Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Haven't the Obamas Made Enough Money?

Jeannie DeAngelis  "For a guy who said, “at some point, you’ve made enough money,” and a gal who said, “someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more" the Obamas sure rake in plenty of dough.
"Unless installing an in-ground pool in the yard of an  $8.2-million home located in a fancy Washington, DC neighborhood  is considered spreading the wealth?  Since, leaving the White House the duo seems to be gathering, not “spreading, the wealth.”
"Fresh out of the White House, Michelle and Barack began “leveling their playing field” with a joint book deal in excess of $65-million penned with Penguin Random House.  Let’s face it, $65-million is not a bad payday for people who earn oodles of capital reiterating the same hardscrabble story about impoverished childhoods, suffering racial injustice, and how understanding gender inequity and the plight of poor people is something only they can do.
"The $65-million the Obamas will earn on their books will trickle into the couple’s bank accounts in dribs and drabs, first for Michelle, whose long-awaited memoir is due out in November and is entitled: “Becoming.”
"While the Mrs. is busy showing up angry on book tours, hubby will be pleasantly giving speeches at $400,000 a pop where he can pontificate about community organizing and commiserate with the problems poverty-stricken Americans suffer.  And while payroll is processing Barack's speaking stipend, the former president can continue to bide his time with extemporaneous musings about American prejudice, minority mistreatment, and how Trump-style capitalism is a global blight.
"Just recently, the Obama $65-million+pie expanded, receiving a fresh infusion of cash from internet entertainment company Netflix.  Netflix is perfect for the Obamas because the network’s programming includes liberal topics that cover subjects such as sexual awareness in children and normalizing abortion." . . .

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

CNN's April Ryan SLAMMED for Tweeting Article About Trump Running CHILD TRAFFICKING RING

Is CNN capable of embarrassment even just a teeny bit?

Socio-Political Journal

CNN contributor April Ryan is being criticized for alerting her 336,000 Twitter followers to a story in The Root* that asks if the Trump administration is involved in child sex-trafficking.
Among those condemning Ryan for the tweet is first lady Melania Trump’s spokeswoman.
“If you’re a journalist w many followers & a @CNNPolitics it ok to retweet any headline you want, regardless of if it’s true?” Stephanie Grisham asked on Twitter.
“Remember: 'The core purpose of a journalist is to research, document, write, & present the news in an honest, ethical, & unbiased way.'”
. . . “This is a horrid excuse for journalism,” Carmine Sabia tweeted. “To quasi accuse the president of the United States of running a child trafficking ring is low even for her.”
“ 'Case solved,” Michael Sheridan tweeted. He pointed out that The Root is owned by Univision, whose president and CEO criticized Trump during the presidential campaign." . . .
*Univision Anchor: Trump Wants to Keep America White
. . . Unsurprisingly, soundbites for Gato's report, clearly meant to scare Hispanics into thinking Trump is on track to "Make America White Again," were compliments of an immigration lawyer and Democratic strategist, with no opposing rebuttal given.
Univision's survival depends on Hispanics -- largely those from Mexico -- who rely on Spanish-speaking content. To maintain that status quo, Univision needs to push an us-versus-them narrative. The truth becomes collateral damage." . . .

A President Clinton would have made things much worse

Our Lady of the Perpetual Snit

NY Post
Anyone who has dealt with her knows the “I’m a victim” shtick didn’t start with November 2016, and would not have ended if she had won. She’s been a blamer and finger-pointer her entire public life and would have taken her woe-is-me attitude to the Oval ­Office.

. . . "In economic terms, how much higher would unemployment be? How about the stock market and median family incomes — how much lower would they be?
"Remember, Clinton promised — promised! — to put coal miners out of work. That’s a promise she probably would have kept.
"She wanted to raise taxes instead of cutting them and loosen already lax immigration policies instead of tightening them.
"She was part of President Barack Obama’s team that tried to force Israel to make concessions its leaders believed were dangerous to the Jewish state’s security. It’s a cinch the US Embassy still would be in Tel Aviv instead of Jerusalem and Palestinians would have kept a veto over our policy.
"The Iran deal would be unmolested by a Clinton presidency, leaving the mullahs free to be ever more aggressive in their pursuit of regional power." . . .

‘Kick Me’ No More

National Review

. . . "Indeed, how many of these widely accepted (sometimes downright cherished) assumptions can one man challenge (disrupt) in such a brief period of time? The answer is plenty. He does it by questioning what often goes unquestioned in Washington, D.C. He simply asks “Why?” Why help fund a Shiite crescent in the Middle East? Why send tax dollars to a terrorist-friendly PLO? Why support anti-American programs at the U.N.? Why a “One China” policy? Why placate deadbeat NATO partners? Why pay premium prices for the F-35 and a new Air Force One? Why force nuns to provide birth-control coverage? Why tolerate sanctuary cities and a porous border?

"Similarly, Mr. Trump asks, “Why not?” Why not support nascent democratic movements in Iran? Why not revisit aging trade deals? Why not activate the Congressional Review Act? Why not count everyone in the census? Why not energy independence? Why not move the embassy to Jerusalem? Why not say “Merry Christmas”?" . . .

Obama’s spying scandal is starting to look a lot like Watergate

Michael Barone  F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims,” read the headline on a lengthy New York Times story May 18. “The Justice Department used a suspected informant to probe whether Trump campaign aides were making improper contacts with Russia in 2016,” read a story in the May 21 edition of the Wall Street Journal.

"So much for those who dismissed charges of Obama administration infiltration of Donald Trump’s campaign as paranoid fantasy. Defenders of the Obama intelligence and law enforcement apparat have had to fall back on the argument that this infiltration was for Trump’s — and the nation’s — own good.
"It’s an argument that evidently didn’t occur to Richard Nixon’s defenders when it became clear that Nixon operatives had burglarized and wiretapped the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters in June 1972." . . . 

How to Fail Today's Starbucks Racial Sensitivity Training

American Thinker  . . . "That is happening today: every Starbucks in America is closed.
"This may be the biggest, but it is hardly the first seminar in America where white people have to learn more about their evil racist ways.  Over the last several years, more than 100,000 teachers have gone through the same kind of training to learn how much white people suck.
"In most schools, it begins with an invitation to have a "Courageous Conversation" about race.  Within a few minutes, the white teachers learn they must be courageous enough to admit their own racism and how it is responsible for so much black dysfunction in America.
"Tip for the soon to be enlightened 177,000: If you want to keep your job and think you are not racist, don't let anyone know about it, or you will meet the same fate as the teachers who said the same thing in their seminars.  They get fired.
"So there is no conversation – just monologue.  This is too bad, because as your average befuddled white guy, there are so many questions I want to ask, yet so few answers.
" we will hear about some of them on the MSNBC special about "Everyday Racism," broadcast the same night as the re-education of the 177,000.  How about a few quick ones?
"Chicago was forced to pay $22.5 million for its role in a group of black people tossing a young white woman out of a tall building.  A Harvard sociologist told the judge and jury that anytime a white person is in a black neighborhood, he can expect to experience Routine Activity Theory – i.e., black people routinely visit violence on white people.
"The judge made it part of his ruling." . . .

Do we REALLY want Democrats running our nation?

64 Former Obama Officials Run For Office To Oppose Trump 

Mike Harris
Hollywood Moonbat Patton Oswalt Triggered By Ivanka Trump Cuddling Her Son

. . . "Mr. Hogg had another idea to troll the president, apparently inspired by his success last week against Publix grocery chain.“ 'So when are we doing a die-in at Trump Hotel?” he wrote."The gun control issue is complicated though. A president does not have the legal power to raise the various federal weapons-purchase ages, which are set by law and also regulated by states anyway." . . .
The perfect poster boy for minimum voting age limits. No voting until your brain's frontal lobe develops. TD

Media, Former Obama Officials Use Pictures From 2014, 2016 to Attack Trump on Immigration

. . . "WHOOPS! Liberals and former President Barack Obama officials stormed to Twitter to expose how immigrant children in detention facilities sleep in cages and on the floors under President Donald Trump.
"One problem. These photos come from stories published in 2014 and 2016…when Obama was president." . . .

Portland Bar Hosted ‘Reparations Happy Hour’

. . . "Brown Hope, a local activist organization, wanted the event, which was held on Monday, to be a space for people of color in a mostly white city to meet one another, discuss policy issues and plan potential action.
"While it was far from the full-scale reparations sought by some as penance for the horrors of slavery and continuing racial injustice, Cameron Whitten, the 27-year-old activist who organized the event, said there was one similarity: It made attendees feel as if their pain were valued and understood.

“ 'It was only $10, but when I saw them I saw their eyes light up,” he said. “What I saw there was that people felt like they were finally seen.”

"Mr. Whitten said he hoped the event, in addition to building community, would call attention to reparations, the concept that black people should be financially compensated for the generations of trauma that preceded them." . . .

Monday, May 28, 2018

Analysis: Israel is splitting Europe

"The prophet Zechariah revealed that the physical descendants of Abraham (the entire Jewish nation) are the “apple of God’s eye”, For thus says the LORD of hosts: “He sent Me after glory, to the nations which plunder you; for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye.” – Zechariah 2:8
World Israel News

"The deep divisions within Europe present unique possibilities for Washington and Jerusalem." . . .
. . . "In contrast, Eastern European countries that not too long ago were ruled by a brutal totalitarian regime are the ones championing the democratic Israel." . . .
"Counter-intuitively, liberal Western Europe is soft on Iran and Hamas and hostile toward democratic Israel, while the former Soviet bloc countries have become Israel’s biggest supporters.*

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s expected trip to Paris and Berlin will once again expose the ideological fault line that increasingly divides Europe on both European issues and policies concerning the Middle East. The move of the US embassy to Israel’s capital Jerusalem, the Gaza border tensions and the Iran nuclear deal have essentially divided the European continent into two camps.

"France, Germany, Britain and the European Union (EU) leadership all opposed President Trump’s decision to relocate the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Paris, Berlin, London and Brussels are also staunch defenders of the Iran nuclear deal and harsh critics of Israel defending itself against Hamas’ aggression on the Gaza border. Most Western European countries belong to this European ideological camp.

"The other Europe consists of countries that are more sympathetic towards the US and Israel. This group includes Austria and former Eastern European states like Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Romania. Unlike France and Germany, these countries did not oppose the move of the American embassy to Jerusalem and several of them are in various stages of potentially following suit by moving their own embassies to Israel’s capital.

"These countries defied the EU boycott of the US embassy opening in Jerusalem by sending their diplomats to the event. This led to the Abbas regime recalling its representatives from the several of the mentioned countries.

"Countries such as the Czech Republic and Hungary have expressed far more understanding for Israel’s need to defend its sovereign borders against Hamas’s aggression.

Jan Grabowski's new book 'Hunt for the Jews' was published in English in October. (photo credit: courtesy)

"The sharp division between the established democracies of Western Europe and the new democracies of Eastern Europe is also evident concerning the Iran deal." . . .

. . . "In contrast, Eastern European countries that not too long ago were ruled by a brutal totalitarian regime are the ones championing the democratic Israel." . . .

* How ironic is the sympathy of Eastern bloc countries toward Israel; during the war they provided most of the eastern Europe Nazi concentration camp guards and committed many murders of Jews.
The Holocaust in Lithuania
New book examines Poles who killed Jews during WWII

Obama protected Hezbollah drug ring to save Iran nukes deal

NY Post  "The Obama administration stymied a sprawling investigation into the terror group Hezbollah — and its highly lucrative drug- trafficking networks — to protect the Iran nuclear deal, according to a bombshell report.

"A team at the Drug Enforcement Administration had been working for almost a decade to bring down the Iran-backed militant organization’s sophisticated $1 billion-a-year drug ring, which laundered money and smuggled cocaine into the United States, Politico reported.

"But the departments of Justice and Treasury repeatedly undermined agents’ efforts to arrest and prosecute key members of the criminal network — because the Obama White House feared upsetting Tehran ahead of the nuclear agreement, according to Politico.

"Former Treasury official Katherine Bauer even admitted in little-noticed testimony to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs last February that “under the Obama administration . . . these [Hezbollah-related] investigations were tamped down for fear of rocking the boat with Iran and jeopardizing the nuclear deal.”
. . . 

Politico:  The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook
One Obama-era Treasury official, Katherine Bauer, in little-noticed written testimony presented last February to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, acknowledged that “under the Obama administration … these [Hezbollah-related] investigations were tamped down for fear of rocking the boat with Iran and jeopardizing the nuclear deal.”

They Were Heroes Too: Eight U.S. Military Chaplains Who Made the Ultimate Sacrifice

"When we think of military heroes, we usually think of soldiers like Audie Murphy or Marines like John Basilone and their steadfast valor while they shot at the enemy. We should honor men and women who fight like that ... someone needs to fight to defend our freedom. But don't forget the "non-combatants" like our chaplains who have gone into battle with our troops.

"For this Memorial Day, remember these chaplains who selflessly sacrificed their lives:" . . .
. . . 
"On September 4, 1967, some 2,500 North Vietnamese troops attacked the Marines. When Lt. Capodanno heard that two platoons were in danger of being overrun, he left the relative safety of the command post and rushed to be with his Marines. While under heavy fire, he tirelessly carried wounded men to safety and gave them aid. He was hit by shrapnel from mortar fire that tore holes in his legs, arms, and shredded one of his hands.

"He refused medical aid, but continued gathering his Marines to safety. He spotted a critically wounded corpsman and two Marines lying on the ground. As he ran to help them, a burst of machine gun fire cut him down. For his conspicuous acts of gallantry above and beyond the call of duty, he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.
"Honor these men this Memorial Day, and others like them, who selflessly serve and give their lives for the cause of freedom."

Manning 'safe' after tweeting alarming photo hinting at suicide

NY Daily News

Manning alarmed "friends Sunday night with a pair of since-deleted tweets in which she contemplated suicide.
"The U.S. Senate candidate — a former soldier and whistleblower — who is hoping to unseat a Maryland Democrat shared a jarring photo of what appeared to be her poised to jump from the ledge of an unidentified high-rise building.
"The figure in the photo was wearing pink pajamas and had painted toenails. It's unclear where the photo was taken.
" 'I'm sorry - I tried - I'm sorry I let you all down," Manning wrote. "Im not really cut out for this world - I tried adapting to this world out here but I failed you - I couldn't do this anymore - I can take people I don't know hating me but not my own friends," she added. "I tried and I'm sorry about my failure.' " . . .

She Persisted: Chelsea Clinton calls for anti-American protests abroad to Get Trump

Will we never be free from this family of reivers?

Monica Showalter  "Chelsea Clinton, the pampered, privileged little princess of Bill and Hillary Clinton, is back at it, calling for protests against the U.S. abroad and then declaring President Trump the anti-American one, all because she still can't get past the 2016 election.  Just say she persisted.
"She told the slightly disbelieving Guardian that Trump's official visit to the U.K. in July was reason enough to join the anti-American protesters who will be busy in London and said she'd been to "multiple" such protests back home.  According to the Guardian:
I tell her a lot of people in Britain are wondering how they should receive Trump's visit in July.  What's her advice?  "Well, I've been to multiple protests since the election.  Charlotte's been to at least three, maybe four.  Aidan's been to one.  If I lived in Britain I would show up to protest, because I don't agree with what he's doing to degrade what it means to be an American."
"Why should Brits care what it means to be "American"?  And why should Brits have an interest in whom we elect?  Obviously, these will be rabidly anti-American protests from people who don't want America to exist at all, from the usual hammer-and-sickle screamers who put on such shows.  What's more, Chelsea, having lived in England, knows exactly who these people are and the depth of their anti-Americanism.  Yet Chelsea Clinton is actually telling them she's right there with them in spirit and would march with them too if she could." . . .

Theresa May 'is to urge Donald Trump to avoid London protests during UK visit by inviting him to meet her at her country residence Chequers'
. . . "The government is recommending he is kept away from Downing Street and the Houses of Parliament as tens of thousands of anti-Trump activists prepare to take to the streets of the capital.
"It is also being proposed that he has tea with the Queen at Windsor Castle, instead of Buckingham Palace." . . .