Showing posts sorted by relevance for query petulant juvenile. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query petulant juvenile. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, March 4, 2013

Obama and his sequesteria

As a president, this petulant juvenile is worse than nothing.
Obama’s Politics Put our Navy in Harm’s Way  "It would seem that while we possess colossal power, we also harbor colossal stupidity in our command structure. There are unprovable, as yet, rumors flying that this situation only came to be over the outraged protests of the upper Navy brass overruled by an always politics-first White House."
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Obama’s campaign of pain  "In other words, Obama is done trying to work with Republicans in 2013 and 2014. He is abandoning any real effort for bipartisan immigration, gun, or energy reform. The bulk of his effort will now be devoted to eliminating all Republican power in Washington.
"And Obama’s first step in that campaign will be to maximize the amount of pain the sequester inflicts on the American people."
...."For perhaps the first time in the history of the United States, it is in the political interest of a president to inflict maximum pain on the American people."   (Emphasis added)
Which will be possible with the help of the media that supports him.

WP: Obama Agenda Depends On Winning House  "It’s clear that this is Obama’s entire goal. To demonize the House Republicans, in order to gain majority control of Congress in 2014. Then he will have no opposition and he can then ram through his entire agenda without any compromising whatsoever."

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Obama swims in a sea of racism and bigotry, getting drenched in the process

Obama: Every American Is Racist

Barack Obama, Screen Grab MSNBC, 7-12-2016
. . . “ 'If we are honest, perhaps we have heard prejudice in our own heads and felt it in our own hearts. We know that. And while some suffer far more under racism’s burden, some feel, to a far greater extent, discrimination’s sting, although most of us do our best to guard against it and teach our children better, none of us is entirely innocent.' ” . . .

After Dallas, Obama Faces Class Action Lawsuit For Inciting Violence   . . . "Larry Klayman, the head of Freedom Watch and founder of Judicial Watch, filed a class action lawsuit on Monday in federal district court in Dallas against President Obama and others for inciting violence, leading to the killings of law enforcement officers.

In his complaint, Klayman named not only Barack Obama but Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, former Attorney General Eric Holder and the Rev. Al Sharpton, among a total of nine defendants." . . .
Obama Refuses Request To Honor Dallas’ Fallen Heroes  . . . "Although the White House has been illuminated for occasions such as Breast Cancer Awareness (pink) and the Supreme Court’s legalization of same-sex marriages (rainbow), Obama refused Adler’s request." . . . Petulant juvenile.
The Texas governor's mansion, however, did honor the fallen officers.

Words that a Democrat liberal could have said but did not seem capable of:
George W. Bush’s Remarks at Dallas Police Officer Memorial Ceremony Were a Welcome Change   
 . . ."President George W. Bush spoke at the memorial service for the fallen Dallas officers killed in last week’s attack. His remarks were a welcome departure from the current narrative and a reminder that principled leadership can still be found in this country.
"Speaking of American values and our common bond, President Bush said, “we have never been held together by blood or background. We are bound by things of the spirit, by shared commitments to common ideals.”
“ 'Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions,” he observed.
"A uniter indeed." . . .

Is anyone out there sick of Obama's reprimands?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Reading list on the recent Israeli elections of March, 2015

Times of Israel: Netanyahu scores crushing victory in Israeli elections  "With almost 99% of votes tallied, Likud climbs to 30-24 seat win over Zionist Union in overnight drama; PM promises new coalition with other ‘nationalist parties’; Meretz head may quit over poor showing."

John Kerry Refuses To Even Address Netanyahu Election Victory…
Screen Shot 2015-03-18 at 11.15.44 AM
. . . "In contrast to the EU’s speedy congratulations, US President Barack Obama has yet to comment on Netanyahu’s victory. ' . . .

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

The reaction of this petulant juvenile president: "Obama Won’t Congratulate Bibi — But He Congratulated Erdogan, Sisi, Rouhani … and Putin!
"Proof that his relationships with U.S. rivals and outright enemies are closer than his relationship with Israel.
"This morning, the White House conspicuously avoided sending any message of congratulations to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his sweeping victory yesterday. Weekly Standard reports:" . . .

"While Obama has had public differences with Netanyahu recently, in the past he has made efforts to congratulate leaders that have a much more adversarial relationship with the United States as well as shamefully undemocratic electoral processes.
Uh-oh    President Obama’s hopes for a grand bargain with Iran took a plunge toward the rocks with the come from behind re-election of Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister of Israel.  Breitbart called it somewhat incongruously, the “St Patrick’s day miracle in Israel”.  Obama had counted on teaching Netanyahu not to defy him.  Somewhere along the line the lesson went very wrong.

It's scary to think who the real winners of the Israeli election are  T"he biggest winners in today’s Israeli elections aren’t Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his Likud coalition (the likely victors, despite the naysaying in the last week) or the Israeli Labor-Left (headed by candidate Isaac Herzog). It’s the Israeli Arabs, who now call themselves Palestinians. If the polls are correct on their showing today (and those polls appear to track more closely with fact than the ones that showed Netanyahu losing), the anti-Israel Arabs in the Israeli Knesset, bent on Israel’s destruction, will have gained more seats and more power." . . 

nuke shadow
 The gathering storm around Israel.  "Sure, technically it was a win for Likud and the Israeli “right,” but it was all Netanyahu’s win on Twitter.

"Or rather, it was Obama’s loss. Domestically in the U.S. among those whom Obama has beaten twice, and stuck with weak Republican opposition in Congress, Bibi standing up to Obama is about all we have these days.

"And so too with the Europeans. As we watch the planned decline of Western Civilization in the cradle of Western Civilization, at least Bibi is willing to stand athwart the EU bureaucracy, yelling Stop!

"So whatever Bibi is in real life, he has come to represent a willingness to fight that is missing from our own political structure and politicians.

"Yet this victory celebration will be short-lived."  .

 . white flags.

How Much Does Netanyahu’s Big Win Really Matter?  . . . "Netanyahu can either form a national-unity government of Labor and Likud, or seek another coalition of center-right and religious parties. But his last right-wing coalition fall apart in December because of friction with the leader of the Yesh Atid party (Yair Lapid) and that party dropped from 19 to 11 seats in the new Knesset, so Yesh Atid is almost certainly out." . . 

. Likud's win: The 'second Israel' has spoken   "Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu's impressive victory in Tuesday's elections can be explained by going back to the early days of the state. 
"The Ashkenazi immigrants from Eastern Europe* were seen as having an unfair advantage over their Sephardic counterparts from North Africa and the Middle East. The people who are called "the second Israel" have complained since then that the "elites" in the Israeli Left, the media and academia have discriminated against them. 
"The "second Israel" did not like the the way the media seemed to be deposing of Netanyahu and bringing to power the Left under the leadership of Zionist Union leaders Isaac Herzog and Tzipi Livni, who were raised not far from each other in North Tel Aviv and are both the children of former Knesset members." . . .

*The Nazis killed them by the millions. Ashkenazi Jews Rank Smartest in World
Albert Einstein, an Ashkenazi Jew 
. . . "Not to brag or anything, but according to USA Today, “Ashkenazi Jews comprise 2.2% of the USA population, but they represent 30% of faculty at elite colleges, 21% of Ivy League students, 25% of the Turing Award winners, 23% of the wealthiest Americans, and 38% of the Oscar-winning film directors.”
Wait, that’s not all!
According to the Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies, “Since 1950, 29% of the Oslo awards have gone to Ashkenazim, even though they represent only 0.25% of humanity. Ashkenazi achievement in this arena is 117 times greater than their population."

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Obamacare Mandate Survives as a Tax

Even ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos challenged the president and Obama was his usual petulant, juvenile self when disagreed with.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Israel source says leaked report of Netanyahu-Mossad rift on Iran sanctions is 'Obama's revenge'

Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'  Senior Israeli says 'friends don't act like this' after Mossad Head denies US claim that he opposed Iran sanctions in talk with senators.

What else can one expect from this petulant juvenile head of the American state?

Jerusalem Post  

"According to Bloomberg, officials from Mossad have lobbied Congressional and administration officials to refrain from imposing new sanctions against Iran." 

Netanyahu and Obama

"According to the report, officials from Mossad have lobbied Congressional and administration officials to refrain from imposing new sanctions against Iran for fear that it would lead to a collapse of the Western powers’ talks with the Islamic Republic over its nuclear program.

"The White House expressed anger over the invite extended to Netanyahu, calling it “a departure from protocol.” ...

You mean like going around Congress with executive orders?

Such a loss that Obama could not have been mentored by Martin Luther King, Jr. instead of Rev Wright and Bill Ayres - to name just two.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

National Review Commentaries on Obama and Syria

In reading these columns by the esteemed people at National Review Online, we are struck by the common thread that this president and his counselors are, to a person, unqualified to run our nation's affairs.
While this material is a condemnation of the Obama administration's amateurism, it highlights the silliness of the American electorate. That and of the cultural rot that led to our selecting this petulant juvenile celebrity as our trophy president. TD

John Podhoretz; Feckless Obama embarrasses the nation
'Thanks to Pres. Obama’s strength,” tweeted House Democratic honcho Nancy Pelosi, “we have a Russian proposal.” The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein tweeted, “Kind of amazed I’m saying this, but the White House may really be about to win on Syria.”
"Ah, yes, winning. Which is to say, being humiliated, acting weak, behaving in vacillatory fashion, making a mockery of your office, destroying your country’s credibility, making your own words look desperately foolish, and ceding foreign policy to the Machiavellian machinations of a gangster regime in Moscow."
 NRO Editors; Amateur Hour
...."This deal is the immediate, concrete expression of that loss, with Putin elevated, Assad more secure, and Obama humiliated."
...."American power is a fearsome thing. But the American presidency at the moment, occupied by a rank amateur, is not."
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Victor Davis Hanson; Obama’s Farce
"No one currently in charge of U.S. foreign policy has any record of foreign-policy success. Those who might have offered wise counsel either are dead, have left the administration, or do not exercise authority — Crocker, Eikenberry, Gates, Holbrooke, Mattis, Petraeus."
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Daniel Pipes; Forget Syria, Target Iran
"In this light, I recommend that Congress reject the sideshow proffered by the administration and instead pass a resolution endorsing and encouraging force against the Iranian nuclear infrastructure."

Rich Lowry; Unbelievably Small and Incredibly Unpersuasive
"If he’s not already, the president may soon wonder why, with the Syria vote, he built a pyre, threw his presidency on it, and asked Congress to decide whether to light a match. Considering the gravity of the possible defeat before him, any escape hatch can look attractive, even one provided by his secretary of state’s careless words."
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Media fail: 'Regular' mom in SOTU speech former Democrat operative for Patty Murray

Ethel C. FenigJust an average, ordinary retooled homemaker...who happens to be a Democratic campaign staffer  . . . "Oh, and Rebekah's husband Ben, the sacrificing construction Husband of the Year worker who is now thriving and is part of Obama's "our story."  Well, definitely not my story and maybe not yours.  Unmentioned also as to why perhaps Ben Erler lost his job...he drinks a lot and has been cited quite often for DUI.  That is not recommended for continuing employment in construction jobs."
So why would President Obama and his allies in the media keep this information from the public? And why would Obama feel the need to fool the country with such a ruse?
Barack Obama with Rebekah Erler.
Barack Obama with Rebekah Erler.

"During Tuesday night's State of the Union speech, President Obama spoke of a struggling mother of two from Minneapolis who wrote him a touching letter describing her struggle as a middle-class person. Obama even said the story of her and her husband was “the reason I ran for this office.” But it turns out that Rebekah Erler, the woman who wrote that letter to Obama, is a former Democratic campaign operative who worked as a field organizer for Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., and worked on Obama's 2008 campaign, Newsbusters reported Wednesday. Worse yet, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune failed to mention that in its glowing article.

Legal Insurrection:  . . "Remember Rebekah Erler, President Obama’s premiere “everywoman” success story from last night’s State of the Union address? The one whose family inspired the leader of the free world to stand up for the common man by…raising their taxes, or something?

"As it turns out, Rebekah isn’t just an inspiration. She’s an operative.

Consider Obama's character: 
  • This site lists more My own personal choice is Obama's closing down all parks and monuments during the "government shutdown" with his instructions to make sure it hurt.  Petulant juvenile.

Monday, May 19, 2014

This administration and the voters who elected them - TWICE -are an embarrassment to so many of us

Adolescent president shows his stuff   "Barack Obama shimmied across the Shake Shack counter following lunch with Joe Biden on Friday. posted an official picture of the impromptu show on its website. Check out his adoring fans in the front row.
"After six years, we know Mr. and Mrs. Obama love sticking it to the United States of America. While Barack was sliding his backside all over the counter, Michelle was in Kansas delivering another race speech to 1,200 graduating high school seniors. According to the first African-American First Lady, the nation is as racist as ever. “Today, by some measures, our schools are as segregated as they were back when Dr. King gave his final speech,” she said.
"Could we have a more immature and pandering first couple than these two?"
For Michelle Obama, world is black and white — but skin deep  "She talks about it often, incessantly, even, injecting race and racism into speeches and events in which they have no business. And she did so again on Friday, when she traveled to Topeka, Kansas, to deliver a speech to graduating high school seniors."  More...

“ 'It’s our first African-American president, something that many people involved in Brown didn’t think they would live to see,” Cheryl Brown Henderson said in an interview with The New York Times, calling the visit “a manifestation of what they worked for.' ”

True, but how sad that of so many African-Americans in this country with governing abilities, we had to elect a couple who will leave a path of destruction in their wake. 
Case in point:

The U.S. Embassy in Sweden, has been flying the Pride flag below the American flag to commemorate Stockholm Pride this week

The Soviet president vs. the Petulant Juvenile president   ... "Clearly, Vladimir Putin and his comrades want a resurgent Russia restored to power, prestige, and influence.  They want to be supreme in their sphere and to play a superpower role in the world.
" 'Against them we have a secretary of state, John Kerry, who fecklessly bleats about the Russians being on “the wrong side of history.”  And we have other high administration officials who scold the Russians, saying their seizure of Crimea is not in keeping with the enlightened standards of the twenty-first century. " ... 
I do recall pictures of the Soviet flag at pro-Obama rallies, don't you?

*I'm more concerned over Christophobia  

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Obama to abandon Israel at the UN

This petulant juvenile president gets his revenge for Netanyahu's speech to Congress

Caroline Glick
"In testimony last week before the House committee in charge of State Department funding, US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power acknowledged that the Obama administration intends to abandon the US’s 50 year policy of supporting Israel at the United Nations.

"After going through the tired motions of pledging support for Israel, “when it matters,” Power refused to rule out the possibility that the US would support anti-Israel resolutions in the UN Security Council to limit Israeli sovereignty and control to the lands within the 1949 armistice lines – lines that are indefensible.

"Such a move will be taken, she indicated, in order to midwife the establishment of a terrorist-supporting Palestinian state whose supposedly moderate leadership does not recognize Israel’s right to exist, calls daily for its destruction, and uses the UN to delegitimize the Jewish state.
In other words, the Obama administration intends to pin Israel into indefensible borders while establishing a state committed to its destruction." . . . Full article.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Krauthammer: Obama's foreign policy it to make it look as if something is happening

This petulant juvenile has blamed others for his failures for seven years. I see him dragging out US foreign affairs to pass his mess on to the next administration, which is what one would expect from a politician who spent his elected political life voting "present".
When out of office, expect Obama to sit on the sidelines, speaking snarkily about how he would have handled this nation's affairs much better. The Tunnel Dweller

"President Obama said he didn’t break his vow not to send U.S. troops to Syria when he sent U.S. troops to Syria. He said it was nullified when he sent U.S. troops to Iraq, which he’d vowed not to do. Barack Obama’s Syria strategy is so screwed up he’s trying to change the subject to his Iraq strategy."  Comedian Argus Hamilton

Krauthammer’s Take: Obama’s Foreign Policy Is ‘Make It Look as if Something Is Happening’
"President Obama knows sending 50 special ops forces into Syria won’t accomplish anything, but doing so gives the appearance of having a foreign policy, Charles Krauthammer charged tonight on Fox News’s Special Report. “Five years into this civil war and you have done nothing,”

"Krauthammer said. By announces he’s sending in a limited number of soldiers, Obama is trying to ”give the appearance of motion — make it look as if something is happening so at least he can issue statements.”

“ 'The Russians and Iranians have shown they will do something,” Krauthammer continued. “Obama shown over and over again, 50 special ops in this vast Kurdish area, everybody knows it’s a joke. And the irony is, the Turks have been attacking our Kurdish allies in that enclave, which is why we can’t do a fly zone.' ” 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Who should fear Obama most: Islamic murderers or critics of Obama policies?

Addressing root causes means blaming Islamic terrorism on everything from colonialism to global warming. It doesn’t mean defeating it, but finding new ways to blame it on the West.

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Obama Wants to Defeat America, Not ISIS . . . "The White House version of reality says that ISIS attacked Paris because it’s losing. Obama also claimed that Putin’s growing strength in Syria is a sign of weakness. Never mind that Putin has all but succeeded in getting countries that were determined to overthrow Assad to agree to let him stay.

"Weakness is strength. Strength is weakness.

"Obama’s failed wars occupy a space of unreality that most Americans associate with Baghdad Bob bellowing that there are no American soldiers in Iraq. (There are, according to the White House, still no American ground forces in Iraq. Only American forces in firefights on the ground in Iraq.)

"There’s nothing new about any of this. Obama doesn’t win wars. He lies about them.

"The botched campaign against ISIS is a replay of the disaster in Afghanistan complete with ridiculous rules of engagement, blatant administration lies and no plan for victory. But there can’t be a plan for victory because when Obama gets past the buzzwords, he begins talking about addressing root causes.

"And you don’t win wars by addressing root causes. That’s just a euphemism for appeasement."

Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

Michael Barone: Obama gets really angry -- at Americans  . . . "But what really got him angry, as the transcript and videotape make clear, were reporters' repeated questions about the minimal success of his strategy against the Islamic State and Republicans' proposals for more active engagement in Syria and Iraq. As well as critics of his decision to allow 10,000 Syrians into the United States." . . .

 Do any of his supporters from 2008 and 2012 now see Obama as the petulant juvenile he has been all along?

Friday, October 26, 2012

More Evidence of the Administration’s Failure in Benghazi

Max Boot  "Defense Secretary Leon Panetta now explains the decision not to act militarily by saying that he and top military commanders “felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation” because they didn’t have enough “real-time information about what’s taking place.” But of course more real-time information could have been obtained by sending aircraft to overfly Benghazi.
"In any case, Special Operations Forces and other military forces are used to acting on incomplete information, especially in a situation where Americans are under fire and in danger of being overrun. At that point, caution is normally thrown to the wind, and Quick Reaction Forces are launched. It is indeed puzzling that there was apparently no standing plan to send a Quick Reaction Force to Benghazi (or other areas in North Africa where U.S. outposts are located) or, if such a plan existed, the decision was made not to activate it."
Ah HA! It all becomes clear now; the Bush Administration failed to set up this plan! Obama was merely following the procedures left behind by the previous administration! Watch and see if this petulant juvenile doesn't use this excuse. TD
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
The men at the safe house were killed by a mortar barrage. This video shows you what we could have done with Islamist mortar positions

Andrew C. McCarthy on Sharia killing Ambassador Stevens:  "...our willfully blind government refuses to assimilate despite years of anti-American atrocities. Under the supremacist interpretation of sharia ...non-Muslim Westerners who seek to implant Western ideas and institutions in Islamic countries are deemed enemies who must be driven out or killed. As U.S. Ambassador to Libya, as an American attempting to transition the former Qaddafi dictatorship into something approximating Western democracy, Christopher Stephens was deemed an enemy worthy of killing; therefore, sharia ideologues killed him, along with three other similarly “culpable” Americans."

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Remember Castro's Mariel boatlift? Arizona has become this Petulant Juvenile President's version

FEMA, immigration officials dumping thousands of illegal children in AZ    "And when I say "dumping," I mean they are flying and busing these kids to Arizona and stuffing them in warehouses with not enough food or supplies. They are also - incredibly - busing kids to a Greyhound staton in Phoenix and simply letting them go, hoping they can find their parents who are also here illegally."
"The Obama administration is handling this humanitarian crisis about as well as they handled the rollout of Obamacare. No direction, no leadership - just one SNAFU after another.

"Their actions make us look like a banana republic."

Thousands of unaccompanied minors crossing the border are straining the US agencies that handle illegal immigration. That could affect President Obama's election year plans.  "The Obama administration has linked the trend to unrest in Central American countries, but Republican critics say an executive action that the president took in 2012 is to blame, calling the situation "an administration-made disaster.. "

 Feds Drop Off Two Planeloads Of Illegal Aliens In El Paso, Texas   Quoting from this article in the El Paso Times: ...

These stories found at Drudge

Growing concern of diseases...
No end in sight for 'dumping' policy...
White House Launches Program to Provide Lawyers...
Cruz: Obama 'lawlessness' responsible for crisis...
Cantor: Time to strike deal...

Friday, March 1, 2013

When this petulant juvenile encounters real journalists

When the Obama Administration Goes After a Journalist for Reporting the Truth  "As the broken bodies of journalists abused by this Adminstration begin to pile up -- making the Nixon Administration look like boy scouts -- media types just might begin to report the news objectively and with greater regard for the truth than their personal, ideological predilections have, to date, allowed.  This is a change we can all hope for.  And, to honor the first fallen heros, we should call it "Marinucci-Woodward Journalistic Integrity.""  Read more:
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
From the UK: The Mutt and Jeff of the Obama administration
"Is the United States about to become a laughing-stock to the rest of the world? It seems to have accrued a Defence Secretary who is the toast of Iran, and a Secretary of State who is a blithering idiot.
"It was hard to imagine that the new guy at State, John Kerry, could make himself look even more stupid than he has done by his science-denying belief that the planet is about to fry through man-made climate change. Well, he has indeed now exceeded such expectations."
"Not so much a Defence Secretary, then, as an Offence Secretary – upsetting America’s allies and sucking up to its mortal enemies.
"Kerry and Hagel – the Mutt and Jeff of the Obama administration.
"And Iran, not surprisingly, is beating its chest in delight and racing towards building its genocide bomb."
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Senator: Obama has media 'enemies list'  "Inhofe, a Republican, told nationally-syndicated "Andrea Tantaros Show" Friday morning that he wasn't surprised when Washington Post Watergate sleuth Bob Woodward and other mainstream reporters revealed that they have been threatened by Obama aides for criticizing the administration's tactics, especially during the fight over the sequester."
George Will; “I will do many things for my country and my profession,” Will said. “I will not take seriously Mr. Carney.”  "During the White House press briefing on Thursday, Obama press secretary Jay Carney had a dire warning if the sequester deadline passed, which was those “severe cuts” would take their toll on middle-class jobs and “slash vital services for children, seniors and our troops and military families.”

WaPo Fact-Checker Blasts White House Sequester Scare Tactics " So, Obama lies. And for the most part the media had blindly played right along. But thanks to Bob Woodward leading the way, a few brave members of the media's Cult of Obama have woken up (if only for a moment) and risked a backlash from their colleagues by reporting the truth about Obama and his sequester lies."

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Put America, her allies, and our foreign policy in the hands of a petulant juvenile president and this is what we get.

“Every nation has the government it deserves.” Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821)

Obama’s Policies Put the U.S. on an Irreversible Path to Impotence – Videos
. . . "There is no sign that the policies will change because the ideology to which our leaders adhere is written in stone and the president operates without the other branches of government to guide him. His advisors are only those who will tell him what he wants to hear." . . .

... "Eventually, we will have no place from which to launch an offensive.
"Yemen was an important base and we are going to lose it.
"It is going to get much worse and the U.S. will have far less influence. Mr. Obama does not count Iran’s takeover as meaningful. It’s still a “tiny country” to him.
"Mr. Obama thinks we are in a better position when every country is equally powerful and the U.S. grovels from a point of weakness like other non-terror nations.
"Lands currently under Iranian influence:

Remember in 2010?  Obama snubbed Netanyahu for dinner with Michelle and the girls, Israelis claim  . . . "As he left, Mr Netanyahu was told to consider the error of his ways. "I'm still around," Mr Obama is quoted by Israel's Yediot Ahronot newspaper as having said. "Let me know if there is anything new.' "

Mr. Obama may have had a good reason -I can't say- but no other president would have handled it this way. Well, maybe President Belafonte would.
The next president should get out that reset button and re-label it in Hebrew.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Obama administration releases top-secret doc revealing Israel's nuclear program

 Good heavens, what has this petulant juvenile president done now?

Pentagon declassifies report revealing Israeli nuclear program.

"On Wednesday, Israel National News reported that the Obama administration "quietly" declassified a top-secret 1987 Defense Department report outlining Israel's nuclear program. While the administration revealed Israel's program, it kept secret information on other countries like Italy, France, West Germany and other NATO countries.

"Worse yet, Ari Yashar and Matt Wanderman said, the U.S. "reportedly" breached a silent agreement to keep Israel's program under wraps. The timing of the report was also questionable, they added, citing tensions between Netanyahu and Obama."   Full article here.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Clear Choice

Republicans are Offering Governance and Leadership   "The Democrats gave up on governance and leadership long ago in favor of the creation of disparate disaffected groups that could be separated and courted with government programs to address their dissatisfaction (real or imagined) with success in our society. "

Paul Ryan: The Right Man in the Right Place at the Right Time   "Ryan vowed that “Medicare is a promise, and we will honor it. A Romney-Ryan administration will protect and strengthen Medicare, for my Mom’s generation, for my generation, and for my kids and yours.”

"As Ryan stated midway through his nomination acceptance speech: “So our opponents can consider themselves on notice. In this election, on this issue, the usual posturing on the Left isn’t going to work. Mitt Romney and I know the difference between protecting a program, and raiding it. Ladies and gentlemen, our nation needs this debate. We want this debate. We will win this debate.” "
Dems Pander for Votes   "By the way, one more thing the proggies don’t tell you is that two-thirds of minimum wage workers earn a raise within a year from those evil job creators who hired them."
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Legal Insurrection,

" "There is no country … not even a rising China, that can do more harm to us than we can do to ourselves if we fail to accomplish the tasks before us here at home," she said."

Republican committee chair calls Obama an 'unabashed leftist Democrat'
"This is not your daddy's Democrat in the White House," Priebus said ..."He's an unabashed leftist Democrat, an European-style Democrat."

Mr. Barone discusses Obama's likeability vs. Romney's. (What on earth do they find likable about this petulant juvenile president ruling over us now?)
Michael BaroneTeam Romney emphasizes Mitt’s differences from the president on the issues.

"The latest ABC/Washington Post poll, for example, reported that when asked which of the two candidates was more likable, 61 percent picked Obama and only 27 percent said Romney. That looks like a huge advantage.
"But when you look at what pollsters call their favorable/unfavorables, the contrast is much less distinct."...