Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Grating Communicator

By Ann Coulter "But I think the administration should have picked someone other than David Axelrod to deliver thBolde claim that Fox News is "not really news," inasmuch as Axelrod was behind the leak of scurrilous allegations in Jack Ryan's sealed divorce papers when he was running for a Senate seat against Obama. Talk about vicious personal gossip."

Obama's Fox News offensive: Has it worked?

MinnPost "With its concerted campaign against Fox - including not sending administration members to talk to Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace - the White House has stepped up an unusual campaign on a major media organization. The boycott came after Fox News broadcast an undercover investigation of ACORN..."

Obama Effect already working to embargo Fox News story

American Thinker "This is clear evidence that the White House is targeting Fox News for reporting straight stories that could damage the administration and in doing so it has scared the rest of the national media off of the story. And it is working all too well."

Text of the Speech Geert Wilders MP / Columbia University

Atlas Shrugs "The ambassador of these Muslim nations told Thomas Jefferson and John Adams that Muslims find the justification for their slaughter and enslavement of kafir in the Koran. Now I ask you, dear friends, could it be that Thomas Jefferson did not keep a copy of the Koran because he admired Islam but because he wanted to understand the ruthless nature of his enemies?" Wilders film "Fitna" Here: Part one. See what the fuss is over.

White House Emails MSNBC During Broadcast to Correct Them

Gateway Pundit "White House emails directions to MSNBC…The Obama White House emailed MSNBC during a live broadcast to “correct” them on their coverage of the administration’s attacks on FOX News."

Two on the Cheney speech

Real "Hope" and CHENEY Atlas Shrugs "It is pathetic that while Obama slams Bush on Afghanistan, they are adopting the very strategy that the Bush team devised. Worse, Obama asked Bush and co. to keep the plan quiet .... and they did. So Obama takes it as his own and simultaneously slams Bush. This is one ugly demagogue." Cheney Honored By Policy Center For Security. Obama Left Scratching His Head "...the former Vice President indicated that the administration’s own lack of experience, direction, inability to make hard decisions and their reluctance to commit themselves to a war in Afghanistan that they admitted to be necessary, has chosen to make the previous administration a scapegoat."

The Kitty-Cat Who Roared

By Victor Davis Hanson "The loud reformer Obama himself proves even emptier in his promises than Bush."

Spc. Flores couldn't make it to Fiesta Latina

American Thinker "Regardless of his ethnicity, Flores likely would have preferred Obama spend his night concentrating on making a quick decision about a troop surge. Instead, the President chose to spend precious time delighting guests while making sure to not step on Thalia's toes "...who lured him onto the dance floor." "

Obamanoia/ Little Hope, Less Change

By Victor Davis Hanson "Right now to save America we need some steady leadership that reassures businesses of lower taxes, less government spending, no new regulations, educational reform to improve the work force, and confident expansionary energy exploration and development. Instead, we get a prescription to terrify private enterprise: Mr. President, every time you besmirch someone as greedy, lying, and unduly rich, some business, somewhere, pulls in its horns."

Karl Rove: Obama Goes Wobbly on Afghanistan

WSJ "It's vital that the president build this coalition because without decisive American leadership, international support for confronting terrorism will soon dissipate. The unraveling of Afghanistan and nuclear-armed Pakistan might not be far behind."

Big Voting Rights Drama in Small Town

Pajamas Media "Given the absurdity of the reason [Acting Assistant Attorney Loretta ] King gave to deny Kinston clearance for the electoral change, one would hope that the town would mount a constitutional challenge. Apparently, it is the only entity under the Act with standing to do so, but it appears the town will not. King, therefore, will have her way for the moment, though one wonders how much longer Attorney General Holder can afford to keep her in this position. She has a penchant for making moves that are not capable of rational explanation except as examples of hyperpartisanship, which diminishes respect for the law and the Justice Department."

Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance

CNS News "He added that Congress has “broad authority” to force Americans to purchase other things as well, so long as it was trying to promote “the general welfare.”" Related enough for me: Medical Malpractice Reform Needed in Health Care Bill, Senator and Doctors Say: "If Democrats were serious about getting rid of junk lawsuits, I’m sure they could have found room in the 1,500-page Baucus bill … Unfortunately, they did not.”