Friday, August 21, 2009

Terrorists Go Scot Free/ The release of the Lockerbie terrorist is exactly what we should have expected.

By Andrew C. McCarthy National Review= "Obviously, the fecklessness of the Obama administration in response to Scotland’s release and Libya’s celebration of a terrorist who murdered 270 people, including 189 Americans, is outrageous. But the Obama administration is staffed with appeasers who all but ensure outcomes of this sort. What did we think the attitude of other countries was going to be when we put these folks in charge?"

Figures. Black Panther Who Threatened Voters In Philly Is a Credentialed Dem Poll Watcher

Gateway Pundit ""Mr. Jackson's MySpace page still lists one of his main 'general interests' as 'Killing Crakkkas.' Four days after the Justice Department dropped the complaint against Mr. Jackson, he again was named an official election poll watcher for the Democratic primary in Philadelphia's municipal election. How convenient." "

Passion Gives GOP An Edge In This Debate

IBD "This doesn't mean, though, that Americans look any more kindly upon the Republican Party — favorability for the GOP has been steady at 40% throughout the year, according to Pew. What it does mean, however, is that Republican efforts to obstruct, delay, confuse, stall, distort and otherwise impede the reform agenda that Americans voted for last November have had measurable success. "

Pro: Residential Wind Power Facts

alternative-heating-info "The mission of the American Wind Energy Association is to promote wind power growth through advocacy, communication, and education. Wind: Powering a cleaner, stronger America"

Con: A Problem With Wind Power "On a small scale, where a turbine directly supplies the users and the fluctuating production can be stored, wind can contribute to a home, school, factory, office building, or even small village's electricity. But this simply does not work on a large scale to supply the grid. Even the small benefits claimed by their promoters are far outstripped by the huge negative impacts."

Lisa Benson Cartoon

Liberals attack Whole Foods

By Robin of Berkeley "Their tactics can be so cruel and chilling, that those of us with a conscience can be left hanging in the dust. Meanwhile, a la Saul Alinsky, the Left isolates, demonizes and destroys their "enemies," that is anyone who disagrees with them.When a person or company is the next target for Liberal Fascism, my plan is to contact the business and offer unconditional support and encourage my new friends to do ths same."

Ties that bind: Iran-Hezb'allah

American Thinker "Iran gave Hezbollah and Hamas full, comprehensive support, and that without it they would not have "won" the second Lebanon war and Operation Cast Lead. He said that ""we fully supported Hezbollah and took responsibility for Hamas during the [Israeli] attack [Operation Cast Lead] on the Gaza Strip."

Report from the Town Hall Front

American Thinker "I had the opportunity to speak with the other side and see their signs demanding healthcare now. Call me biased, but I saw no depth behind their demands other than "I want my Maypo." None of them cared a wit about our debt, only to blame Bush for spending money, but for Obama to spend twice as much mattered not. If you told them Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, etc are going broke they seemed to think the government will make it all good or your(sic) are just spouting talking points. Not one logical argument anywhere."

Detainees Shown CIA Officers' Photos

Washington Post "The Justice Department recently questioned military defense attorneys at Guantanamo Bay about whether photographs of CIA personnel, including covert officers, were unlawfully provided to detainees charged with organizing the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to sources familiar with the investigation." Remember this is the Eric Holder Justice Dept.

On Dishing It Out . . .

By Victor Davis Hanson "During the bleak days of Iraq, demonstrators carried swastikas and Hitler portraits of Bush habitually. Nicholson Baker wrote a novel in which characters are contemplating killing Bush. Films were praised imagining the assassination of the president. Michael Moore, courted by the Democratic elite, lamented that bin Laden on 9/11 had hit a blue state — and once compared the killers of Americans in Iraq to Minutemen."

The Kennedy Rule: No GOP Senators Allowed

Wall Street Journal "The Boston Globe now notes Mr. Kennedy's current request "puts lawmakers in a delicate position." They "are nervous about being accused of engineering a self-serving change to help their party" just a few years after ramming through a similar self-serving change."