Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Media Favor California Solar Mandate That Will Cost $10K Per Home

MRC "California is king when it comes to environmental regulations, but the latest decision to mandate solar panels comes at a high price. For homeowners.

"Those costs of freedom of choice and almost $10,000 higher construction expenses per home didn’t matter much to California’s proponents of solar panels or the liberal media which downplayed costs and critics when they mentioned them at all.
"Many California’s already struggle to afford housing and more regulations will increase prices yet CBS This Morning co-anchor Gayle King declared that it sounded like a “win-win for everybody” on May 9. And The New York Times led with affirming language calling California “a leader and trendsetter in its clean-energy goals” and referred to the latest regulation “a giant step” for those goals on May 10. That story also quoted three times as many quotes proponents as critics (6 to 2)
"The Los Angeles Times unabashedly supported the rule. Its editorial board wrote “Of course California should require solar panels on new homes” on May 11, and a columnist also promoted the requirements saying “Here’s why Big Brother is on to something” on May 21." . . .
“Cost estimates by builders, however, which include the mandate’s additional requirement of more efficient appliances, lighting, windows and insulation, are $30,000 in higher construction costs,” Ohanian and Temzelides wrote.
Bear in mind these solar panels will be "construction grade" materials. The most economical available with a questionable life span, much like the windows in new construction for example. TD 

Why on Earth would Yale invite Hillary Clinton, the whiniest woman on the planet to speak at its commencement?

This woman's speeches, like Michelle Obama's, have the goal of turning us against each other while they hold our coats. TD

Hillary Clinton and the fall of Yale and Harvard  "Why on Earth would Yale invite Hillary Clinton, the whiniest woman on the planet to speak at its commencement?  Did the administrators not have advance knowledge of her psychosis?  Her address to Yale grads was all about her: her loss, her anger at those who did not vote for her.  She is, without a doubt, the sorest of sore losers." . . . "If Hillary's speech at Yale and her award from Harvard are the standard for excellence and achievement these days, no one should let his sons or daughters go to either of those universities.  They have lost all sense of what excellence and achievement are, and if they don't know what it is, they cannot teach it.  If they are willing to sacrifice their own prestige to honor a self-serving, power-hungry political hack, they do not deserve the pleasure of anyone's sons' and daughters' presence on their campuses."   Emphasis mine, TD

Hillary’s whiny Yale commencement speech "I’ve heard my share of commencement speeches both live and via C-SPAN. Typically, speakers offer words of encouragement and advice to graduates. Rags to riches stories aren’t commonly told these days, but commencement speakers often recount tales of achievement against the odds, sometimes by the speaker, sometimes not.

"I once heard a commencement speech devoted to heaping praise on the college president (Jim Kim of Dartmouth). That was an outlier, though.
"I’ve never heard a commencement speech in which the speaker whined about a defeat and provided updates on how she was coping with it. But that is what Hillary Clinton offered graduates of Yale in her commencement speech yesterday." . . .
. . . "To promote such “understanding,” Hillary pulled a gag, playing off the tradition of people wearing odd hats to graduation at Yale:
. . .  “I mean, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” Clinton said, whipping out a Russian hat.

"She should have pulled out an earlier Hillary prop — her “Russia reset” button." . . .

At Starbucks we are really, really nice people, living in fear of social Justice warriors

The Starbucks Incident Promotes Weaponization of Phony Racism
. . . "Starbucks gets what it deserves for being so stridently politically correct, but I don’t believe the Starbucks incident had anything to do with racism. " . . .

Starbucks's new homeless policy doesn't pass the smell test  . . . "When a brand fails to discriminate, to encourage only those who are in its prime customer base, it tells its customers that this is not the right kind of business for them.  Starbucks has always been about appealing to an upper-middle-class crowd.  Serving as a magnet for smelly homeless people teeming with lice and maggots will drive away its prime audience.

"Any person of average intelligence instinctively knows this.  But it is apparent that Mr. Schultz and the management at Starbucks are so wedded to doctrinaire liberalism that they are blind to common sense.  How long before they are out of a job, and Starbucks cafés disappear faster than Blockbuster Video?"

Suicidal Overcompensation in Germany

"When Obama withdrew U.S. protection, Europe suddenly became vulnerable to Putin and jihad." 
I feel it is ironic that German guilt from WW2 would cause Germans  to welcome a culture that deeply hates Jews and served Hitler's armies during that war. They took well to the "Final Solution" and even today chant that Hitler was right. Rich Terrell photosnark
American Thinker, 2016  . . . "Today, Angela Merkel's Germany is making another suicidal gesture by opening the borders to tens of thousands of predatory, war-indoctrinated jihadis – young men of military age, who have been taught to despise, hate, and beat up anybody outside their own Muslim sect.  They are indoctrinated in war theology – the last major war theology on Earth.  Merkel and the EU have drifted into this suicidal fiasco by mistake – but they still refuse to admit it.
. . . 
"Today Angela Merkel and the EU preach peace, peace, but they stupidly let in 50 million easily indoctrinated Muslims – so there will be no peace.  Isaiah (48:22) was right again.  The Swedes, Germans, and French still yearn for that Napoleonic absolutism, and the EU is always frantically denying that it plans to become another Roman Empire.
Methinks they do protest too much.
After Hitler and the Holocaust, West Germany had a long period of stability, under American defense guarantees, and many West Germans repented of the most disastrous mass regression in European history, the Nazi period.
. . . Still – Angela Merkel overcompensated to an insane extreme when she opened Europe's borders to the closest thing to the Nazis since Hitler. This is a madness of Europe's political elites.
ISIS is not at all different from the sadistic mass murders committed by the Nazis and by Stalin.  War ideologies are pretty much the same; only the uniforms, the hats, and the flags change.

Chaos of D-Day revealed in newly released photographs taken from RAF reconnaissance planes that flew over the beaches as allies fought their way ashore

UK Daily Mail  "The extent of D-Day chaos has been revealed in these newly released photographs taken from the RAF reconnaissance planes that flew over the Normandy beaches as allied troops fought their way ashore.

"Taken 1000 feet above the coastline of northern France on June 6, 1944, the dramatic black and white images capture the moment thousands of troops arrived on the beaches as part of the largest seaborne invasion force in history, and have been released to mark the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings.

"The rarely seen photographs show a number of small ships laden with troops ready to storm the coastline at Sword, Omaha, Juno, and Gold beaches, while larger naval vessels wait further back - providing much needed support to those engaged in the battle that would pave the way for victory over Nazi Germany the following year."

Pictured below: "This aerial view of allied forces arriving at Omaha Beach on D-Day, where US Army troops, supported by the U.S. Navy and the British Royal Navy, fought to secure a beachhead between Port-en-Bessin and Vire River, coming up against opposition from the German 352nd Infantry Division"

Visible and disturbing in this photo is the tremendous waste of lives and materiel. The beach became so cluttered with destroyed vehicles the incoming waves had difficulty landing.  See the photos here.

The damage on Omaha at ground level shown in this site:
We haven’t seen these before! 45 mind blowing images of D-Day!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Starbucks Is About To Woke Their Way Out Of Business

"There’s a new policy in place at Starbucks and it has nothing to do with the size of your Grand Chunkachino or whether they spell your name correctly on your cup. The coffee giant has been under increasing pressure from the media and social justice advocates after recent incidents resulting in charges of racism, insensitivity and nearly everything else under the sun. After holding a series of training sessions nationally, the company will now instruct its local managers to make the stores open to anyone who wants to use the restroom or simply hang out there whether they make a purchase or not."
. . . 
"Whatever happened when two black men were arrested at a Starbucks in Philadelphia was obviously handled poorly, but that’s just one store. A certain amount of common sense is required at the local management level to handle such things on a case by case basis. If the company felt that better crafted rules and improved training were required to prevent a repeat of that incident that would be understandable. But now they seem to be going overboard in the opposite direction." . . .

The Starbucks Incident Promotes Weaponization of Phony Racism
. . . "Starbucks gets what it deserves for being so stridently politically correct, but I don’t believe the Starbucks incident had anything to do with racism." . . . 

High ranking Democrats and the media seem to agree. MS-13 gang members here illegally are more welcome than upstanding NRA members

"High ranking Democrats and the media seem to agree.  MS-13 gang members here illegally are more welcome than upstanding NRA members, or even veterans."

Rob Rousseau opines liberally thus:

I would rather my daughter dated a member of MS-13 than a member of the Republican Party

Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen Shows That She Truly Understands Border Security  "Testifying before the Senate Appropriations Committee on Tuesday, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen schooled senators with her strong grasp of immigration enforcement and border security issues.
"Before what would become a heated exchange over her opposition to illegal immigration—because, you know, it’s the law—Nielsen in her opening statement explained what should be obvious to all:" . . .

Tony Branco

What Obama and his political Choom Gang did is far worse than Watergate

Washington Times Editorial

. . . "The Obama administration — with or without the knowledge and direction of President Obama himself — perverted one of the most powerful, clandestine spying operations in the world and used it at the very height of a presidential campaign to spy on political opponents, punish them and, ultimately, silence them through extortion.
"If this was orchestrated without the express knowledge of Mr. Obama, then it reveals just how blatantly he instructed by example the weaponizing of the entire federal government to carry out his low, dishonest and unjust ideology. By any means necessary, one might say. Only instead of being driving by visions of justice, these people were driven by visions of undying power.
"If this conspiracy was carried out at the express direction of Mr. Obama or other high officials in his administration, then they belong in jail. From unmasking of political opponents, to leaking their names to the press, to killing legitimate investigations, to launching politically motivated witch hunts, a racket of this scale could not have been carried out without some major juice and cover at the top levels of the Department of Justice, FBI and the White House.
"The rogue henchmen carrying out the dirty work, as always, presented as perfect, decent and most honest little Boy Scouts like former FBI Director James B. Comey.
"Most of the FBI today must be horrified by the degree to which Mr. Comey and his goon squad handed over the entire mission of the FBI to political hacks inside the Obama administration. Still, there were far too many inside the bureau willing to junk their oath in the name of some kind of higher “justice.” Which is just another way of saying “selling their soul for partisan gain.' ” . . . Full article...

Why "dig up dirt on Hillary" when we have always known it and no leftist cares? They STILL want her as president!

Simply stated, the charge that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to obtain dirt about Hillary is ridiculous and falls apart when one honestly examines Hillary’s record.  Hillary had to pay Steele to make up dirt on President Trump. But the dirt on Hillary is there for anyone who cares to know.

Weasel Zippers
From as far back as 2015 it got like this: Megyn Kelly Is Sick and Tired of the Media’s Endless Trump Coverage: Remember Terrorism?!

And 2016: Tired of media's Trump bashing

And on to today, but meanwhile: Dirt on Hillary  . . . "The logical questions are what dirt could the Russians possibly provide that we do not already know about Hillary, and how could it be worse than the truth about Hillary?
" 'Think about it: dirt on Hillary. Why would we need Russians, or anyone else, to inform us about dirt on Hillary?
"All you have to do is honestly examine Hillary and Bill’s shenanigans since their days in Arkansas. This does take some time and attention given the complex, corrupt history of Hillary and Bill. But it is essentially lying, greed, and abuse of power.
"We already know the dirt about Hillary:  Whitewater, missing billing records, selling pardons, selling uranium to the Russians, stealing White House silverware, FBI files on Republicans, covering up Bubba's rape and sexual harassments, the email scandal, destroying emails under subpoena, Travelgate, attacking the women harassed by Bill, and more. I am sure I missed some.
"The problem is not getting dirt on Hillary. We have the dirt on Hillary. There is so much dirt it is mindboggling for anyone who cares, which excludes Democrats and the Media.
"But none of the real dirt about Hillary mattered to the Dems that nominated Hillary and the Media that promoted her campaign. " . . .

Victor Davis Hanson speculates: If Only Hillary Had Won . . .
"Leakers and lawbreakers rewarded with Clinton-administration jobs — and the American public none the wiser about deep-state corruption. 
"There are lots of possible counterfactuals to think about had Hillary Clinton won the presidency as all the experts had predicted.

"The U.S. embassy would have stayed in Tel Aviv. “Strategic patience” would likely still govern the North Korea dilemma. Fracking would be curtailed. The — rather than “our” — miners really would be put out of work. Coal certainly would not have been “beautiful.” The economy probably would be slogging along at below 2 percent GDP growth.

. . . "The coffers of the Clinton Foundation certainly would be expanding exponentially. Robert Mueller might have been brought back in now and then for his sober and judicious work in finding no wrongdoing in the Uranium One deal."

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Stories about Obamites and Cambridge professor outed as FBI informant inside Trump campaign

NY Post  "A Cambridge professor with deep ties to American and British intelligence has been outed as an agent who snooped on the Trump presidential campaign for the FBI.

"Multiple media outlets have named Stefan Halper, 73, as the secret informant who met with Trump campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos starting in the summer of 2016. The American-born academic previously served in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations.. . .. 
If the FBI or DOJ was infiltrating a campaign for the benefit of another campaign, that is a really big deal,” President Trump tweeted Saturday, calling for the FBI to release additional documents to Congress.
"The Halper revelation also shows the Obama administration’s FBI began prying
into the opposing party’s presidential nominee earlier than it previously admitted." . . .
Clarice Feldman: H.A.L.P.E.R. Spells Game Up for Obama's Spies
"Last week I reported that Internet sleuths had winkled out the name of the spy/agent provocateur that Obama's intelligence officers had used on the Trump campaign. " . . .
. . . "We now have an imaginary crime – collusion – with imaginary evidence and even imaginary defendants. What is not imaginary is the selfish effort to destroy our polity by several handfuls of men and women who abused their positions of trust for intended partisan gain that failed. Give them the hook already."

Thomas LifsonMSM silence on Stefan Halper’s name ends  "The conspiracy to use the vast powers of the US intelligence community spy on the Trump campaign and hobble his presidency with fabricated allegations of collusion with Russia is unraveling at an accelerating pace. The latest evidence of the slow motion collapse of the cabal is that the name of Stefan Halper, which has been known to readers of American Thinker for quite some time now (and which was first revealed by Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller almost two months ago), suddenly is being published and broadcast by members of the mainstream media. Fox News, The UK Daily Mail, Newsweek, The New York Post, andMother Jones all are defying the warnings of intelligence agencies, politicians like Senator Mark Warner (see Clarice Feldman’s demolition of his CYA attempt today), and left wing professors that revealing his name could be a crime." . . .
. . . "It is only a matter of time before Halper is subpoenaed to appear before a congressional committee. And possibly also a grand jury under the direction of the US Attorney in Arkansas, John Huber, who is investigating the FISA warrantto spy on the Trump campaign and other potential abuses."

President Trump wants an investigation

Deep State & Media Operatives Now In Full On Cover Up Mode As Illegal Spying On Trump Campaign Revealed

Discussion on the Santa Fe, Texas school shooter

Texas Shooter Killed Girl First Because She Turned Down His Advances, Embarrassed Him In Class

. . . "Victim Shana Fisher’s mother, Sadie Rodriguez, told the Los Angeles Timesin a Facebook private message that her daughter “had 4 months of problems from this boy.” . . .
"As Pagourtzis persisted and got more aggressive in his advances, Fisher’s mother said her daughter “finally stood up to him and embarrassed him in class,” according to the Times.
“ 'A week later he opens fire on everyone he didn’t like,” wrote Rodriguez. “Shana being the first one.”
"Rodriguez didn’t tell the Times how she knew her daughter was shot first.
"Pagourtzis told authorities after he was captured that he targeted students he “didn’t like . . ."
You knew those foul-mouthed CNN brats would show up, didn't you?

Parkland Activists Launch Attacks On Trump, NRA. Kyle Kashuv Flattens Them.

Get ready for two weeks of media coverage of politicians acting like they give a shit when in reality they just want to boost their approval ratings before midterms.
"Kashuv turned it around on him:"
Kyle Kashuv
Commenting on the above discussion, someone said he could never take David Hogg seriously until he learned how to spell "violence" correctly.

Portland trampoline park shutting down, owner blames millennials, labor laws

Oregon Live

"The owner of a pair of trampoline parks is shutting them down, citing Portland's minimum wage increases and the state's mandate to provide part-time employees with sick leave. Millennials also share part of the blame, he said.
"G6 Airpark owner Wesley Dameron, 38, in a note to customers drafted earlier this month that was posted to Reddit Wednesday, said he's shutting down his parks in Southeast Portland and Vancouver. In addition to minimum wage laws and sick leave mandates, Dameron also blamed a "ridiculously litigious society" as a reason for shuttering the parks." . . .
"When parents sign a waiver and clearly understand that their kid is jumping on a trampoline, but hold our facility responsible when their child breaks a leg, it's a blow to our organization," he wrote. "It's a massive time sink for me personally, it's stressful, my wife stresses out, and it's expensive."
. . . 
"Dameron couldn't be reached for comment. But the G6 Airpark owner in his note to customers also expressed incredulity at having to provide paid sick leave to "part-time high school students with no experience and no skill set.' " . . .