Friday, October 2, 2020

The Trump's covid shows the sickness of the left

With Trump's COVID diagnosis, leftists are showing their inner ugliness  "At 1:00 A.M. on Friday, President Trump notified the world that he and Melania have tested positive for the Wuhan virus.  All decent people should hope he recovers quickly because he is a fellow human being and because he is the president of the United States of America.  The left, however, has a massive cohort of indecent people.  Within minutes of Trump's announcement, leftists, many of whom are clearly Biden-supporters, went on the ugliest Twitter rampage I've ever seen." . . .

Classless: An Hour After News Broke of Trump’s COVID Diagnosis, WaPo Publishes: “Imagine What It Will be Like to Never Have to Think about Trump Again”

“I Hope He Dies” – Former Obama Staffer and Hillary Clinton Spokeswoman Tweets Out a Death Wish for President Trump  "Former Barack Obama staffer and Hillary Clinton national spokeswoman Zara Rahim tweeted out “I hope he dies” after news broke that President Trump came down with coronavirus.

Evil: Here Were CNN’s WORST Moments Immediately After Trump’s COVID Diagnosis "Throughout Friday’s early hours, CNNers repeatedly expressed best wishes to President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump after having tested positive for the coronavirus. But behind those best wishes, CNN not only levied their usual, poisonous rhetoric, but plenty of subliminal levels of apocalyptic brainstorming, gloating, and calls for a return to global lockdowns.

"Perhaps worst of all, it led off CNN analyst and former Obama flack Sam Vinograd claiming the President’s diagnosis could “be the most dangerous moment that the U.S. government has ever faced.” No word on why the Civil War, Cuban Missile Crisis, four presidential assassinations, September 11, 2001, or two World Wars tested America and her government less.

"This author kept up through the night and combed the first 90 minutes of CNN Tonight after the President’s tweet to come up with the most ghoulish moments. Below is both a video providing but a sampling of the hot takes and then a Notable Quotables-style blog." . . .

Sick: Nets Excited By ‘Worst Case Scenario’ After Trump Tests Positive for COVID

NBC’s Today show was the worst offender, spending several segments excited by the idea of Trump becoming  incapacitated and replaced.

Who are the Proud Boys?

Enter the Proud Boys. This group was formed by Vice News Founder and comedian Gavin McInnes, who set it up as a joke. Their name is a reference to a song by the hit Broadway show Aladdin and their initiation ceremony is to name breakfast cereals while getting punched on the arm. Affirmation of the superiority of Western Civilizatiton is at the heart of the group's ideology, as reflected in their flag:

 Grant Baker  "In Tuesday’s presidential debate, moderator Chris Wallace tried to corner President Trump: “Are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities as we saw in Kenosha and as we saw in Portland?” “Sure.” responded Trump, before noting that all the violence he saw was the fault of ANTIFA and other left-wing groups. Both Wallace and Biden then implied that white supremacists and Proud Boys were responsible for the violence in Kenosha and Portland, which Trump rebutted by referring to ANTIFA. “ANTIFA is an idea, not an organization.” Biden responded." . . . 

. . . "What earns the Proud Boys the ire of the media is their advocacy of Western Civilization and their free speech activism, specifically their confrontations with ANTIFA. While Proud Boys stay away from ANTIFA events, Proud Boy events inevitably draw ANTIFA presence, usually resulting in self-defense violence and landing the group bad press and legal trouble. Why opposing ANTIFA would invite negative press is answered by a study by Dr. Eoin Lenihan, a professional political extremist group researcher. Dr. Lenihan mapped out the social media connections that American journalists have with ANTIFA members and ANTIFA twitter accounts. Some journalists are members of ANTIFA or actively source information from ANTIFA members who know the journalists will write sympathetic articles."

Proud Boys Founder Announces He’s Suing Biden, CNN and ‘Reporters Who Call Multiracial Patriotic Group White Supremacists and Nazis’   . . . "Despite the fact that the current Proud Boys Chairman Enrique Tarrio is Cuban and African American, Biden and his media lackeys have been smearing the group as “white supremacists” since President Donald Trump walloped him in the debate on Tuesday.  

"Tarrio is the Florida state leader of Latinos for Trump.

"McInnes announced his intent to sue while speaking to Newsmax host Chris Salcedo.

. . . "The Proud Boys are made up of patriotic men from all ethnicities and backgrounds, but have long been a boogeyman for the left to point fingers and make outrageous claims about in order to stir up fear and division.

2012: "Biden continually interrupts Ryan in a way I find incredibly annoying."

 Ann Althouse  "I'm rereading my live-blogging of the October 11, 2012 debate between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan. It's making me view Trump's debate behavior in a different way. I hated the way Biden treated the very polite, earnest Midwesterner Ryan. Excerpts (with timestamps omitted):" . . .

. . . "Debating Trump, Biden got a big serving of what he dished out 8 years ago. Ryan did a fantastic job of maintaining his cool, staying substantive, and going high when Biden went low. And then he lost the election. I'm sure Biden would have been willing to do what he did in 2012 and be completely rude and irritating as hell once again, but he's 8 years older, and, more importantly, Donald Trump is not Paul Ryan. Trump is Trump, and Trump saw the ultra-polished and polite Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan go down to defeat."

Blue States Secede? Make My Day

The one major flaw in Mr. Davis's plan is that state boundaries are not absolute and inviolable. They are political in nature and can be changed. During the last episode of secession in 1863, the state of Virginia was divided along political lines. The eastern part, old Virginia, remained Confederate until the end of the war, and the western part became West Virginia, a Union state.

American Thinker  "It was a bit of a surprise to read tweets from Lanny Davis, the famous attorney and associate of Bill and Hillary Clinton, detailing the possible secession of the blue states from the rest of the country.  You can read portions of the sequence of tweets here or here.

"This may be Lanny's way of venting Democrat frustration. Despite every dirty trick the left has employed, Trump is still president and may continue to be through 2024.  Okay, if you red-state rubes will not kneel before us, we will pick up our socialist toys and create a country of our own!

"To be clear, this is not a threat of civil war.  It is more like a family law attorney telling the unappreciated wife what she can expect out of the divorce.  For example, Davis claims that the new country will get the following states:

Hawaii, Oregon, California, New Mexico, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, and all the Northeast ... including Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and Washington D.C.

"He then claims that his new country will also get the following:

We get the vast majority of the major shipping ports ... Costco, Starbucks, and Boeing ... stem cell research and the best beaches ... the Statue of Liberty ... Intel, Apple, and Microsoft...85 percent of America's venture capital and entrepreneurs ... 90 percent of the high tech industry, most of the U.S. low-sulfur coal ... Hollywood and Yosemite, thank you.

"He also mentions they get:

... all the Ivy and Seven Sister schools — Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, the Penn, Princeton, and Yale; and Mount Holyoke, Vassar, Smith, Wellesley, Bryn Mawr, Barnard, and Radcliffe colleges; plus UCLA, UCB, Stanford, Cal Tech, and MIT.

More ...


Thursday, October 1, 2020

Kyle Rittenhouse To Sue Biden-Harris Campaign For Libel – Calling Him A White Supremacist…

 Weasel Zippers


An attorney representing alleged Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse has announced plans to sue Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his campaign for libel on his client’s behalf after Biden shared a video that appears to suggest the teenager is a White supremacist.

Lin Wood, Rittenhouse’s civil attorney, confirmed to Fox News on Wednesday his intention to sue the former vice president and his campaign on his client’s behalf, just hours after Biden posted the 50-second clip to Twitter.

The tweet, which had garnered more than 48,000 retweets and 148,000 likes by 2:35 p.m. EST, boasts the caption: “There’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night.”

Keep reading…

The media want to change the DEFINITION of RIOT to accommodate BLM and Antifa rioting.

The Associated Press New ‘Guidance’ On Riots Are Frightening & Make Orwell A Prophet  "The AP’s stylebook is like a bible/rule book for journalists to help them frame stories. Earlier this week they released their “guidance” on how to cover riots and revolutions. "In the AP’s infinite wisdom they would prefer the journalist to focus on the emotional condition of those protesting rather than the violence that would “stigmatize” the group" . . .

News Thud

"The AP Stylebook announced a new change that is in keeping with the national press/propaganda networks who are conspiring to hide, cover for, support financially, and benefit from the deadly and destructive anti-American hate riots put on by domestic terror groups Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

"The Stylebook tweeted their intent out loud this week because the media believe, maybe correctly, that they control everything and are accountable to no one.

"Just like every time the trial balloon goes up, they pretend it’s a suggestion. That’s how the left always does things. First they suggest, then they insist, then they come to a restaurant while you’re eating and demand you raise your fist in solidarity or face punishment." . . .

New guidance on AP Stylebook Online

1. Use care in deciding which term best applies: A riot is a wild or violent disturbance of the peace involving a group of people. The term riot suggests uncontrolled chaos and pandemonium. (1/5)

2.  Focusing on rioting and property destruction rather than underlying grievance has been used in the past to stigmatize broad swaths of people protesting against lynching, police brutality or for racial justice, going back to the urban uprisings of the 1960s. (2/5)

3.  Unrest is a vaguer, milder and less emotional term for a condition of angry discontent and protest verging on revolt. (3/5)

. . . More at the link...

And here: Associated Press Tells Writers To Call Riots “Protests” Because Calling Them Riots Stigmatizes Their Fake Grievances…

How I Saw Last Night’s Debate

 LMAO    "Title and image created by Comrade Chairman Obama:"

WOW: Biden Made At Least 33 False Or Misleading Claims During Debate

The Palmieri Report

BIDEN: “I’m not opposed to the Justice.”   . . .

. . . FACT: Biden and Harris have both publicly opposed Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court, despite glowing reviews from the legal community and her colleagues.

  • Biden put out a statement in opposition to Judge Barrett’s nomination.
  • Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris, tweeted that she strongly opposed Judge Barrett’s nomination.

House Democrats’ Stimulus Bill Includes CHECKS for ILLEGAL Immigrants, Protections from DEPORTATIONS


Politically Incorrect

Socio-Political Journal  "A stimulus package proposed by Democrats in the House of Representatives includes a number of items that will benefit illegal immigrants -- including an expansion of stimulus checks and protections from deportations for illegal immigrants in certain “essential” jobs.

"The $2.2 trillion bill includes language that allows some illegal immigrants -- who are “engaged in essential critical infrastructure labor or services in the United States” --  to be placed into “a period of deferred action” and authorized to work if they meet certain conditions.


"It also grants protections to those employers who hire those undocumented immigrants, ordering that “the hiring, employment or continued employment” of the defined group is not in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act. That lasts until 90 days after the public health emergency is ended.

"A Democratic description of that part of the bill says that “such workers are deemed to be in a period of deferred action and to be authorized for employment, and employers are shielded from certain immigration-related violations for employing such workers."

"It’s language that was included in the first House Democratic stimulus bill proposed back in May -- a bill that was ultimately rejected in the Republican-controlled Senate.

"Also in the legislation is language that would allow the a second round of stimulus checks, $1,200 per adults and $500 per dependant, to be extended to those without a social security number -- including those in the country illegally who file taxes via an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)." . . .

From picking up classes to cooking meals: Notre Dame pulling for Amy Coney Barrett

 Washington Times

"Notre Dame helped launch Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s journey to the federal bench, and the community is going all out to get her confirmed to the Supreme Court.

"Eager to see an alumna, professor and fellow Domer on the Supreme Court, members of Judge Barrett’s university community are writing letters of support to senators, picking up her classwork and cooking meals for the Barrett family.

"Nicole Garnett, a Notre Dame law professor and longtime friend, said many at Notre Dame dropped everything to attend the formal appointment ceremony at the White House. Among them were the Rev. John I. Jenkins, the university’s president, and Notre Dame Law School Dean G. Marcus Cole.

“ 'It wasn’t again because it was cool — it was very cool — but it was because we wanted to make a showing and let her know how important she was to us,” Ms. Garnett said. “On one-day notice, 19 people from this community, the Notre Dame community, got on a plane and flew to Washington, D.C., at their own expense so that we could be there to support her.”

"Ms. Garnett clerked with Judge Barrett at the Supreme Court during their 1998-1999 clerkships and directed Vice President Mike Pence’s office toward then-professor Barrett in 2017 as a top contender to fill a vacancy on the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

"Judge Barrett graduated from Notre Dame Law School in 1997 and was teaching civil procedure and constitutional law to a Notre Dame audience smitten with the “Notorious RBG.”'  . . .

So much was missed at the Trump-Biden debate


Image by Timothy Bishop.

Nobody should have been surprised by Chris Wallace’s debate performance

But perhaps the biggest abdication of Wallace’s duty involved the very beginning of the debate. Biden was asked if he supports packing the court, one of the most damaging, consequential possibilities in modern American history. When Biden refused to answer the question, Wallace simply moved on.  When Trump tried to press, Biden told him to shut up and Wallace just let it happen. It was astonishing to watch.

. . . "Wallace was just a joke of a moderator. It’s clear he let his emotions and biases get the best of him within the first 15 minutes of the debate. I knew he was sympathetic to Joe Biden (Wallace is a Democrat after all), but I didn’t expect it to be this bad. But it was this bad.

"At what point does a Republican get to moderate one of these debates? The next two moderators are also noted liberals from liberal outlets. Nothing is going to change or get better. Instead, they are now suggesting they have the ability to mute Trump’s mic. It’s going to be insane. Buckle up." . . .

'Shut up,' 'clown,' 'fool,' 'liar' -- the vile debate spewings of Joe Biden  . . . "Whatever that makes Biden, what's gone now is the notion that he's a decent guy, a civil guy, a dignity-bringer, which is what his campaign has promoted him as. Many voters, as Thomas Lifson observed to me this morning, dislike Trump because they consider him crude and uncouth. Biden played Mr. Decency to that. But now that act is over. He's shown himself to be even more uncouth than President Trump -- a nasty, insulting, little-guy-hating, dignity-of-office-disrespecting screamer, who can't even back his insults up with facts. He loses the 'dignity-decency-civility' advantage with some voters right there.  Those voters can now decide if they want a crude guy with a good governing record, or a crude guy without a good governing record, who spews insults at both them and the office, just because." . . .

California Considering Giving Reparations To Blacks…

" . . .passed in the state Senate on a 33-3 vote. . . "

 Weasel Zippers

"Via The Hill:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed a bill Wednesday approving a task force to consider paying reparations for slavery. Newsom said the bipartisan support for the bill, which passed in the state Senate on a 33-3 vote last month, is “proving a paradigm that we hope will be resonant all across the United States.

”The bill will require a commission study the lingering impact of slavery in the state and make recommendations to lawmakers by July 2023. The recommendations should include details on what form of compensation should be awarded as well as its recipients.

“California has come to terms with many of its issues, but it has yet to come to term with its role in slavery,” said Assemblywoman Shirley Weber, a Democrat who authored the bill.

Keep reading…

Power Line

 The privileged guy on the ground needs to pay reparations to these others.