Saturday, May 4, 2024

Intifada hurt Democrats; Democrats are drinking the venom of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism.

 Don Surber (

Democrats hitched their star to young college graduates — Free Ride Educated Devotees of Obama, or FREDOs for short. They’re idiots. 27% blame Israel for the October 7 attack by Hamas. 

Toon added by TD

"Americans woke up Wednesday morning to scenes on TV of police in blue cities arresting college students who camped on campuses. The action came as Democrats were appalled —

— by their polling numbers.

"The internal numbers must be even worse because Chuckles the Clown Schumer, the Senate Democrat leader, took to the Senate floor and said, “Smashing windows with hammers and taking over a university building is not free speech. It is lawlessness. And those who did it should promptly face the consequences that are not merely a slap on the wrist.

“ 'Campuses cannot be places of learning and argument and discussion when protests veer into criminality and those who commit such acts are doing nothing to convince others that their cause is just.”

"I do not recall Schumer condemning the BLM riots of 2020. Burning used car lots apparently is covered by the First Amendment.

"His denunciation came four weeks after FJB demanded a ceasefire, which is what the students demanded.

"This would be the 16th ceasefire in Israel’s 75-year history. The last one was broken on October 7 by out-of-uniform Gazan soldiers who attacked a civilian festival and raped, tortured, murdered and then mutilated the bodies of 1,400 Israelis and foreign visitors. The violations of international law included taking hostage 240 people with Americans among them.

"FJB, Democrats and the media, who worked feverishly to free a WNBA player who was arrested in Russia on drug law violations, have ignored the Palestinians kidnapping Americans.

"The campus protests revealed to Americans that Democrats are drinking in their Kool-Aid the venom of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism." . . .

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