Friday, November 13, 2020

Heritage Leads the Way to Protect the Integrity of Elections


"Americans need election results they can trust. That’s why The Heritage Foundation has made the issue of election integrity one of its top priorities under the leadership of President Kay C. James. 

"In the weeks and months before Election Day, Heritage experts made sure Americans understood the importance of election integrity and the vulnerabilities of mail-in voting. And in the days after Nov. 3, as Americans awaited election results, Heritage became an even more important resource to understand what’s at stake. 

"The 2020 presidential race brought these concerns to the forefront in multiple states and exposed Heritage’s research to millions of Americans. 

"Heritage’s Election Fraud Database, a thoroughly sourced list of proven instances of election fraud, showcases 1,298 instances of voter fraud from 47 states. Heritage added over 50 cases to the database in 2020 and will continue to update it. 

"The database presents a sampling of election fraud cases from across the country. It is not an exhaustive or comprehensive list, but it is intended to demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the election system and the many ways in which fraud is committed. " . . .

A Sampling of Recent Election Fraud Cases from Across the United States  "The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database presents a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. This database is not an exhaustive or comprehensive list. It does not capture all cases and certainly does not capture reported instances that are not investigated or prosecuted. It is intended to demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the election system and the many ways in which fraud is committed." . . .

10 Climate Change Executive Actions Biden Says He Will Sign on Day One

 PJ Media

..."Here are the ten executive orders that Joe Biden says he will sign the first day he’s in office, via CNN.

  • Require limits on methane pollution for oil and gas operations.
  • Use the federal government procurement system to work towards 100% clean energy and zero-emissions vehicles.
  • Ensure US government buildings and facilities are more efficient and climate-ready.

“ 'Climate ready”? Ready for what? The climate disaster won’t happen for another 100 years or so, but I guess it’s better to prepare now than be caught flat-footed 100 years from now.

  • Implement the already-existing Clean Air Act, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation by developing new fuel economy standards to ensure all new sales for light- and medium-duty vehicles will be electrified, and annual improvements for heavy-duty vehicles.
  • Double down on liquid fuels like advanced biofuels and make agriculture a key part of the solution to the climate crisis.
  • Reduce emissions and cut consumer costs through new standards for appliance and building efficiency.

"Electric vehicles are not able to compete with gas-powered autos. Forcing the conversion of the nation to electric vehicles will only mean a lot of us will be walking a lot more.

  • Require federal permit decisions to consider effects of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, and ensure every federal infrastructure investment reduces climate pollution.
  • Require public companies to disclose climate risks and greenhouse gas emissions in their operations and supply chains.
  • Protect biodiversity, slow extinction rates and conserve 30% of America’s lands and waters by 2030.
  • Permanently protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, establish national parks and monuments, ban new oil and gas permits on public lands and waters, modify royalties to account for climate costs and creating programs to enhance reforestation and develop renewable energy on federal lands and waters to double offshore wind by 2030.

"Most of this I’m sure you recognize as typical green promises by liberal lawmakers. We’re gonna save the planet, purify the water, save the beasts, and stick it to business. It isn’t that these proposals are mostly innocuous. It’s that they will be handed over to climate and energy bureaucrats to turn into regulations, each with the force of law. The paperwork alone will bury small businesses."

Image by Unpolled Conservative.

Gerald K. McOscar  ..."Ms. Berger spent Election Day as a poll-observer in minority-majority West Philadelphia.  She writes that after many conversations with confused and frustrated voters, she understands that our voting system makes it incredibly hard to exercise our right to vote.  She understands too that while black people have long known about systemic obstacles to voting, as a white woman (undoubtedly privileged), she has been largely sheltered from those obstacles.  This is why she joined the Pennsylvania Democrats' Voter Protection Team as a poll-observer in a majority black precinct.

"Not surprisingly, she observed voter suppression Nov. 3 on a grand scale.

"An "alarming" number of the nearly all black 500 voters she encountered experienced "obstacles.' "...

Did Fox News's premature Arizona call for Biden trigger the massive cheating operation?

Tony Branco

Shama Tobin  . . . "Secondly, when Mishkin and his team were deliberating whether to make the call for Biden or not, the percentage of the votes counted was most likely still about 60% or so.  Arizona is not a solid blue state. Trump carried the state in 2016 by a healthy 3.5% margin.  Prior to 2010, Arizona had voted Republican candidates nine times in the last previous ten elections.  And in 2018, the state elected a Republican governor by a huge margin, 14%.  By almost all accounts, Trump would carry the state again.

"The state's results came almost nine days after Fox News's call, with Biden leading by a razor-thin margin, 0.3% (49.40% vs. 49.10%), which is still contested by the Trump campaign.  But the Fox News premature call on Arizona for Biden was like a lifeline to the Biden campaign's falling hope on the Election Night.  It may have triggered the chain reaction of the Biden campaign to win the election, including the great mystery of the four-hour break of vote counts in Michigan and Wisconsin on the dawn of November 4.  What transpired afterward was massive cheating in both states.

"The question is, why did Fox News call it so early?  Or, rather, who is Arnon Mishkin?

"Mishkin is a registered Democrat.  He voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.  This is not to suggest that Mishkin and his team were coordinating with the Biden campaign.  However, I am 100% sure that Mishkin voted for Biden and has every desire in his blood that Trump lose in this election.

"Fox News decided to employ a partisan Democrat hack to make a call in a very consequential election.  Every conservative has a right to be furious and abandon Fox News.  And Fox News can thank Mishkin for the tank in its ratings."

Kayleigh McEnany Provides Examples of Ballot Fraud in Wayne County Michigan…

 Conservative Treehouse  "Appearing on Fox News with Sean Hannity, White House spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany shares information from within 234 pages of sworn affidavits outlining ballot fraud in Wayne County, Michigan.

"Amid the allegations are: a single person signing sixty percent of ballots, multiple ballots being run through the counting machines more than once, and deceased voters."

Biden seeks to appease the Left as Democratic fissures emerge

Naomi Lim, Political Reporter, Washington Examiner  "Presumptive President-elect Joe Biden campaigned on a message of unity, but his own party is fractured after last week's shock election.

"Democrats failed to expand their House majority or gain Senate control, despite high expectations. And the party's Left is complaining they're being scapegoated for the disappointments as members try to shape the apparent president-elect's nominations and policy priorities.

"Yet those fears seem to be misplaced, with Biden's top spokeswoman signaling liberal Democrats won't be let down by the two-term vice president once he's inaugurated.

"Republican strategists, including Brad Todd, suggest Biden's buckling to the Left has been a running theme of his bid, citing his running mate choice of presumptive Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

" 'By picking Kamala Harris, the most liberal member of the Senate by voting record, Joe Biden gave reason to believe it is his intention to allow the left-most elements of the Democratic Party to have heavy influence on the rest of his administration," Todd told the Washington Examiner.

"But with another divided Congress set to be sworn in next year, pundits and Democrats don't believe centrist voices will be entirely drowned out.

"A Republican Senate headed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would make it "nearly impossible for really progressive legislation to pass," according to the Brookings Institution's governance studies vice president Darrell West." . . .

Thursday, November 12, 2020

‘We Have A List’: Pundits And Democrats Plan To Hold Trump Supporters Accountable

Resist! From Hillary Clinton, the Kavanaugh hearings, the Republican baseball team attack, the scowling Democrats at the SOTU, and their calls to harass Trump supporters in public, there has appeared a real force of evil in these people and it all must be resisted. The Tunnel Dweller

 Daily Caller

"Several media figures and Democrats have called for lists to be made of President Donald Trump’s “sycophants” or supporters following the presidential election, suggesting that these lists will be used in the future to hold the president’s supporters accountable.

“ 'Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future,” Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Cortez asked Friday, the day before media outlets called the presidential race for Biden. “I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”

"Ocasio-Cortez is not the only one asking for evidence of Trump supporter’s “complicity.” CNN’s Jake Tapper suggested that Trump and his followers should be careful of behaving in a way that might impact their future employment.

“ 'I truly sympathize with those dealing with losing — it’s not easy — but at a certain point one has to think not only about what’s best for the nation (peaceful transfer of power) but how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity,” Tapper said.

"Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin also warned that Republicans “now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into ‘polite’ society.”

“ 'We have a list,” the Washington Post writer said. " . . .

Will Trump Ride Off into the Sunset?

Victor Davis Hanson  "I once wrote that whenever Donald Trump exits office, he will likely leave as a “tragic hero.” Over two millennia ago, the Athenian tragedian Sophocles first described the archetype in his portraits of an angry and old but still fearsome Ajax, and heroic but stubborn and self-fixated Antigone.

"In the iconic John Ford Western “The Searchers” and in a host of other films from “Shane” to “High Noon,” we have seen stories of these sorts.

"The legalistic but impotent town council, the idealistic but outgunned sodbusters, or the incompetent posse in desperation turns to unconventional deliverance. They suddenly need a John Wayne as a scary Ethan Edwards, or a mysterious gunslinger like Shane.

"But to call in such Manichean outsiders is to admit that the status quo of a sober establishment has failed.

"The outsider deliverers are suspiciously seen as self-absorbed. Their methods bother an endangered, polite society, even as they begin to bring it results.

Joe Biden's Walter Mitty world of 'president-elect'

In every respect, it is a production.  A production worthy of Leni Riefenstahl, the producer of Hitler's propaganda films.  It's as fraudulent or as counterfeit as an 18th-century Potemkin village.  It's Hollywood.  It's Netflix.  It's House of Cards.  It's make-believe. 

American Thinker

What’s wrong with this picture? 

You'll soon pay for putting Kamala on the side


"Despite how it's framed, it's simply not true.  And that should scare everyone — not the idea of Biden as such, although that's bad enough, but the fact that your reality can be framed and manipulated despite the facts on the ground.

"Joe Biden is not president-elect.  Not yet, anyway.

"What we're seeing play out on the world stage right now with Joe Biden and his media enablers is the ultimate expression and manifestation of identity politics.

Just as some men identify as women or white people identify as black and compel you, despite the facts and your lyin' eyes, to see them, treat them, and greet them that way, Joe Biden identifies as president-elect, and the media expect you to fall in line and follow their lead.

"The media say it's so, therefore it is so.

"Slight problem.  He's not president-elect, and he won't be until he is certified as such and voted upon, on Dec. 14.

"In their rush to convince everyone and warp reality, the media may call it that way, and he might act, speak, dress in the dark blue suit and crisp white shirt and present that way, with all the associated trappings and backdrop signifying the solemnity of high office.  The tight camera angles may frame him that way, with all the uplifting and inspiring scripted rhetoric about national healing, but it is just so much theater designed to bend our reality."... 

1947, Danny Kaye as Walter Mitty:

That baleful presence of George Soros, all over the Biden 'transition' team

Monica Showalter

Soros's name stinks around the globe for his electoral meddling, his condoning of violence, and his coups in democracy's clothing.  He kept his influence hidden in this election, too, at least until now, where his fingerprints are everywhere. Joe Biden is nothing but a creature of George Soros, as nefarious and odious a presence as any. Now we know.

"With the presumptuousness of a usurper, Joe Biden is holding press conferences behind a phony 'Office of the President-Elect' podium, as if he had won the election and there were no court challenges regarding widespread cheating to sort out. In his suddenly natty navy blue bespoke suit, he's playing president for the television cameras to the hilt, and also assembled a 4,300-person transition team to comb through every branch of government to ensure loyalists alone. 

Photo added by TD

"But behind the scenes, everyone knows it's some kind of sham. With the House moving sharply right and the Senate a likely Republican hold, he'll be a lame duck president whose chief appointment should probably be a food taster. His ambitious vice president is breathing down his back. And his conflicts with the far-left are already well-known, with socialists of the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez camp demanding their cut, and far left looter-rioters such as those of Black Lives Matter, calling to be 'paid' for their support. The bitterness of the Bernites is on display, too, just look at some of the articles printed in Medium.

"But it's notable who he's not fighting with. Big Tech and Wall Street, for sure, are getting their influence and power. But where the mask is really off, revealing at last who he's really fronting for is leftist billionaire George Soros.

"According to the Washington Free Beacon:

Joe Biden's transition team includes several people affiliated with organizations bankrolled by the left-wing billionaire George Soros.

Biden's "Agency Review Teams," which include lists of individuals "responsible for understanding the operations" of each government agency, will prepare "President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris … to hit the ground running on Day One." Soros is well represented on those lists.


Democrats Blast Nancy Pelosi's Ice Cream Frenzy While the Economy Was Cratering

 Katie Pavlich

"Democrats are blasting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her Marie Antoinette "let them eat cake" moment back in April. At the time, Americans were locked down and the economy was cratering under the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. 

"According to a memo first obtained by POLITICO, New Deal Strategies, Justice Democrats, Sunrise Movement and Data for Progress are blaming Pelosi for "what went wrong for Congressional Democrats in 2020."

"Democrats are right to be concerned about their underperformance down the ballot. Based on current projections, Biden’s margin of victory will come close to President Barack Obama’s margin in 2012. But in 2012, House Democrats gained 8 seats, while in 2020 they are on track to lose at least that many," the memo states. "The economy was voters’ top concern in this election. When Democratic leaders make unforced errors like showing off two sub-zero freezers full of ice cream on national television or cozy up with Wall Street executives and corporate lobbyists while Trump tells voters we are the party of the swamp, it is not surprising that we lose. We need a new generation of leadership grounded in a multiracial, working class experience and background."

"Despite losing significant ground in the House, Pelosi has already placed her bid to keep the speakership."

Too bad Hollywood, rock stars and Democrats can't be silent