Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas greetings from Sheila Jackson Lee

The Death Rattle of Obama’s Reputation

"Even as early as March of 2017, it was clear that the Obama administration’s foreign-policy professionals were quite insecure about how posterity would remember their stewardship of American interests abroad. They had every reason to be."
Commentary Magazine

. . . "It’s no coincidence that these overheated condemnations accompany abundant evidence that the Trump administration is finding its legs. As the last administration’s undeserved reputation as sober-minded foreign policy rationalists is dismantled one retrospective report at a time, its jilted members are lashing out.
"[Susan] Rice’s attacks on the Republican administration deserve the most attention, if only because they are the most apoplectic. Donald Trump’s recently released national-security review paints a “dark,” “almost dystopian” vision of the world, Rice contended. His world is full of “hostile states and lurking threats.” Rice claimed that there is “no common good” in Trump’s worldview. What’s more, there is no “international community” and no “universal values.” There are just “American values.”
"Rice takes a theatrically dim view of what is essentially a restatement of the bedrock principle of almost all international-relations theory: The international environment is anarchic. " . . .

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Charles Krauthammer, 2016: The Stillborn Legacy of Barack Obama

A Christmas Present to Cable TV Viewers – Sara Carter Joins Fox News

Peter Barry Chowka

"Sara Carter, who in recent months has emerged as one of the country’s finest investigative journalists, is joining Fox News. The official announcement came on Christmas Eve at 9 A.M. E.T. when Carter was introduced as a brand new Fox News Contributor in two live segments on the channel’s signature morning program Fox and Friends Weekend. High profile Fox News contributors are usually paid six figures a year to appear with regularity on the channel to discuss news developments in the context of their areas of expertise. A video of Carter’s appearance on the Dec. 24 Fox News morning program is currently online here at YouTube.
"Carter has an extensive journalistic background, including covering the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan in hot war zones while she was embedded with U.S. troops. She was a Senior Correspondent with Circa News from May 2016 until last November. Previously, she worked for TheBlaze, The Washington Examiner, and The Washington Times. She has had extensive experience hosting programs on TheBlaze TV and appearing as a guest hundreds of times on the cable television news channels. She has a degree in journalism and communications from California Polytechnic University in Pomona.
"Most recently, Carter’s probing investigative journalism for Circa News has exposed the deep politics behind the Obama Administration’s actions to checkmate the Trump candidacy and presidency, the investigation of Trump by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and the controversies surrounding the Clintons." . . .

Defying Trump again, Jerry Brown pardons immigrants about to be deported

Sacramento Bee

"Escalating the state’s showdown with the Trump administration over illegal immigration, California Gov. Jerry Brown used a Christmas holiday tradition to grant pardons Saturday to two men who were on the verge of being deported for committing crimes while in the U.S.
"Brown, pairing his state’s combative approach to federal immigration authorities with his belief in the power of redemption, characterized the pardons as acts of mercy.
"The Democratic governor moved as federal officials in recent months have detained and deported immigrants with felony convictions that resulted in the loss of their legal residency status, including many with nonviolent offenses that occurred years ago.
With the pardons, the reason for applicants’ deportations may be eliminated, said attorney Kevin Lo of Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Asian Law Caucus, which represented some of the men in a recent class-action lawsuit.
. . . Two of Brown’s pardons are Northern California Cambodian men picked up in October in those immigration sweeps, Mony Neth of Modesto and Rottanak Kong of Davis.
Kong was convicted on felony joyriding in 2003 in Stanislaus County at age 25 and sentenced to a year in jail. Neth was convicted on a felony weapons charge with a gang enhancement and a misdemeanor charge of receiving stolen property with a value of $400 or less in 1995 in Stanislaus County.
Both men came to the United States as children after their families fled the Khmer Rouge regime, and neither has engaged in criminal activity since being released from prison.
Kong and Neth were scheduled to be deported Monday, but a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order last week in the lawsuit filed by Lo’s team, delaying their departure.
Neth, 42, was unexpectedly released from Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center on Friday, said his wife, Cat Khamvongsa, and is back home with his family – albeit with an ankle monitor.
. . . Neth said he plans on becoming a U.S. citizen if he is able, and encouraged other immigrants in his situation to remain optimistic.
“When I was in (detention), I think I was taught a few lessons, that I am not alone. God is always with me,” Neth said. “I’m not pretty outspoken, sometimes can’t find the right words to say, but just have hope.”. . . 
. . . Multiple investigations – including one requested by Brown’s office – determined that Coley was wrongfully convicted of murder after spending nearly 40 years in prison. Concluded Brown: “I grant this pardon because Mr. Coley did not commit these crimes.” . . .

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Obama's cocaine fueled nuclear deal with Iran

Michael P. Ramirez The Josh Meyer article published once more; The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

"An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran."
The full story by Josh Meyer here

Media Blackout on Obama’s Hezbollah Scandal Revives the Iran-Deal ‘Echo Chamber’
Their refusal to report on his appeasing Iran by spiking of an investigation into drug-running widens the partisan divide.
"In May 2016, deputy national-security adviser Ben Rhodes took a victory lap in the New York Times to celebrate the Obama administration’s signature foreign-policy win. Rhodes had helped orchestrate the campaign to ensure that Congress would fail to stop President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal from going into effect, and in a remarkably unguarded interview for a New York Times Magazine profile, the failed novelist–turned–foreign-policy spinmaster boasted of how a tame press corps that he dubbed an “echo chamber” had done his bidding." . . .

The Iran Echo Chamber Smears Politico . . . “ 'Non-fact based anti-Iran Deal propaganda,” sneers former deputy national security adviser and creative-writing expert Ben Rhodes. “The story is so manufactured out of thin air that it’s hard to push back except to say that it’s a figment of the imagination of two very flawed sources,” says Tommy Vietor, who has a podcast. Note that Vietor is obviously wrong: The piece has far more than “two very flawed sources.” Note as well that neither Rhodes nor Vietor ever actually bother to challenge those sources or the facts provided to Politico." . . .

. . . "What former Obama officials were reacting to wasn’t some innovative argument against the Iran deal, but damning evidence of Obama’s reckless disregard for national security in pursuit of a fantastic rapprochement with Iran. And their outrage reminds us is that what the Left needs now more than ever isn’t journalism. It’s resistance to Trump."

Justin Trudeau On Returning ISIS Fighters: They'll Be An 'Extraordinarily Powerful Voice' For Canada

The Canadian Prime Minister believes reformed Jihadists will help prevent radicalization. How does he know they are "reformed"? And why should they make the big leap from wanting to kill us "infidels" to a desire to help us against their Islamic brothers?

Daily Wire

. . . "To say that's wishful thinking, well, that might just be an understatement.
"Now that ISIS is nearly 98% defeated — a product of an increased offensive line against the Jihadists in Iraq and elsewhere — Canada anticipates that some of their departed brethren who left to join in the fight for the Caliphate, will return to their motherland. Unlike the United States, apparently, Canada plans on welcoming the ones who claim to be reformed back with open arms.
And Trudeau thinks that's a good thing.
"We know that actually someone who has engaged and turned away from that hateful ideology can be an extraordinarily powerful voice for preventing radicalization in future generations and younger people within the community,” he told the news network.
"This puts him at odds with the man in charge of rehabilitating returning radicals, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale, who recently told the same news network that it might be nearly impossible to completely reform an ISIS fighter hardened from the battlefield. In fact, Goodale said, once a Jihadist has left to join the violent crusade, the chances of him returning with good intentions are almost zero.
“ 'If you want to have a good solid hope of some kind of successful intervention, it has to be at a much earlier stage. You have to prevent the problem before it exists,” Goodale said. “Once a person has been in a war zone, once they’ve been actively engaged in terrorist-related activities, the capacity to turn them around is pretty remote.' ” . . .

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Tucker Carlson Shares Hilarious List Of 100 ‘Racist’ Things

The media doesn't help.

Daily Caller  "Fox News’ Tucker Carlson tweeted out Friday a hilarious list of 100 things people have deemed “racist” this year, and some of the entries are just unbelievable. 

"The Daily Caller founder geared up for the list by telling his followers that “we live in revolutionary times” and that some “wild things” happened in the past year.

Miami University Students Try to Ban Lucky Charms  . . . "In another James O'Keefe production, undercover Miami University students visited the diversity office on campus, claiming Lucky Charms discriminates against Irish-Americans by portraying them as "little green plaided gnome hucksters" and asked for the product to be banned in school cafeterias because it is offensive and racist." . . .

#8. Disney movies "Kat George, a writer for Vh1’s website, insisted in 2017 that some of your favorite Disney movies are racist. The Little Mermaid was listed as an offender because Sebastian, Ariel’s crab sidekick, spoke in an exaggerated Jamaican accent." . . .
Much more at the link...

Pennsylvania family ordered to take down Jesus Christmas display after neighbor said it was ‘offensive’

"A Pennsylvania family was ordered by their homeowner’s association to take down their Jesus Christmas display after one of the neighbors reported it as offensive.
"Mark and Lynn Wivell of Adams County, a Gettysburg subdivision, said they put up their Jesus display last Saturday, FOX43 reported.
" 'As part of our Christmas decoration, we would display the name Jesus to point out to everyone that we in this family believe that the reason for the season is to celebrate the birth of Jesus," said Mark Wivell told FOX43.
"But the homeowner’s association wasn’t having it." . . .

The Wreck called Hillary Clinton

Youtube "A parody about the treachery of the Clintons throughout the years and their ultimate political demise at the hands of Donald Trump. Sung to the tune of "The Wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald'."

Ravens Blame 'Noticeable' Attendance Drop on National Anthem Protests

Daily Wire

Quarterback Joe Flacco #5 of the Baltimore Ravens celebrates after a touchdown in the fourth quarter against the Detroit Lions at M&T Bank Stadium on December 3, 2017 in Baltimore, Maryland.

"We’re sorry...sort of.
"That’s the tone of Baltimore Ravens president Dick Cass’s non-apology apology letter to season-ticket holders. Sent earlier this week, Cass was addressing the “noticeable” number of no-shows at M&T Bank Stadium since more than a dozen players knelt during the National Anthem before a Sept. 24 game in London.
“ 'We have had significant numbers of no-shows in the past when our play on the field has not met the high standard we and you have set for the Ravens,” Cass wrote. “But this year has been different. The numbers are higher, and it is noticeable. There are a number of reasons for the no-shows, but surely the one-time protest in London has been a factor.”
"That protest, because it was held in London, was the first on a Sunday during which more than 200 NFL players sat or kneeled during the National Anthem. Since then, the NFL’s TV ratings and attendance have steadily fallen, in no small part thanks to the players’ Anthem protests.
"In his letter, Cass attempted to portray the team’s protest as just one factor, even though he implies the reason for no-shows in the past was poor performance — not an issue for this year’s 8-6 Ravens team, which is in the heat of a playoff race." . . .

Biting the dust in Norkland?

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All cartoons added by TD
Richard Rail  . . . "How are we to understand this goofball boy who seems to think himself a superhero?  Kim went to school in Switzerland and because of that should speak fair English, should understand Western thinking and Western styles.  But the lessons must not have taken.  He dresses like Mao in a bad mood and combs his hair like a clown going to a prom.  When you look as silly as Kim does, it's hard to credit that this actually is a head of state.

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"But he has his hands around the necks of his 24 million countrymen.  They are literally starving and have been for decades, such that they average six inches shorter than their genetically identical brothers across the DMZ.  The North Korean guard who escaped over that DMZ weeks ago was found to have hideous parasites in his body, probably because shortages of fertilizer force northern farmers to use night soil.
"It's fashionable in the West to think of Kim as an outlier among national leaders.  Actually, he's the logical end product of socialism, of big, suffocating government run amok, of the corruption that inevitably sets in when a system isn't required to practice self-restraint by respecting human rights, due process, and rule of law that holds everyone, even the number-one guy, accountable.
"We watch hopefully to see how Donald Trump is going to bring Kim to bay.  We're learning that Trump, contrary to all the nonsense about him, is unusually smart and has an extraordinary sense of timing.  Perhaps his biggest strength is that you always know where you stand with him.  He is straightforward and direct.  He knows how to use power and doesn't fear using it." . . .
See the source image

Marxist Professor Teaches “Smash” White Rule, White Man’s Constitution

Independent Sentinel  "Marxist professor at Diablo Valley College is dividing his students along racial lines, telling minority students they are not subject to the Constitution and they shouldn’t be standing for the Anthem or saying the pledge.

Video from Red Elephants

"Assistant Political Science Professor Albert Ponce says they must “smash white supremacy”, and basically the Constitution and the Pledge as well. He suggests “legal means” aren’t enough.
"He previously worked at Lake Tahoe Community College and studied at UCLA at LA and UC Berkeley. He is an admirer of Antifa.
“ 'We’re taught to stand up and pledge allegiance to the flag every single day — but the flag is not really representative of everybody who is standing up in that room,” Ponce tells his class in the footage. “All those who this flag represents stand up, and maybe 50% of this room stay sitting down because it’s not for you.”
"Ponce called the Constitution “the white man’s constitution.”
“ 'Abolition means we must destroy it, not reform it. No vote is going to help. No writing your Congressman — we need to smash white supremacy,” Ponce states. “We try to use legal means, but are legal means enough?' ” . . .

Professor Calls For Violent Overthrow Of “White Supremacist” America
. . . "Since we started the Facebook page called “Film Your Marxist Professors,” this will be the first video to go up on that page.  I think that this will be a great tool to fight the Marxist curriculum in these schools since it appears that the left has the education system on lock.
"This clip was just showing a compilation of a few of the divisive comments made by Ponce though.  In the full version there were many others.
"The student who sent us this, who shall remain unnamed, wrote the following about the occurrence;" . . .Keep reading here.

The professor would love to create more students like these: Hundreds Plan to Protest a Vigil Being Held For Kate Steinle in San Francisco