Monday, February 6, 2017

The latest on the climate change industry

Dissenters to the climate change theory have said often there was no increase in temperatures over the past twenty years. They were mocked and refuted often, but now this indicates they were right.
Recall that it was once "settled science" declaring the earth was flat.

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"Of all the “fake news” stories that emerged in the last two years, this is undoubtedly the most important. "
. . . "Dr. John Bates, who until the end of 2016 was one of NOAA’s top scientists, told the story to the Daily Mail:

The Mail on Sunday today reveals astonishing evidence that the organisation that is the world’s leading source of climate data rushed to publish a landmark paper that exaggerated global warming and was timed to influence the historic Paris Agreement on climate change.
A high-level whistleblower has told this newspaper that America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) breached its own rules on scientific integrity when it published the sensational but flawed report, aimed at making the maximum possible impact on world leaders including Barack Obama and David Cameron at the UN climate conference in Paris in 2015.. . .More at the link.
Government whistle blower accuses NOAA of manipulating climate data
"It's very difficult to see how this data manipulation could have been the result of stupidity or carelessness. And it only proves what has become the norm for government scientists on a wide variety of issues; scientific agencies run by taxpayer dollars are not in the business of performing "real" science to get at the truth of an issue. They are in business to validate the political agenda of their masters in the White House. And if they have to manipulate data or, as in the Bush White House, ignore contradictory data, they will do so."  Rick Moran
End climate propaganda
"With a solidarity that makes North Korea look distinctly liberal, they have relentlessly claimed that "the science is settled."  This "fixed opinion," supported by a deluge of government cash and media control, means that open-minded research is impossible – all we get is one-eyed propaganda, doctored data, and vilification of skeptics."

The omnipresent, all-seeing George Soros
Soros Fingerprints All Over Anti-Trump Lawsuits  . . . "The Democratic AGs also said, “Religious liberty has been, and always will be, a bedrock principle of our country and no president can change that truth,” a curious statement from the party that targeted the Little Sisters of the Poor." . . .
“It shouldn’t surprise anyone that pressure groups funded by George Soros are litigating to keep U.S. ports-of-entry wide open to terrorists and other people who hate America … Soros has said he wants to bring America down.”

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Trump Files Early With FEC For 2020 Candidacy, Outmaneuvers Nonprofits

. . . "This will likely create chaos for political opponents of Trump such as George Soros, who has sunk significant amounts of money into various nonprofit groups with the intent of opposing Trump’s government." . . .
Overpasses For America
trump vs soros1
"A document from the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) indicates that Donald Trump took steps last week to outmaneuver nonprofit organizations, leaving them unable to officially campaign against him over the next few years of his Presidency.

"Filed on January 20th, 2017, the letter states that, while not an official announcement for reelection, Donald Trump has filed an FEC Form 2 in order to “ensure compliance with the Federal Election Campaign Act.” This is an unprecedented, although legal, move for the President to make. Barack Obama did not file for his 2012 re-election bid until April 2011. Having filed (even if not formally announcing a bid) as a candidate, Trump would be able to coordinate with PACs and other similar organizations." . . .
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Milo Yiannopoulos will return to Berkeley to give his speech "Janet Napolitano, president of the University of California system, has got a new nightmare on her hands.  Having already failed to protect the right of Milo Yiannopoulos to speak at the University of California, Berkeley, she is now on notice that she has a second chance to meet those who openly proclaim their disruptive intent with sufficient force to uphold the civil rights of Milo and those who want to hear him." . . . 

A UC Berkeley rioter and thug who bragged online about beating conservatives outside the Milo Yiannopoulos speech on Wednesday night — works at the university.
Dabney Miller, a staff member at the UC Berkeley, bragged about how he beat conservatives. He posted images of one man he knocked to the ground and pummeled with his fists before someone pulled him away.
Dabney Miller draws a paycheck from the UC Berkeley administration.

"Tattoos: check; Earrings: check; Wifebeater shirt: check. And best of all, he's Caucasian, so nobody can call his critics racists."

Errors From The Press Are Piling Up In The Opening Weeks Of The Trump Administration

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Weasel Zippers photo
Daily Caller  "Journalists can’t seem to get their stories straight in the opening weeks of the Trump administration, whether in tweets or in articles where falsehoods have been spread almost daily.

"The mistakes have not just been from newer liberal news outlets such The Huffington Post or BuzzFeed, but from legacy media like Reuters, The Washington Post, and The New York Times.
"What follows are several botched stories or conflicting reports since President Trump took office."  Excerpts below:
  • "The Trump administration eases sanctions on a Russian intelligence agency.
  • "The Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice were blindsided by Trump’s executive order on immigration and refugees.
  • "Steve Bannon went to visit Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly to convince him to temporarily ban certain green card holders.
  • "The Trump administration forces the resignations of several senior Secret Service officials.  "Secret Service spokeswoman told The Daily Caller that Clemons’ reporting is “completely false.' ” 
  • The Associated Press and CNN can’t agree whether Trump threatened to send troops into Mexico. 
  • Reuters screws up the timing of Trump’s executive order.
. . .

NYT/CNBC’s John Harwood Advises Clinton Campaign, Gloats About Provoking Trump At Debate

CNBC John Harwood YouTube screenshot/WilliamFoster

. . . "In a December 2015 email to Podesta, Harwood bragged about his much-criticized debate performance in which he asked Trump “Let’s be honest, is this a comic book version of a presidential campaign?" . . .

Chelsea Clinton Is the Last Thing the Democratic Party Needs


"The only good would be for Chelsea to lose a congressional race, teaching Democrats a lesson they've continuously failed to learn."
 Chelsea Clinton introduces US President Barack Obama at a rally for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on November 7, 2016. / AFP / NICHOLAS KAMM

"Since Hillary Clinton’s presidential election loss, rumors have circulated that speculate about what she will do next. In trying to predict Clinton’s future—from running for mayor of New York City to hosting her own TV show—the idea has also been advanced that her daughter, Chelsea Clinton, may enter politics herself. Though being the progeny of the widely-disliked Bill and Hillary should disqualify Chelsea, the Democratic Party’s cultist obsession with her family’s access to a vast network of wealthy donors leaves any congressional race of her choosing open to Chelsea if she wants to run.
"This would be a disaster for the Democratic Party.
"Instead of moving on—and being better off for it—another Clinton in public office would broaden the party’s disconnect with working and middle class voters." . . . 

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Trump Isn’t Repeating Obama’s Middle East Mistakes

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Jonathan S. Tobin

Contrary to mainstream-media reports, the new president is already taking a tougher stance on Iran and a friendlier stance toward Israel than his predecessor.
"By the end of his second week in office, President Donald Trump has discovered it is actually possible for him to do something that garners applause from the mainstream media. Though Democrats seem more interested in futile gestures of “resistance” to his government than in normal opposition, all Trump had to do to gain a modicum of respect from the New York Times and other denizens of the liberal echo chamber was to preserve rather than reject the policies of his predecessor. Or at least that was how the Times and the talking heads on CNN and MSNBC perceived the new administration’s statements about Israel, Iran, and Russia this week. In reality, the claim that, as the front-page headline in Friday’s Times put it, “Trump Reverts to Pillars of Obama Foreign Policy,” is actually dead wrong when applied to the Middle East." . . .

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Iran holds military exercises in response to U.S. sanctions

WaPo  "Iran on Saturday began massive military exercises in a defiant response to a week of warnings from the Trump administration, including new sanctions, with a senior Iranian military commander calling the actions “futile” and threatening to “rain” missiles down on the country’s enemies. 

"The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, Iran’s most influential security institution, said it would test missile and radar systems as part of the drill, according to the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency. And a statement on the IRGC website said that the aim of the exercise was “to showcase the power of Iran’s revolution and to dismiss the sanctions,” Reuters reported. 

“ 'Should the enemy make a mistake, our roaring missiles will rain down on them,” IRGC Air Force commander, Gen. Amir Ali Hazjizadeh, told the semi-official Tasnim news agency." . . .

Iraq archbishop: Where were all those protesters while ISIS committed genocides?

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Hot Air  "We’ve heard plenty of horror stories over the past few days about Donald Trump’s executive order pausing entries into the US for nationals of seven high-risk nations, many of which could have been avoided with a little more planning and coordination within the administration. What do others living in these countries think about Trump and his new policy, especially those who have been the targets of terrorism and genocide? Catholic Archbishop Bashar Warda of Irbil tells Crux that Iraqi refugees see it a lot differently than we do — and wonder where the protesters were in 2014:"

. . . From my perspective in Iraq, I wonder why all of these protesters were not protesting in the streets when ISIS came to kill Christians and Yazidis and other minority groups. They were not protesting when the tens of thousands of displaced Christians my archdiocese has cared for since 2014 received no financial assistance from the U.S. government or the U.N. There were no protests when Syrian Christians were only let in at a rate that was 20 times less than the percentage of their population in Syria.
I do not understand why some Americans are now upset that the many minority communities that faced a horrible genocide will finally get a degree of priority in some manner.
"That last part is aimed at Americans objecting to Trump’s plan to prioritize minority communities for expedited clearance — primarily Christians, but also Yazidis:" . . .

Conway: Media inciting mob violence

Rick Moran  "Somebody prominent on the left must call out the media and the "activists" who are getting close to actually inciting violence against President Trump and Republicans.
"Trump aide Kellyanne Conway told Sean Hannity yesterday that this "lack of respect" was inciting the mob in the street to commit violent acts, despite not even knowing what they were demonstrating against."
. . . 
Here's the sitting senator from Virginia, Tim Kaine, encouraging street protests against Trump:
Then, people coming out in protest of these orders. So, the way we get outside the bubble is we take advantage of this tremendous public outcry against the administration. What we've got to do is fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, fight online, fight at the ballot box, and now there's the momentum to be able to do this. And we're not afraid of the popular outcry, we're energized by it and that's going to help us do our job and do it better.
 Robert Reich's ridiculous rumor quote to a docile Don Lemon
You do remember CNN's Don Lemon and the "black hole" don't you?
. . . "Find me thousands of young, angry, black-clad violent conservatives in the Bay Area, and I'll eat my pussy hat from the Women's March we also orchestrated."

Berkeley riot: this is so 1930s again!


Look Who Funds The Group Behind The Call To Arms At Milo’s Berkeley Event  "The left-wing group that helped organize the violent shut down of the Milo Yiannopoulos event at the University of California, Berkeley on Wednesday is backed by a progressive charity that is in turn funded by George Soros, the city of Tucson, a major labor union and several large companies."

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Andrew J. McCarthy: Prosecute the Rioters
. . . "it is standard operating procedure among the most influential, most allegedly mainstream Democratic politicians to rationalize rioting as mere “protest.” In their alternative reality, violence in the name of sedition is “free speech” — a passionate expression of political dissent — while the actual political speech they so savagely suppress is the atrocity."

"There is no mystery about how we got to this dark place. Violent rampaging was the coming-of-age rite of the New Left. That would be the Sixties Left that eventually won the battle for control of the Democratic party and, in its extremism, has estranged that party from its traditional working-class base, and thus from much of the country. " . . .

The rioters found fertile rioting soil in California:  California Politicians Ignore Berkeley Riot Violence In Tweets; Blast Trump Instead
. . . "Most of the California electorate was silent on the matter, including Republicans. Gov. Jerry Brown, state Attorney General Xavier Becerra and U.S. Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris. Feinstein did have time to tweet kudos to the Affordable Care Act and Harris tweeted support for refugees entering the U.S."

Legal Insurrection found nothing from "national leader" Kamala Harris  . . . "After this massive disturbance, I was curious what our leading California politicians would have to say in regard to the rioting. While Senator Kamala Harris loved being part of the #WomensMarch, there was no statement on her thoughts about conservatives being denied their free speech rights. I couldn’t locate formal statements from Governor Jerry Brown or Senator Dianne Feinstein decrying the violence, either." . . .
Bear in mind, Harris supports radical causes including cop-killing Black Lives Matter

 This is not the first time this week a prominent Hollywood figure has championed violence against political opponents.

Notice the Soviet flag:

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Most ironic sign: "freedom of speech"!

Berkeley riots, in photos, from Zombietime  . . . "Such images, taken without the filter of a toadying media, serve as a historic record to show the left as it really is.  They also illustrate Glenn Reynolds's arch-analysis – to wit: want More Trump?  This is how you get More Trump."

A Love of Hate: The Addiction of the New American Left
"Leftists are outraged all the time because they love being outraged." 

Friday, February 3, 2017

God Bless Harry Reid

"The need for 60 votes can contribute to moderation and compromise because to achieve a supermajority you need to get a buy-in from at least some of the opposition. On the other hand, in a hyper-partisan atmosphere (like today’s), a 60-vote threshold can ensure that everything gets stopped and nothing gets done."

Charles Krauthammer
Senate Democrats have Reid to thank for being powerless to block Gorsuch’s nomination.
. . . "God bless Harry Reid. It’s because of him that Gorsuch is guaranteed elevation to the Court. In 2013, as then–Senate majority leader, Reid blew up the joint. He abolished the filibuster for federal appointments both executive (such as cabinet) and judicial, for all district- and circuit-court judgeships (excluding only the Supreme Court). Thus unencumbered, the Democratic-controlled Senate packed the lower courts with Obama nominees.

"Reid was warned that the day would come when Republicans would be in the majority and would exploit the new rules to equal and opposite effect. That day is here. 

"The result is striking. Trump’s cabinet appointments are essentially unstoppable because Republicans need only 51 votes and they have 52. They have no need to reach 60, the number required to overcome a filibuster. Democrats are powerless to stop anyone on their own." . . .

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