Saturday, May 21, 2022

Were There ‘Right-Wing’ Riots When Tucker Carlson Called For A Colorblind Meritocracy?


Biden the Uniter

Were There ‘Right-Wing’ Riots When Tucker Carlson Called For A Colorblind Meritocracy? - American Thinker  . . ."Was there any pushback from the pro-freedom right when Tucker Carlson said we should treat people as human beings created by God no matter what we look like? We must confess that we’ve been busy trying to cut back vines to keep the forest at bay and catching up on some tractor maintenance.  So, we might have missed all the news stories of conservatives, libertarians, and anarchists of the pro-freedom ‘far-right’ threatening to never again watch Tucker Carlson, boycott his sponsors, and riot in the streets because of what he said on his shows on Monday and Thursday this week

"The video is referenced in this article. The strange thing is that it’s been a couple of days, and if what the anti-liberty leftists are saying is true, there must have been riots that dwarfed the burning, looting, and murder of 2020’s ‘peaceful protests.’  Dare we say it, these were probably far more devastating than the worst day of conflict in the history of mankind: January 6, 2021.  

"You see, according to ‘brand expert’ Donny Deutsch and many others of the nation’s socialist, anti-liberty left, we’ve supposedly embraced something that is so ‘mainstream’ it’s never the topic of conversation.  You know, the subject of very important talking points that we never talk about. 

"We don’t know about you, but it certainly was news to us that we are all based on ‘white supremacy’ or something like that.  We’re not really sure what that supposedly is, and neither are most on the pro-freedom side of the political aisle.  This is all predicated on the ‘manifesto’ of self-described former communist, left authoritarian "ethno-nationalist eco-fascist national socialist" who loathes libertarianism and conservatism in particular, and like many of anti-liberty left in that this chumbucket is mentally ill. ". . .

These are not my family's Democrats

 Nancy Pelosi Refuses To Say If She Will Support Bill Protecting Supreme Court Justices’ Families…. | Weasel Zippers

. . ."But what today’s low-T progressives may not realize (or may not care about) is that “white supremacy” was born through the greedy, hateful loins of Democrats several centuries ago and would likely be nothing more than a horrible memory by now if liberals weren’t so dog-gone eager to keep their own racism alive. And the best way to maintain hate is to blame Republicans, the party that ended slavery, for the “white supremacy” that the desperate left needs to be today’s boogeyman.". . .

. . ."Here are some fun facts about white supremacists you can share with your liberal sister-in-law when she and her man-bunned femme-boi try to ruin your Memorial Day BBQ by whining about Orange Man Bad and his “legions” of white supremacists.

  • Most politicians who supported slavery were Democrats.
  • Slavery was the ultimate form of white supremacy and was the “hill” Democrats were willing to die on — or pay someone to fight and die for them.
  • Keeping slavery intact was so important to the Democrats that they went to war against the United States after Lincoln was elected (even though he was left off the ballot in several Southern states). Roughly 2% of the population would die in the Civil War.
  • The Republican Party was formed to put an end to slavery.
  • The Ku Klux Klan was born in Pulaski, Tenn. in 1866. Former Confederate soldiers (Democrats) dressed in sheets, pretending to be ghosts of dead Southern soldiers. It was intended to be a peaceful social group, but some good ole boys saw the potential of dressing in sheets and began terrorizing black people. Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, a former slave owner, known for massacring surrendering black Union soldiers at the Battle of Fort Pillow, ruled the violent extremists for a few years but quit when the group became too bloodthirsty for his tastes.
  • Jim Crow laws were enacted by bitter Southerners (Democrats) to keep liberated black people from enjoying the same freedoms as Southern white people (Democrats).
  • The 15th Amendment gave black men the right to vote. Almost NO Democrats supported it.

Tony Branco

America LAST: US Senate REJECTS $48 Billion Aid Package For Small Businesses and Restaurants Just Hours After Approving ANOTHER $40 Billion for Ukraine – 34 RINOs Voted Yes for Ukraine and No for Americans

“Democrats need to wake up and realize that dumping more money in the economy is simply pouring $5-a-gallon gas on an already out-of-control fire.” Rand Paul

 The Gateway Pundit  "On Thursday – just hours after approving another $40 billion in US taxpayer dollars for Ukraine – the US Senate blocked a bipartisan $48 billion aid package for restaurants, gyms, and other small businesses that have been struggling in Biden’s post-lockdown economy.

"Presumably, they can’t launder that money as easily as shuffling it off to Ukraine, so American business owners get the shaft yet again from its traitorous elected officials.

"In other words, just another day in the DC Swamp…"

"Needing 60 votes to move forward, the Senators killed the package with a 52-43 vote. Five Senators refrained from casting a vote at all, and just five GOP senators voted for the motion to proceed.

"Odd… considering there were a whopping 39 of these so-called ‘Republicans’ who voted for the $40 billion Ukraine aid package.

"Absolutely inexcusable.

"Here are the RINO scumbags who rejected the aid package for Americans, yet sided with Democrats on the additional $40 billion for Ukraine. The list includes the usual crowd of swamp creatures like Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, and Mitch McConnell, but it also reveals some more favorably viewed ‘conservative’ Senators had no problems finding the money when it was for the neocon war machine in Ukraine.". .  .

The uncloaked mask exposes ... Hillary

Maybe someday we’ll learn how Durham pulled this off—getting this Clinton insider to turn on Hillary. It’s a real coup.


Robbie Mook

 Monica Showalter  . . ."So Hillary was behind the Russia-Russia-Russia hoax and she was crazy enough to get her flunkies into the legal trouble she's currently gotten them in by ordering that information to get out.

According to Wauck, that's big, because that's an easily understood-by-the-public scandal, and Hillary continues to have political ambitions as Joe Biden falls apart:". . .

".. and this:

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has released video evidence that left-wing organizer and high-level Democratic Party operative Robert Creamer is, in fact, linked directly to Hillary Clinton, who personally approved at least one of his disruptive tactics.

Last week, O’Keefe produced video showing Creamer, the co-founder of the Democracy Partners consulting group, and his colleague, Scott Foval, discussing their past and present efforts to incite violence at Donald Trump rallies and other events.

The stated goal was to create “anarchy” around Trump, presumably to make him less appealing to American voters. Foval described Democracy Partners as a contractor for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook tried to evade the controversy by denying a direct link between Creamer and the campaign.

 . . ."So Hillary was spreading Russia hoax lies, spying on the Trump campaign, and fomenting violence at Trump rallies. She wasn't about campaigning for herself in this campaign, or campaigning to persuade voters -- she was directly or nearly directly implicated in one dirty trick after another, some illegal, to Get Trump.

"That's quite a Dr. Evil operation she had there with so many different tentacles, yet it may have been so many she had no time left to campaign. This is like the left's stereotype image of Richard Nixon, fuming about his enemies, but with a heavier serving of dirty tricks and sorry bids to take down Trump, none of which worked, but all of which weighed down on his presidency for no legitimate reason.

"With Mook spilling the beans to Durham, quite possibly because he's forgotten he needed to keep it secret, it's obvious she wasn't even good at hiding her tracks. She spent so much her time trying to get Trump and so little of her time trying to persuade voters to vote for her that she somehow never made it to the presidency. And now word is out as to how corrupt and resentful she is. Wait till next time...if Mr. Durham doesn't cut this off right there with this latest indictment and trial.". . .

Robby Mook says Clinton agreed to give Trump-Russia material to reporter (

“Bet most people still don’t know that a Clinton campaign lawyer, using campaign funds, created an elaborate hoax about Trump and Russia. Makes you wonder what else is fake,” he said in another Twitter post. Responding to another user, Musk confirmed “I am indeed out for blood” after ripping into the Clinton campaign and noting the unraveling of the Russia collusion conspiracy.

Report: Three Clinton Donors on Sussmann Jury in D.C. (

Another Clinton supporter, a former bartender who appeared to be in her 20s, said she’d also donated to progressive firebrand Ocasio-Cortez (D-The Bronx, Queens) but was put on the panel after a Sussmann defense lawyer told her that neither Clinton nor former President Donald Trump were on trial and asked if she could be impartial.

 What intelligent person would vote for a teeny-bopper such as AOC?

Christopher Steele, the spy behind the discredited 'pee tape' Trump dossier, says sources tell him Putin is seriously ill

 Putin Seriously Ill, Says Trump-Russia Dossier Author Steele (

Putin has for decades cultivated an image of virile masculinity at peak fitness — but an investigation by independent Russian media outlet Proekt alleged that this was only possible with significant deception.  

"The former British spy who wrote an infamous dossier about Donald Trump's dealings in Russia told Sky News on Sunday that sources had told him that Russian President Vladimir Putin is seriously ill.

"Christopher Steele, who led MI6's Russia desk and worked as a spy in Moscow for years, told Sky News: "Certainly, from what we're hearing from sources in Russia and elsewhere, is that Putin is, in fact, quite seriously ill."

"Claims about the 69-year-old leader's health have circulated for months. On Saturday, Ukraine's head of military intelligence, Maj. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, told Sky that Putin is in a "very bad psychological and physical condition and he is very sick."

"Budanov went on to suggest that the purported illness had incited plans within Russia for a coup.". . .

Elon Musk Says He's Wading Into Politics to Stop 'Woke Mind Virus'

Elon Musk called the woman who accused him of sexually harassing her flight-attendant friend a 'far left' actor 'with a major political axe to grind'* 

 Business Insider  . . ."In response, Musk wrote: "Unless it is stopped, the woke mind virus will destroy civilization and humanity will never reach Mars." 

"Over the last month, Musk has mentioned the "woke mind virus" on several occasions. On Wednesday, he called Yale the "epicenter of the woke mind virus attempting to destroy civilization."

"And in April, Musk used the term in a tweet, stating that it is "making Netflix unwatchable."

"While Musk hasn't outlined what he thinks constitutes the "woke mind virus," the word "woke" has been co-opted and weaponized by right-wing figures to mock progressive causes. 

"Musk also bashed the Democratic party in a tweet on Wednesday, calling it "the party of division and hate." In the same tweet, he doubled down on his resolution to vote Republican this election — several days after he first stated that stance during a tech conference."

Friday, May 20, 2022

Federal judge blocks Biden from ending COVID border policy

 Federal judge forces Biden to continue using Title 42 (

"A federal judge has blocked the Biden administration from ending Title 42 — a controversial border policy that has allowed officials to rapidly turn back migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border nearly 2 million times.

"Why it matters: The administration had planned to end the policy on Monday. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have decried the end of the policy — implemented as public health initiative under the Trump administration to block migrants from coming during the pandemic — out of concern that ending Title 42 would exacerbate already record numbers at the border.

  • Judge Robert Summerhays issued the 47-page ruling granting the injunction to keep it in place.
  • "Given the impact of the Termination Order on the Plaintiff States and their showing that the CDC did not comply with the [Administrative Procedure Act], the Court concludes that the public interest would be served by a preliminary injunction preventing the termination of the CDC's Title 42 Orders," the ruling reads.

"The latest: The Department of Justice said Friday it intends to appeal the court's decision.

  • “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) invoked its authority under Title 42 due to the unprecedented public-health dangers caused by the COVID-19 pandemic," DOJ spokesperson Anthony Coley said.
  • "CDC has now determined, in its expert opinion, that continued reliance on this authority is no longer warranted in light of the current public-health circumstances. That decision was a lawful exercise of CDC’s authority.' ". . .

Democrats give Musk their Alito-Thomas-Kavanaugh treatment

 The left hates Elon Musk because he's a tycoon they can't bully (  "Why does the left hate Elon Musk?

"It’s simple, really: Because he can’t be controlled, and because he doesn’t tolerate BS.". . .

. . ."Musk is thus a twin threat. As the sometime richest man in the world, he has a lot of power, and it’s not under anyone else’s control. And he’s a nerd, with a nerd’s low tolerance for bull. Where more socially “polished” people would go out of their way to show fealty to leftist tropes popular among the Gentry Class regardless of their absurdity, Musk is happy to point out that the emperor has no clothes.". . .

Just as Elon Musk Becomes a Hot Story a Report Surfaces of an Old Sexual Harassment Claim (  . . ."Um, Elon Musk has been one of the richest human beings on earth for a long time. Why now? How can she use his money as an excuse to come out now?

"Musk asked Business Insider “for more time to respond“:

After Insider contacted Musk for comment, he emailed to ask for more time to respond and said there is “a lot more to this story.”

“If I were inclined to engage in sexual harassment, this is unlikely to be the first time in my entire 30-year career that it comes to light,” he wrote, calling the story a “politically motivated hit piece.”

AP Ridiculed for ‘Bizarre’ Attack on Elon Musk’s Free Speech (  . . ."The essay accuses the 50-year-old SpaceX founder of “disdain for public officials who challenge him,” while highlighting his previous confrontations “with health officials who limited staffing at the California factory to prevent the spread of COVID, calling stay-at-home orders ‘fascist.’”

"Musk is also described as one who “seems to relish taunting regulators.”

"In response, many took to Twitter to highlight AP’s misconception of free speech.

“ 'So what you’re saying is the SOB is speaking freely?” wrote Rhode Island Republican Rep. Mike Chippendale.". . .

Elon Has More to Say About the Accusation Against Him, Claims He Has the 'Perfect' Name for It – RedState  . . .“But they have become the party of division & hate,” Musk said. “So I can no longer support them and will vote Republican. Now, watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold…🍿”

"We didn’t have to wait long. As we reported last night, Business Insider dropped a sketchy report about an old sexual assault claim involving a SpaceX flight attendant that allegedly took place back in 2016 and resulted in a $250,000 settlement and non-disclosure agreement.  As Bonchie notes, there wasn’t anything that would make this “current” to run as a news story except his heightened public profile with the Twitter buy and the various efforts to run him down because of it. In the statement he gave to Business Insider, Musk denied the claim.

. . ."“For the record, those wild accusations are utterly untrue,” he said.

“ 'But I have a challenge to this liar who claims their friend saw me ‘exposed’ – describe just one thing, anything at all (scars, tattoos, …) that isn’t known by the public,” the CEO added. “She won’t be able to do so, because it never happened.”

"Musk also said that he had the perfect name for the accusation: Elongate.". . .

Babylon Bee: Fauci Recommends Stopping Spread Of Monkeypox By Covering Eyes, Ears, Mouth

 The Babylon Bee Parody

"WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Monkeypox pandemic has finally breached the shores of the United States, with the CDC confirming a staggering 1 infections so far. In response, America's favorite, most trusted doctor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, issued a statement recommending people stop the spread of Monkeypox by covering their eyes, ears, and mouth.

"Fauci accepted 137 TV interviews and a book deal after issuing the guidelines essentially recommending people look the other way rather than investigate the source of this new outbreak.

" 'As I, the Science, have always said, lockdowns don't work. What really works is turning a blind eye to where this outbreak nonsense may or may not have leaked from," said Dr. Fauci to a fawning NBC news anchor trying to get his autograph. "And I'd like to add that there is no evidence the Monkeypox outbreak is connected to the NIH-funded Institute of Monkeypox Studies next door to patient zero."

"Not all health professionals agree with Dr. Fauci's health order. Dr. Corry Larreia, a world-renowned monkey virologist and respected expert in finding the source of Monkeypox outbreaks, said Dr. Fauci was wrong and the outbreak should be investigated in full.

"At publishing time, Dr. Larreia had been disbarred, lost his virology license along with his official stethoscope, was banned from his local book club, snubbed by Apple's Siri, and lost both of his hands in a tragic wood chipper accident."

Image from Reality Bites by Broc Smith.

Why Is Joe Biden Still President? –

What I fear is after losing -one only hopes- the Presidency in that November 2024 election what damage will Democrats do between then and the Jan 2015 Inauguration. There is a great anti-American evil dwelling in the Democrat Party and Biden is nothing more than their valuable tool. The Tunnel Dweller

  Issues & Insights

Making this tragedy even worse is that his replacement, Vice President Kamala Harris, would be as lousy – and probably worse. It’s an ugly storm, but our only choice is to ride through it and hope the damage isn’t too bad by the time a Republican Congress beginning in January can begin making repairs.

. . ."But it’s nevertheless important to point out that Biden not only set a standard that he then should have been required to live by, he also promised the American people that “​​I will take care of this. I will end this.” It was a lie no one should have believed, a promise impossible to keep.

"Of course there are other reasons beyond his COVID death toll that Biden should not, to use his words, “remain as president of the United States of America.”

"He and his party set the inflation fire and have no idea how to handle rising prices (hiking taxes on corporations to bring down inflation might qualify as the most idiotic proposal to fight runaway prices ever floated).

"Biden has been a divider rather than a uniter, siding with radical elements over everyday Americans trying quietly to live their lives.

"The fading Biden, who is little more than a puppet to the somewhat more sentient beings around him, is a threat to national security.

This president has left the southern border open for anyone who wants to do harm to the people of this country but would otherwise be blocked from entry. His abandonment of his obligations to protect the nation’s borders has also created a humanitarian crisis.

"Biden displayed weakness and an uncommon ability to continue to be on the wrong side of international affairs with his disastrous Afghanistan surrender.

"Our flap-jawed president has made this country more dependent on other nations for its energy needs, and is directly responsible for soaring fuel prices.". . .

Fiona Hill Tries to Own the Orange Man, Inadvertently Admits Why Putin Wanted Joe Biden – RedState   

No one is misconstruing her words. She said Putin waited to invade Ukraine until Biden is in office, and that's exactly what others are saying she said. Regardless, the fact that she thinks this is some kind of own of the orange man is hilarious.

Biden's America Rots from the Head Down - American Thinker   . . ."When Biden's handlers sent him to Buffalo, New York, to exploit a mass murder by blaming conservatives, liberty-lovers, Trump Republicans, Fox News, and just about anybody to the right of Karl Marx for a crime whose perpetrator didn't even merit the faux-president's direct condemnation, angry, spiteful Joe Biden showed just what a miserable, acidic, revolting excuse for a human being he's always been.  A real president would have mourned the dead, comforted the survivors, consoled the grieving, and united Americans through the common bonds of their humanity.  But Joe Biden is no real president, so he both dishonored the solemnity of the occasion and betrayed his sacred duty to elevate the nation's welfare over the interests of his party's political power.  With an outstretched, bony finger good for nothing now but casting blame, he tarnished the tragedy with petty partisanship, rebuffed the nation's need for grace, befouled what should have been dignified, and withered further the civic sinews barely binding Americans together as one nation.  Biden's moment in Buffalo was disgraceful.

"I know Republicans such as Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham love to tell stories about how charming and friendly the Great Mental Void from Delaware has always been, but you can't spew such filthy, spiteful rhetoric as Biden did in Buffalo without having a dark and rotten soul.  This is who Joe Biden has been all his wretched life.  When he wasn't stealing other people's words for his own use or orchestrating Justice Thomas's "high-tech lynching," he was running around the country telling black Americans that Republicans wanted to "put y'all back in chains," scaring elderly Americans that Obamacare opponents wanted to destroy their Medicare, or straight-up lying about the authenticity of his son's "laptop from hell." . . .

Biden, Liz Cheney, Kinzinger Push the Politics of Racial Supremacy - No shame at MSNBC

I have to be concerned with the "White Supremacy" discussion being a stalking horse used by the left and their tools in the press (MSNBC) and among RINO Republicans to keep the discussion away from the contemptible performance of Biden Democrats. TD

 The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  The Left is obsessed with it and replacement theory. Behind a pay wall

Dem Rep. Beatty blames White supremacy for Dallas Korean hair salon shooting, but suspect is Black | Fox News

MSNBC Slammed Over ‘Disgusting Racist Rant’ Attacking Black Republican: ‘Unbelievably Insidious’ | The Daily Wire

Joy Reid: 'Christian Nationalists' Won't Stop at Abortion During Their 'Jihad' (    "MSNBC host Joy Reid warned her followers on Twitter that with the Supreme Court potentially poised to overturn Roe v. Wade other groups of people could face their rights being taken away because the conservative justices are on a "jihad."

"Reid erroneously stated by overturning Roe v. Wade would make abortion illegal, rather it would mean states will be once again allowed to make their own abortion.". . .

Baghdad Babe: Putin's TV propagandists target new White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre in racist rant | Daily Mail Online

. . .Pundit Andrei Sidorchik smiled as he added: 'She admits not being chosen for professional abilities, but because she is a dark-skinned immigrant and this was secured by her predecessors. 'When she makes mistakes, that will be her excuse. 'I'm not a professional, I was chosen for other reasons'. Popov added: 'I read many books, graduated from a University, I did my PhD thesis on such and such a topic, I speak many languages... but that's not what it takes to represent the United States at the White House.' 'It's more important to be... like that,' Popov said as he pointed to Jean-Pierre in the video playing in the background. 'But at least she's cute.'

House Passes ‘White Supremacism’ Domestic Terrorism Bill After Buffalo Shooting ( 
 I should say the bill passed along party lines because Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) isn’t a Republican.