Thursday, November 16, 2023

‘This war is prophetically significant’: why US evangelical Christians support Israel

Lukewarm commentary on evangelical support for Israel from a left-wing source.

“They’re following the scripture, and what the scripture says about Israel: ‘Those who bless Israel will be blessed,’ they take it literal, and I’m one of those people,” Burchett said. 

  Evangelical Christianity | The Guardian  One strand of evangelical theology holds that the return of Jews to the region starts the clock ticking on a seven-year armageddon, after which Jesus Christ will return

"It didn’t take long for many evangelical Christian groups in America to show their support for Israel.

"Hours after Hamas attacked the country on 7 October, killing more than 1,400 people, Christians United for Israel, an evangelical lobbying group which claims to have more than 10 million members, posted a message to on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“ 'To the terrorists who have chosen this fight, hear this, what you do to Israel, god will do to you. Despite today’s weeping, joy will come because he [god] who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps,” CUFI, whose founder believes the presence of Jews in Israel is a precursor to Jesus Christ returning to Earth, wrote.

"Soon an “Evangelical statement in support of Israel” was issued by the ethics and religion liberty commission – an arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, a denomination which has 45,000 churches in the US." . . .

Retreat Was Not an Option Then and Is Not Now -

Will there be no Nuremberg trials for these monsters?

  American Thinker  . . ."The Barack Obama and Joe Biden administrations, which some call the “Obiden Administrations,” are directly responsible for the current Nazi-like atrocities being committed against Israel. These two leftist administrations financed this terrorism. Even after revelations about war crimes committed against Israeli civilians, the Biden administration is proposing a new package of aid to Gaza! The Biden administration (along with most Americans) knows full well who will be the beneficiary of the $100 million dollars of new humanitarian aid. Secretary of State Blinken has admitted that the administration cannot be sure that the aid/funds will not fall into Hamas’s hands." . . .

. . ."Europe today is awash in Islamic terrorism. Remember the Charlie Hebdo massacre in France? These are just a few of the almost limitless examples of Islamic barbarism. The atrocities committed in the name of “Allah” date back to the time of its founding in the sixth century. No better indication of Islam’s true nature is found than the followers of Muhammad becoming allies with Hitler’s Nazi Germany in World War Two. Raymond Ibrahim has written extensively about Islamic barbarity and its current attempt to destroy the Christian world.

"The ongoing Hamas atrocities in Israel should be a warning to the Western world that this could happen here. Why wouldn’t Hamas, with its Jihadist allies in Hezbollah (founded by Iran), come to the United States and do similar horrific butchery of innocent civilians? Hamas’s leaders have declared, “We are ISIS.” We know they are already here. FBI Director Wray has previously warned of this danger created by our porous southern border." . . .

The Greta Thunberg Intellectual Society

LGBTQ and the Palestinians… spread the woke! - American Thinker   "It’s very exciting to see that the alphabet narcissist brigade has decided to “stand with” Hamas. 

"The reason it’s so exciting?  Hamas will finally be educated about microaggressions, pronouns, gendered language, systemic racism and all their cisgendered heteronormative privilege!". . .

"Gays are not welcome in Palestine how do people not understand that? how many more need to die? "But the gay community will stay silent for diversity or as we call it cowards."

 . . ." 
If Hamas plays their cards right (and pays $40,000), Dylan Mulvaney might even do a video promoting their cause!" . . .

How can American campuses not be aware of this? If they know of the massacre, are they so evil that they support Hamas over Israel? Why must the innocents of Israel be yoked with the inadequate and benighted rulers of the once-great nation America? The Tunnel Dweller (Not to be confused with the moles of Hamas).

Biden Goes Off-Script After His Speech — It's WORSE Than You Could Imagine -

  Analyzing America  . . ." 'Before I say even more what’s on my mind, I’m now gonna leave this podium,” Biden said. The video quickly went viral on social media as people mocked Biden’s apparent mental decline.

“ 'What a speech… Epic in its brilliance,” one person commented sarcastically. “So sharp, witty and funny,” another person said mockingly.

“ 'Before I lie even more, Im going to walk away,” another person said.

"President Biden is accused of lying during the speech by suggesting he participated in the Civil Rights movement.

"Biden talking about his time as a public defender. “It was a lesson I learned coming out of — not like real leaders in the civil rights movement — but when I came out of the civil rights movement as a kid as a public defender.” Biden said.

"Biden was a public defender for a brief time. After significant research, BuzzFeed found that Biden defended a cow thief in Delaware.

"A poll from NBC found that the majority of Americans (68%) believe Biden does not have the mental and physical health to serve as president.

"The poll also found that a staggering 43 percent of Democrats believe Biden is not mentally and physically healthy to serve as president.

"This concern among Democrats has doubled since 2020. Prior to 2020, just one in five Democrats were concerned about Biden’s mental acuity.". . .

Democrat Fires Back At KJP After ‘Weak Answer’ On Antisemitism

  Analyzing America "Democrat lawmaker Jared Moskowitz of Florida condemned White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s “weak answer” to a reporter’s questioning of the White House’s concern over growing antisemitism across the country, and went on to call out Jean-Pierre for fumbling through her binder in search of answers.

"Jean-Pierre claimed that she was unaware of any “credible threats” when questioned regarding the White House’s “level of concern” surrounding possible assaults against Jewish Americans."

 More to the point: This is odd…

Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about antisemitism and said there were no credible threats and pivoted to talking about anti-Muslim/anti-Arab hate. It’s not an issue that she talked about Muslims and Arabs, rather that she seemingly dismissed antisemitism threats. In the clip on the right from July, she talked about the White House plan to combat antisemitism.
Yashar Ali 

Central Park Rape: The Secret Files

Editor's note: This column contains graphic descriptions of the Central Park jogger case, in which a young woman was brutally raped and assaulted. 

 Ann Coulter

"In an article about the election of Yusef Salaam, of the "Central Park Five," to the New York City Council last week, The New York Times' Jeffery C. Mays indignantly cited the full-page ad Donald Trump had taken out at the time, which never mentioned the Central Park rape but decried crime in the city and called for reinstitution of the death penalty.

"Mays described the case against The Five thus:

" 'The confessions of Mr. Salaam and the four others who were convicted alongside him were coerced. There was no DNA evidence tying the teenagers -- Mr. Salaam, Korey Wise, Kevin Richardson, Raymond Santana and Antron McCray -- to the brutal attack. Mr. Trump's racist rantings only inflamed [racial] tensions."

"Two of those claims are laughably false, and the third is utterly meaningless.

"Meaningless: It's a sleight of hand to say that there was "no DNA evidence" tying The Five to the crime. Yeah, that's probably because in 1989, no one would have been looking for DNA.

"Back then, DNA testing was a novel scientific technique. It required much larger samples than are necessary today, and the sample couldn't be contaminated and the tests weren't reliable." . . .

. . ."Newly elected councilman Salaam and the Times' Mays contend that the case against The Five was racism, pure and simple. Salaam says the single, solitary reason he and the others were accused was that "black and brown people" were "instantly [deemed] guilty, without a chance of proving their innocence."

" 'Black and brown people" were not only deemed guilty -- they were guilty. Reyes, the one even liberals admit was guilty, is "brown."

"Indeed, the only possible suspects were "black and brown": the youths wilding in the park that night, violently attacking park-goers, including other runners, a couple on a tandem bike and a taxi driver. At least one male jogger was hospitalized after being knocked to the ground, kicked, punched and beaten with a pipe and a stick."

China Mocks the 'Miraculous' Cleanup of San Francisco's Homeless

 Sarah Arnold - Townhall

"The Chinese publication pointed out many people find it "scary to know the government has the capability to clean up crime and drugs in 24 hours." However, it chooses not to." 

"This week, the U.S. added to the list of reasons why foreign leaders laugh at the leadership our nation faces under Democratic rule. 

"China's propaganda-fueled newspaper, the Global Times, mocked San Francisco's "miraculous" cleanup of the city's ongoing homeless problem ahead of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. 

"Before Chinese dictator Xi Jinping's arrival in the Democrat-run city, San Francisco sidewalks were plagued with homeless encampments, human feces, and needles— making it one of the most dangerous places to visit in California. 

"More from the Global Times:" . . .  China Mocks the 'Miraculous' Cleanup of San Francisco's Homeless (

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

An interview with a foremost thought leader about today's pressing social, cultural and political issues.


Israel, Immigration & Islam | Douglas Murray  "In this conversation, John sits down with journalist and author Douglas Murray to discuss the war on Western culture in light of the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas.

"Murray argues that Western Civilisation is being eroded by the collapse of history, faith and moral clarity. This cultural decay, Murray suggests, has been caused by a variety of factors including illegal immigration, secularisation, identity politics and the rise of radical Islam. Nonetheless, Murray is encouraged by the growing support for initiatives like the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) and a common sense middle class who reject elitist identity politics. "Douglas Murray is the author of 7 books and a journalist based in Britain. He has been a contributor to The Spectator since 2000 and has been Associate Editor at the magazine since 2012. He has also written regularly for numerous other outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The Times, The Sunday Times, The Sun, The Evening Standard and The New Criterion. He is a regular contributor to National Review and has been a columnist for Standpoint magazine since its founding."

"In his latest books, "The War on the West" and "The Madness of Crowds", Murray examines the twenty-first century’s most divisive issues: sexuality, gender, history and race." Details: ---

00:00 Courage Culture 05:34 Cancel Culture 09:33 Resistance to the Mainstream Narrative 11:38 The Voice to Parliament 15:03 Is the West Good? 18:05 The Politics of History 23:03 The Dangers of Multiculturalism 26:53 Antisemitism and Immigration 28:24 The Hamas Terrorist Attack 33:07 What is a Proportional Response? 35:59 Islam and the West 38:55 Palestine and Hamas 41:49 Terror Attacks in the West 44:20 The Hypocrisy of Rejecting Christianity 48:36 Christianity and Islam 55:18 Christianity and the Wellspring of Civilisation 58:36 The Consequences of Illegal Immigration

Pro-Hamas Actor's Propaganda Videos EXPOSED

 Mister FAFO's Propaganda Videos EXPOSED - YouTube

"Hamas supporters crying as they are attacked by Israel after having celebrated and dancing around corpses they dragged back from Isreal the day before has made me lose all sympathy for the Gaza residents."

J.K. Rowling Says She’d ‘Happily’ Go to Prison to Fight Against Gender Pronoun Speech Control Laws: ‘Bring on the Court Case’

 Who Would Have Believed The Singularity Would Be So Stupid?

Acclaimed author J.K. Rowling has suggested she would “happily” spend two years behind bars for deliberately calling someone by the “wrong” gender pronouns. 
The Harry Potter creator, 58, made her stand after it was revealed calling someone by the “wrong gender” could land British people two years in prison under a proposed Labour Party law, according to Mail on Sunday. 
Vowing to toughen up the sentencing guidelines for abuse and violence targeted at trans people, the left-wing opposition party would make attacks motivated by hatred of the victim’s gender identity into “aggravated offences.” 
According to the Mail report, this would bring transphobic abuse into line with assault and harassment motivated by hatred on the grounds of race or religion, which are punishable by up to two years in prison. 
Rowling refused to have any of it. “I’ll happily do two years if the alternative is compelled speech and forced denial of the reality and importance of sex. Bring on the court case, I say. It’ll be more fun than I’ve ever had on a red carpet,” Rowling said on X – the platform formerly known as Twitter.

Democrats, Hamasites, and the college generation

Standing with Israel and against anti-Semitism and all forms of hatred is the American way. Israel is a democracy and a strong ally of the United States that deserves the support of all Americans. And anti-Semitism is an ancient and toxic prejudice that has no place in our great nation. American Greatness 

The faces of love for Israel
American Progressivism’s Determined Racism – Issues & Insights (   "Hamas’ slaughter in Israel has revealed American progressives reveling in racism here.  For racism to be acceptable to them, it need only fit into the ideological justification of self-styled “progressives:” determinism. 

Since October 7, America’s progressives, such as the far-left House Members known as “the Squad,” have proved this repeatedly among our so-called elites — on college campuses, among politicians, and in journalists’ print. They have also implicitly shown that their ultimate target is not just Israel and Jews, but America and its values.

"The latest example of progressives’ regression came from within our own house: the House of Representatives.  On Wednesday, October 25, its eight ultra-left members known as “the Squad” refused to vote to condemn Hamas’ attack on Israel.  Six (Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.; Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.; Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.; Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y.; Rep. Summer Lee, D-Pa.; and Cori Bush, D-Mo.) of the eight voted against the legislation, while two Squad members (Rep. Greg Casar, D-Tex., and Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.) just voted “present.”  For progressives, the Squad’s regression from moral clarity to amoral opacity is mild in comparison to compatriots who have been forthrightly anti-Semitic in their expressions.    

"The aftermath of the Hamas terror attack has proved that today’s self-proclaimed “progressives” of America’s left are, in fact, extremely regressive." . . .  

Ivy League School Shuts Down Anti-Semitic Palestinian Student Groups | The Daily Wire   "Columbia University announced on Friday that it was banning two anti-Semitic student groups on campus for the remainder of the fall term after they repeatedly violated school rules.

"The private New York City school suspended Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) as official student groups in light of their recent actions on campus."  . . .

The American Spectator   "When a bunch of animals at Massachusetts Institute of Technology barred entrance to Lobby 7, the main access to the university, illegally trespassing, MIT’s gutless president initially announced she would suspend the criminal trespassers. Then, presumably after consulting with whatever DEI and Black Lives Matter consultants she needs to please, she melted faster than the Wicked Witch of the West during Hurricane Hillary. No suspension. Why the change?  Uh, “visa concerns.' ” Sadly the rest is behind a paywall.

Hamas Terrorist Attack Drove the Left’s Growing Antisemitism Into the Open › American Greatness (  . . ."Sadly, these hate crimes get very little press coverage, especially in the national media. This probably is because, in the American Left’s worldview of “intersectionality,” diversity, equity, and inclusion, they refuse to include Jewish Americans as a protected group because of open anti-Semitism, hatred of Israel, and their alliance with radical Islamists, including radical Palestinian activists.

"The recent pro-Hamas and anti-Israel protests in American cities and on college campuses are the result of this leftist-Islamist alliance and their years of work to promote a false narrative of Palestinians as the victims of Israeli oppression. Many of the college students who recently signed letters blaming Israel for the atrocities committed by Hamas are mindless ignoramuses who don’t know where Gaza is and can’t spell the word “Israel.”. . .

Also in 2019, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn) introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives comparing Israel to Nazi Germany and supporting the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement that seeks to wage economic warfare on the Jewish state. Omar’s resolution was co-sponsored by Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich) and Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga). 

With anti-Semitism on the rise again, there are steps everyone can take to counter it (   . . ."We are professors who teach public administration, a field that prepares students for government and nonprofit jobs. We have all worked in the public and nonprofit sectors, and we also are all Jewish.

"We never hid our religious identity before, but we also did not highlight it in our classrooms – until now.

"All of us believe we have a responsibility to train our students to work with diverse staff and serve diverse communities. After the mass shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue on Oct. 27, 2018 - the deadliest attack on Jews in U.S. history - and other alarming acts, we sought resources to help us address this tragedy. More broadly, we wanted to better equip our students to address anti-Semitism." . . .

Reminder: Israel was obeying the 'ceasefire' on October 7, its enemies were not! UPDATED


The blank look of AOC and the angry unsmiling face of Ms. Pressley

Ethel C. Fenig - American Thinker  . . ."In Israel itself, thousands of mostly young Israeli Jews, along with some Christians and Muslims and others from around the world, were joyously attending a music festival in the southern part of the tiny country when Total Evil in the form of citizens from neighboring Apartheid Gaza, which is 99% Muslim, (no Jews allowed) descended, brutally slaughtering over 1,100 unarmed attendees and residents of nearby Israeli small villages.  Several hundred they didn't murder were violently taken captive, including babies and young children.   

"But...but...there was a "ceasefire"!  Oh, that!  Only Israelis, only Jews are supposed to obey mutually signed agreements!  In 99% Muslim Gaza, the ruling Hamas set up military bases in hospitals.  In schools.  In residential apartment buildings.  In office buildings, coexisting with reporters from the AP, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Reuters, who dutifully report the news, i.e., propaganda their Hamas rulers tell them.  Or else.
"Initially shocked, the Israelis fought back.  While suffering painful losses they are succeeding in neutralizing Hamas.  As a result, there are now Muslim refugees in 99% Muslim Gaza.  And oh so suddenly there are shrieks calling for an Israeli "temporary ceasefire" so these displaced Gazan citizens, who never complained when their husbands, sons, and brothers joined Hamas in their posts in hospitals and schools and other "neutral" institutions, can safely escape to  safe Gazan enclaves. Incidentally, neighboring Muslim-dominated Egypt doesn't want their Muslim neighbors, either.  
"And oh, not so by the way, this "ceasefire" is only applicable to Israel;  apparently Gazans can continue their barbarous assault on unarmed Israelis with impunity." . . .

Visually shaken, Jamal Vera, a volunteer with ZAKA, Israel’s leading rescue and recovery unit, describes the horrors he witnessed following the Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians.

Looking at the hugely successful pro-Israel rally in D.C., AFT’s Randi Weingarten beclowns herself -

[Randi Weingarten is] a very powerful woman who has been using her toxic beliefs to control public education for many years and is a strong and profitable ally of the Democrat party.

Andrea Widburg- American Thinker  "Yesterday, almost 300,000 people were in Washington, D.C., to support Israel in its fight against the unrelieved evil that is Hamas. It was such an overwhelming turnout that the Washington Post had no option but to try to bury the story in its print edition lest it give people ideas. But teachers’ union boss Randi Weingarten did notice the rally, and she came out with one of the most strikingly ignorant pronouncements imaginable from a Jewish woman who claims to be “deeply religious.”

"The rally was big. Although some potential attendees did not make it to D.C. because antisemitic bus drivers staged a sick-out to prevent them from traveling there, almost 300,000 people did show up to exercise their First Amendment rights. Unlike the pro-Hamas marches that were filled with covert and overt calls for a new Jewish genocide, the pro-Israel rally was distinguished by civility:

. . ."If you know anything at all about Judaism—and, theoretically, someone Jewish would—there are a lot of giveaways that the men in the video above are Orthodox Jews. It’s not just the kippahs or yarmulkes (i.e., skullcaps) they’re wearing. Even less religious Jewish men, along with feminists and lesbians, wear those." . . .

"All of this gets us to Randi Weingarten, a childless lesbian who has a huge impact on your
children. Since 2008, she has headed the American Federation of Teachers, one of America’s most powerful teachers’ unions and an economic mainstay of the Democrat party. She’s also, in her own words, “deeply religious.” To that end, she’s married to a female rabbi and is “a member of Congregation Beth Simchat Torah, a New York synagogue that focuses on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Jews,” where her wife is the “spiritual leader.” . . .

"Incidentally, what is essentially a mockery of Judaism isn’t confined to LGBTQ+ Jews. This is true for all leftist Jews. They are not the People of the Book unless the Book is Marx’s Das Kapital.

"Now that you understand Weingarten’s specific form of “deeply religious” Judaism, you can appreciate the ignorance and stupidity behind her much-derided tweet:"