Saturday, July 10, 2021

Thousands of Teachers Vow To Defy State Bans on Critical Race Theory

Tony Branco

 Free Beacon

Leftist groups and teachers' unions support the radical curriculum

"Thousands of teachers are pledging to teach critical race theory in the face of state laws seeking to ban it from classrooms.

"More than 5,000 educators have signed the Zinn Education Project’s "Pledge to Teach the Truth" since June 21. In the letter, the leftist education group claims the United States was founded on "structural racism and oppression"—tenets of the Marxist-based ideology called critical race theory.

" 'We, the undersigned educators, refuse to lie to young people about U.S. history and current events—regardless of the law," the pledge reads.

"Legislatures in several states have passed bills to restrict educators from teaching critical race theory to students. Florida’s education board outright banned teachers from using material from the New York Times’s 1619 Project. Teachers in Idaho are banned from teaching that any race or sex is inherently inferior or superior to another. And Rep. Glenn Grothman (R., Wis.) introduced a bill in the House that would prohibit teachers and students in the District of Columbia from making confessions about inherent racism based on skin color." . . ."

The Zinn Education Project is not alone in its crusade. Two of the nation’s top teachers’ unions have pledged millions of dollars to advance critical race theory in the K-12 classroom. The National Education Association, the country's largest teachers' union, voted to spend $127,600 advancing critical race theory at its annual conference last week. The American Federation of Teachers promised $2.5 million to fund lawsuits against critical race theory bans.

The Credo of the Catholic Democrats

The American Spectator

They issue a declaration of independence from Church teaching.

The boldness of the heretics grows in proportion to the timidity of the bishops. By not controlling their own sacraments, the bishops have allowed the enemies of the Church to control them. Even the supposedly “conservative” bishops have no intention of withholding Communion from these defiant pols.

"Almost 60 Catholic Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives recently released a statement declaring their “principles.” The statement is a classic illustration of modern liberalism’s one-sided conception of church-state relations: the church should never lecture the state, but the state is free to lecture the church. The statement is also a snapshot of the pitiful imbalance of power and confusion in the Catholic Church: heretics, far from fearing clerics, feel emboldened to instruct bishops on what they can and cannot do.

"Enjoying the protection of the media and exploiting the divisions in the Church, heretical Catholic politicians can grandstand with impunity. Congressman Ted Lieu’s (D-Calif.) hotdogging tweet to the bishops captures the mood of the moment:

. . . "So it is not entirely clear why those 60 Catholic Democrats even needed to issue their petulant statement. They are pushing on an open door. The statement is notable only for its arrogance. They, of course, invoke the “separation of church and state” before dictating to the bishops how they should interpret canon law and Eucharistic theology. The point of the statement is: Don’t tell us how to do our jobs, but listen up as we tell you how to do yours. One of the more ludicrous lines in the statement is this: “To pursue a blanket denial of the Holy Eucharist to certain elected officials would indeed grieve the Holy Spirit and deny the evolution of that individual, a Christian person who is never perfect, but living in the struggle to get there.” These Democrats claim an expertise on what will “grieve the Holy Spirit,” but they see nothing grievous in their support for hundreds of thousands of abortions a year.". . . 

Remember when Lieu and Candace Evans faced off in a committee hearing?

The Real Threats to Our Democracy

Conrad Black

Electoral shenanigans and the abdication of judicial responsibility are the real threats to our democracy. Let the audits proceed.

Hiding the vote count from us all

"In the Wall Street Journal of June 10, Peggy Noonan captured the kernel of the crisis of national division that afflicts America: Donald Trump and opposed perceptions of last year’s presidential election. Equitable person though Noonan is, she qualifies as a Trump-hater, whose invective against Trump has only escalated over time.

"Noonan’s premise today is that any question about the 2016 presidential election is unfounded conspiracism, but that suspicion is growing, spread by “the Trump underworld—the operatives, grifters, and media figures around him  . . .  This lessens our faith in our systems   . . . it leaves the GOP with an untreated cancer.” She holds that “QAnon is important” in propagating this fraud. She thinks that anyone who wasn’t appalled by the storming of the Capitol on January 6 has given up on democracy. Lingering concern about the fairness of the result is in itself an assault upon democracy. “The breaching of the Capitol happened because of a conspiracy theory: that the election was actually won by Mr. Trump but stolen from him by bad people.”

"She makes no allowance for exactly the opposite view: that there is ample evidence that Trump was sandbagged in rigged voting and vote-counting in only six states, stonewalled by the courts, and defamed by a unanimous national political media: the courts couldn’t face overturning the election, and the media can’t accept the idea that it was a tainted election. I agree with her that “the only thing that can stop” (the cancer that supposedly afflicts the GOP, even if it is in fact benign righteousness) “is true facts independently developed and presented with respect and receipts.” 

"This is correct but the analysis of the causes of the current dangerous division in the country’s political life must start—not with the invasion of the Capitol, which has already been investigated and yields nothing damaging to Trump—but with a serious analysis of the election results in six states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The election went off without a hint of a problem in 44 states. In the six states named there were changes to voting and vote-counting rules adopted supposedly to respond to the difficulties imposed by the pandemic and often in constitutionally questionable ways. " . . .                        

Tucker: Corrupt mainstream media takes lying to Olympic levels

Youtube "Tucker Carlson examines the duplicitous practices of the press"

The absolute lowest level for a "professional journalist" that must have ever been reached; the Walter Duranty level! "That hillarious part around 5:13 about "Joe Biden's arms embracing America' "

From the comments to this video: Joseph Van

Friday, July 9, 2021

J’Accuse! America’s Dreyfus Affair unfolds in Minneapolis


What happened to Derek Chauvin has disturbing parallels to France’s famed Dreyfus affair 127 years ago.

. . . "In 1894, Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish officer in the French army, was convicted of treason – despite it being obvious that he was not guilty but was being railroaded. Four years later, once the facts were fully known, Émile Zola, the famed novelist, famously wrote an open letter under the headline “J’Accuse,” accusing the French military of a deliberate cover-up. I can’t help but see parallels to that in Derek Chauvin’s railroading in a Minneapolis courtroom.

"As French Jews discovered when the Nazis invaded, while many French people disliked the Nazis, they disliked the Jews even more. From the collaborating Vichy government on down, a disgraceful number were happy to connive with the Nazis to get rid of the Jews in their communities. The Jews should have expected this because they had a foretaste of French antisemitism in 1894 with the infamous Dreyfus affair.

"The bare bones of the story are that Alfred Dreyfus was born into an affluent and assimilated Jewish family. He attended the famed École Polytechnique and, after graduating, joined the military. He achieved the rank of captain and ended up serving in the War Ministry.

"In 1894, Dreyfus found himself accused of selling military secrets to the German military attaché. He was arrested in mid-October and, by mid-December, he’d been convicted and given a life sentence. Four months later, he was off to the heinous penal colony on Devil’s Island, in the waters off French Guiana, which had a mortality rate that reached 75%.

"Dreyfus’s conviction and imprisonment might not even have made the local papers were it not for the fact that the entire case was driven by virulent anti-Semitism, which was the Critical Race Theory of its day. It was obvious to all involved in the case that the evidence introduced against him was always weak and often implausible. Even the meanest intelligence could see that he was being railroaded because he was Jewish. Britannica sums it up thusly:

Although he denied his guilt and although his family consistently supported his plea of innocence, public opinion and the French press as a whole, led by its virulently anti-Semitic faction, welcomed the verdict and the sentence. In particular, the newspaper La Libre Parole, edited by Édouard Drumont, used Dreyfus to symbolize the supposed". . .  disloyalty of French Jews.

. . . [To continue reading, please go to American Thinker.] 

MSNBC Agrees With Radical Race-Baiter: GOP Wants ‘American Apartheid’


Image by Hardstark & Pincay

"In wake of President Biden huddling, on Thursday, with radical left-wing activists who pretend to be “civil rights leaders,” MSNBC on Friday touted National Urban League President Marc Morial coming out after that meeting and hurling the vile accusation that Republican-sponsored voting reforms and the U.S. Supreme Court were conspiring to create “American apartheid.” Rather than fact-check such a horrendous lie, the partisan cable channel endorsed the disgusting rhetoric instead.

“Civil rights leaders gathering with President Biden....We know they want more action on federal voting rights,” anchor Chris Jansing announced while filling in for Stephanie Ruhle in the 9:00 a.m. ET hour. She eagerly pointed out that “all of this is happening after the Supreme Court upheld Arizona voting restrictions and the president of the Urban League, Marc Morial, talked about that after the meeting at the White House.' ”. . . 

'A Book About Whiteness': 25 public school districts use children's book that depicts 'whiteness' as evil

 The Post Millennial   " A children’s book claims having white skin is a satanic contract that gives its signers “stolen land,” “stolen riches,” and “special favors,” and a new report confirms that this book is really being used in classroom settings.

"The name of the book is called “Not My Idea: A Book about Whiteness,” and it’s message is teaching racial politics to children.

"A list of the school districts was published by reporter Christopher Rufo." . . .



Leftist Group Drapes “God Bless Abortions” Over 65 Foot Christ of Ozarks Statue – Plan on Selling T-Shirts with Same Message

 The Gateway Pundit

"A far left activist group draped a “God bless abortions” sign over the 65-foot tall Christ of the Ozarks Statue in Eureka, Arkansas this week.

"The group is so proud of their stunt that they are selling T-shirts to commemorate the event.

"Today abortion is a rallying cry and a sacrament to the left." . . .

Report: Ohio Abortion Clinic Threw Dismembered Baby In Dumpster…  ". . . Ohio Right to Life said Wednesday it found the remains of an aborted baby at about 17 weeks gestation discarded in dumpster behind Ohio Women’s Center (NEOWC) abortion clinic. The clinic, which has not responded to requests for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation, denied that it improperly disposed of fetal remains." . . ."

Also this: Update: San Francisco Gay Man’s Choir Frantically Tries to Pull Down Video Promising to Convert Your Children; Trying to “Control the Narrative”  . . . "The video had received 88 likes and over 5,000 dislikes before it was made private, according to The Post Millennial."

Are We Seeing a Cultural Realignment?

 If the pushback we’ve seen in the last few months continues, the left is in big trouble -- and it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of wannabe tyrants. 

American Thinker  "Recently we’ve been seeing stories in the news about average Americans pushing back against liberal initiatives.  Taken alone, these stories are entertaining, though not particularly earth-shattering.  But observed together, do they form a pattern?  Are we seeing the beginning signs of a cultural realignment?

"One recent story is that of women protesting a California spa allowing “perfectly normal women with penises” to use the female facilities.  The protesters were quick to point out that they are Democrats and support LGBTGFNB  rights.  But it turns out there is a limit to the amount of leftist baloney that even Democrats can accept.  Equity for people with gender confusion sounds compassionate in theory.  In reality, it facilitates naked men bathing with our six-year-old daughters -- which inspires a different emotion than compassion.

“ 'Perfectly normal women with penises” competing in women’s sports is all over the news too.  The left has been telling us that we need to accept each person’s perception of reality -- even if that person is somewhat gender-confused.  But “perfectly normal women with penises” competing in women’s sports has illustrated the absurd destination this path leads to.  Why don’t we go ahead and let heavyweight boxers identify as lightweights and let them beat the crap out of somebody half their size?  After a year of this nonsense, we’re beginning to see that there may be many perceptions of reality, but there is only one actual reality.  Are feminists starting to see that their movement sold them into servitude to liberalism and they’ve become the handmaidens of leftism?". . . 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

A Reminder of How Stupid Our Media Is

 Power Line  "News out just now that Michael Avenatti has been sentenced to more than two years in prison for attempting to extort $20 million from Nike. What’s his problem: doesn’t he understand that that kind of thing is a job for Hunter Biden? Anyway, keep in mind that Avenatti was only famous because the media made him famous—a perfect example of what Daniel Boorstin called a “pseudo-event,” or perhaps the media equivalent of a self-licking ice cream cone. Or the ultimate fake news.

"Here’s a highlight reel from the Free Beacon:"

It’s The Media, Stupid  . . . "The media will have us believe that Donald Trump is the single most divisive man in American history. Does anyone actually believe that conservatives weren’t, at the very least, equally as angry at Obama’s election as liberals were at Trump’s? Are liberals any more angry about Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch ascending to the Supreme Court than conservatives were about Kagan and Sotomayor? Of course not. But we’re told that we’re more divided than ever.". . . 

10 Ways the Media Manipulates Our Opinions    "Almost 30 years ago, Noam Chomsky, a famous intellectual, wrote about the manipulation strategies the media uses. It's been quite some time since then, and now we have things like the internet, Twitter, and Facebook, so the media has many more ways to influence us. Unfortunately, the influence is not always positive.

"Bright Side will tell you about the methods newsmakers use to manipulate our consciousness." . . .

Squad Member Takes 'Defund the Police' to a Terrifying New Level

 PJ Media

"Even as the Joe Biden White House tries to accuse Republicans of “defunding the police,” some Democrats want to slash funding not only for cops on the beat but also for officers at the border — in the middle of a border crisis! Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), one of the members of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s infamous “squad,” called for the effective elimination of Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the entire Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

“ 'We must eliminate funding for CPB [sic], ICE, and their parent organization, DHS,” Tlaib said. “Time after time, we have seen it… that these agencies are inept at humanely guiding migrants through our immigration system. Instead, they further continue to terrorize migrant communities located within our communities.”. . . 

"Tlaib further suggested that CBP, ICE, and DHS are “targeting communities of color, in a way that… very much violates human rights,” an echo of the accusation that police forces are infected with “institutional racism.”

"In calling for the “elimination of funding” to not just ICE and CBP but DHS, Tlaib demanded that the federal government effectively dismantle the agency in charge of all federal law enforcement — from border agents to DEA agents who focus on cartels to the officers who protect the federal courthouse in Portland.

"Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) suggested that Tlaib and her fellow Democrats “want to turn America into a sanctuary country for all illegal aliens from around the world.”

“ 'It would be interesting to me if Rashida Tlaib would explain exactly who she thinks should be excluded from our country when they show up at our border… or who should be deported,” Cotton mused. “Maybe her answer would be conservatives or Republicans or anyone who voted for Trump last year.”. . . 

To find those who hate this nation and her people, look no further than Democrats. We see the hate in their eyes and recognize their anger from the War Between the States and the Ku Klux Klan.

The Glorious Death of American Legacy Media, and What Comes Next

As Ace of Spades noted, Stelter is incapable of holding an audience for an hour unless he can demonize and complain about a high-profile conservative target. And without Donald Trump as a viable target, it’s clear he and his producers have decided [Tucker] Carlson is the best thing going.

 The American Spectator

The public doesn’t trust our corporate media talking heads, and almost nobody is paying attention to them anymore.

"There was, over the weekend amid a cacophony of media resistance to the formerly unifying celebration of America’s Independence Day, one of the most amateurish and ridiculous cartoons ever produced.

"It came courtesy of Communist China’s Xinhua News Agency, a propaganda shop with its rhetorical guns aimed at the American people and the ideas of our founding. The cartoon depicted a pair of white guys in suits clinking glasses together with “TO FREEDOM” in a quote bubble above their heads, and just to their right a crazed lunatic in a ski hat held a pistol in one hand and an AR-15 style rifle in the other with “OF SHOOTING” in a quote bubble above his. The mass shooter, as he’s clearly supposed to be, is standing over a gravestone upon which is written “DEATH FROM FIREARM.”

"And in the text of the tweet in which the cartoon appears, the Chinese communist apparatchiks at Xinhua said, “How a gun-happy nation spends its #FourthofJuly weekend.”

"The first obvious reaction to this is best expressed not verbally but with a middle finger at a murderous, tyrannical, psychotic regime that has literally killed more human beings than any other in the 100 years since it was birthed into the world as a revolutionary political party. But beyond that is something else, namely gleeful ridicule of the hilariously gawky and ignorant use of the English language by the Xinhua flacks attempting the cartoon."

The news media is just one more cultural institution in America that the Left — not just the liberals, who have run the news media in America almost from the very beginning, but the Left, as in the Marxists of cultural and other bents — has utterly destroyed.