Monday, October 5, 2009

Redefining Marriage by Redefining Good and Evil

Alliance Defense Fund "Obama’s EEOC pick, Chai Feldblum: Sexual liberty wins in conflict with religious liberty." More Here: "Barack Obama's latest nominee for The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission signed a petition that praised polygamy."

General Injustice; McChrystal’s critics are wrong — very wrong — to suggest he has gone PC.

National Review=# "But does it really advance the cause of combating Islamism? Withdrawing from Afghanistan now will heave that country, and possibly Pakistan, into chaotic, region-shaking civil war. It will dramatically increase the freedom of both the Taliban and al-Qaeda to operate. It will strengthen the hands of those in Pakistan who want to continue to support the Taliban and weaken those who have been fighting Pakistan’s own Islamist enemies. And it will increase the prospects of yet another catastrophic terrorist attack on our homeland, as happened the last time we abandoned Afghanistan to the fates, and the Taliban took power there. How does any of that advance the cause of defeating Islamism?"

McChrystal’s Duty

By Max Boot "All that McChrystal is doing is telling the president — and the public — what it will take to prevent that dire scenario from unfolding. There is no indication that he violated any presidential or Pentagon directive by speaking in London; if he had, surely we would have heard about it by now."

Aw: Ahmadinejad doesn’t have Jewish roots after all

Hot Air "On the one hand, this counter-scoop from the Guardian would answer my question about why, if his original surname’s been widely known for years, no one accused him of having Jewish roots until just recently. Answer: Because it’s not really a Jewish name, silly."

Why There Was No Depression

By Robert J. Samuelson "But this improved confidence is not optimism. It is the absence of terror. The consumer sentiment index is still weak. Unemployment (9.8 percent) is abysmal, the recovery's strength unclear. Here, too, there is an echo from the 1930s. Despite bottoming in 1933, the Depression didn't really end until World War II. Government didn't ensure recovery. Some policies helped, some hurt. The good news today is simply that the bad news is not worse." Credit to Obama here.

Biden Butts In

IBD# "As the commander in Afghanistan tries to get President Obama's attention on troops, it's political players like Vice President Biden who have his ear. Yet the military has a record of success. Biden has only blunders."

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Townhall Audience gives Letterman 35-second ovation at tonight’s show Hot Air

Saturn Couldn't Escape GM's Dysfunctional Orbit

WSJ Online "Union leaders hated the flexible work rules and eventually got rid of them." h/t to Neal Boortz

Why Obama's Boyish Utopia Endangers Us

By Kevin McCullough# "In President Obama's utopia, the socialists and the communists DO have it right, and this is perhaps the major reason he records in his own books his great delight in hanging with them in college. But man's depravity has always been and will always be the fatal flaw in this theory. " h/t Neal Boortz

Obama's Foreign Policy Suspends Disbelief

By George Will# "The other proposition is that Iran's regime seeks nuclear weapons merely to enhance the nation's security and not also for regional hegemony or the enjoyment of the enlarged status that comes from being a nuclear power. To believe that, draw a long breath, and shut your eyes."

Zinni: Don't Delay Decision on Afghan War

CBS News "The former U.S. commander in Afghanistan, General Anthony Zinni, warned that the deliberations over whether to send additional troops to Afghanistan - as many as 40,000, as suggested by General Stanley McChrystal - should not go on too much longer, lest the debate be viewed as indecision or weakness."

Time to Deal with Black Racism

Lloyd Marcus# "Black liberal enablers cannot relieve black males of personal responsibility for their behavior, blaming everything on whitey, and expect the lives of these youths to change for the better. Like every other sin, a measure of racism will always exist. But we cannot continue allowing minority racism to go unchecked and expect us to ever truly become united as Americans. "