Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Political Power Hasn't Brought Black Progress

By WALTER E. WILLIAMS http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx?id=334794716456151 "In fact, politicians tend to be hostile to some of the solutions to problems many blacks face, such as school choice as a means to strengthen education and the elimination of oppressive licensing restrictions for various occupations, and supportive of job-destroying labor legislation such as minimum wage laws."

Mike Ramirez cartoon


Astroturfers offered $10-15 an hour to demonstrate for Dems

http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/08/astroturfers_offered_1015_an_h.html "Obama's political Svengali and top White House aide David Axelrod, after all, openly provided astroturfing services to corporations and politicians alike. Steve Gilbert of Sweetness & Light discovered a treasure trove of information about HCAN - Health Care for America Now."

Guess who beat up Gladney?

http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/08/guess_who_beat_up_gladney.html "Bill Hennessey of the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition reports per Steve Gilbert of Sweetness & Light that the man who beat up Mr Gladney is an SEIU official who is a candidate for Mayor:"

'Death Panels' in Oregon?

http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/08/death_panels_in_oregon.html "Susan Donaldson James of ABC News reports on the letter Ms. Wagner received from the Oregon Health Plan in response to a $4000 a month drug her doctor prescribed after her lung cancer, long in remission, returned.. the insurance company refused to pay. What the Oregon Health Plan did agree to cover, however, were drugs for a physician-assisted death. Those drugs would cost about $50."

Another sub-prime crisis looms

http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/08/another_subprime_crisis_looms.html "If there was ever any proof needed that government is run by a bunch of idiots, this is it.After bailing out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to the tune of almost a trillion dollars, one might think that government had learned its lesson about loaning money to people for houses who either can't afford it or have proven to be bad risks in the past.Enter Ginnie Mae..."

Mary Robinson’s Medal of Freedom

By JOHN BOLTON http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204251404574342152496390582.html "Criticism of Mr. Obama’s award, to be officially bestowed tomorrow, has centered on Ms. Robinson’s central organizing role as secretary general of the 2001 “World Conference Against Racism” in Durban, South Africa. Instead of concentrating on its purported objectives, Durban was virulently anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, and at least implicitly anti-American."

Kuwait says it foiled Qaeda attack on US base

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.e975259b386fc683f1e88d0b03ec7004.bd1&show_article=1 "The six Kuwaitis were also planning to attack state security offices and other government buildings, according to an interior ministry statement."

Feds Holding Back $100 Million in Drill Leases

http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=52290 "As it turns out, the federal government is holding a boatload of money for leases it auctioned and sold but hasn't issued, holding them back for bureaucratic review because of environmental protests and lawsuits."

Ten Questions Politicians Won’t Answer

By Tom Coburn http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=ZDM5NDJkMDA2ODJlNmMxY2VhYmI2NGJhZGEwZGFlNjU=&w=MA== "Public-option advocates want the American people to believe — in spite of their past statements — that they aren’t trying to lay the groundwork for a total government takeover of health care, but instead are trying to create new choices. Fortunately, the American people aren’t buying it, and public-option proponents are now attacking the skeptics."


By Neal Boortz http://boortz.com/nealz_nuze/2009/08/canadian-healthcare-not-for-am.html "Just last week I posted an article by Scott W. Atlas, "Ten reasons why America's health care system is in better condition than you might suppose." In that article he gives several "scary" statistics on the Canadian healthcare system compared to the United States."

White House Adapts to New Playbook in Health Care Debate

http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/11/health/policy/11health.html?_r=1&hp "But in introducing the Web site, White House officials were tacitly acknowledging a difficult reality: they are suddenly at risk of losing control of the public debate over a signature issue for Mr. Obama and are now playing defense in a way they have not since last year’s campaign."