Monday, February 3, 2020

Was the Super Bowl show better or worse than you expected?

Well, it wasn't the blatant anti-police affair of a few years ago at least.

They had the kids in cages bit. Never mind that Obama did the kids in cages; repeat a lie often enough and it becomes accepted truth.

Franklin Graham: ‘Pepsi Showing Young Girls that Sexual Exploitation of Women Is Okay’  . . . “ 'I don’t expect the world to act like the church, but our country has had a sense of moral decency on prime time television in order to protect children,” Graham said, lambasting the show for sending the message “that sexual exploitation of women is okay.' ” . . .

The Super Bowl LIV Halftime show was polished, highly produced – and vulgar  . . . "This year, Super Bowl LIV took place in Miami. It was, therefore, appropriate for the halftime show to have a Latin beat, with Shakira and J. Lo as the headliners. Still, some people asked, “Did the show have to be so vulgar?”

"On the pro side, Shakira and J-Lo are both superb entertainers, the songs they used were fun and energetic, the Latin beat rocked, the backup performers were excellent, All in all, the show was a polished 14 minutes of top-flight Latin-infused pop music and dancing.
"Any people who attended a stadium show just to see these two performers, both of whom sing and dance extremely well, would have felt they got their money’s worth. Bravo!
"But on the con side, the show was vulgar, and that’s not just because, in keeping with all Latin dancing going back to the early 20th century, there was a lot of hip shaking. Few people are going to get bent out of shape by that traditional Latin American dance dynamic.
"While shaking hips are now old hat, there were still a lot of vulgar moves and costumes in the halftime show:. . . "
"And if you’re still yearning for proof that the halftime shows are no longer family-friendly, contrast what you just saw with these shows from 1985 and 2000:. . . "

On the other hand, this seems a contrary opinion while pointing out issues the previous column found to be bad taste:
". . . Those two women and all the dancers who accompanied them on stage were amazing. They have all spent their lives developing their dance skills.  It would be interesting to know if any dancers refused to participate in such a display of the sexual objectification of women.  Probably not one.  They have all worked hard at their skill and talent, they want to work, and they put on a terrific show.  This show was a poke in the eye of every radical feminist, every proponent of the scourge of "white privilege," and every gender theorist who says there are more than two genders.  We can all embrace our friends and family members who are gay without disavowing the glory and joy of heterosexuality that propagates the survival of our species.  Hats off to Jennifer Lopez and Shakira.  They did what they do best without capitulating to the gender politics of the day."  Watch the show here.

More discussion on the show here:
Jeb! Bush Weighs In On Raunchy Super Bowl Halftime Show, Internet Melts Down
. . . “Best Super Bowl half time show ever,” wrote Bush (living up to his campaign slogan, which was simply “Jeb!”). . . .
Robby Starbuck@robbystarbuck
Here’s the
show that the NFL thought was great for all ages! It featured stripper poles, butt shots with kids standing behind them, adults grinding & gyrating, rope to tie yourself with and plenty of crotch shots! What a wholesome show for little kids to watch

The Extremely Sexual (And Political) Halftime Show...That Jeb! Loved  . . . Between J-Lo and Shakira, there was crotch rubbing, pole dancing, and double butt shaking—not to mention in outfits that can hardly be called clothing." . . .

Add to it all, Beyonce and Jay-Z Sit During Super Bowl National Anthem

" 'Mini' Mike Bloomberg starts making a name for himself in the campaign"
Andrea Widburg  . . . "Typical Democrats: If you're playing by the rules and losing, change the rules.  Fair play is for suckers.  The irony is that the irate Bernie Bros would do exactly the same given the chance.  Still, cheating to promote Bloomberg will not convince Bernie fans to vote for the little guy.
"The second problem is that Mike Bloomberg is an unappealing candidate whom Trump is already beginning to define in devastating fashion.
"The president has christened Bloomberg, who is around 5'6" tall, "Mini Mike."  There's nothing wrong with being short (although the taller candidate in a media age usually wins), but the epithet has allowed Trump to get into the Democrats' heads.  On Sunday, Trump tweeted out a string of attacks against Bloomberg: . . ."
Steve Bannon lays out a shocking scenario of the real reason behind Bloomberg’s investment of $2 billion in politics  "If Steve Bannon is correct (and I think he probably is), Michael Bloomberg has no intention of occupying the Oval Office; his real plan is far more devious and frightening. Bloomberg is investing a small fraction of his fortune (Bannon says it is now $70 billion) in a “leveraged buyout” of the party, installing himself as the oligarch who calls the shots, including the selection of the candidate to win the presidency.
"Forget the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on the “Mike will get it done” ads saturating the airwaves and the Super Bowl ad touting gun control. According to Bannon, with the addled and corrupt Biden faltering, Bloomberg is fighting a holding action to prevent Bernie Sanders from capturing the nomination and thus taking over the party and converting it into an explicitly socialist party. Win (unlikely) or lose, a Sanders candidacy would hand leadership of the party to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who will be old enough for the presidency in the 2024 election. Bannon notes that she has become the face of the Sanders campaign in Iowa while he was tied up in the impeachment trial. She is an outright socialist intent on nationalizing the means of production and is therefore incompatible with Bloomberg’s intent to run the party and the country by financing its political campaigns and operating expenses with outlays that don’t strain his net worth but enable it to outspend the opposition." . . .

Sunday, February 2, 2020

American Silliness; 2/2/2020; Democrats offer the best material

Legal Insurrection  MSNBC primetime host tweets bizarre theory and his followers spread it far and wide.
. . . "O’Donnell is not wrong. Bolton is a war hawk. BOMB ALL THE THINGS.
"But come on! MSNBC, are you really going to keep these conspiracy theorists on your network?
"You may have thought that the Coronavirus is serious because people are sick and dying from it, but CNN has found a much more problematic angle to the story. It seems the people who make up Trump’s task force to fight the disease aren’t very diverse.
"It’s getting harder and harder to tell the liberal media apart from parody sites like the Babylon Bee:"

"Warren says that she will have a "young trans person" interview her future Secretary of Education and only hire this future secretary if the young trans person approves."
Pander: "gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or habit or a person with such a desire, etc.).  "newspapers are pandering to people's baser instincts' "  Bing   Drag queen story hours
(Right) An amazing demon drag queen has entertained children in Michelle Obama’s library "A demon drag queen has entertained children at the Michelle Obama public library.
"The library in Long Beach, California, invited a drag queen replete in glorious red-tipped horns to read stories to the delighted kids." . . .
Bill Maher is opposed.: “Is this not crazy stuff?” he said, while also jokingly asking if Warren was running to serve as “President of Berkeley.”
Hillary Clinton ended the practice of humble concessions  . . . "Before and after Gore, all those who were defeated licked their wounds in private while publicly bowing to the will of the people.
"Except Hillary Clinton. Although she conceded to Donald Trump in November of 2016, she soon made it very clear that she did not consider his victory legitimate.
"That launched the Russia, Russia, Russia hysteria — and it was highly contagious."

Babylon Bee: CNN Airs Free Commercial For Trump Campaign. Lemon Triggered By Invasion of His Privacy

Babylon Bee  Fake news you can trust

"ATLANTA, GA—Many people think of Don Lemon and his fellow CNN hosts as elite, out-of-touch snobs. But this couldn't be further from the truth.
"Take, for instance, Don Lemon's compassionate act of generosity to the Trump campaign. He just filmed a commercial for Trump's reelection, entirely free of charge.
"CNN said they are trying to smooth things over with Republicans by donating footage to Trump's reelection effort.
""I just wanted to extend an olive branch by offering the Trump campaign this free footage of a progressive elite mocking the commoners," Lemon said. "Since we at CNN spend most of our time trying to help out Democrats and parroting progressive talking points, it's only fair that we even the odds by offering Trump free ammunition to ensure his reelection."
" 'You're welcome!"
"Lemon has also offered to send the Trump campaign complimentary footage of himself and the other CNN hosts whacking a Trump supporter using wet pool noodles."

Babylon Bee: Don Lemon Furious About His Privacy Being Invaded By People Actually Watching His Show  "Don Lemon responded Tuesday to criticism of a segment in which he and two guests ridiculed Trump supporters. In his response, a furious Lemon blasted critics for the invasion of his privacy.
“ 'I want you all to have a bit of sympathy and think how’d you feel if things you said in the privacy of a therapy office, at home with friends, or on CNN on a Saturday night were blasted out for the entire world to hear,” Lemon said on his show. “You’d feel violated.”
"Lemon explained that what he said with guests Rick Wilson and Wajahat Ali was never supposed to be seen by anyone, which is why it was on CNN prime time on a weekend. “It was just friends messing around,” Lemon said. “Can you imagine how shocked we were when the next week we saw it on the internet? People were watching us?” Lemon then began to look a bit scared. “What else did you overhear? Because that was all really private.”
"After the speech, the rest of Lemon’s show was much more subdued, Lemon and his guests not saying anything and just occasionally glancing fearfully at the cameras."

Not satire: MSNBC is in a close race with CNN and the Babylon Bee
. . . "But come on! MSNBC, are you really going to keep these conspiracy theorists on your network?

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Once again, thanks CNN!

Patriot Retort

"It seems I have yet another opportunity to say “Thanks CNN!”
"Thanks for being such smug, clueless nits that you inadvertently give a boost to Trump’s reelection effort.
"Over the weekend, Don Lemon and his two guests decided to mock and ridicule not President Trump, but the Americans who support him.
"And all I can say is thanks CNN!
"Now, because nobody watches Don Lemon’s show live, most folks didn’t even know this clip existed until President Trump tweeted it out last night."
. . . 
"And, really, can you blame Trump for calling attention to it?
"What a delicious irony that these Trump-hating fools handed the President the perfect campaign ad without Team Trump having to spend a single penny for it.
"So thanks CNN!" . . .
"Project Veritas’ newest video from the American Pravda: CNN series exposes Jimmy Carr, the Associate Producer for CNN’s New Day attacking President Donald Trump and admitting that CNN has a left-leaning bias.
"When asked by an undercover journalist if CNN is impartial, Carr plainly responded, “In theory.”
"LEAKED ONE AND A HALF OUR LONG AUDIO from CNN segment proves CNN selectively edits to make Trump supporter look like a conspiracy theorist."
Here is the PV video

Twenty-three nations embrace Trump peace plan, 7 in Middle East

Washington Examiner  "Nearly two dozen world leaders have signaled their openness to President Trump’s sweeping new peace plan for Israel and Palestine, ignoring claims in the U.S. media that it was dead on arrival to focus on it as a beefy starting point.

"A statement from Bahrain was typical of the reaction that has flooded into the White House since Trump unveiled the plan Wednesday. “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs commends the United States of America for its determined efforts to advance the peace process,” Bahrain said.
"The plan has been three years in the making and is considered the most detailed ever by an American administration. It came on a very busy week that included the signing of the new North American free trade agreement, a major immigration victory in the Supreme Court, and the continued impeachment debate.
"With 23 governments applauding the peace plan, the world is “showing a willingness to receive our plan,” said an administration official. Some seven of those are in the Middle East.
"But the plan has also sparked violent protests in Palestinian areas such as the West Bank.
"Trump’s “Peace to Prosperity” plan links diplomatic and economic policy in a bid to settle the border issue between Israel and Palestine and provide a path to economic wealth for citizens.
"The president announced it with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his side, leading officials in Palestine and Iran to dismiss it, but prompting nations in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East to express openness to it." . . .
. . . 
The [Wall Street Journal] wrote: “The Trump administration has wooed officials from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, and other nations in the region in an effort to transcend the political impasse, and to some extent they are responding. The most important regional players—Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E.—both urged Palestinian leaders to accept the Trump plan as a basis for new talks with Israel, a move that would force them to make significant concessions, such as Israeli annexation of the Jordan Valley.”
No word at all as to what Mitt Romney will feel about it. TD

Trump Takes Out Another Top Terrorist In The Middle East

What? No due process?

Daily Wire  "President Donald Trump appears to have added another name to the list of terrorists that his administration has killed as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) reportedly launched a drone strike that killed the leader of Al Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen.
     “ 'The officials expressed confidence that the Qaeda leader, Qassim al-Rimi, was killed in a January airstrike in Yemen but were awaiting confirmation before making a public announcement,” The New York Times reported. “If confirmed, his death could represent a significant blow to the Qaeda affiliate, which remains one of the most potent branches of the terrorist group. The Yemen branch, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, has tried to attack the United States and Europe and is thought to still want to.”
     "The Times reported the CIA learned about al-Rimi’s location in November from an informant in Yemen and then started to track him using drones and other technology.
     "Thomas Joscelyn, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told the Times: “He was an Al Qaeda veteran whose career started in the camps in pre-9/11 Afghanistan. After he was busted out of prison, he was part of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s relaunch management team, becoming their military commander.”
     "The news comes after a Trump-authorized drone strike killed Iranian terrorist leader Qassem Soleimani, Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force (IRGC-QF), in early January." . . .More...

Are Battle Lines Being Drawn? The Elements of Civil War Are Here

Canada Free Press

     "What started in whispers is now appearing in print…American Thinker, Market Watch, Huffington Post, Washington Times, National Review, Daily Wire, Breitbart, Real Clear Politics, and The New Yorker, among others. They are writing about the possibility of a second civil war in this country, a redo of            Democrats’ nullification of federal law, the insistent opposition and rejection of the lawful election of a president, the movement of many of our citizens to a more agreeable state, and acts of violence.
     "These elements of civil war are now with us once again…nullification, separation, rejection, and violence. We can argue on the order, but the same elements that 159 years ago transported this country from peace and unity into the hell of armed conflict have reappeared, complete with a great social issue of our own…abortion.
     "The Democrats’ past subversion cost 750,000 lives with hundreds of thousands wounded in a country of 31 million… an entire generation of sons nearly wiped out and/or maimed.
     "Liberalism was once a fight for liberty, civil rights, equality before the law, a color blind society, free-speech, limited government, a re-commitment to Judeo-Christian principles, equal opportunity, and support for capitalism. It has now evolved into a full-blown communist drive. If anyone wants to call it democratic socialism, they will only be kidding themselves. I will call it communism for the sake of accuracy.
     "The precursor to the American Civil War was the Nullification Crisis of 1832. Having originated in South Carolina, it advanced the idea that a state did not have to abide by federal law, that it could nullify laws it did not agree with, or were found to be damaging to their interests. President Jackson was ready to send federal troops to heel the defiant states, forcing them to obey federal law, but the legendary Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky stepped up, offered a compromise that averted disaster, but revealed deep divisions between the sides that would only get deeper. 
     "Today, in America, ICE agents, officers of the federal government, attempting to enforce immigration law are being ignored and/or disobeyed in spite of the deaths of thousands of American citizens. Twelve states, all blue, have nullified the Electoral College because it is in their political interest to do so." . . .
Democrats’ tent has become so large that they have lost control, allowing the crazies to take over. . .  
 Antifa Group Plans Rally Against NYPD, Says To ‘F*** S*** Up.’ Donald Trump Jr. Has Hilarious Response.  "A far-left Antifa group that has plans for an anti-police demonstration in New York City on Friday urged their followers to “f*** s*** up on J31 all day long.” That prompted a withering but also hilarious reply from Donald Trump Jr., who fired back on Twitter, “Too late … [The New York] mayor has been doing that for years now.' ” . . .

The Democrat's savage hatred of President Trump and of us

     In the Republican Primaries of 2016, I very much disliked Donald Trump and his abrasive insults- such as that of Carly Fiorina- leading me to declare my anti-Trump-ism. But when it became Trump vs. Hillary I thought of my child coming home from combat in a casket and who would I, a grieving parent, want to speak over my child? After Benghazi why would any parent want that woman doing such? 
     It became sickening to watch celebrities adoring a corrupt politician growing rich from her international dealings with adversaries and allies alike. She was even depicted as a brave and honorable woman running this nation's affairs, yet known to trusted news columnists as "a congenital liar". But the American left adores her and anyone like her as long as they are not on her right politically.
     The Trump-hating (I do not think that word is too strong if one considers the violence committed against Trump-supporters) left would have open borders and voting permitted by all down to reading age. That Trump-hating group includes our "entertainment" industry and "professional journalists" whose entire networks are committed to his removal from office and even destruction of all the Trump family has.
      President Trump stands between us and those who would take control of all we do, are, and now even think. They would have us wake up mornings wondering what new controls on our lives will go into effect that day, what we can no longer eat, or what freedoms we will lose; will our livelihood be taken away because of some opinion we held? Will someone in the "woke" culture find something we say or do to be "racist", the color of our house, perhaps? Even American history is held in contempt by them.
     Many of those who abhor this President also are "triggered" by the publications we choose, the TV networks we like and the convictions we have. We have witnessed the last three years how the left has bred hatred (remember Antifa assaults?) for us and this President to the point of relishing our death by some of them. I read comments expressing satisfaction that they were "so glad they destroyed Judge Kavanaugh's life". Imagine your family having to leave a room because of what Democrats are doing to your reputation. Remember Republican nominee Alito's wife leaving the room in tears; the cheerful, excited Kavanaugh family being ushered out, emotionally torn.
     Abrasive though he may be, we must not lose this man to the likes of Adam Schiff and his horde of scowling Democrats whom we are subjected to daily. The Tunnel Dweller

Why the hatred of President Trump?  "There is no need to recount in detail the vicious, daily attacks by the Democratic Party and Democratic media against President Trump.  The best example is Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff, AKA Shifty Schiff.  He just plain lies during committee hearings.  Worse, for example, on the September 29 episode of This Week with George Stephanopoulos, masquerading as journalism, George allowed Schiff to rant and ramble without interruption.  George asked Shifty why he made up the conversation between Trump and Ukraine's President Zelensky.  Shifty did not answer but went off on a prepared rant.  George did not interrupt to ask him to answer the question.  In sum, George acted as the straight man for Shifty.
"The question is, why this hatred?" . . .
The Dems, led by Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden, savaged Justices Bork and Justice Thomas.  The Dems again savaged Justice Kavanaugh.  They tried to destroy Justice Kavanaugh as they are trying to destroy President Trump.  The truth did not matter; the Dems just lied, as they do with President Trump.

Why Texans Don’t Want Any More Californians

California’s crisis isn’t that people don’t want to be there. Lots of people want to live near the Pacific coastline, but expensive housing has drawn a velvet rope around that economy for the richer, more educated, and old. The Golden State is slowly turning platinum—an exclusive and opulent shade of gray.
The Atlantic
Migrants from the Golden State could change the character of their new homes.

"Ascendant, as Americans in small towns and large cities alike cry out in trembling unison: Hey, where did all these Californians come from?
The writer won't discuss this
but I will.
"Talk of a “California Exodus” is sweeping the country—and so are anxieties about its effects on the rest of the West. In October, the Boise mayoral candidate Wayne Richey proposed at an election forum to build a $26 billion wall to keep out people moving from the Golden State. (His backup plan to stop the invasion of Boise? "Trash the place.”) A viral Wall Street Journal article recounted the plight of a small Idaho town buckling under the stress of thousands of inbound Californians. And this month, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a warning on Twitter to Californians moving to his state: “Remember those high taxes, burdensome regulations, & socialistic agenda advanced in CA? We don't believe in that.” The sentiment was echoed in various warnings in Dallas newspapers about the awful “California-ing” of North Texas.
"In 2016, President Donald Trump swept the Republican primary with a simple message: Build a wall to keep out the immigrants. Today, a new anti-migration theme is sweeping the country: Build a wall to keep out the Californians.
"But is the California Exodus real?" . . .

Romney not welcome at CPAC after impeachment witness vote

Politico  "Sen. Mitt Romney will not be invited to this year's CPAC, the conservative conference's host chair announced Friday in the aftermath of senators voting not to hear additional witnesses in President Donald Trump's impeachment trial."

"The former party nominee and Sen. Susan Collins were the only Republicans to side with Democrats in voting to hear witnesses in the impeachment trial.
"The vote failed, all but guaranteeing Trump's acquittal next week.
"While CPAC has grown into a hotbed of Trumpian support, Romney has distanced himself from the president, garnering Trump's mockery and scorn.
"Trump's antipathy toward Romney long predates his impeachment, and the president has run supercuts of Romney's defeat in the 2012 presidential election to mock the senator.
"Romney called for more information as reports first circulated of Trump pushing Ukraine to investigate his political rivals.
""If the President asked or pressured Ukraine’s president to investigate his political rival, either directly or through his personal attorney, it would be troubling in the extreme. Critical for the facts to come out," Romney tweeted in September." . . .

Friday, January 31, 2020

California, There It Goes! Is America going down with it?

Lloyd Marcus: California's nightmare is spreading nationally

Listen to Lloyd Marcus's new song, "Trump Train".  . . . "Folks, it is pretty crazy out there in California.  We were not in San Francisco, where they give tourists maps to avoid piles of human excrement.  We rode past a private home with a rainbow sign stating that all gender identities were welcomed.  The restrooms at the San Diego airport car rental center had signs assuring gender-confused men that they are welcome into women's restrooms.

"The average gasoline price was around $4.60 per gallon.  We pay around $2.40 in West Virginia.
. . . "While turning down a pro-life Super Bowl ad featuring abortion survivors, Fox proudly announced its plan to feature the first drag queen Super Bowl ad.  Drag queens are a minuscule percentage of the population.  Pro-lifers are a huge segment of the population.  Why are so many major corporations giving mainstream America their middle finger while bending over backwards to please an extreme tiny minority of counter-culturists?" . . .
. . . Transgenders are destroying women's sports, winning every competition hands-down.  Hillary Clinton had to backpedal from her statement that cisgenders (real women) have a right to be concerned.  Hillary's cowardly retraction of her commonsense statement tells us she will surrender to the transgender agenda if she is ever elected president. 
. . . Bloomberg raves about California, promising to spread its intellectually superior policies across America.

"California is a state that seeks to remove all parental rights and ban homeschooling, forcing parents to surrender their children for LGBT, socialist/progressive, and anti-American indoctrination.  This is a state that coddles illegal aliens, showering them will freebies unavailable to legal residents, while legal residents struggle to survive.  This is a state that has ushered in the resurgence of medieval diseases because vagrants are allowed to set up tent cities and defecate on the streets.  Criminals who steal under a thousand dollars' worth of products are not charged.
"If Bloomberg or any of his fellow wacko Democrats is elected president, America will immediately fall backward, resuming the economic, cultural, and world leadership decline of the Obama years.  An endless list of new perversions will be forced upon us.  All who oppose will be shamed, destroyed, and thrown into jail."