Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Campus hunger strikers and the cause they support



Princeton Students Get Hungry, End Hunger Strike - The brats have spoken
The demands outlined were: “Meet with students to discuss their demands for disclosure, divestment and a full academic and cultural boycott of Israel; grant complete amnesty from all criminal and disciplinary charges for participants of the peaceful sit-in. Reverse all campus bans and evictions of students.”

Princeton Anti-Israel Hunger Strike Collapses, Solves its Problem by Rotating in New Strikers (  "This weekend, I noted that the anti-Israel hunger strike for Palestine at Princeton University didn’t seem to have an exit strategy. No one was paying attention to the students’ demands after they allegedly went without food for 8 days.

"Now, they have basically thrown in the towel, but they came up with a way to keep things going, too. They brought in newer, less hungry strikers. You couldn’t make this up."  

The Jews and the Arabs who are fighting in this war fast many times a year and don't ask for a Nobel prize for it. Meanwhile the trust fund kids in the US are like "if we each take three hours we can combine to have fasted"

Anti-Israel campus protesters have experienced “some kind of psychiatric break” ( . . ."Are they anti-Israel, or is there something deeper at play? I think it’s wrong to view this as a purely anti-Israel movement on the US campuses. Certainly it is anti-Israel, but it’s more fundamentally anti-American, anti-Western, and anti-capitalist. And I do think it’s a psychological phenomenon, which makes it harder to deal with. It’s almost become a cult, and in order to be accepted into the cult, you have to announce your hatred for Israel, you have to announce support for people who actually hate you. So there’s something that’s hard to address, because you have people who’ve had some sort of mental breakdown." . . .

Do those
silly protesting scarf people even know about this? Israeli video compilation shows the savagery and ease of Hamas' attack | AP News
The footage that the Israeli military showed foreign correspondents Monday included a photo of a burnt baby. It showed gunmen shooting the dead bodies of civilians in cars, militants in the process of beheading a body with a hoe, burnt corpses thrown in a dumpster.

Show the above to Greta, will you? 

Pro-Palestinian Students Losing: Vast Majority of Fellow Students' Support Israel - The Lid

"So, despite all the hatemongering, the attacks on Jews, the accusations of genocide, and the obstruction and destruction these petty little children are committing, it isn’t driving support for their disgusting actions among their own peers."

Be yourself...just avoid tall buildings: 

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