Sunday, May 26, 2024

Democrats’ latest bad poll: 1 in 5 Latino voters considers party switch


"Since 2020, one of the major questions hanging over the 2024 election is whether Latino voters will continue to ditch Democrats in favor of the GOP. Now, a new national poll of Latino voters offers some warning signs for Republicans as well as Democrats as the general election crystallizes: A sizable chunk of Latino voters appear to be willing to rethink their party loyalties.

"Some 19.4 percent, or about one in five Latino voters, say they have considered changing their political affiliation either by switching parties or becoming independents, according to a national survey released by Florida International University (FIU) and the marketing firm Adsmovil. A majority of those wavering voters (61.1 percent) say they’d be open to leaving the Democratic Party and a plurality of those Democratic waverers (38.1 percent) would become Republicans.

"Though that’s a small share of all Latino voters, that’s still a significant number for a demographic group whose loyalty to Democrats has been eroding since Donald Trump’s presidency." . . .

Hillary Clinton Blames Women Voters for her Loss to Trump

 Karen Townsend – HotAir 

Hillary lost because she was unlikeable. She didn't bother to campaign in Wisconsin. She called half the country 'deplorables.' She deserved to lose to her former friend Donald Trump. 

  "Hillary Clinton has blamed everyone under the sun for her loss in 2016 to Donald Trump, except herself. Eight years later, she blames women voters for not supporting her run for president.

"Hillary gave an extensive interview for a book coming out about abortion and the Supreme Court's decision in Dobbs that sent abortion back to the states. She criticized Democrats for not fighting harder against former President Trump's choices for the Supreme Court. 

"Clinton said she lost women voters because of the investigation into her use of a private email server. There was also the matter of the thousands of emails she deleted. 

Clinton reflected on the role that sexism played in the 2016 campaign, claiming that FBI director James Comey re-opened a last-minute investigation into her private email to raise questions about her judgment, calling her “extremely careless.”

That widely-covered move cost her the race — and the female vote, she speculated.

“But once he did that to me, the people, the voters who left me, were women,” she told the Times.

“They left me because they just couldn’t take a risk on me, because as a woman, I’m supposed to be perfect. They were willing to take a risk on Trump — who had a long list of, let’s call them flaws, to illustrate his imperfection — because he was a man, and they could envision a man as president and commander in chief.”

"Poor Hillary. Always the victim." . . .

Tulsi Gabbard Exposes The DARK TRUTH About Hillary’s Evil Machine

"Tulsi Gabbard Exposes The DARK TRUTH About Hillary's Evil Machine | 'It All Starts With Epstein...' "

"Lets crank it up here, Sir"; Biden West Point Speech: Brain Breaks, Tells Tall Tales, 'Please Clap' Moment, With Embarrassing End; UPDATED, 5/27

RedState "Joe Biden is in Wilmington, Delaware, for yet another vacation. He did, however, take a brief sojourn from the vacation to go to West Point to deliver the commencement address. 

"Biden previously gave a commencement address that got heavily criticized -- and rightly so -- for being a race-baiting mess. " . . .
"Other speakers spoke about what leadership meant and duty, honor, and country. What a thought, that you have Biden then speaking to them -- a man who constantly lies and makes up things out of whole cloth. And he went right there, with another huge lie, when he finally spoke to the class. He of course spoke about football. He said that he was given an appointment to the Naval Academy but he claimed he didn't go because Roger Staubach and Joe Bellino were playing there. 

. . ." 'Never forget that America is the strongest when we lead not only by the example of our power but the power of our example," he said. Then no one clapped, and that apparently irked him. "You can clap for that," he groused.

"Then came the diplomas.  But this was something else. After Biden had been handing out the diplomas for a short while, he was interrupted by one of the West Point officials and moved to the back. You can hear the officer say, "Let's crank it up," and then they had to speed up the process: 

UPDATE, 5/27: comment from "students" on Biden's speech:

Some answers from 'Joe Biden delivered a speech at U.S. Military Academy at West Point today. What do you think the students there think of him?'

Gerald F: 'What any non-Woke American soldier would think: What the Hell did we do to deserve this shambling cadaver's stumbling accolades?'

Dave J: 'Those of polite, conservative leanings and background, were quietly embarrassed and sad. Those of liberal leanings, were ideologically blinkered and wallowed in the glory of his blithering senility and ineptitude.'

Susan M: 'I hope they were disgusted but I didn't hear it.'


A terrorist dry run

  Mike McDaniel - American Thinker. . ."Two Jordanians who may have been doing a “dry run for Al Qaeda or ISIS” have been arrested after allegedly trying to scam and then ram their way onto a US marine base in Virginia with a truck.

AF Branco

. . ."Was this a dry run for a car bombing attack? Obviously it was an intelligence gathering mission, but to what end and for which terrorist group(s)? Thus far, all the Biden Terrorist Welcoming Administration has suggested is both will be deported.

"Deported?! Two illegals, almost certainly Muslims from a nation not particularly fond of America, try to force their way onto a Marine base, and the government isn’t releasing any additional information and is sending them back to their handlers?

"Despite increasing warnings about imminent terrorist attacks, the Biden Administration obviously doesn’t consider informing the public politically smart. Trying to preserve and protect Hamas doesn’t fit well with effectively dealing with terrorist dry runs on CONUS military installations.

"Not only is Biden negotiating for terrorists, he’s making more than clear Muslim votes are far more important than the lives of our CONUS troops and dependents. What a surprise."

Like terrorists in the White House - Lynne Lechter . . ."Which brings us to Israel. When Hamas jumped over the border from Gaza and brutally gang-raped, mutilated, burned alive, beheaded and kidnapped Israelis and foreign nationals staying in Israel, Biden rushed to Israel's side, stating unequivocally that he stood with Israel. Until he didn’t.

"Eventually thwarted by Biden,  who slowed Israel’s military progress with impossible demands to protect the “innocent Gazans,” over seven and one half months later, more than one hundred and twenty hostages, dead or alive, remain in the hands of the Hamas butchers.
"Jew-hatred has swept a good portion of the world, with many nations wishing  to punish Hamas by giving it a Palestinian state.  America, with taxpayer money,  has built a pier on Gaza’s shore to facilitate aid to its “refugee camps,” which in every other place would be referred to as cities.
"Meanwhile, President Biden is focused on being re-elected in November.  Will his terrorism reign for another four years?  Can America, as we have known it, survive if he does?"