Thursday, January 28, 2016

More vetting of Hillary


Clinton Quietly Building Her Own National Security Council
. . . "But sources close to the campaign told me that Clinton, Sullivan and campaign chairman John Podesta are in regular contact with former National Security Advisor Tom Donilon, former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Other former top officials include Michelle Flournoy, who was undersecretary of defense for policy; Kurt Campbell, who was assistant secretary of state for East Asia and the Pacific; and Nicholas Burns, who was undersecretary of state for political affairs. One source close to the campaign described the interactions as “studiously informal but regular.' ” . . .
At least she has enough brains to disagree with Sanders' wish to "move as aggressively as we can to normalize relations with Iran."

We are witnessing the end of the House of Clinton  
"1. There is the stench of political death around Hillary, Bill, Chelsea and the entire House of Clinton.
"2. You could feel it when Republican front-runner Donald Trump hit back — hard — over the "penchant for sexism" charge by basically calling Hillary Clinton an enabler in the former president's sexual shenanigans.
"3. When have we ever seen the Clintons back off? But they did." . . .

Susan Sarandon backs Bernie; "What has Hillary done?"
". . . "She also dinged Clinton over the checks she's taken from financial institutions like Goldman Sachs and said Sanders is 'untainted' 

"And she said Clinton is a johnny-come-lately on issues like gay marriage: 'There's a number of issues where she has come around but she very clearly equivocated or was not there in the beginning' "

See more on the Democratic primaries

Clinton, seen here today in Des Moines, Iowa, is a former secretary of state and has more experience in the foreign policy realm than Sanders. 'But what is experience without judgement,' Sarandon said tonight. 'She's had a job but what has she done that we're bragging about. How has she led?'
"Clinton, seen here today in Des Moines, Iowa, is a former secretary of state and has more experience in the foreign policy realm than Sanders. 'But what is experience without judgement,' Sarandon said tonight. 'She's had a job but what has she done that we're bragging about. How has she led?'"

Hillary Decides What’s Top Secret, What’s Not  . . . "An apologia for Clinton’s actions on Media Matters citing various anonymous “government officials” basically attempts to explain why the SAP classified material was not really classified at all, and so nothing to get excited about." . . . 

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Hillary's email scandal now potentially a matter of high treason
. . . "Ken Cuccinelli, the former attorney general of Virginia, knows the laws regarding classified information firsthand. In his private practice, Cuccinelli defended a Marine lieutenant colonel court martialed on charges of possessing such information outside a secure facility. He says Clinton’s actions in the e-mail scandal clearly satisfy all five requirements necessary to sustain charges of mishandling classified material, and constitute a breach perhaps even more glaring than the one for which General David Petraeus was convicted." . . .

Clinton: The Money to Help Americans Pay Their Bills 'Should Come From Those Who Have It'  . . . "In addition to closing tax "loopholes," Clinton endorsed the "Buffett rule," which says anyone who makes $1 million should have to pay a 30 percent effective tax rate.

" 'And then I want to go further, Clinton said. "I want to impose what I call a fair share surcharge on incomes of $5 million or more. Now, there aren't very many of those, but there's a lot of money there because I want to use that money to make college affordable."
. . .

FBI's Hillary Clinton email investigation not letting up  . . . "Former FBI officials said the length of the probe is not unusual and speculated that a decision on whether to file charges against Clinton or her top aides could come later this year, during the heat of the general election campaign.
“ 'I don’t know that there’s any magical cutoff date,” said Ron Hosko, the FBI’s former assistant director of the criminal investigative division and a 30-year veteran of the bureau.
"For Democrats, the extended investigation has become a source of some anxiety, with Republicans gleefully raising the prospect of the Democratic presidential front-runner being indicted." . . .
Via Lucianne

Judge Andrew Napolitano on Hillary Clinton's Nightmare  "Hillary Clinton's nightmare is not the sudden resurgence of Bernie Sanders. It is the fidelity to the rule of law of the FBI.
"The recent revelations of the receipt by Clinton of a Special Access Program email, as well as cut and pasted summaries of state secrets on her server and on her BlackBerry nearly guarantee that the FBI will recommend that the Department of Justice convene a grand jury and seek her indictment for espionage. Here is the backstory." 

"It seems that every week, more information comes to light about Clinton's grave legal woes. Her worries are in two broad categories: One is her well-documented failure to safeguard state secrets and the other is her probable use of her position as secretary of state to advance financially her husband's charitable foundation. The FBI is currently and aggressively investigating both. What I will describe below is in the state secrets category. It is apparently not new to the FBI, but it is new to the public." . . .Keep reading

Walter E. Williams on the morality of capitalism

Prager U.  "Is capitalism moral or greedy? If it's based on greed and selfishness, what's the best alternative economic system? Perhaps socialism? And if capitalism is moral, what makes it so? Walter Williams, a renowned economist at George Mason University, answers these questions and more."

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Camille Paglia: Hillary’s “blame-men-first” feminism may prove costly in 2016

"Hillary lags among men, again. Is it misogyny, or her brand of feminism? The story too hot for the New York Times"

Camille Paglia  . . . "As a career woman, Hillary is rooted in second-wave feminism, which began with Betty Friedan’s co-founding of the National Organization for Women in 1967, while Hillary was in college. Friedan sought to draw men into the women’s movement and to ally with mainstream wives and mothers. But after a series of ideological struggles, she lost her leadership role and was eventually eclipsed in media attention by the more telegenic Gloria Steinem, who famously said, “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.”
"Hillary has unfortunately adopted the Steinem brand of blame-men-first feminism, which defines women as perpetual victims requiring government protections. Hillary’s sometimes impatient or patronizing tone about men, which can perhaps be traced to key aspects of her personal history, may prove costly to her current campaign." . . .
Camille Paglia is the University Professor of Humanities and Media Studies at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. Her most recent book is "Break, Blow, Burn: Camille Paglia Reads Forty-Three of the World's Best Poems."
Cartoons added by Tunnel Dweller.

Holocaust Remembrance Day, May 4 at sunset ends Thursday, May 5 (UPDATED)

For some reason, the film now cuts off just before the swastika is blown up.   Overture to the movie, "Judgment at Nuremberg"; 

Judgment at Nuremberg (1961)  . . . "Judgment at Nuremberg is a dramatized version of the proceedings at one of these trials, in which Judge Dan Haywood (Spencer Tracy) is overseeing the trials of four German judges -- most notably Dr. Ernst Janning (Burt Lancaster) and Emil Hahn (Werner Klemperer) -- accused of knowingly sentencing innocent men to death in collusion with the Nazis." . . . Klemperer plays a far different role than he did as Col. Klink in Hogans Heroes.

Viewer discretion strongly advised in these next two videos

At Dachau, American troops were so incensed at what the Nazis did to innocent men, women and children, they turned their guns on the SS guards:

New book about Felix Sparks gives a new perspective on the liberation of Dachau and the Dachau massacre  "You can read a review of Alex Kershaw’s new book entitled The Liberator here. The liberator in the title is Lt. Col. Felix Sparks, commander of the 3rd Battalion, 157th Infantry Regiment, 45th Division of the US Seventh Army, the first unit to arrive at the Dachau complex, which consisted of an SS garrison and a concentration camp.
It was Sparks who fired a shot into the air to stop the killing of German soldiers with their hands in the air, an event known today as the Dachau massacre.  The Dachau massacre was kept secret for 40 years, and many people today still don’t believe it.
. . . 
Even decades later the telling of this incident has provided red meat to the anti-military left in this country, such as Leonardo DiCaprio, mentioned in the account of the movie at the bottom of this post. TD

"They were stopped when Lt Col. Felix Sparks fired his pistol into the air to stop the massacre."

. . . "Waffen-SS soldiers, who had come from the battlefield, still wearing their camouflage uniforms, to surrender the Dachau concentration camp, are shown in the photo above with their hands in the air. This scene was re-enacted in the movie Shutter Island.
"The shooting of disarmed German soldiers during the liberation of Dachau was investigated by the Office of the Inspector General of the Seventh Army. Their report was finished on June 8, 1945 but was marked Secret. The report did not say anything about “the unintended massacre” of German soldiers, nor anything about German soldiers  being “accidentally slaughtered. . ”

Waffen-SS soldiers surrendering at Dachau

" . . .Khamenei then begins to cast aspersions on the veracity of the Holocaust, saying: "No one in European countries dares to speak about the Holocaust (Auschwitz)."
" 'While it is not clear whether the core of this matter is a reality or not, even if it is a reality, it is not clear how it happened," the supreme leader is heard saying.
"Speaking about the Holocaust and expressing doubts about it is considered to be a great sin.' " . . .

Has it occurred to you that the next president could have to appoint up to three Supreme Court justices?

Legal Insurrection   Hillary Clinton thinks it’s a great idea.

obama sunglasses

. . . "Hillary Clinton Would Consider Appointing President Obama to Supreme Court
A second Clinton administration could mean a future Justice Barack Obama.At a campaign event in Deocorah, Iowa on Tuesday, Hillary Clinton lit up when a voter asked her if she would consider appointing the president to the Supreme Court should she win the White House.“Wow, what a great idea. No one has ever suggested that to me, I love that, wow,” the Democratic presidential candidate responded. “He may have a few other things to do but I tell you that’s a great idea.”Clinton went on to talk about how the next president could have to appoint up to three Supreme Court justices, but she then circled back.“I would certainly take that under advisement,” she told the crowd of 450 people inside a ballroom at the Winn Hotel about a potential Justice Obama. “I mean he’s brilliant, and he can set forth an argument, and he was a law professor, so he’s got all the credentials.”“Now we do have to get a Democratic Senate to get him confirmed so you’re going to have to help me on that, OK?” she added." . . .
Of course it is Obama's Justice Department/ FBI that will decide to indict Hillary or not.  What a coincidence!
. . . "Not many people remember that [FBI Director James] Comey almost resigned a high-profile law-enforcement job once before, upset because he thought White House politics were overruling the law. " . . .

Justice Barack Obama: 

Bill To Advise Hillary On Campaign Tactics And Strategy

Earl of Taint "Analyzing all sides of the situation, quickly discerning the ideal outcome and formulating the best plan of attack to get there. Bill’s a super genius at that stuff. Hope she listens to him."

'WaPo': Hillary 'STILL Doesn't Have A Good Answer' on Emails

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

PJ Media  . . . "On a serious note, her flailing, constantly evolving, responses to this scandal should be a stand-alone story. Sure, the MSM is dealing with important issues like Marco Rubio's footwear and Ted Cruz's tithing percentages, so a looming indictment might not seem sexy or newsworthy enough. It's tempting to blame the Trump Hair and Donkey Extravaganza for distracting the press, but we all know they'd be largely giving Hillary a pass on this even in his absence.
To his credit, Chris Cillizza is the one member of the hackmedia who has stayed on the story.

"Here's hoping he doesn't get Vince Fostered."   He said that, not me. TD

Planned Parenthood shoots the messenger

In Houston, a Dubious Indictment   . . . "Here, Daleiden had the misfortune of confronting the corporate heroes of the sexual revolution.

. . . " Ironically enough — and to the immense glee of the pro-abortion Left — the grand jury that indicted Daleiden had been originally convened at the request of Texas lieutenant governor Dan Patrick to investigate Planned Parenthood. The grand jury cleared Planned Parenthood and instead indicted Daleiden."

Lauren Reeder
Houston Grand Jury Indicts David Daleiden For Organ Trafficking, Issues No Charges Against Planned Parenthood  . . . "Lauren Reeder, one of the prosecutors in the Harris County district attorney’s office, revealed last August that she was a member of the board of directors for the Planned Parenthood affiliate that was targeted by Daleiden.
"Reeder’s LinkedIn page indicates that she has been a Planned Parenthood board member since 2013 and a fundraiser for the abortion provider since 2009:" . . .
Planned Parenthood indictment: Punishing the pursuer instead of the perp  . . . "The indictment of the CMP videographers, who have been a thorn in the side of pro-abortionists in the Democratic Party (pardon the redundancy), is not the first time a video maker has been set up to absorb blame.
"Following the deaths of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans on Sept. 11, 2012 at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, authorities arrested and jailed the man who made the anti-Muslim video that the Obama administration falsely blamed for the fatal attacks.  Yes, it was all his fault, even though it was not.

"In 1978, investigative reporters at the Chicago Sun-Times staged a massive sting operation by buying and operating the run-down Miracle Mirage bar and surreptitiously taping city officials taking bribes to ignore code violations.

"Perhaps if the reporters had done this today, they'd find themselves arrested for the very crimes they were exposing." . . .

Have You Seen the Creepy Planned Parenthood Cartoon They Would Like to Forget?   . . . "
This was a cartoon distributed by Planned Parenthood Golden Gate called “Superhero for Choice!”
"The 8:55 animated cartoon features a Pro-Choice Superhero named Dionysus. Throughout the feature, she is attacking anyone who supports the pro-life movement. And in most cases, her attacks are violent.
Planned Parenthoods Creepy and Violent Cartoon
"Curiously, all who oppose the abortion rights folks are white people. The first scene has a strangely attired man telling kids about abstinence."

The Trump-Fox kerfuffle

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Trump's showdown with Fox News escalates   "The real estate mogul refuses to budge on his debate boycott while his campaign accuses Megyn Kelly of being 'totally obsessed' with Trump."
"Trump slept on it. And he’s not budging." . . .
Another president who hates Fox News more than he hates America's enemies? TD

With Fox News Debate Boycott, Has Trump Finally Jumped the Shark?  . . . "Trump has emerged as the leader of a personality cult. Like any cult leader, his first and highest priority is denouncing anyone who questions his primacy. He filters a qualitative analysis of any person or institution through one overriding concern: what do they think of me? If they're for him, he's for them. If they're against him, he's against them. It's that simple, and there's no nuance to it. There's no parsing through actions, words, or character. It's a package deal. You're for all of Trump, or you're his enemy. Such unbridled narcissism has no business anywhere near the lowest of public office. The notion that it could occupy the White House should instill terror in all of us."     Can't these words apply to Barack Hussein Obama? TD

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, trump, fox, fox news, megyn kelly, debate, donald ducks

"Republican front-runner Donald Trump has announced that he's pulling out of tomorrow's GOP debate owing to his feud with moderator Megyn Kelly and a general dissatisfaction with Fox News.

"As is the case with all things Trumpish, opinion is divided on whether he's taking a principled stand against what he sees as unfair journalistic practices, is frightened of another tango with the razor-sharp Ms. Kelly, or is so filled with hubris that he's simply lost interest in winning over any remaining voters who remain undecided.

"Hope n' Change can't say which explanation (or combination of explanations) is closest to the truth, but we will say that Trump has again confirmed the fact that no one can predict what he will do. 

"Whether or not that's a quality voters actually want in the Oval Office remains to be seen."  
Running from a girl's not a New York value

"For all I know, this latest move by the Trump campaign, demanding that FNC remove Kelly from the panel of moderators may be just another clever ploy to control the media coverage of events heading into the Iowa caucuses next week. If so, the reactions I’ve seen so far from fellow Republicans are entirely negative, with the pundits all calling it a huge mistake by Trump with the terms silly, petulant, immature, etc. being bounced about the soundstages."
Trump in 2012: Michele Bachmann Showed ‘Great Disloyalty’ Skipping Debate, ‘People Rejected Her’
Trump went beyond just bashing Bachmann, calling out other presidential candidates for skipping the debate and telling the GOP establishment that “more debate is always better.”
 How Trump could win his war with Fox News . . . "Roger Ailes cannot back down from the moderators for a couple of reasons. Surrender of control of choice of staff would discredit any media outlet, and FNC, although dominant in cable news, is still regarded as illegitimate in parts of the leftist media bubble. Buckling in to Trump would feed ammunition to its enemies. As an FNC spokesman put it last night:" . . . Read More.

Donald Trump: Fox News Statement ‘Disgrace To Good Broadcasting And Journalism’  Maybe Trump would like Candy Crowley more?

FLASHBACK: Ronald Reagan Skipped Last Debate Before IA Caucus – Went on to Win in Landslide

The long, strange history of the Donald Trump-Megyn Kelly feud
"Here´s the conundrum of Donald Trump: Nothing he does should surprise us, but nothing he doesn´t do should surprise us, either. By that, I mean that for all the wacky things he´s actually done in this presidential campaign, there are just as many wacky things that he has said he might do but ultimately didn´t. He´s so darn unpredictable that you can´t even count on him to do the unpredictable. Until Tuesday evening, boycotting a debate fell into the category of wacky things Trump has said he might do — at least three times, actually — but ultimately didn´t. And who knows?"  From Lucianne

Donald Trump’s Fox Debate Boycott and The Ridiculous Fox News Response…  . . . "Megyn Kelly, and her sidekick Chris Stirewalt are the visible symptom, not the actual underlying issue. Their partnered ‘too-cute-by-half schtick‘ has been ongoing for several months, including the coordinated antics at the last debate, and in the weeks leading up to the last debate; but again, they are the symptom – not the real issue.
"However, it’s also more than a little hypocritical for the same republican voices who were shouting at republican nominees in 2011/2012, for walking into traps with CNN’s Candy Crowley and ABC’s George Stephanopolous, to now be clutching their pearls when 2016 republican frontrunner Donald Trump recognizes the construct in Fox News and avoids it." . . .

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Trump says either Megyn Kelly goes or I go. And we thought Obama was petulant!

Donald Trump to Skip Thursday's Debate

"According to CNN, Trump's campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, told reporters The Donald will "definitely" skip the debate, and "it's not under negotiation." Bullish, Trump reportedly asked "Let's see how much money Fox is going to make on the debate without me, OK?" Trump ran a poll starting at 1 PM Thursday asking his followers if he should participate in the debate. As of 7:50 PM Thursday, there were more than 40,000 votes, and only 52 percent of respondents said "Yes.' "

WaPo: Trump dumps Fox Debate

Trump To Skip Debate: Why Is FOX News Playing Games With Me?
"Presidential candidate Donald Trump said he is "most likely" not going to participate in Thursday's night Republican debate hosted by FOX News Channel and moderated in part by Megyn Kelly. Trump made the comments at a Tuesday evening press conference in Marshalltown, Iowa." 
 "Most likely"? Perhaps he wants to be begged, but I'd say two petulant presidents in a row are more than this country can take. TD

"But if he's afraid of Megyn Kelly, afraid of Sean Hannity, afraid of you and afraid of Rush, then we could do it without any moderators whatsoever. 
"I'm happy to do an hour an a half with Donald, any time, with no moderator, sometime before the Iowa caucuses. 
"That's a what a candidate who actually wants to work for the people, actually wants to earn the support of the people is stand up and defend your record. 
"So Donald, stand up and do the event, he said last week that he thinks I'm stupid. He should do very, very well in a debate with someone who is so stupid, away from the moderators that he is so afraid of."

Petulance manifested: Trump’s Top Twitter Targets (Since Tuesday)
"If one criticizes Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, he or she can expect a full thrashing on Twitter."

The single most important election issue in 2016: The Constitution!

Bookworm Room
Constitution we the people

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”   — Presidential Oath of Office

"In this essay, I hope to establish three things:"

"I. That the Constitution is a unique document that empowers individuals over government, making it the bedrock of American exceptionalism;
"II. That Barack Obama has significantly damaged the Constitution’s preeminent position in American government, creating a dangerous imbalance in favor of an unlimited executive backed by a powerful, all-encompassing bureaucracy; and

"III. That we must choose our next president very carefully in order to redress this imbalance lest we wake up one morning to find ourselves living under a permanent de facto dictatorship." . . . Michael Hiteshew

Then the essayist goes on to make his case for the election of Sen. Cruz over that of Mr. Trump. 

The continuing Hillary soap opera: Tuesday

smokin cannons

Hillary and the Law of the Jungle  . . . "President Obama described Comey as possessing “fierce independence” when he appointed the FBI Director. Since that was Obama’s description, we can assume Comey is something less than that, though that is not to say he is a complete tool of this administration, like his nominal superior, Attorney General Loretta Lynch." . . .
. . . As Clinton’s political vulnerability becomes obvious, her legal jeopardy increases. Predators in the wild and in politics do not like to strike unless and until the prey is weak and vulnerable. Clinton is almost there. The FBI is probably waiting. " . . .
However. . . Obama liking Hillary these days   "She’s the only one who can protect his legacy."

Question to Hillary at Dem town hall gave away the phony game being played  "A youthful questioner at last night’s Democratic presidential candidates town hall let it slip that he had been fed a question for Hillary.  The video is embedded below.  This slip of the tongue confirms that whole event was a set-up to help the Democrat establishment’s chosen vehicle win the Iowa caucus and keep the gravy train rolling.  After all, when Hillary was presumed to be strong, the number of debates was strictly limited and then were scheduled for time slots aimed at keeping viewership to a minimum.  But now that Sanders is showing strength, the DNC – run by Hillary ally Debbie Wasserman Schultz – abruptly scheduled a new event." . . .

"The rattled young man then gave away the secret: “I can see why they gave you this question.' ”


"Former Miss Arkansas worries about possible assassination attempt ahead of tell-all book"  Cheap, gossipy publicity stunt, but it should work, given Hillary's temper reputation.