Sunday, May 23, 2010

Memories of Munich, Threats from Tehran

Warning Signs "In the history of the United States, no previous president has ever had less experience for the job. In contrast to George W. Bush who told nations he would invade you if you posed a threat, most of the world’s leaders have concluded Obama is an empty suit, a dunce, and an easy mark. The Iranians openly mock him while the rest have the decency to do it behind closed doors." Alan Caruba.
Hitler had a plan to conquer Europe. He began by taking Austria, then Czechoslovakia. Again, no one tried to stop him. As Winston Churchill, who became Britain's wartime leader, said, "Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonor. They chose dishonor. They will have war." Scholastic ; "World War II: An Overview"

Obama And Accountability

JustOneMinute "
"Mr. Obama all but declared victory in Iraq, praising the military, but not Mr. Bush, for turning it around. “A lesser Army might have seen its spirit broken,” he said. “But the American military is more resilient than that.” "
"The US Army has spent four years teaching these young officers the importance of accountability. One wonders what lesson they took watching their commander-in-chief duck his role in opposing the successful surge. Or was it successful? Last we checked, Obama had never said the surge worked, but he wanted one in Afghanistan."

Oil disaster: Was the Response Adequate? Part III

Powerline Blog "The Mobile newspaper story rings true. It isn't really an indictment of the Obama administration -- presumably the government didn't have fire booms on hand during the Bush administration either -- it's an indictment of the federal government. Obama stands indicted for wanting massively to increase the scope and power of the federal government."

Another Arizona Pinata approach

Glenn Foden, Townhall

At West Point, Obama offers new security strategy

NY Times  "The speech offered a glimpse of his first official national security strategy, to be released this week, including four principles: to build strength abroad by building strength at home through education, clean energy and innovation; to promote “the renewed engagement of our diplomats” and support international development; to rebuild alliances; and to promote human rights and democracy abroad."

Have the AP or Denver Post Actually Read the New Texas Curriculum?

Newsbusters "Probably no more than Janet Napolitano or Eric Holder has read the new Arizona SB1070. Ann Althouse has described the Washington Post's dereliction of duty in its description of the Texas curriculum. The AP articles are no better.
"In two articles over the last two weeks, the AP has written the following (sometimes more than once) about the new Texas curriculum:"... More: FNC’s Megyn Kelly Analyzes AZ Immigration Law, Finds Less Stringent Than Federal Law

Republican Wins in Hawaii Special Election

 Political Wire "Republicans are likely to point to this election, which breaks a string of special election defeats, as indicative of a national trend, while Democrats will note that Djou won only because the two Democratic candidates split the vote."  Yeah, Ross Perot; thanks for eight years of Bill Clinton. Third parties are a curse on the land, unless they are something like Ralph Nader. But they still taint elections.

RE: Judicial Victory

Jennifer Rubin "There are two possible conclusions one might draw. First, there is no coherent vision here, and all the mumbo-jumbo about “returning to our values” was meant to snow the left and to impugn the record of his predecessor, who prevented any attack on the homeland for seven and a half years."

Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Trickle Down Theory

Victor Davis Hanson  "One wonders not that President Obama tells untruths ....since all politicians fib.
"Rather the wonder is that he does it so serially, after promising such hope and change from the past political culture — and that his base and the favorable media care so little, the same media that for nearly a decade boasted that their signature was to care so deeply and passionately about presidential veracity."

Media and Discernment

Kerby Anderson, Probe Ministries "It is also worth questioning whether a majority of media professionals who labeled themselves as moderate in the survey really deserve that label. John Leo, writing for U.S. News and World Report, says that it has been his experience "that liberal journalists tend to think of themselves as representing the mainstream, so in these self-identification polls, moderate usually translates to liberal. On the few social questions asked in the survey, most of the moderates sounded fairly liberal." "

Obama, the Sinking of the Cheonan, and the Failure of Nuclear Deterrence

Pajamas Media "And that can give ideas to terrorism-sponsoring states. Take Iran, for instance. As the Islamic Republic builds its links with al-Qaeda and accelerates the enrichment of uranium, we have to wonder whether the mullahs think the slow — and uncertain — response to the sinking of the Cheonan will make nuclear terrorism a possible option for them. So there is a lot riding on Washington’s response to the sinking of the Cheonan. This is not just about South Korea."  Meanwhile America's clothing stores feature the "peace" symbol and slogans such as "Make Peace Happen"  .

Obama: He’s Better than Teflon — He’s a Democrat

Pajamas Media "President Obama isn’t the teflon president. He’s got better armor. He’s the Democratic president. It’s like a super power: it makes the press incurious, stupid, and strangely unwilling to draw conclusions.
"The people of Nashville do notice. How can they not? The question is: do the people of New York and New Orleans notice?
"The president’s handling of all these messes has not inspired confidence. In fact, it’s caused profound concern. President Obama seems as incompetent and distant as many feared before the election.
"It would be nice if the press demonstrated an ounce of fairness between a Republican and Democrat leader. But it’s just the same old, same old."  Melissa Clouthier