his former head of the CIA, his former Army chief of staff, the last commanding general of forces in Iraq, his former ambassador to Syria, his former deputy national-security adviser, and, yes, even his former joint chiefs chairman—among others." . . .
. . . "Unlike the Iraq War, the Syrian horror is entirely a creature of the Obama years. And here we have a much longer record of the ideas Obama rejected, the policies he chose, and the increasingly malignant repercussions of those choices."
 Full article here.

Why Humility Is Important To Truth-Telling

The Hayride  "Here’s a fascinating discussion on the topic of modesty, and its relationship to speaking truth, and particularly difficult or controversial truth, in the public sphere.

"Bill Whittle, who jokes that he’s the most modest guy in the world and has the awards to prove it, says that he came about his own humility through 25 years of professional and career struggles – there are few things which can beat modesty into your psyche like having your electricity shut off because you can’t pay the bill.

"But what Whittle says is important to him is that coming about one’s opinions through humility allows one to allow the truth – rather than his own arrogant impositions upon it – to guide one’s thinking. And in that, he’s correct. We see all the time the downfall of people who attempt to define reality through the power of their own will; the real world always has other ideas."